Face Slapping

I am pretty confident that I have never been slapped for the pain aspect, which is minimal anyway. I don't think face slapping is about the pain at all, and I think it can definitely still be a part of a relationship where pain is not the central focus.
Etoile said:
I am pretty confident that I have never been slapped for the pain aspect, which is minimal anyway. I don't think face slapping is about the pain at all, and I think it can definitely still be a part of a relationship where pain is not the central focus.

I agree, face slapping is not about the pain for me at all...it's about the emotional response it brings out in me. I find it to be a classic act of dominance, and Dawnie will slap me for various reasons; each brings out a different reaction and emotion for me. Love of pain is never one of them though.
I dunno why, but I really enjoy it! Not very hard slapping, but enough to sting. The sub should be restrained - void of potential action.
I tried it with a forbidden person (the context wasn't sexual), and I enjoyed it immensely! :devil: :nana:
Have never had it done to me, but I think I'd like it. I wouldn't find it humiliating or degrading, more just a sense of her saying "I'm the one in control here and don't forget." Like serijules said, a classic act of dominance.
Depending on the reason why Daddy does it I can really enjoy a face slapping. It puts me right into a certain mood and it's usually the start of a very intense experience.
indianPilot said:
There are fine lines between acceptance/pleasure and abuse... and those lines will always have to be drawn by the individual.

I will not say that slapping is something that will never happen to me again... because so many things I once considered hard limits, have now gone to the wayside. Yet some still remain.

The longer I am with my partner, the more open to things I become. We have knocked down a few barriers, yet there always seems to be others ahead.

The great thing about BDSM, is the lattitude in personal difference. We all get to define our relationships with our partners, and not by what anyone else believes in.

*winks* There certainly isn't anything bad about begging... I can think of a couple things I will always beg for...... but that's my little secret... LOL

Thank you shy...

indian - of indianPilot

Very wise words. I read this thread with interest but it may take me awhile before I try this, right now it seems too extreme for me. I'm sure that will change as I learn to explore my new feelings and confidence. Anyway, I'm having too much fun with her ass right now.
Howdy all...
I've stumbled across this discussion board and then tripped into this particular discussion which is close to home.

My girl insists on it. Hard enough to sting, but not over done. If I don't use my hand she will use my member. And use it she will.

To be honest, she has opened my eye's to this world and is comfortable in slowly introducing me into the various levels of experimentation and playfulness that this world brings to our lives. She is a very dominant and powerful woman in normal life but behind closed doors when the 2 of us are 'playing' she insists (if not demands) the various levels of treatment given to her.

At first I found it intimidating and almost concerning that this is what she wanted (if not desired), but once I learned the reactions & responses it created within her being, I quickly learned how to follow her lead and eventually take control.

This is my 2c's worth anyway.

On a side note, i've spent a great many hours today reading through this discussion group and must comment on not only the openess and acceptance, but the wide range and flowing communication it provides. I look forward to reading the thousands of words for many hours in future. Thank you for filling in some of the gaps that have been in my mind while walking this adventure.
REALLY good bump. Thank you for it.
I'm a great fan of face slapping and spitting in the face also. Such great mood setters.
It's not about any pain (physical or emotional) for me, but the attutude it convays. That wonderful 'Look, this is the way it's going to be' vibe that it gets going.
Makes me wet anyway...!
i like face slapping. i hope to god it doesn't become mainstream and manages to retain it's shame.
This is one I'm still on the unsure side of honestly. Master has expressed an interest however I'm still on the fence. I also have some health issues that I worry this would have an adverse effect on. He's open to discussing my fears and would never harm me, I know this.

Yet another interest of His that I didn't know of until very recently. Learning is so wonderfully scary. :D
I also love face slapping - both sides depending on what roll I'm playing at the time. It has such a way of saying "pay attention - right hear - right now"


I just remembered an event from when I was in 6th grade. I had not done my catechism home work, in Catholic school. The nun sent me down to the 1st grade teacher with a note. Standing there as a "big 6th grader" in front of the 1st grade class Sister read the note. She them looked me in the eye and slapped my face. I was them sent to the back of the 1st grade class to sit in the small desks the rest of the day. I wonder if I had a hard-on as I walked back to that desk?

Shankara20 said:
I also love face slapping - both sides depending on what roll I'm playing at the time. It has such a way of saying "pay attention - right hear - right now"
i think it's also the degrading nature of the act. spanking is so pop-culture these days its lost a lot of that aspect. face slapping though still retains a fair amount of shame especially when done well.
Hester said:
i think it's also the degrading nature of the act. spanking is so pop-culture these days its lost a lot of that aspect. face slapping though still retains a fair amount of shame especially when done well.
Face slapping is much more personal that a butt smack - in-your-face as it were :kiss:
Its very interesting to see how when this thread started 4 years ago, the reaction, there were a few people who were for it, but the majority saw it as a limit.....I guess that means its very possible that what someone said a couple posts back could become true one day (face slapping becoming mainstream) it sounds as though its far fetched, but who knows, 15 yrs ago smacking someones ass was far fetched, now I think there trying to make a holiday for it, "NATIONAL ASS-SLAPPIN DAY" OR "N.A.D." :devil:


I love it, that and as someone said before spitting, and grabbing of the face throat as well. However I also like it fairly rough or hard, its a fine line to cross over and to know how hard is to hard, for me. thats why its not something i just try and bring up with random partners, I have one that I am deticated(sp) to and love very much. She is the only one that i could do this with, and yes it is not just a dominance thing for me, but humiliation. its the idea that Im being made into nothing by someone.
I'm a very strong willed open minded male and always want to be in control in the real world outside the bedroom. So perhaps that is why I get off so much on being the opposite in the bed. Couldnt tell ya for sure, its just what I know I like. :D Of course i know its still a taboo and anyone who has been hurt in thier past by others of the opposite sex be it parent, brother, sister, etc. would very likely (and with very good reason) be very turned off by it.
I guess thats the beauty of life and sexuality, what is the dark and the scary for some is the sun that brightens the day and keeps others going!!!

