Face Slapping

*shakes head* Its like the weekenders up here in the woods...they come, make the place smell bad and look dirty take up unneccesary space... but if you are patient sunday comes and they all get back in their cars and go back home. ;)
Kajira Callista said:
*shakes head* Its like the weekenders up here in the woods...they come, make the place smell bad and look dirty take up unneccesary space... but if you are patient sunday comes and they all get back in their cars and go back home. ;)

kepp tellign yourself that you are ok.....but being in the woods what can i expect.....

do you let your master rub bear shit on you too???
bytor2112 said:
kepp tellign yourself that you are ok.....but being in the woods what can i expect.....

do you let your master rub bear shit on you too???
darlin', dont assume anything about me. it'll get ya in trouble :) have a nice day
Kajira Callista said:
darlin', dont assume anything about me. it'll get ya in trouble :) have a nice day

Witless wonders bore me quickly.

Let's hijack some threads, KC, before I have to go to sleep. OK?:kiss:
Kajira Callista said:
okies ADR :D

You know the portion of that old saying... "your face and my ass?"

Wouldn't that be like similar to like slapping this dickhead?
A Desert Rose said:
Witless wonders bore me quickly.

Let's hijack some threads, KC, before I have to go to sleep. OK?:kiss:

but what if your dom tells you that witless wonders are not allowed to bore you... what then.....get bitch slapped....
bytor2112 said:
uh, common sense.....self-worth.....
You seem to have missed the point. i have both ... in abundance. i don't begrudge anyone his or her limits, but i also don't pass judgement on those that wish to go beyond mine.

Try the library at the top of this forum. i won't fault you for maintaining your opinion if you can have an open mind to read.
Hey KC, you dollface you....

I think we should create a thread to make fun of this asswipe and any others like him who might sTROLL on in. Let the community at large take aim... sorta speak.

What do you think?
Re: Hey KC, you dollface you....

A Desert Rose said:
I think we should create a thread to make fun of this asswipe and any others like him that might sTROLL on in. Let the community at large take aim... sorta speak.

What do you think?
ADR is so damned smart...what are we gonna call it...hell go make it ill be right behind you :D
Re: Hey KC, you dollface you....

A Desert Rose said:
I think we should create a thread to make fun of this asswipe and any others like him who might sTROLL on in. Let the community at large take aim... sorta speak.

What do you think?

well if you need to rresort to that, sure go ahead....i like a challenge...
AngelicAssassin said:
You seem to have missed the point. i have both ... in abundance. i don't begrudge anyone his or her limits, but i also don't pass judgement on those that wish to go beyond mine.

Try the library at the top of this forum. i won't fault you for maintaining your opinion if you can have an open mind to read.

i have read numerous books, etc.. on the psychology of human beings so i feel well enough informed to make my stance what it is regarding the domination aspect of sexual activity...

people do things for reason and most of those reasons arer buried in the subconscious, some very deep...and allowing one self to be dominated or humiliated is done for a reason..and those reason(s) are usually not productive to a healthy happy life.

it's like trying to convince the alcoholic he drinks too much... ain' gonna happen until he wants to change...
bytor2112 said:
i have read numerous books, etc.. on the psychology of human beings so i feel well enough informed to make my stance what it is regarding the domination aspect of sexual activity...

people do things for reason and most of those reasons arer buried in the subconscious, some very deep...and allowing one self to be dominated or humiliated is done for a reason..and those reason(s) are usually not productive to a healthy happy life.

it's like trying to convince the alcoholic he drinks too much... ain' gonna happen until he wants to change...
you need to read some more darling. read back to caveman times (where you should fit right in) you might learn that its an instinctual thing that everyone has inside them...unless of course they arent human, which im begining to wonder about you at this point anyway. wanna argue reasons with me? im betting i can beat ya down with my hands tied behind my back.:) now go away 'fore i get adr here ta teach ya all about roman showers. *bats lashes*
bytor2112 said:
i have read numerous books, etc.. on the psychology of human beings so i feel well enough informed to make my stance what it is regarding the domination aspect of sexual activity...
Then you might want to go back and look for the newer editions. Psychologists' opinions change on subject matter over the course of time. Some get disproven. Some aspects are simply myth.
bytor2112 said:
people do things for reason and most of those reasons arer buried in the subconscious, some very deep...and allowing one self to be dominated or humiliated is done for a reason..and those reason(s) are usually not productive to a healthy happy life.

it's like trying to convince the alcoholic he drinks too much... ain' gonna happen until he wants to change...
At least you tagged "usually not productive" in there. You equate alcoholism with BDSM like i do politics and fruit. i have no control over politics, but i do choose which fruit i enjoy and consume. An alcoholic usually doesn't have control. A practitioner in the BDSM lifestyle usually does and must have control on multiple levels to survive.

