Face Slapping

indianPilot said:
Face slapping has always been a no-no for me. It reminds me to much of abuse. Besides that, it is hard to cover up any marks to the face.
indian - of indianPilot

Interesting comment.

I have never been slapped during erotic play hard enough to leave a mark.

My first husband had hit me hard enough to achieve that, but he soon learnt to leave marks where they didnt show :rolleyes:

To me, there is a wide gulf between hard enough to excite me and hard enough to mark me.

The gulf is wide enough for a divorce and 14 years to pass through before I could be civil to him.

Now I offer my face up to Andante and keep offering until he slaps me.

Its not topping from the bottom, but a form of begging
rosco rathbone said:
It becomes considerably more hardcore when taken "outside the bedroom"; though to many of us the boundaries between "sexual situation" and "regular day-to-day life" are blurry if not non-existent.

Rosco, do you like face-slapping and other domestic-violence-style acts as much as you used to, say, five years ago? Some people in this thread have come to enjoy face-slapping after it once being taboo. I am wondering if you've mellowed out toward it, or if you have become more extreme?
shy slave said:
Its not topping from the bottom, but a form of begging
ah, that finest of lines. yum.

don't think I've ever been slapped on the face hard enough to leave a mark, either. not one beyond about 10 minutes.
shy slave said:
Interesting comment.

I have never been slapped during erotic play hard enough to leave a mark.

My first husband had hit me hard enough to achieve that, but he soon learnt to leave marks where they didnt show :rolleyes:

To me, there is a wide gulf between hard enough to excite me and hard enough to mark me.

The gulf is wide enough for a divorce and 14 years to pass through before I could be civil to him.

Now I offer my face up to Andante and keep offering until he slaps me.

Its not topping from the bottom, but a form of begging

There are fine lines between acceptance/pleasure and abuse... and those lines will always have to be drawn by the individual.

I will not say that slapping is something that will never happen to me again... because so many things I once considered hard limits, have now gone to the wayside. Yet some still remain.

The longer I am with my partner, the more open to things I become. We have knocked down a few barriers, yet there always seems to be others ahead.

The great thing about BDSM, is the lattitude in personal difference. We all get to define our relationships with our partners, and not by what anyone else believes in.

*winks* There certainly isn't anything bad about begging... I can think of a couple things I will always beg for...... but that's my little secret... LOL

Thank you shy...

indian - of indianPilot
stirbird said:
Rosco, do you like face-slapping and other domestic-violence-style acts as much as you used to, say, five years ago? Some people in this thread have come to enjoy face-slapping after it once being taboo. I am wondering if you've mellowed out toward it, or if you have become more extreme?

I think I've mellowed out somewhat. These days I kind of like to keep the face slap in reserve; for when I really need to make a point. You'll never see it coming!--like Billy Jack in the movie Billy Jack.

Characterization of the face-slap as a "domestic violence style act" is rather problematical, though. I think I am going to distance myself from that one.
LeathrNLace said:
Interesting to read all the thoughts about this.

I have experienced face slapping "in play" a couple of times. I was surprised how hot I felt it to be!

I have NO desire to be abused, but I know for myself, a lot of what turns me on are things that are supposed to be "wrong" or "forbidden" so it makes sense in my twisted little psyche I would fine this hot...

It is certainly something that should never be done without agreement and discussion.

Just MHO.

I've done it. It was nice. You grab her by the hair, tilt her face back and look into her eyes. It's not a whack or a punch. A little slap focuses her attention most admirably.

It's not like spanking--something you're going to build a whole session around--but as a little exclamation point, it can be very shocking and intense.

Try slapping with gloves too. That works.
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We have moved beyond the earlier taboos with face slapping and it has become a regular part of life, to the point of also including a crop instead of hand. :cathappy:

Catalina :rose:
catalina_francisco said:
We have moved beyond the earlier taboos with face slapping and it has become a regular part of life, to the point of also including a crop instead of hand. :cathappy:

Catalina :rose:

How does it feel mentally, it to have the crop on your face?

Does F do it hard enough to leave a mark, and if so how do you feel about that, do you cover it or leave it?
catalina_francisco said:
We have moved beyond the earlier taboos with face slapping and it has become a regular part of life, to the point of also including a crop instead of hand. :cathappy:

Catalina :rose:

but a hand can be used in public :)

oh to have a hand full of her hair and a slap across her face
to see her slip into sub space
that is heaven
shy slave said:
How does it feel mentally, it to have the crop on your face?

Does F do it hard enough to leave a mark, and if so how do you feel about that, do you cover it or leave it?

Good, though as always we have to allow for the fact I usually have to remove my glasses so can't be totally loaded with the surprise factor. As to marking, that is always a rare occurrance these days and only happens when my blood is a bit out of sorts (lol, a few weeks back I walked full force into the edge of an open cupboard .....cliche I know :rolleyes: ....and expected a huge bruise on my face, but nothing showed, just was very painful for a week or so), but as I don't go out often marking probably wouldn't be a big issue. I imagine he would want it covered in public though, especially in company with international colleagues as we are at the moment. I enoy both the hand and crop, one for the usual connotations, the other because it just goes that bit further into the pain realm and also in some ways degradation and objectification. :cathappy:

Catalina :catroar:
Thanks catalina.

