Face Slapping

ownedsubgal said:
can't say i "like" being punched, by i need and appreciate it. is a favorite of my Master's....for punishment, during his peaks of sexual arousal, when he is angry, well, basically anytime hehe. :) i think i am so attracted to it because it is just so raw, human, and primal...i like things that are pure, and things that are natural. it's instinct for my Master to punch the body of his mate whenever he is feeling something strongly (whether this be anger or sexual lust, or even just love)...it's nothing he read about someplace, or overheard others discussing, and thought, hmmm yeah that sounds interesting, think i'll try that...it just comes from within. for me something always feels staged whenever bdsm equipment is used...special whips, canes, floggers and the like. but you never get that feeling with a punch to the guts, to the ribs, deep in the back.

made a thread about punching quite a while back, can't recall many here finding the use/good in punching/being punched.

That was an interesting discussion osg.

i am attaching the link here for ssp.

ownedsubgal said:
for me something always feels staged whenever bdsm equipment is used...special whips, canes, floggers and the like.

I agree with this. Sometimes it's very satisfying to the part of me that craves ritual and rather distinct sensations, but for the most part I too find the most connection with pure flesh-on-flesh violence.
Well personally any experiences I have had with it, it was more striking out in anger than to cause humiliation, or as a punishment for stepping over the line.

The reaction to it is shame that you caused your 'Mistress/Master' to have to punish or just total shock that they would actually do that to you.

I don't see it as un-nesessary and the aftermath of a burning cheek serves as a good reminder. Over all 'striking with excessive force' is bad in most cases but that is really and truely up to the individuals involved.

As for punching, my Mistress will kick me more easily than she will punch me and usually in areas of my body where she knows that although it will hurt she can't damage me. It never feel excessively violent because strangely enough..She herself seems unable of acting out of pure emotion, she does have very strong ones...but she is almost always in control. To this day she has not lost control.

Sometimes we wrestle each other and although I never win, it strenghens our bond.

Quint said:
Exactly! It's innately mental and probably emotional and the way I do it, it's physical as well. Fun all around.

I didn't think this was particularly edgy myself. I really don't consider me edgy, although when I look back on the posts I've made since T came along, I do wonder. I just know I'm much better about taking the emotional and mental "intense sensation" than I am the physical at this point. I've never been whipped and so for me, that's pretty damn edgy.

I guess I'm edgy too....its not necessary, but it can be a definite plus:heart:
Quint said:
I agree with this. Sometimes it's very satisfying to the part of me that craves ritual and rather distinct sensations, but for the most part I too find the most connection with pure flesh-on-flesh violence.

I don't like the ritual aspects. That's why I usually go for either the open hand or the belt. I like the whole wait-till-your-Father-gets-home aspect of those two tools of chastisement.
deliciea said:
face slapping is a turn off for this one it angers her and coming from an abusive life brings back to many memories

I have to agree. My face was my ex's favorite place to leave bruises. I talked to my Master before we ever began and told him this was one thing I just couldn't/ wouldn't tolerate. He can hit me anywhere else, just not the head or face.

Still have aproblem with the face slapping issue. There's plenty of other places to use. It would have to take A LOT to even want to hit the face. Still I don't hit the face.
Re: Still

fallon2 said:
Still have aproblem with the face slapping issue. There's plenty of other places to use. It would have to take A LOT to even want to hit the face. Still I don't hit the face.

Whatver it is, I got in it in spades. To hit the face is glorious. To hit it necksnappingly, black-eyeedly hard is orgasmic.
finally read the whole thread!

and the jury is still out..;)

For me, face slapping used to always be a bad thing. Then I got involved in local scene. One of the PYL's I played with regularly likes it in the the context of scenes; specifically interrogations. (Her speciality..) First time she did it, it sort of knocked me out of the scene. I mean, I was not at all spaced at the time, but I was very, um, invovled in what was going on. She dropped the intensity and worked up to it again, but then I was ready and it made things hotter..

Now I am getting to know a Dom who uses it for reminding of one's place. I tell him I think maybe I can handle it someday, but would need to work up to it in public. Seems more intimate and therefore more scary and intensed to be coming from him.
I'm one who finds a slap across the face thrilling. I'm the one who finally asked my husband to slap my face after fantasizing about it for a long time. He was uncomfortable at first but he got into it when he saw how much it excited me. He's always careful and never hits me too hard, the hard stuff is for my ass and tits. I like just a light slap across the face.
Re: finally read the whole thread!

enigma nocturne said:
Seems more intimate and therefore more scary and intensed to be coming from him.

Prehaps it is because you actualy fear intimacy
and find those who not available
(either emotionaly/physically/spititualy/cuturally)

where this dom is getting to close
to the real you and your heart
fond of facials said:
..... I'm the one who finally asked my husband to slap my face after fantasizing about it for a long time. He was uncomfortable at first but he got into it when he saw how much it excited me.......

I completely agree.

I have talked with my X about being slapped and begged her to slap me for ages. She has a real problem with any kind of perceived Violence though.
It was understood between us to be a corrective/Firm punishment, which was used without malice.

