Incorrect Assumptions

destinie21 said:
WSO I'm going to express my opinion, If you're as open minded as you claim then you should find no offense here. Be mindful that this is not a personal attack though I have chosen to quote you.

I'm going to go to with the logical (logic is of course realative to the thinker) conclusion that Miss Blue Pen was not bashing the entire genre of non consent but this particular author. It was not so much his writing acumen (or lack thereof IMHO) that insighted people to rage. It was the fact that what he is talking about is clearly a brutal form of rape and he has done so strictly for erotic pleasure. The fact that an orgasm is thrown in doesn't mean that it's a simple non consent story. Who among us thinks that having your teeth knocked out or being beaten to the point where you'd be unrecognizable is erotic? It's more like chilling at least to me. You say in the above quote that lynch mobbing is something that sickens you (as it should) So imagine how nauseated you'd feel if you came across a story in the erotic couplings section about someone being graphically lynched and then an orgy thrown in at the end is just supposed to make everything just peachy. I write about rape and murder and pedophilia in essays and stories and yes to me these things are disturbing and controversial but when I write it is not to glorify or erotcize them that's what is most disturbing. In regards to AD stand on the situation he says the same thing in the reply as he said in the thread he dosen't care what I or nay Sayers any feel. Wjich is not surprising because if I felt justified in writing a lesbian story then some sent feed back saying I was sick and twisted I would say the same thing or more likely I'd say what were you doing in the lesbian section.

Anyway my real point is whether I like it or not his story is a form of free speech which I vehemently defend (nausea aside). But it belongs under extreme. I like a good Non- consent story so yes I would be mad if I came across a story like AD's there because it is (IMO) wrongly placed.

I took no offense at your posting destinie21, it was logical and basically I agree that that is what BluePen intended to do. However, when it became personal to that specific author, it became unnecessary.
Re: Has anyone explained this to Laurel??

Dirty Slut said:
That's the real question;.)



This is Laurel's opinion:

Occasionally, I'll get a letter from some woman who will express bewilderment at the idea that I - another woman - would host a site featuring non-consentual sex fantasies. What kind of example are you setting? they'll demand. You can't be a woman - you must be a man. (Because, of course, all women think just like her.)

I rarely argue with them anymore because it's a waste of time, but the plain answer is: none. You don't learn to drive by watching Dukes of Hazzard reruns, you don't learn how to be a police officer by watching the Lethal Weapon series, and you shouldn't get your sexual mores from erotica/porn. it's fantasy. It's not meant to be didactic. It's meant to be cathartic.

People in general - and some women in particular - have a tough time understanding the concept of "fantasy" when it comes to sex. They can watch movies containing car crashes and murders all day long without feeling the urge to crash their car and murder someone, yet they are convinced that the mere reading of a rape story will turn the reader into a psychopathic rapist or a simpering victim. The idea that well-adjusted, healthy men and women have "perverse" fantasies involving "deviant" behaviors such as rape and incest is completely unacceptable to them (even though they themselves have no trouble vicariously enjoying action/adventure and even horror movies). They find these things disgusting; therefore, even thinking about them is wrong, wrong, wrong.

I think everyone should practice safe sex with every encounter. I think rape is morally reprehensible. I think incest is generally a bad idea - family reunions are rough as it is! But that does not mean that I think women who enjoy fantasies involving messy, unsafe gangbangs or a non-consenting tryst with their father are evil or immoral. Fantasy is NOT reality. Despite assertions to the contrary - usually put forward by intolerant, ignorant morons trying to justify the censorship of something THEY personally find offensive - people are not mindless automatons. Human beings have the capacity to think critically.

Some people are bothered by the presence/non-presence of condoms in a story. That's their right - we all have our tastes. But I don't think that authors of erotica - or any other fiction, really - have a duty to uphold a certain morality or reality.


You might find this one interesting as well:
WSO: "The cue word in this is 'appears'. Pity you didn't say that earlier."

No, I believe what I said, what I've said all along is "in Miss Blue Pen's opinion".