Try a search on Etoile's name. Look for a certain reference manual she mentioned recently. i find it amazing how the experts' opinions change over time.
AngelicAssassin said:
Then you might want to go back and look for the newer editions. Psychologists' opinions change on subject matter over the course of time. Some get disproven. Some aspects are simply myth.At least you tagged "usually not productive" in there. You equate alcoholism with BDSM like i do politics and fruit. i have no control over politics, but i do choose which fruit i enjoy and consume. An alcoholic usually doesn't have control. A practitioner in the BDSM lifestyle usually does and must have control on multiple levels to survive.

Try a search on Etoile's name. Look for a certain reference manual she mentioned recently. i find it amazing how the experts' opinions change over time.

alcoholics have no control???? then it is a mental problem by your accounts......or are you saying it's genetic...the need to drink alcohol is controlled by a gene..... i think not....maybe addictive people can't stop drinking but do not say alcoholics have no control....they do...
bytor2112 said:
alcoholics have no control???? then it is a mental problem by your accounts......or are you saying it's genetic...the need to drink alcohol is controlled by a gene..... i think not....maybe addictive people can't stop drinking but do not say alcoholics have no control....they do...
oh my...he is a cave man lol
alcoholism is genetic darling. i have to go cook dinner now...have fun
Kajira Callista said:
oh my...he is a cave man lol
alcoholism is genetic darling. i have to go cook dinner now...have fun

what a cave woman..it's not genetic what a maroon:rolleyes:

there may be a vulnerability to alcoholism passed on in genetics..but that doesn't mean you will become an alcoholic....

what are you cooking???
I don't think you guys are going to open the eeeny weeny walnut that is the mind in question.
bytor2112 said:
what a cave woman..it's not genetic what a maroon:rolleyes:

there may be a vulnerability to alcoholism passed on in genetics..but that doesn't mean you will become an alcoholic....

what are you cooking???
awwww see, he was just hungry, and trying to make friends :)
bytor2112 said:
yeah it's real shame to SUGGEST that people get needed help...yeah i'm horrible...

but exxtrremely judegmental
self obcessed
and .... complusive

Recovery addict perhaps you are
or still using?

I have no idea
but why come into my livingroom and AAs and others
and condeme and jusge those of us that you do not know?

AA and everyone
ignor this person

let's get back to the approprate discussion
:eek: You mean there was a fight and nobody invited me? Oh, I see! A Troll Stomp. Even better.:cool:

Seriously, Richard is right. For some reason I wasted part of the afternoon following this guys posts around Lit. He's only been here for 3 days, started in Surprise Surprise... the GB, quickly got to insulting people, and has been looking for BDSM material to sniff and tussle over ever since. Topic seems to fascinate him. For his first thread, he posted a crude little story that ended with him giving a stranger a facial and a dick-slapping.

If Rosco's around, perhaps he'd be willing to escort this confused pup out into the hallway by the scruff of the neck, until he's been paper trained?


Ps. poor lil fella. :( Even the subbies around here can box his ears. (Hi KC and ADR. ;) :rose: )
Well Biter really has me amaized, But richard summed it up best when Biter first posted....
Richard49 said:
I always find that those that are cluless
have a need to prove themselves
by putting down people
involved in things
that they are clueless about.....

Wow, Look at this guy, bytor2112, making such an EFFORT to rile up the group so badly in order to get his Virtual face slapped… How sad is he??
I thought maybe he was a Jehovah’s Whiteness or a Moron at first, the way he condemns everyone but he is too hung up on swearing. And way too desperate to have all you guys slap his face.

He really is prepared to try and Dom over all of us, that he knows best – for us… Quote of Biter.. “i have read numerous books, etc.. on the psychology of human beings so i feel well enough informed to make my stance what it is regarding the domination aspect of sexual activity... Aww,,, Poor baby...:kiss: