Face Slapping

I dont know. This may be over what I can do but I'm interested to try it. I'll have to ask her.
SirFace said:
I dont know. This may be over what I can do but I'm interested to try it. I'll have to ask her.

Of course slaps vary in intensity..I would not want to be slapped so hard that it left a red mark on my cheek. The slap I was on the recieving end of wasn't hard and didn't hurt, it was more symbolic. Hoo boy, it was quite the attention-getter though!!
I was nervous with a new Dom and laughed when he pulled out a toy. He marched right over to me and slapped me. Twice. Not hard and not stinging--just enough to get my attention. In a "vanilla" situation, I'd be so enraged that I would have hauled off and nailed him, but I was so shocked and so taken aback by the show of power.

Very erotic, but only because I know he'd never truly hurt me. He knows humiliation is an absolute hard limit with me. He slapped me for being disrespectful and, in the terms of the scene, it was quite effective.

But be careful--it can be inherently unsafe, both physically & emotionally. If you hit hard enough and the head whips back, you're literally sloshing the brain around and causing it to hit the skull. Also, as many have stated, slapping is a very primal thing and could dredge up some bad memories. This Dom lucked out--he didn't hit hard & only hit within an acceptable context. But neither of us knew ahead of time that it would be acceptable--he should have negotiated this beforehand to make sure it didn't cross a line.
brigid_fitch said:
But be careful--it can be inherently unsafe, both physically & emotionally. If you hit hard enough and the head whips back, you're literally sloshing the brain around and causing it to hit the skull. Also, as many have stated, slapping is a very primal thing and could dredge up some bad memories. This Dom lucked out--he didn't hit hard & only hit within an acceptable context. But neither of us knew ahead of time that it would be acceptable--he should have negotiated this beforehand to make sure it didn't cross a line.

This illustrates why I
1) do not believe that some 18 year old can be a top/Dom
2) that the way I was brought up in the community has much validity

It was suggested that if I thought I was a Dom or a top
to live as a submissive/bottom for one year under a Dom.
I lived under a couple that were Dom and Domme. At the end of the year
1) I knew I was a Dom and had no interest in being a submissive or a
2) what the toys/bonds etc felt like to a submissive/bottom
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I have always been against face-slapping, and other sorts of contact about the head. I've always felt it was unsafe, despite the eroticism it can portray.

However. This weekend, I was slapped in the face, in the middle of a moment of passion. I was shocked. I was stoked. I wanted to throw him on the floor and fuck him senseless.

I forbade him to ever do it again, lest I lose my control... but fuck me, it was hot.

It made me feel ferel.
It can be awesome when it is done by the right person. A firm slap done right can leave no mark and won't hurt too much. i think with a face slap during sex it's more about the action than the pain involved.
I haven't had my face slapped hard, just lightly - like a warning. It's hot! I think it doesn't have to be hard to get the point across and get me going.
Richard49 said:
This illustrates why I
1) do not believe that some 18 year old can be a top/Dom
2) that the way I was brought up in the community has much validity

It was suggested that if I thought I was a Dom or a top
to live as a submissive/bottom for one year under a Dom.
I lived under a couple that were Dom and Domme. At the end of the year
1) I knew I was a Dom and had no interest in being a submissive or a
2) what the toys/bonds etc felt like to a submissive/bottom

I don't think I'd need a year to find out what toys feel like. A good 5 minutes perhaps.
I often had fantasies of having my face slapped - lightly and not hard enough. Usually happens during sex :eek: ...well at least in my dreams.

I seriously think I would like to try face slapping but as long as it's done lightly and in the right way and does not leave any long-lasting marks, then it would be okay....but then perhaps not!

Who knows?

Never say never

Face Slapped!!!!!

Only tried it once..........an ex slapped the shit outta me during a session.....it came right outta the blue....rattled me teeth an all.....not high on my list of experiences to try again soon...... :cool:
Have I mentioned before that this is my absolutely number one hot button?

I was reading a book last night that had a rather intense face slapping scene in it. The slave was slapped over and over again without protest, without moving, actually offering his face forward to his owner. It left marks and the itchiness of bruising.

Fucking-a was I wet reading that and remembering my own similar scenes. Being sternly ordered wordlessly to hold still, not protest, not think of fucking moving as her palm slaps across my face, watching me closely as if daring my eyes to show a hint of the defiance she knows the act brings up in me. If I show it despite myself, she just laughs and slaps me harder.

She's never marked me, but I know she wouldn't hesitate to and I CRAVE that. During my last visit she ran a knife across my jawline and left a very light, subtle cut. I about creamed myself wishing she would press just a bit harder.

I think I have a face fetish. I love having my face messed with.
WriterDom said:
I don't think I'd need a year to find out what toys feel like. A good 5 minutes perhaps.

You have read enough of my posts
to know that it was about more than toys
while I really like having my face slapped.. I love the feel of it.. the heat, the tingling feeling.. it's one thing that my husband has asked not to see Master do to me..
God I love having my face slapped.

I have to respect the person shitloads, but...being slapped if I do something wrong just in general day to day life - and me just apologising and getting on with things, whilst my face burns - that is so erotic.