And yes, the word "baggage" contains all the same connotations here as in colloquial New Zealand. That is precisely why I was offended.

I'm going to try and be gentle here, because I really think you're mystified as to why I keep reacting badly to your rather charged method of discussion:

"Sorry but I thought that was clear enough for anyone to understand."

This {above} is just fucking RUDE. I can cite ten other examples of similar backhanded comments during the course of this dialogue. It's whiny passive-aggressive under-the-table crotch kicking, ambiguous enough to deny or feign ignorance of intent later.

Honestly, I really feel like I've had a debate with someone through a Bizarro world telephone.

The main point of your argument has shifted multiple times- from literary merit to what denotes non-consent to what' s erotic to whether someone is actually doing what they're writing about.

Mine has always been the same. Because of it's tone and intent, the story belongs in Extreme.
Does anyone else find it ironic that a thread posted about not making incorrect assumptions is running rampant with the very thing.
Yeah...."like rain on your wedding day", huh Destinie? :nana:

I am so totally fucking kidding. I know that's not ironic ;)
MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:
WSO: "The cue word in this is 'appears'. Pity you didn't say that earlier."

No, I believe what I said, what I've said all along is "in Miss Blue Pen's opinion".

And yes, the word "baggage" contains all the same connotations here as in colloquial New Zealand. That is precisely why I was offended.I apologise for offending you, it was not my intent. 'baggage' is a common enough word and was used in a common enough manner and before you jump down my throat, that was not a comment on anybody in particular being common.

I'm going to try and be gentle here, because I really think you're mystified as to why I keep reacting badly to your rather charged method of discussion:

"Sorry but I thought that was clear enough for anyone to understand."

This {above} is just fucking RUDE. I can cite ten other examples of similar backhanded comments during the course of this dialogue. It's whiny passive-aggressive under-the-table crotch kicking, ambiguous enough to deny or feign ignorance of intent later.The reason you feel I am being rude is because of the perspective you are taking my thoughts/comments. I have no intention of being rude to you or anyone. Though frankly I too am almost at my wits end with this particular topic. The sentence 'Sorry but I thought that was clear enough for anyone to understand.' was simply a damn sentence. No accusatory tone included, none intended, none given. I have just had a thought that had I typed a comma after the word 'Sorry' it may perhaps have been read a little differently. Or even had I typed in *hug* after the sentence, it may have been read differently by you. I am not a rude person. The 'backhanded' comments you are referring to are read that way by yourself, not said that way in the beginning. Yes my last posting to you I was really hurting that I'd been so misunderstood. And please don't bother saying anything about the 'hurt' thing - I'm over it now.

Honestly, I really feel like I've had a debate with someone through a Bizarro world telephone.I don't know what that is. But whatever it is, I feel it too. Tone on this freaking internet is so difficult to get across at times. One simple sentence that's misunderstood by a reader can actually colour the entire poster with the wrong taint.

The main point of your argument has shifted multiple times- from literary merit to what denotes non-consent to what' s erotic to whether someone is actually doing what they're writing about.

Mine has always been the same. Because of it's tone and intent, the story belongs in Extreme.

My argument has shifted only because there were/are many angles to the thread concerned.

1. The author wrote a fictional piece of work.
2. The story got up everyone's nose.
3. I figured that one reason it got up everyone's nose was because the author had managed to push the buttons of readers.
4. The story almost ceased to be discussed at one point, whilst the integrity of the author was discussed.
5. I wasn't totally sure what denoted non-consent which is why I asked the question.
6. What's erotic to one person is not always erotic to another.
7. I have written and posted a couple of murder stories on here, that makes me a murderer or a potential murderer, I think not. But that is most definately what you were saying with regard to the other author.
8. Generally I speak with respect for other people, and I advocate others use respect when speaking also. Generally I wish no one harm and only wish to help.
9. I agree with your thoughts on the story and that it should be moved to where I can't trip over it. I do not agree with your thoughts on the author.

Are we getting closer to a truce?

I am glad that we are managing to still keep contact much as it is not an easy thing to do.

What have I learned on this thread.

Blue pen can't stand the heat. So get the fuck out of the kitchen dummy.