Im done rambling......
Shankara20 said:
Face slapping is much more personal that a butt smack - in-your-face as it were :kiss:
Hey Shank, just want to say - I really like this av! I'm a big fan of piercings even though I don't have any but my earlobes (3x). Are you on IAM/BME at all? My IAM page is here.
Etoile said:
Hey Shank, just want to say - I really like this av! I'm a big fan of piercings even though I don't have any but my earlobes (3x). Are you on IAM/BME at all? My IAM page is here.

I spent a bunch of time at BME years ago when I first started poking holes in my body and adding ink and jewelry. But have not taken the time to return in awhile. It might be time to check back in. I'll check out your link.

i myself enjoy my tits being slapped....and my face a bit, but VERY little....:)
Ebonyfire said:
is something I do not like at all. It has to do with the fact that where I was brought up, face slapping is used to initiate a fight. I associate it with bringing down a 55-gal drum of whup ass on some unfortunate soul.
*Quietly sets up the table sans dice, laying out cards for Texas Hold'em.*

Still feel the same darlin'?

On a tangent, i can't believe the meat links still work. Anyone seen bytemyass lately?
shmeghead said:
Howdy all...
I've stumbled across this discussion board and then tripped into this particular discussion which is close to home.

My girl insists on it. Hard enough to sting, but not over done. If I don't use my hand she will use my member. And use it she will.

To be honest, she has opened my eye's to this world and is comfortable in slowly introducing me into the various levels of experimentation and playfulness that this world brings to our lives. She is a very dominant and powerful woman in normal life but behind closed doors when the 2 of us are 'playing' she insists (if not demands) the various levels of treatment given to her.

At first I found it intimidating and almost concerning that this is what she wanted (if not desired), but once I learned the reactions & responses it created within her being, I quickly learned how to follow her lead and eventually take control.

This is my 2c's worth anyway.

On a side note, i've spent a great many hours today reading through this discussion group and must comment on not only the openess and acceptance, but the wide range and flowing communication it provides. I look forward to reading the thousands of words for many hours in future. Thank you for filling in some of the gaps that have been in my mind while walking this adventure.

Welcome and I'm glad you are both enjoying everything you are doing together!

I still stand by what I said earlier, if someone slaps me I can't predict what I'll do. I suggest restraining me first. It seems as a very small child I was slapped a lot and I suspect it is a trigger. So if he were to want to try this I'd say proceed very carefully.

OTOH, slapping myself is just fine, particularly with his cock. :D

Fury :rose:
Bandit58 said:
I like slapping, anywhere but the face. I'm not sure why. He can grab a handful of hair and call me His slut and I just get all weak at the knees. However the thought of a slap in the face just leaves me cold *shrugs*

I've been thinking about this a bit, and realised that most of our senses are centred around the face and head area (sight, smell, hearing, taste). I find it threatening in a way to be slapped anywhere there, even disregarding the abusive aspect I associate with face slapping.....just my random ramblings! :)
FurryFury said:
I still stand by what I said earlier, if someone slaps me I can't predict what I'll do. I suggest restraining me first. It seems as a very small child I was slapped a lot and I suspect it is a trigger. So if he were to want to try this I'd say proceed very carefully.

OTOH, slapping myself is just fine, particularly with his cock. :D
exactly. how much more patronizing can you get? if you're into power differential or humiliation it definitely ranks up there.

this is not to say i'm happy to go around being slapped by just anyone---there aren't many people i'd take it from, and even then it could get....interesting. but i like interesting. ha!
my thoughts.

i have to admit that i do enjoy this. Although when i first heard about it.
i thought i was going to hate it.. and was afraid that it was going to bring out anger.. ....but
The hot stingy feeling..with the gentle carressing of my cheek.. is very humliating ..shocking.. i feel powerless and feel his control.. my body seems to repond to it quickly ..and the more i feel he taken control the more i lose it..and go off into my own little zone...
This used to be a hard limit for me. The one time my ex-boyfriend slapped me, I slapped him back. You just couldn't DO that to me.

Things have changed, however. The first time I played with B., he slapped me. (I had forgotten to mention the hard limit thing beforehand, LOL.) It wasn't hard at all, didn't even sting, but both of us were lucky that I was restrained because my first impulse was to strike back. He didn't do it again that night, but the next time we played, he did. Once again, I was restrained, but this time, I didn't have the same feelings about it. Oh, yeah, it pissed me off, and my initial reaction was, "If I weren't tied, your ears would be ringing right now, asshole." He looked down at me and whispered, "Don't look at me like that," and did it again. Instant subspace. I was putty in his hands. I have no explanation for it whatsoever.

Nowadays, face-slapping usually just makes me feel very submissive. Every now and then, though, it'll still incite those feelings of anger. He doesn't mind--he usually just has to make some smartass comment about how cute I am when I'm mad. :rolleyes: :p