Face Slapping

Hester said:
exactly. how much more patronizing can you get? if you're into power differential or humiliation it definitely ranks up there.

this is not to say i'm happy to go around being slapped by just anyone---there aren't many people i'd take it from, and even then it could get....interesting. but i like interesting. ha!


I agree and interesting is good for me as well!

Fury :rose:
deliciea said:
face slapping is a turn off for this one it angers her and coming from an abusive life brings back to many memories

*nods* same here. I don't let my partner (or anyone else for that matter) touch my cheeks at all, not even affectionent stroking. Too many memories. Slaping is a hard limit for me.
Automatically I go into self defence mode, over powered by anger, and it takes a long time to get me back to normal.
Interesting question. :)
this is a close companion of the face slap


Hester said:
exactly. how much more patronizing can you get? if you're into power differential or humiliation it definitely ranks up there.

this is not to say i'm happy to go around being slapped by just anyone---there aren't many people i'd take it from, and even then it could get....interesting. but i like interesting. ha!

I also find it very humiliating. He sometimes starts a session with it, which kinda primes me for play to follow. He sometimes uses his hand, but more often a rolled up newspaper, which makes a lot of noise. He starts off gently and gradually increases intensity. At first there is a lot of waiting between slaps, which builds the tension. As he gets into it, the slaps get closer together and harder. He ends with a flurry, which really sends me into a different level of response. Hard to describe. He is ALWAYS very careful, but that doesn't reduce the effect.
are their NO girls out there that like the idea of slapping thier man around, im starting to get scared i would think it would be a great pwoer feeling for woman, i know my g/f loves it, but with the lack of feed back on female to male slapping/spitting/grabbing etc. im starting to hope that shes not just putting on a great act for me, i want her to like it....
I mean if nothing elseits a great way to take out all that anger you get when he acts lke he knows everything, or you two get into a fight right? HEHEHE
I HATE it when someone wants me to do something for them and insists I enjoy it and yet, I feel that way as well.

Fury :rose:

It would honestly not bother me if she would tell me she didnt like it, becuase if i knew she didnt i would rather not get the pleasure out of it than have her not feel comfortable or not enjoy what im enjoying(sp) if that were the case and nobody cared about what the other person thought or felt then sex would always be a one way thing huh? of course i know it is for many guys, but Im guessing most of the men on this forum are more grown up than that. boy can you Imagine a world where only one person get what they wanted out of sex?.......NO cuz there wouldnt be one!!! lol no babies.... :D

sorry i just realized what a rant i just went on. Im done now.
No to face slapping but YESSSSS to.........

........Tit Slapping.Anyone ever had it done to them? Face slapping doesn't do a thing for me, but hanging from a pole on my tippie toes and and having Master slap me good and hard on my tits, ...just the sound of the slap, and then the sensations following .....gets me going.And yea I like him to back hand my tits, but draw the line with punching. I new someone who loved having her tits punched....I guess everybody has thier limits.
My wife slapped my tits a bit last night. I enjoyed it, though it may have been the novelty because I don't think I've had that done to me before.
Woman that loves being slapped while fucking

James Blandings said:
How do you feel about face slapping in BDSM play? Some people relish it as a form of humiliation, while others think it goes over the edge.
There are also some who question it as being inherently unsafe.
I hope some of you will share your thoughts on the subject.

I've only had one woman that was into being slapped.

It took a while to believe it.

But, she does indeed love a good slap or two....just as she climaxes...

In her words, "It just sends me..."

I voiced my concerns about bruising her...she simply stated, "That's what makeup's for..."

She still loves it...and she does indeed get "sent"

As I noted, she's the only one...

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BUMP, THIS THREAD SEEMS LIKE ITS MALFUNCTIONING, maybe just me, but the last post has said yesterday for like three weeks, :confused:
As with most things it’s all situational. Is the slapped face male or female, is the slapper male or female, is the slap playful or serious/angry, is the person being slapped bound or free, is it meant to stimulate or punish…? So many factors to consider in whether the situation of being slapped in the face is erotic or not, safe or abusive, etc.

I have been slapped in the face a few times and have never found it erotic, it just pissed me off. However, I’ve written stories that had face slapping in them so it does have erotic qualities in the right place and setting. It’s just a very powerful emotional exchange, I think because spanking (with your hand or anything else) seems more controlled, where as a slap to the face seems more spontaneous and therefore out of control.