You want to slag AD, yet heaven forbid you should be slagged for anything you say and or write inside and or outside of a discussion and or piece of fiction.

You are a joke.

Oh by the way, I am not defending anyone at this point, merely shoving the shit right in your face.

You would make a lame debater, you can't even handle mediocre criticism.

You want to find out what it is to reeeeeeeally defend yourself, try discussing politics on a wargamers forum.

You dear, don't seem up to the task.

God this is all so funny.

This site is a Literotica site. And people are actually taking their material seriously. Bloody incredible.
Oh but person X posted something inside of category A against the rules by using a dodge. Sheesh.

You act like you have been fraudulently sold a bill of goods that was marketed to you in bad faith. You haven't paid to be here, not to mention no is getting paid to be here.

I could post any damned story here inside this post, and there isn't thing one Laurel could do about it eh. I could write any manner of content and fuck the guidelines rules of conduct and content limitations eh.

And I could do it just to stuff it under your nose.

And nooooo there is nothing Laurel or any moderator could do to prevent it. Sure they could delete this post. And I could log in and put it right back. Sure they could lock the thread. But short of locking the entire forum, they can't keep me out. And no, they can't track me if I have my point off origin blocked.

So the point is this. Enjoy the site. Accept that some people here in are sitting bare assed at their computer jacking off or fingering themselves silly. Some of the writers can't write shit. Some really should be selling their talent instead of giving it away. And a few are actually here to assist others out of nothing mopre than plain generosity.

But if you don't like a story, or where it was posted, fine, don't like it, but don't expect anyone to give a fuck.
The oooooonly person here that needs to give a fuck is Laurel. It's her site.

And someday she might end up in jail over some wretched poorly written piece of pure crappola.
The world is full of religious nutcases that think each and everyone of us is just the spawn of satan eh.

Here's a towel dummy, for the bucket of ice water I just threw in your face.

If your writing is any good, go find a real publisher and prove it.
Leslie again and again:

Puerile and meaningless, too silly. Mlle, por favor, don't give the "benefit" of a response; there won't be any.


WSO: I'm getting you. :rose:
Happy to see the developing peace. MlledeLaPlumeBleu, I did not fully take that difference you cited into account. However, I disagree with you that his motivation to write rape stories is and perhaps can be known by us; I also smiled when I read that you, based on whatever small discourse we've shared, gave me the credit of "it's just a fetish."

I didn't see the edited insert about linking americandemon to your thread until just now. I honestly did not intend it as a slap in the face. I would want someone to extend the same courtesy to me were I a topic of conversation. I believe the rest of your fear was unjustified but that is based on my disagreement with the premise that "I know he writes rape stories, therefore I suspect he wants to rape women."
I doubt that "Leslie again" is actually a virgin to this site. That vituperative, poorly written and punctuated screed seems very familiar.

It's easy to change a name, but the style (or lack thereof) and bitterness are more difficult to conceal. I'd venture the guess that a creep has simply reappeared using a different name.
Ps. I can hardly wait to see what reply this note gets.
Leslie again said:

And nooooo there is nothing Laurel or any moderator could do to prevent it. Sure they could delete this post. And I could log in and put it right back. Sure they could lock the thread. But short of locking the entire forum, they can't keep me out. And no, they can't track me if I have my point off origin blocked.

Actually there is, you see you ban the offender's account but don't delete it. If you delete it the offender can re-register if just banned it flags the ISP even a so called blocked one.

Actually your point of origin in not blocked merely scrambled within a block of ISP's from the your internet provider. If a forum admin wanted to get really nasty they could request a block on the whole by the server. It has been done, servers take a dim view of misuse, if you believe otherwise you are living in cloud cookoo land.

Also even if you keep re-registering and getting deleted, who would give up first, Mods and Admin's are a stubborn bunch.....;)
MathGirl said:
I doubt that "Leslie again" is actually a virgin to this site. That vituperative, poorly written and punctuated screed seems very familiar.