There is something exciting about the idea of the crop touching my face :cool:
late comer & too many to read, but...

it is something i never thought of until that moment when my D slapped my face during a true punishement scene. it was deserved, unexpected & appreciated. (at the time, the only concern that ran through my head was... is that going to leave a mark?) although he did NOT do it hard enough to cause any injury, nor would he. but i believe we both loved it so much - now i like it for no reason at all. :) and ditto enjoying being slapped with his cock!!!

{even funnier re: being in the minority and "edgy"}... my D(addy) does not really even consider himself a true Dom (yet). He considers me his cock whore and little girl/slut. However, I seem to often notice we are being considered as playing very much on or past the edge... so for "virgins" we're sure having fun!!!

Cock Whore
(spanked w/a belt today for the first time in over 20 years) :)
cock whore said:
it is something i never thought of until that moment when my D slapped my face during a true punishement scene. it was deserved, unexpected & appreciated. (at the time, the only concern that ran through my head was... is that going to leave a mark?) although he did NOT do it hard enough to cause any injury, nor would he. but i believe we both loved it so much - now i like it for no reason at all. :) and ditto enjoying being slapped with his cock!!!

{even funnier re: being in the minority and "edgy"}... my D(addy) does not really even consider himself a true Dom (yet). He considers me his cock whore and little girl/slut. However, I seem to often notice we are being considered as playing very much on or past the edge... so for "virgins" we're sure having fun!!!

Cock Whore
(spanked w/a belt today for the first time in over 20 years) :)

Woot! You go girl!

Now that you mentioned slapping the face with a cock? That we have done and I like it.

Fury :rose:
thanks fury - KMTA

FurryFury said:
Woot! You go girl!

Now that you mentioned slapping the face with a cock? That we have done and I like it.

Fury :rose:

isn't it sooooo nice?

as for my afore mentioned belt spanking - i have some interesting little marks on my ass of the buckle (down to the tiny screws)... now where is a camera when you need one?
cock whore said:
isn't it sooooo nice?

as for my afore mentioned belt spanking - i have some interesting little marks on my ass of the buckle (down to the tiny screws)... now where is a camera when you need one?


Yes that sort of slapping I do like!

Fury :rose:
Now, am I the only one who -does- enjoy being slapped, who does -not- enjoy being slapped with, as I think Mr. Rathbone put it, the "other extremity"?

I absolutely can't stand that. I think it ranks just a little too high on the degradation scale for me, I'm not sure. It also ties in a little too strongly with some rather unpleasant memories, and the last person who tried that with me got the pleasure of talking me out of a panic attack immediately after. So I think it's safe to say I don't much like it. :p
Never have and never will let myself be slapped with the "other extremity". Nope, never ever. And sad to say I have never been slapped in "play" before, even though I want to experiance it very badly.

jadefirefly said:
Now, am I the only one who -does- enjoy being slapped, who does -not- enjoy being slapped with, as I think Mr. Rathbone put it, the "other extremity"?

I think it would make me laugh uncontrollably, but that's assuming all else was neutral and fine between myself and a slapper before and during. If the circumstances were difference, it might alter that response... like if it had just come out of my butt. :/
I've never slapped anyone in my life. I'm not into the "pain" aspect of sex or relationships. I like to have fun. Dont have to hurt anyone to do it.
I'm rather non-violent, until someone threatens me, my man or my puppy. When that happens, I reach for my bat....grrrrrrrrr.
PredatorSmile said:
I've never slapped anyone in my life. I'm not into the "pain" aspect of sex or relationships. I like to have fun. Dont have to hurt anyone to do it.
I'm rather non-violent, until someone threatens me, my man or my puppy. When that happens, I reach for my bat....grrrrrrrrr.

Slapping doesn't have to be painful. In the case of a hand it might only be shocking.

In the case of a cock it could be shocking (particularly depending on what is coating the cock,) or it could be mere amusing.

I see all this as humilation or humor, frankly. I rather like both of those things though I've never been slapped by hand other than my Mom.

Fury :rose:
stirbird said:
I think it would make me laugh uncontrollably, but that's assuming all else was neutral and fine between myself and a slapper before and during. If the circumstances were difference, it might alter that response... like if it had just come out of my butt. :/

Picture this though: your master has been egging you on--because he knows how to get under your skin. He's got you really pissed off. Now he has your face locked between his knees, you are spitting mad, and he's slapping your face over and over with his cock while smirking at you and saying whatever it takes to enrage you.
PredatorSmile said:
I've never slapped anyone in my life. I'm not into the "pain" aspect of sex or relationships. I like to have fun. Dont have to hurt anyone to do it.
I'm rather non-violent, until someone threatens me, my man or my puppy. When that happens, I reach for my bat....grrrrrrrrr.

Pain does not have to be part of the D/s experence/relationship