Hey L. Dot Trumpers He is Coming for YOU (and the rest of us)

Your distaste for guns is not worth disarming and preventing hundreds of thousands to millions of self defense cases a year, never mind all the other uses and benefits of guns.

And note, that 45k figure for deaths by use of guns is mostly suicides (and suicide is a mental health problem, not a methodology problem).

Only about 1% of that amount is actually mass shootings events.

Saint_Ann's point stands. If a million cases for half the population of the United States qualifies as 'rare', than 450 cases for the entire population of the United States would certainly qualify as 'almost non existent'.
The "point" is a fallacy. It doesn't take into account the causes or circumstances. Especially if you try to compare it to actual murders committed with the use of a gun.

The majority of late term abortions occur because of medical necessity. Most occur within the first trimester.

Without a gun, the majority of intended murders and suicides would be reduced to a mostly non existent number in the US.

I don't need false equivalency to obfuscate the facts.
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Yeah, well, don't wreck their narrative with...facts! ;)
The number one killer of leftist arguments and ideology.
Excuse me if I don't trust the government with a monopoly on certain weapons or on lethal force.
As I've said before, I'm willing to concede to a complete ban and removal of all weapons. But the government goes first. šŸ˜„
Also, 3D printed guns will make it moot soon enough
Very true. As a Canadian, that currently will be my only option any time soon from the looks of it, and I'm keeping an eye on it.
Also, the people who would surrender their guns in a buyback program aren't the ones who actually need to be disarmed. It's....other folks, many of whom are owning them illegally as convicted felons.
More devestating logic the rabid anti gun leftists can't deal with.
40,000 deaths a year for what? Almost as many Americans are killed by cars every year, but at least cars provide some benefit. Private gun ownership provides nothing of value to society.
I'm not in charge of providing value to society, but then, I'm not a socialist like you. :)

BabyBoobs is ā€œSo typicalā€ of a LYING, GASLIGHTING RWCJ / MAGAT SEA LION that asks for links to support valid assertions that are already well established as being factual (whether DonOld and the RWCJ / MAGATS admit to them or not).


šŸ‘‰ BabyBoobs šŸ¤£

Ok, Iā€™ll leave you alone now. Arguing with you is like kicking a puppy.
Ok, Iā€™ll leave you alone now. Arguing with you is like kicking a puppy.


BabyBoobs needs things simplified for them:

There are ZERO degrees of separation between DonOld and Project 2025 - and less between J.D. Vance and Project 2025.

Hope that ^ helps.


šŸ‘‰ BabyBoobs šŸ¤£

The number one killer of leftist arguments and ideology.

As I've said before, I'm willing to concede to a complete ban and removal of all weapons. But the government goes first. šŸ˜„

Very true. As a Canadian, that currently will be my only option any time soon from the looks of it, and I'm keeping an eye on it.

More devestating logic the rabid anti gun leftists can't deal with.
I look forward to the 3D printing days, if society can endure that long...also, what are the Tories' chances vs. Trudeau's Liberals?
I look forward to the 3D printing days, if society can endure that long...also, what are the Tories' chances vs. Trudeau's Liberals?
Polls have been suggesting a pretty big landslide victory for the conservatives, but lots of BS happening in the political arena, so things could change. Coalition government between the Liberals and NDP looks to be solidly over, which is a good thing.
Most of the Lit forum users supporting Trump arenā€™t Americans. Theyā€™re just Russian-paid traitors trying to sow dissent amongst real Americans or people living outside the US. They donā€™t care if Trump fucks up the US because they are either suicidal or actively antagonistic to the US. They would sooner have a Christian Taliban turn the US as a whole a North American Somalia than let even a single child have a chance at prosperity.

It is our sworn duty as actual Americans to stop them and punish them at every turn.
Polls have been suggesting a pretty big landslide victory for the conservatives, but lots of BS happening in the political arena, so things could change. Coalition government between the Liberals and NDP looks to be solidly over, which is a good thing.
As long as it means the end to Soy Boy.
Polls have been suggesting a pretty big landslide victory for the conservatives, but lots of BS happening in the political arena, so things could change. Coalition government between the Liberals and NDP looks to be solidly over, which is a good thing.
Ah, okay. It should be interesting to watch.
Most of the Lit forum users supporting Trump arenā€™t Americans. Theyā€™re just Russian-paid traitors trying to sow dissent amongst real Americans or people living outside the US. They donā€™t care if Trump fucks up the US because they are either suicidal or actively antagonistic to the US. They would sooner have a Christian Taliban turn the US as a whole a North American Somalia than let even a single child have a chance at prosperity.