It's easy to change a name, but the style (or lack thereof) and bitterness are more difficult to conceal. I'd venture the guess that a creep has simply reappeared using a different name.
Ps. I can hardly wait to see what reply this note gets.

I think you should have researched your post a bit Maths.

Originally Posted by WSO:
"Generally I wish no one harm and only wish to help."

I'm a lot more interested about who isn't included under 'generally';)

I'll agree with the Don't-bash-a-single-author rule, but as for the Non-Consent category, I think it's very, very bad. OK, some people like the fantasies, but I think there should be much sharper judging for the stories here. I've taken a look at them, and I think many of them belong in Extreme. I wrote one story for that category last year, for the Survivor contest, and it's without a doubt the worst piece of excrements I have ever written!:eek: I'm ashamed of myself.
Svenskaflicka said:
I think there should be much sharper judging for the stories here.
To the point in her inimitably refreshing fashion. :kiss:
I'll take the knocks and the name-calling and the who-do-I-think-I-ams, because I've been needing to say this for quite a while now usually when I've 'had a few' but I've resisted.


This thread, along with several others recently, is what comes about when the 'plebs' are given the illusion of free speech without the very necessary adjuncts, warnings, boundaries and costs of same.

I have answers (not as many as Harold obviously) for any one who wishes to challenge me, plus a half formed diatribe and a whole rant. Ignoring this post is the safer option.

We do, in fact, have the freedom of speech. What most don't realize is that with this freedom comes responsibility. Are we allowed to post what we want? Sure. Would it be responsible to do so? Not always. For example, becoming overzealous and singling out an individual's view for attack would do a discredit in the eyes of newcomers and veterans alike. Therefore, even though we are free to say what we wish, we must acknowledge the responsibility that comes with it.
gauchecritic said:
I think you should have researched your post a bit Maths.
Dear Gauchie,
What, pray tell, did you find wanting in my post?
gauchecritic said:
I have answers (not as many as Harold obviously) for any one who wishes to challenge me, plus a half formed diatribe and a whole rant. Ignoring this post is the safer option.
Gauche, I do not challenge you, only respond: Yours are among my favorite rants, and a half diatribe from you is IMO worth more than most top brimming ones.

Prithee sir, spake.

Purr :rose:
Since when does the pot get to call the kettle black?

I'm going to assume that everyone here is an adult simply because it's a lit. rule but it cracks me up that everyone says that they're pro free speech then the instant some one's opinion conflicts with theirs it's straight for the jugular with no holds barred and thinly vieled insults or blatant backhanded comments. I haven't seen so much backbiting and pettiness since highschool

I'm certainly not objective . Nor do I claim to be. So some may find my comments to be any of the aforementioned things.
Okay anyone who doesn't want to her a righteous Tirade had better stop reading now.

Also the following are (IMO) apparently that's something you have to state outright so no one will question your credentials. Here we go.

to WSO who wrote

It matters not what I think of this particular author, nor what I think of his particular style of writing in the excerpt you preferred to show us.

What matters is that your own personal baggage that you've been carrying has blinded you to the possibility that an author simply may be an author, nothing more, nothing less. He or she is a human being, just as you are a human being.

I don't care what you do on your own thread Blue Pen, but get off mine if you're going to bring up something that was not intended to be discussed on here and I say that in the most respectful way.

I do not apologise for whatever tone you may wish to construe from my posting. I know the intent of the tone and anyone who knows me will know it.

Lynch Mobbing is something that sickens me.

Whether you meant to or not it's the language of your posts that makes it seem like you're being facetious. The word baggage denotes that past experiences are presently coloring your opinions and making you seem irrational. (ie: a black person thinks that every white person is has malicious intents because past expereinces with racism have distorted their veiw.) Just as the word fanatic will always denote being excessive to the point of "craziness" when it really means unquestioned devotion.
You state that Blue Pen's baggage has blinded her to the possibility that the author may just be an author. This statement seems as rash and judgemental as you're acussing her of being with AD. unless you know that for a fact then in your own words
"you're no better than a person who prefers to say 'guilty until proven innocent.' Also this is a public forum so why do you feel justified in asking someone to leave because they've bought up a subject you don't want to discuss? I thought you were an advocate of free speech.