I also love having my face slapped during hard sex - it is so terribly humiliating.
Bumping this thread after reading it. Considering my background, I didn't think this would ever cross my radar. But I am loving the slapping I have recently gotten into. I don't see it as a humiliation thing since that is not my thing. I am a pain slut and I love the perfectly timed slap. It isn't punishment and it isn't humiliation - it is purely pain given to me at the right time, ie to shove me over the edge. I want so much more but the issue we are running into is that I bruise easily. I use arnica gel to help speed up the healing process and investing in camo makeup (ironic considering I don't wear makeup), but the biggest issue is the marks. Sucks because I love seeing the marks and I definitely don't want to stop. I honestly I have no issues with sporting some marking and I don't have issues explaining (if need be). I have just found that the simplest slap and backhand really is hot and can push me. If anybody has any hints/tips on heal process, much appreciated. :)
Bumping this thread after reading it. Considering my background, I didn't think this would ever cross my radar. But I am loving the slapping I have recently gotten into. I don't see it as a humiliation thing since that is not my thing. I am a pain slut and I love the perfectly timed slap. It isn't punishment and it isn't humiliation - it is purely pain given to me at the right time, ie to shove me over the edge. I want so much more but the issue we are running into is that I bruise easily. I use arnica gel to help speed up the healing process and investing in camo makeup (ironic considering I don't wear makeup), but the biggest issue is the marks. Sucks because I love seeing the marks and I definitely don't want to stop. I honestly I have no issues with sporting some marking and I don't have issues explaining (if need be). I have just found that the simplest slap and backhand really is hot and can push me. If anybody has any hints/tips on heal process, much appreciated. :)


You have a very interesting post. Perhaps you should be dating a dermatologist, LOL.

Okay, seriously, as one who also enjoys being face-slapped......perhaps you should consider a medical check up. I'm certainly not a doctor, but I know that certain medications can make you succeptable to bruising. I've also heard from people who know about sports medicine, that changing your diet (eating more lettuce, for instance) can add certain minerals or nutrients that over time will help prevent bruising.

Perhaps someone with a medical background can help you out better. Good luck, and enjoy playing.
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Focus NOW!

I both need and desire the feel of a man's hand sharply meeting the side of my face while he holds my chin At first, a light slap to get my attention, then a harder slap to make it sting and quite possibly, a third and harder one if the first two did not bring the desired results. This helps me to focus, to think clearly, to be more rational. Not just any man can do this effectively. Those who just want to do it because they can are not the ones i would want to have do me.

A Master can do it effectively and justly. He would see when I am in turmoil and need guidance or when I am upset or confused and a series of slaps are in order. He does this to improve me, to help me, to make me stronger and better in conversation.
yes, sometimes

Up until this summer, I would have said, "No, hard limit, absolutely no." And then m'boy had me tied thoroughly to his chair, all I could move was to turn my head and reach towards his cock. He was fucking my face, and slapped me lightly and inquisitively. I went 'mm-hmm" and increased my efforts. ;)

We switch sometimes and find we both like a bit of a good slap in the face. I don't think it would work for me either way (giving or receiving) with anyone but him. It's never harder than I would hit myself to stay awake on a late night drive - though than can be quite sharp and stingy and 'HELL-OH There!'for either of us.

For me... it's a very loving thing, an "I trust you and your feelings and carefulness for me so much that I take (or give) this with care all over my face or in my heart."

It went from Hell NO to 'that's fine' instantly. Best partner ever, I tell ya. :heart:
How do you feel about face slapping in BDSM play? Some people relish it as a form of humiliation, while others think it goes over the edge.
There are also some who question it as being inherently unsafe.
I hope some of you will share your thoughts on the subject.

I adore it, both the short sharp stinging slap to the cheek, and the solid thump on the jawline.

*bites my lip*

The timing and the siutation has to be right though. Play it wrong or take me by surprise and I'll get cranky and cry. Otherwise, it'll make me really wet.
Face slapping and knee jerk responses

I had never really thought about face slapping until I did a kidnap scene and the D slapped my face. I know I have a temper and after the eyes glared I was gagged at the time so through the tape he probably got a muffled DON'T. He slapped me again and that produced the quickest strongest temper reaction I have ever had in my life I actually bent an broke the bar I was cuffed to in order to defend myself. We stopped the scene and discussed it at great length. After a huge outpouring of emotion and some deep analyzing I came to terms with why it had provoked me. We have since tried it again and although I am not an advocate of face slapping in the right context I think it does add to the scene.

my pennies worth lol
I don't remember ever being slapped across the face as a child or adult. I understand and respect others' feelings about being slapped across the face and have generally avoided doing it.

With all that being said, my slave recently asked me to incorporate face slapping into our play. After having done it, it made me feel odd. I can't say that I did or didn't like it, but it seemed abusive. He liked it.

I'm still working out if I want to do it more.
I went out with a girl who I used to handcuff and slap her face with my dick while telling her to "suck it".
I wouldn't let her suck it right away I'd smack my dick agenst one check a couple of times then the other. Then I'd put it in her mouth.
It was a humiliation thing, it didn't hurt her. It always turned me on, she didn't particularally like it but I did it to show that she was mine to do with what I want.

I've never slapped a girl with my hand though.

I did have a friend who very lightly slap a girl in a bar. They didn't know each other at the time. She made a comment to him about somthing that was going down (you don't want to know). He lightly slapped her and told her to be quite.
They went out for a little over a year. She was hot too.
I have to admit that I love it......

The first time it happened I didn't know if I was going to sock him or cum.... I think it was the rage it brought out that made it so hot for me though. I have only had one partner that slapped me in the face and he didn't do it all the time.... just when I was especially mouthy

As for me, I personally do not like to face slap at all. Most of which was my part of growing up in the South. You do not hit/slap a woman. But then agian I have no problem with spankings and such. Quite strange thinking about it. But going as a Dom or sub for me I disliked face slapping. But I do agree that for some people that is deffinently a turn on. But I would be unable to comply with that sort of request from one of my subs, nor from a Master. Just my thoughts.

M. Richard