Face Slapping

s'lara said:
i have to ask, although i am sure i will regret doing so.

What is it about domestic violence that turns you on? Or was it the use of a pc term in a not so pc context that turned you on? Going for the "holy cow, i can't believe he said that!?" or is it just to stir the feminist pot and see what rises to the top?

I am a bit of a pot-stirrer; of course. The main pot I like to stir is my own head. As a person raised to be very new-left/anti-DV; I find the taboo aspects of any kind of wifebeating-play irresistible.
As for "what it is about domestic violence that turns me on", I've been exploring that in my thread (linked below) for quite some time. Said the spider to the fly.
catalina_francisco said:
From a professional point of view, and someone who also lives the lifestyle 24/7, I see many masquerading under the banner of BDSM when in fact they are perpetrators, victims, or supporters of DV. Whether statements are made foolishly to 'stir the pot' so to speak, I doubt the comic typists are wiling to accept the possible ramifications of their supposedly innocent and fun act on the PC. And yes, they may discount it as not their problem, which not only highlights their lack of responsibility, a standpoint in BDSM, but their total disregard for fellow human beings.

I don't think there was enough information in that post to give you the context you'd need to make this apply to me and not some general "comic typist". I will admit; I enjoy painting my sexuality with an inflammatory brush; however.
rosco rathbone said:
I don't think there was enough information in that post to give you the context you'd need to make this apply to me and not some general "comic typist". I will admit; I enjoy painting my sexuality with an inflammatory brush; however.

That being said, did I name names or is it something else which made you feel it applied to you in particular?
catalina_francisco said:
That being said, did I name names or is it something else which made you feel it applied to you in particular?

No, you named no names. I suppose I am just oversensitive as a result of having my (admittedly edgey) sexuality maligned by various so-called experts; from Jon Jacobs on down. If you weren't referring to me then sorry to have taken it personally.
rosco rathbone said:
Resister will not perform her task as ordered, when ordered. Surprise very hard open-palm shot to the face snaps head around. Hair stands on end.

you wanna do it or you wanna get beat like that all night?

Nothing is hotter to me than this domestic violence.

just so you know you are not alone here on this, i find it very "hot" as well.
Re: Re: Re: Charlotte's Web

s'lara said:
Would that be her epiphany ('oh my god, He is in control') or Yours ('I have just slapped her and the expression on her face is making me stand at attention')?

Perhaps both.

As to her epiphany, i hope the room has a separate air conditioner installed, other than central air ducts. The rise in humidity level with an air current, say 1-5 knots, will most likely create a fog bank.

My epiphany? Depends on whether i delivered that slap in anger, rarely happens, or with cold calculation as a means of control. Both involve an emotional commitment in one form or the other. My epiphany would be that i actually cared enough to slap in the first place.
A bump for the new folks...let's hear what you think

Something said in another thread made me think of this thread just now, so I thought I'd give it a bump.

My opinion, and feelings about face slapping have changed in the time that I've been with Him. Somewhere back there, I posted not liking it much, I believe. LOL. That's changed. Another limit bites the dust.


I love it. Nothing drives me down to subspace faster than my chin in His hand and a couple of sharp smacks. The intense focus it puts on putting me right in MY PLACE just thrills me to the core and reminds me exactly who I am. His slut.

Your thoughts?

Re: A bump for the new folks...let's hear what you think

AnelizeDarkEyes said:
Something said in another thread made me think of this thread just now, so I thought I'd give it a bump.

My opinion, and feelings about face slapping have changed in the time that I've been with Him. Somewhere back there, I posted not liking it much, I believe. LOL. That's changed. Another limit bites the dust.


I love it. Nothing drives me down to subspace faster than my chin in His hand and a couple of sharp smacks. The intense focus it puts on putting me right in MY PLACE just thrills me to the core and reminds me exactly who I am. His slut.

Your thoughts?


My thoughts? The way you describe it makes having my face slapped sound appealing. I don't know if it would translate into reality or not though.
I don't have a problem with it but it is a limit for the Domly one, so time will tell if it remains so or if it becomes one of those fluid limits which slip away over time.


I have tried this during the time she wanted me to forcefully take her. It was empowering i guess, but I didn't slap her too hard, wouldn't want to leave a mark, that might make people wonder about other things, and I am not abusive. :)
I have always been against face-slapping. I have always had a rule against hitting on, or about the head. It's been a hard-ish limit for me, as I could never really think of a good enough reason where it would be justified.

I was slapped across the face the other night by Him. I deserved it. While I still don't condone it, it's not as hard of a limit as it was before.
Not for me at all

Slapping in the face is a definate hard limit for me. Even when my daughter playing around acted like she was going to slap me in the face I lost it. I can't stand anyone putting their hands in my face. Master has had to be very patient just to get me to a point where he can touch my face when we are intimate. Definately a no vote on face slapping during play here....
face slap

amy mistress only has done this one time..... and at my request

She slapped me once, and I was turned on and implored her to increase the force.....she complied and I completely enjoyed the experience.

Still searching and learning....;)
Oddly enough, this was something I had trouble doing, slapping anyone.

It seemed the ultimate humilation, significant of disrespect and yes, required urging.

After having done so, I can say it is like other acts between he and I and that it is not out of disrespect that i would slap.

What is odd is that I have enjoyed mild slapping when submitting, but really, it had never occurred to me to slap scooter until he brought it up.
I learned about face slapping fro m this thread
a long time ago
I intruduced R to it
she could drop into subspace from it

It is the one thing I miss the most
Another thread from the dead. My feelings haven't changed. If it works for both, well what the hell. But it too closely reeks of abuse for me.
WriterDom said:
Another thread from the dead. My feelings haven't changed. If it works for both, well what the hell. But it too closely reeks of abuse for me.

As with many BDSM activities, if they are not controlled or are engaged in as a result of anger, they can be very abusive.

I found that in a controlled sense, face slapping was cool....in small doses.

I never slapped anyone in the face and never had it done to me, either.

That's what hindends are for, in my opinion.

(Edit: Well, there are other uses for hindends, too. This use was the topic, is all.)
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MissTaken said:
face slapping was cool....in small doses.


this is the key phrase for me. "small doses" getting slapped once is fun, but there's definitely a limit on how much i can take, and it isn't very much.
I slapped My slaves face last night in the casino. I was losing and it was his fault! The slap was light and unexpected. he smiled up at Me and said " thank You, i am loved" I ~~smiled~~ back and didn't mind losing as much.
The slap was simply a connection between us that needed no words but kept the Domme/sub emotions running between us easily.
go for it

for me, when i slap, its about love and power. not DV. it is a bond between two people, and a form of humiliation as well. the mix of the two is what makes it good.

small doses are good, they drive the sex up to the next level.

and definitly dont surprise her with the slaps, you might not get the reaction you were hoping for.
I can have a tendency to be... busy thoughted, I guess. I don't think that's a word. *laughs* But you know.. Always thinking.. multitasking. A good slap can bring me back to the situation and ground me rather firmly in what I should be thinking of and concentrating on.

He doesn't like to slap me. But it'd definitely be good if he did. :D And since he's already bent/broken some things he wasn't sure about, this may happen sometime.