Face Slapping

bytor2112 said:
... are you saying it's genetic...the need to drink alcohol is controlled by a gene..... i think not....
i could care less if a gene triggered the initial addiction, or reinforces the ongoing addiction. The gene point is moot.
bytor2112 said:
alcoholics have no control???? ... maybe addictive people can't stop drinking but do not say alcoholics have no control....they do...
No, alcoholics don't have control while they continue to feed their addiction. An alcoholic has a physiological and psychological addiction to an external poison. A recovering alcoholic fights their addiction. When successful, the alcoholic exhibits control ... a far cry from someone practicing whatever sexual kink they chose with another consenting adult.
Kajira Callista said:
awwww see, he was just hungry, and trying to make friends :)

KC.... I fell over laughing when I read this. It was priceless. Thanks for the smile :)
I've always found any kind of slapping to be tough, it just hits some kind of negative "you're worthless" button which does nothing for me.

Tomorrow, Sir and i are attending an all day/evening bdsm get together/barbecue and the home of a friend who has a good sized home out in the boonies. A demo is being done on "erotic face and breast slapping." I will be watching it with great interest!

(Am also looking forward to the demo on outdoor suspension....'cause I get to be the "vicitim"! A good switch friend asked Sir if I could be his demo person and I can hardly wait, ha!) After a summer of mainly kid-parent activities, tomorrow will be a welcome all-adult day/evening, yea.

I have really been thinking a lot about my wife slapping my face as she makes me suck her strap on and then fucks me. She has not slapped me yet and we may never go there but I have no concerns about her injurying me.
The only time T slaps me in the face is when we're fighting and I slap him first. I admit, one of my biggest flaws is that I'll go to the ends of the earth to provoke him. So I associate face-slapping with the worst kind of punishment and would probably run from the room crying if he ever did it to me during play. Every time I get slapped in the face, I completely deserve it, and I know I do. So if he did it when I really didn't do anything wrong I'd just feel betrayed, I guess.
Ooh, nice time for a thread bump. My Daddy is here this weekend. I'll have to ask for this.
For those of you who posted here and are still here, I was curious about something. Do you still feel the same way about face-slapping now as you did in your original post?
Face slapping is something that i have done before.. I have done it from full swing to short hard slap. I don't find it offensive and people who I have done it to during a session actually liked it, and request it time to time. Back handed flicks to the arms, legs and face are always good too.

how do you all feel about punching? not in the face but arms, legs, and ass?

TaintedB said:
For those of you who posted here and are still here, I was curious about something. Do you still feel the same way about face-slapping now as you did in your original post?

Funny you should ask that, I was just browsing the thread earlier today for my original reply and thinking, hrm, that's changed....

At the time of my original post, I had not had any experience in being slapped other than knowing that it was a hot button and potentially having a play partner that was interested in it too. I never did play with that particular person again, and I'm rather glad. When D and I formed our relationship, slapping was something that was negative for her, and she was hesitant about it despite my admission of it being a hot button. The first time I said or did something to deserve a slap from her, it was so intense for both of us that it has an entirely new meaning now. My attitude changes completely when she slaps me. If I am hesitant about an order, or if there is an ounce of defiance in me or my gaze or my reaction to something she does or says to me, her hand stinging across my cheek is an immediate switch. It pushes me into such a deep feeling of being owned, a reminder of my place. I know she can see that shift in my eyes when she does it...she always smiles at my reaction, a slow knowing smile that gives me shivers.

It can be very sexual, a tool of control, a punishment, a humiliation, a turn-on, a reminder or just plain because she fucking wants to. All wrapped up in one little action, so many uses, so many emotions. I love to hate it.

Here's a part of a story I wrote that kind of captures some of that...

"Her fingers made their way down her stomach and she spread her legs wide, mere inches from my face. Her scent hit me instantly...a sexy, musky scent of womanly arousal that made me groan with longing. She laughed softly at this, turning her attention to me as she slid her fingers between her lips, releasing the wetness trapped there as she found her clit and slowly teased it, tracing lazy circles around the hard nub. I watched intently, silent except for the slight pant of my breath. Her free hand wound into my hair, locking a section around her fingers and curling her hand into a fist as her occupied hand picked up its pace. I let out a strangled yelp as her fist closed into my hair, but rather than letting up she tightened her grip, my yelps music to her ears. She held my head back firmly, taking her fingers and tracing her arousal over my lips slowly, eyes watching me intently. My tongue darted out for a taste, hungry beyound thinking.