She did it once.

At the time I was tied, blind folded and misbehaving just enough for her to realise I was pushing for this slap.

Suddenly it came out of nowhere. It was so surprising and exhilarating. I had a few moments to relish the surprise. The next thing I knew I was being smothered with breasts again. I just melted into the knowledge she really needed me and would slap me to keep me under her control. I surrendered to her even more deeply.

Re: Re: Still

rosco rathbone said:
Whatver it is, I got in it in spades. To hit the face is glorious. To hit it necksnappingly, black-eyeedly hard is orgasmic.

this sounds like my Master. when he is either VERY horny, or VERY angry (both emotions cause a similar response in him), he is capable of delivering a slap to my face that sets my teeth rattling and has me deaf and dizzy for a few minutes. i believe i mentioned before (maybe in this thread) the first time he slapped me so fiercely and sent me sprawling to the floor of his truck. literally, one second i was sitting calmly in the passenger seat, and the next i was on the floor, dazed confused and unable to hear a thing. it took me a sec to realize how i had even gotten down there. and then there was the night the slaps came back to back to back, where if i hadn't known better i would have sworn that he was punching me in the face rather than slapping me. and then the following morning, after showering and getting dressed and ready to go out for breakfast...then Daddy smiling and telling me to put on my sunglasses, so that he wouldn't get arrested. i caught myself in the mirror and found i had two black and blue swollen eyes.

*sigh*...i just adore the passion and power of a Man.
Re: Re: finally read the whole thread!

Richard49 said:
Prehaps it is because you actualy fear intimacy
and find those who not available
(either emotionaly/physically/spititualy/cuturally)

where this dom is getting to close
to the real you and your heart

Getting all wise at me again, Sir? :rose: But yes, I think cause being so close to someone makes me nervous.
Re: Re: Re: finally read the whole thread!

enigma nocturne said:
Getting all wise at me again, Sir? :rose: But yes, I think cause being so close to someone makes me nervous.

Thank you for the rose
Re: Re: Still

rosco rathbone said:
Whatver it is, I got in it in spades. To hit the face is glorious. To hit it necksnappingly, black-eyeedly hard is orgasmic.

I doubt I could slap him hard enough to leave a mark.

However, there is something exhilerating about focussing all of your energy on skin to skin contact.
After experiencing this with a Dominant, it never occured to me that there would be a whole discussion on face slapping. After many times together with punishment directed at the obvious sexual body parts (ass, breasts) I can become accustomed to knowing the threshold of pain that I could expect.

But at a recent get-together, after I had done something to anger Him, He started slapping my face -- with an open hand, but very hard. Like one of the previous posts mentioned, it took me a little out of the scene. It seemed, if this makes sense, so much more personal to be struck in the face. He knew from previous conversations that leaving marks on my face was not possible. Still, He hit hard enough that I really understood His anger at my former misbehavior and it brought the domination aspect home to me in a way like nothing else He had done to that point.

It was incredibly intense. I understand everyone has their own levels of pain tolerance and intensity . . . still I do worry about the line between D/s and abuse.

My 2 cents . . .
blueiii said:
... after I had done something to anger Him, He started slapping my face ... still I do worry about the line between D/s and abuse.

My 2 cents . . .
i would too if he's doing this in anger.

My nickel because i'm too ornery to carry more than one coin.
dreadful me, too, posting

I would be worried, too. Hitting in anger implies a loss of control, and if they are not in control of themselves, they should not be controlling me.

adding my 2 cents ooh, 7 cents, we are $2.42 away from a rental at the video store..
Wisdom and Rent a Video Telethon

enigma nocturne said:
Hitting in anger implies a loss of control, and if they are not in control of themselves, they should not be controlling me.
Exactly ...

Adding a buck fiddy for the poignant bit of wisdom.
Thanks AA!

off to look between sofa cushions for more change

Now slapping jsut cause I am his and he can and it is way of reminding me who is PYL and who is pyl.. sort of yummy, yes?
Needs a dash of something else ...

enigma nocturne said:
Thanks AA!

off to look between sofa cushions for more change

Now slapping jsut cause I am his and he can and it is way of reminding me who is PYL and who is pyl.. sort of yummy, yes?
Her eyes fly open following the slap and the look of shock on her face defines exquisite.

Add a calculated dollop of sputum from close range right between her eyes.

If she doesn't turn to Jell-O at that moment, no amount of beating, facial or otherwise, will get her where i want her to go any time soon.
You know, the face slapping would do me in.. But spitting still hits on my grody button..

How about this..

One hand in hair, other hand slaps..

And then the knees go weak, so the hand in the hair is pretty much all that holds you up while you have stars in your eyes.

Then when he (or she) lets you down, or presses you down, again using the hand in your hair. You slide down their body to your knees between their feet and press your lips to their fly, and wait while they decide if they want it bad enough.

Or you slide (or are force down further) til lips are pressed to their boots, shoes, whatever.

And then the PYL can use you or stare you down or turn and walk away...