I have slapped my guy once, in anger, and immediately regretted it and felt both ashamed and scared that I lost it for second. (heaven forbid I ever lose control of anything ;) ). I don’t think a slap to the face is wrong, given the right circumstances, but just like anything else its not good to retaliate (physically, mentally or otherwise) when your angry.
BUMP, THIS THREAD SEEMS LIKE ITS MALFUNCTIONING, maybe just me, but the last post has said yesterday for like three weeks, :confused:
Perhaps the thread was cached in your computer...?
When He has me by the chin or hair and dishes out a couple of light taps to the side of my face in play it is wildly erotic. He is letting me know He is boss....that I am His and He may do whatever He wants to me. The taps are never hard enough to even leave a mark, its more the shock of it than the force exerted....does that make sense to anyone?
as a sub, and a DIE HARD MASOCHIST, slapping for me is alot less humiliating than it is just raw pleasure.
Being slapped out in public, that is different, but durring sexual encounters, it is not really for me.
I agree

Quint said:
Exactly! It's innately mental and probably emotional and the way I do it, it's physical as well. Fun all around.

I didn't think this was particularly edgy myself. I really don't consider me edgy, although when I look back on the posts I've made since T came along, I do wonder. I just know I'm much better about taking the emotional and mental "intense sensation" than I am the physical at this point. I've never been whipped and so for me, that's pretty damn edgy.

I agree totally, I'm not necessarily into sub/dom, I dont think that one has to be a sub to appreciate a little pain, I would be delighted to get slapped in the face. For me its not about humiliation (Im not sure I would slap a woman, that would be a little bit about humiliation), or her being dominant over me, I suppose i just think that the pain could heighten the pleasure.
pfmez said:
I agree totally, I'm not necessarily into sub/dom, I dont think that one has to be a sub to appreciate a little pain

Your talking tops and bottoms
instead of D/s

A Dom can be a bottom
than again you can be into
BDSM... toping and bottoming ...
without being into D/s at all
WolfShadow73 said:
When He has me by the chin or hair and dishes out a couple of light taps to the side of my face in play it is wildly erotic. He is letting me know He is boss....that I am His and He may do whatever He wants to me. The taps are never hard enough to even leave a mark, its more the shock of it than the force exerted....does that make sense to anyone?

makes sence to me

As I posted on this thread a while back
when I grab her hair and slap her face
she is reminded who is boss and my past submissive
and my present one
both go to the zone from this expresion of owner ship
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Slapping as public humiliation

I can see why posters who don't like humiiation, wouldn't like slapping. My particular turn on involves humiliation, so being slapped would be very arousing. Especially if it was done in the presence of a third person, and out of the blue.

A woman slapping me in front of another man, or a man slapping me in front of a woman, as a means of showing me my place....that would do it.
are their NO girls out there that like the idea of slapping thier man around, im starting to get scared i would think it would be a great pwoer feeling for woman, (...)

Oooh YES!

First none-vanilla thing I ever did was slap a guys face. I knew he was into kink, he knew I was curious. First time we ever kissed I was sitting across his lap holding his face in my hands. He asked me politely, perhaps a little bit ebarrased, to slap his face. I took a moment to think, then I did it. It's the most incredibly erotic thing I've ever done! Some great rush of energy different from everything I've ever known. I caressed his face, stroked it, kissed him, made him wait, looked into his eyes... and dit it again. Something about his breathing and the look in his eyes was just ... well, that's how I know I want more....!

His cheeks would turn red, but I'm quite thin and spaghetti-armed, so I don't think there was ever a chance I would be able to actually hurt him.
Ahh, I experienced my first face slap recently. It wasn't used to inflict pain so much as to drive a point home. Oh and did it ever..the shock, the WTF thought and then quickly catching myself before I blurted it out, the tears ( from shock and surprise, not pain)..oh my.. it was a huge turn-on. *sighs wistfully*
Face slapping is a rock hard limit for me

I saw my mom get slapped too many times as a kid. Totally non negotiable, deal breaker.

Tit slapping, now, is fun times!
Belladonna said:
i myself enjoy my tits being slapped....and my face a bit, but VERY little....:)
Well, we all live and learn. Turns out I enjoy it more than I had previously. Just goes to show what you can do with the right partner...