Suddenly her palm flashed across my cheek, a hard stinging slap that made me cry out instantly. I looked up and caught her gaze, my eyes burning in humiliation at the chastisement, and she slapped me again, harder this time. I bit back my cry of protest and kept my eyes locked on her gaze as I knew she expected. I wasn't allowed to look away from her.

"Watch yourself, little one." With my face stinging and the taste of her on my lips mocking me, I whispered in reply, "Yes Ma'am..."
To be brief, I'm a big fan of face slapping for many reasons, not the least of which that it turns me on to no end.
Face slapping is a hard limit for both Master and me. I feel it is degrading and disrespectful. Slap me on the butt all you like but leave my face alone :eek:

Same with punching, too much like abusive behaviour for us.
Bandit58 said:
Face slapping is a hard limit for both Master and me. I feel it is degrading and disrespectful. Slap me on the butt all you like but leave my face alone :eek:

Same with punching, too much like abusive behaviour for us.

Bandit I am with you. The first time I was face slapped I nearly decked my Dom. and for some reason it never came up before. We had to stop the scene to talk about. It became a hard limit for me also. And punching, no thanks!
It fascinates me how what is a hard limit for one person is incredibly erotic for another. I love having my face slapped, it really turns me on. Bandit and Miss Diva consider it a hard limit. I don't know why people are different, but it certainly makes for a colorful society. :rose:
Etoile said:
It fascinates me how what is a hard limit for one person is incredibly erotic for another. I love having my face slapped, it really turns me on. Bandit and Miss Diva consider it a hard limit. I don't know why people are different, but it certainly makes for a colorful society. :rose:

I agree. Personally, I find the idea to be a huge turn-on but I understand why it bothers some women.
A slap in the proper context is an aid. It can quickly bring a sub back to reality or drop her deeper. A versitile option for all of us.
I definitely have a thing about *gentle* face slapping. I've only played with it to a small extant, but it features in almost every single BDSM story I've ever written...
And one of my characters is absolutely fixated on it ;)
For me it was edgy. Like someone allready said: Like a IV line to emotional rollercoaster. Jeez, your buffetted from deep submission, to primodal rage, its a fast ride id say.
We got a little blaze. I got a little over my edge. It went wrong. Instead of my usual instant drop, i got instant rage and lost the plot. I became violent, and out of control. It was scary and dark.
It took his physical strength, then his Dominance to control that. He did it marvelously. But that was a edge i didnt see coming. We'd played like that quite a few times. Always it had gone well. This time, it didnt.
It promoted a lot of discussion and learning for us as a D/s couple. We learnt things, some of which i wish i hadnt. Getting through the aftermath of that scene, the after care if you like. Has been a rewarding lesson to me anyhow.
I know that this man has never let me down yet. That this man will allways take care of me and love me. We play in the sun.
James Blandings said:
How do you feel about face slapping in BDSM play? Some people relish it as a form of humiliation, while others think it goes over the edge.
There are also some who question it as being inherently unsafe.
I hope some of you will share your thoughts on the subject.

I have never experienced face slapping in BDSM play - well, maybe I should say that I have never experienced BDSM.period. :eek:

And actually...
I do not knock anything unless I have tried it and didn't like it and/or feel uncomfortable with it.

By the way-
Does the facve slapping go both ways? - that would be turn on...in my opinion. BUT, if not - I could handle it - as long as nobody loosens my teeth, especially my crowns. They're a bitch to have done...not painful but - time consuming.
I hope you all don't mind this bump.

I do not frequent this end of Lit, but someone sent me a link to this thread. I am not into the BDSM thing, but I find being slapped (hard enough to sting for a while) in sexual situations very arousing. I had no idea this was considered (by some) to be so hardcore. I guess I never thought about it much, since I've always liked what I call "somewhat rough" sex.

Just a friendly bump in case there is more commentary for this thread.
LadyFunkenstein said:
I hope you all don't mind this bump.

I do not frequent this end of Lit, but someone sent me a link to this thread. I am not into the BDSM thing, but I find being slapped (hard enough to sting for a while) in sexual situations very arousing. I had no idea this was considered (by some) to be so hardcore. I guess I never thought about it much, since I've always liked what I call "somewhat rough" sex.

Just a friendly bump in case there is more commentary for this thread.

I like slapping, anywhere but the face. I'm not sure why. He can grab a handful of hair and call me His slut and I just get all weak at the knees. However the thought of a slap in the face just leaves me cold *shrugs*
Depends also alot on what you choose to slap the face with ;)

10 pnts to RJ for splatter effect