It is our sworn duty as actual Americans to stop them and punish them at every turn.
The othering of fellow Americans continues, one of the many steps toward the abyss.
Ah, another enlightened centrist who would ask the murderer and the victimā€™s family to come to a compromise.
There's no murder involved, just different political views. As Dave Mason sang, "there ain't no good guy, there ain't no bad guy, there's just you and me, and we just disagree." You need to relearn that.
There's no murder involved, just different political views. As Dave Mason sang, "there ain't no good guy, there ain't no bad guy, there's just you and me, and we just disagree." You need to relearn that.

Your willful ignorance act isnā€™t really flying with me. Go back to voting for Trumpā€¦ itā€™s what you were going to do anyways.
Don't presume to know me, just because I don't drink your Kool-Aid.
Who gives a shit about knowing you? Who the fuck are you to be worth knowing?

Weā€™re all random strangers here. I just call you out for saying you donā€™t see a difference between body enslavers and those who want freedom for themselves and their family.
The othering of fellow Americans continues, one of the many steps toward the abyss.
Only a major war foreign will unite this nation now and that's a nightmare of a different dimension. Pick your poison, but poison you are going to be served.
Who gives a shit about knowing you? Who the fuck are you to be worth knowing?

Weā€™re all random strangers here. I just call you out for saying you donā€™t see a difference between body enslavers and those who want freedom for themselves and their family.
There is some bad about both sides, that's all I'm pointing out. You don't like hearing the bad about your side and are quick to assume that anyone who gives you bad news is automatically on the opposing side, rather than simply someone who is observing that the Emperor's naked.
There is some bad about both sides, that's all I'm pointing out. You don't like hearing the bad about your side and are quick to assume that anyone who gives you bad news is automatically on the opposing side, rather than simply someone who is observing that the Emperor's naked.
Thatā€™s bullshit, you know it, and you pretend you donā€™t see it to further divide Americans.

Republicans use corruption to thwart democracy at every turn. Dems fail to live up their promises. Republicans work towards actively evil ends. There is no equivalency.
There is some bad about both sides, that's all I'm pointing out. You don't like hearing the bad about your side and are quick to assume that anyone who gives you bad news is automatically on the opposing side, rather than simply someone who is observing that the Emperor's naked.
I created this meme because I got tired of typing the same argument over and over.

Whenever someone talks about how both the Democrats and the Republicans are both horrible, they always turn out to be a conservative who is ashamed of the right, but identifies so strongly with conservative ideology that they canā€™t bring themselves to break ranks and openly criticize the Republican Party.
This post-apocalyptic meltdown scenario has been bandied about since 1964 when Goldwater ran for President (back then, though, it had a bit more relevance, Goldwater had an absolute nutjob of a VP candidate named Curtis LeMay who publicly promised to pre-emptively nuke anyone who disagreed with the United States)

That was George Wallace. Goldwater's running mate was a forgettable congressman from New York.
Thatā€™s bullshit, you know it, and you pretend you donā€™t see it to further divide Americans.

Republicans use corruption to thwart democracy at every turn. Dems fail to live up their promises. Republicans work towards actively evil ends. There is no equivalency.
Once again, you can't take any criticism and you dismiss it as "equivalency," instead of valid critiques, because you don't want accountability for your side. If you want to save the country and clean it up, you must first clean your own house. Period. That failure to do so is why so many Americans don't trust you, either.
Once again, you can't take any criticism and you dismiss it as "equivalency," instead of valid critiques, because you don't want accountability for your side. If you want to save the country and clean it up, you must first clean your own house. Period. That failure to do so is why so many Americans don't trust you, either.
*chuckle* They're validating your observation at every turn.
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I created this meme because I got tired of typing the same argument over and over.

Whenever someone talks about how both the Democrats and the Republicans are both horrible, they always turn out to be a conservative who is ashamed of the right, but identifies so strongly with conservative ideology that they canā€™t bring themselves to break ranks and openly criticize the Republican Party.
I get tired of Democrats being allergic to criticism and treating anyone who does critique them as a right-wing nutjob or something. No, silly, you have to clean your own house before you can clean up anything else. You have to learn to take your lumps instead of being defensive. You have to accept accountability instead of lobbing ad hominem attacks on anyone who even somewhat dissents.

I have repeatedly told you what my political views are. I have stated them more than once. Sometimes, we agree, on certain issues. On other issues, we do not. I am an independent populist with some conservative, some liberal/progressive, and some centrist views. You're just ignoring that and dismissing it because I don't fall in line. Well, I won't fall in line. Period. I'm not a lemming. I'm not a sheep or a lamb.

Get over it.