To Quint whio wrote

Should should should.

I eroticize rape. I eroticize brutality. I eroticize the sadistic and violent treatment of woman, namely, me. I've read it. I've written it. I'm not sharing it because it's mine, so the question is irrelevant if my readers will think I'm a sick fuck. I know me too well for that.

If a fantasy gets you hot, get hot. I'm not bashing the writing of incest or adultery. Lemme alone.

All that I can say is that making a log cabin out of popsicle sticks doesn't make you an architect. You're comparing apples and oranges yes their both fruit but thats about as far as the similarities go.

To Leslie again who wrote
Hmm Blue Pen I can't help but ask, do you yourself personally know AD?

Further to my inquiry, do you have verifiable credentials to back up your implied psychiatric assessment of his inner demons?

In a public forum, to type the words "appears to be motivated by a good deal of underlying rage and non-sexual misogyny" is basically to accuse AD in the same manner you hate being treated by WSO.
If she can't do it to you, you can't do it to him.
His work might suck, but all you can do is attack his fiction. To attack him personally, only opens yourself up to attack from others.
Might be his friends, might just be people with an opinion.

Fell off your moral high horse kind of quiclky didn't you? your next post condradicts what you previously said

What have I learned on this thread.

Blue pen can't stand the heat. So get the fuck out of the kitchen dummy.

You want to slag AD, yet heaven forbid you should be slagged for anything you say and or write inside and or outside of a discussion and or piece of fiction.

You are a joke.

Oh by the way, I am not defending anyone at this point, merely shoving the shit right in your face.

You would make a lame debater, you can't even handle mediocre criticism.

You want to find out what it is to reeeeeeeally defend yourself, try discussing politics on a wargamers forum.

You seemed perfectly content to "slag" Blue for her opinions. Also I have been in debates and I have to say taking low blows at people personally while avoiding the issue at hand isn't going to win to many people over.

you also write This site is a Literotica site. And people are actually taking their material seriously

See that's what she's been saying all along that it disturbs her to find a brutal rape at an erotic site. right or wrong it's an opion and a valid one at that.

leslieagain, again :You act like you have been fraudulently sold a bill of goods that was marketed to you in bad faith. You haven't paid to be here, not to mention no is getting paid to be here.

By putting that story in non-consent anyone who came across it might feel that they were led astray. I you went to a liabrary to get a book for a kid then you look at it and it has pornographic pictures in it you're going to be upset. not because you paid for anything just because you thought you were getting one thing and ended up with something completly different

I know I could write the most vile most hideous, most disgusting fiction. I know the words would be just words. And if I submitted them publicly to a site like Lit, they would still be just words.
They would not be indicative of my minds workings, they would illustrate the extent that my mind can articulate though.

I have an imagination that frankly has no boundaries that I can yet discern. Want a vivid nightmare produced for you? Just ask. If you want to be truely and thoroughly unable to sleep for days, I can oblige.
I can see to it that you feel awkward walking alone in the dark as well.

I am not sure I have the skill of a great writer, but this I do know, I have the power to make you scared.

But if you don't like a story, or where it was posted, fine, don't like it, but don't expect anyone to give a fuck.
The oooooonly person here that needs to give a fuck is Laurel. It's her site.

Obviously all who posted give a fuck or one way or the other or else this topic would not have people in such a frenzy
Also you seem a bit full of yourself but that is neither here nor there.

pS: anyone who says they're objective or impartial is obviously not familiar with the meanings

Objective: independent of individual thought and perceptible by all observers : having reality independent of the mind <objective

Impartial: not partial or biased : treating or affecting all equally

once you have an opinion on a matter you can't be either of the above because your opinion automatically makes you bias and therefore unable to be independent of individual thought.

Okay my tirades over :kiss:

edited for spelling
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MathGirl said:
Dear Gauchie,
What, pray tell, did you find wanting in my post?

In another thread Leslieagain stated that he wasn't a virgin at all but has been a Lit member for quite a while (I remember someof his posts from when I first joined Lit.) and had lost his password so had to re-enlist as it were.

Maybe that's why he was familiar?


Purr. No one challenged, Why said what I'd said but wouldn't admit to the illusion part (which was the nub) I'll leave it.:kiss:
Dear oft' ungauche Gauche:

a public :kiss: for you, for no reason, merely felt.

Hi guys. Welcome to my nightmare *laugh*

Hey Quint ;) : I thought of something later. There is another difference in your writing of a violent degrading rape story: you're the implied "victim", and it's ok with you. You've given an implicit consent by virtue of that fact. You're aroused by the idea.

To make a really incendiary example: if a black woman was aroused by the idea of being raped by a man in a KKK hood, I couldn't really say she didn't have the right to victimize herself in an "erotic" story. However, I think I would certainly not feel the same way if it were a man writing a story about raping a black woman wearing a KKK hood.

Also, I was half-joking about the thread post- it was a black humour, but humour all the same.

Let me stress this much for the benefit of all concerned: I like non-consent stories.

I have no problem with people wanting to eroticize aspects of rape. Both women and men have these fantasies. I agree with Laurel absolutely in her explanation of why she accepts them.

This particular story amounted to something much different in my estimation, because of more subtle markers. Yes, there is the anger factor- but more paramount is that the anger- not the sex- appears to be the motivation.

I decided to go see what Extreme was.

I was surprised to find stories there of a much less fundamentally offensive nature than this particular story- the three I read involved forced sex, usually with a virgin, all times she cried. The woman was depicted as devastated, and she did not orgasm (which makes sense to me).

However, none of these stories involved beating the victim to a bloody pulp beforehand, or deliberately damaging her body, breasts, orifices or genitals. None of them involved the same level of degradation. Two of them actually referred to remorse by the attacker. I got a little squeamish as I read them, but ultimately, pretty much shrugged and said "eh" and from then on it was pretty much about the buoyancy of respective boats and what allows them to be so.

In these stories, the forced sex was the primary motivation. The victim was forcibly raped, but not used as a verbal or physical punching bag.

In the story I take exception to, *rage* is the aphrodisiac for the author. Far more attention is given to the battering of the victim than anything else- it's the first thing mentioned when the attack begins, dominates the description of the rape itself and in the end, as the attacker is admiring his handiwork, the messed-up indistinguishable apearance of her face is mentioned above all else.

In this story, the sex is almost peripheral. It's presented like insult to injury. That is what makes me view this story in a different light than other "non-consent" stories.

Now that I lay it out that way, I understand that I probably could have made my point adequately without dragging pathology into it, without invoking the DSM-IV.

However, when first reacted negatively to the story, my brain first understood it in terms of pathology- rage, motivation, biological markers.

I did provide a specific link and title, thus making the author available to all- but let's be honest- he was already out there. It isn't like I found the story in his desk at work and put them up here. Yes, it's fiction, but I don't think it's harmless or benign just because of that.

When you put a story up on a site like Lit, you are making a public statement, and the more emotionally charged and controversial that statement is, the more flack you're liable to catch for it.

My heart weeps for the author if his feelings are hurt- but you know what, my sensibilities are hurt that someone would try to present their bitter, violent vengeance fantasy towards women as simple rape erotica.

In any case, I'm sure AD has taken much reassurance from the people who have [in my opinion, misguidedly] stood up for the violation of his "rights".

And he's clearly found a way for his voice to be heard in the conversation, I think we all are aware ;)

WSO: please understand that I'm not upset with you in any way, shape or form. We had a discussion, stuff was said, blah-de-blah and kitty-goes-round-the-pole! I hope you aren't inordinately upset with me.

Things got into some hair-pulling at the end. "Baggage" is a very loaded term, because by its basic connotation it implies that a person's logic and judgement are clouded, effectively rendering everything they've said unreliable and suspect. In a discussion, where reason and rationality are ultimately the only important factors, to dismiss someone out of hand as just having "baggage" is, well, kind of shitty.

It doesn't require that a woman (or anyone) have baggage to be concerned by something they view as damaging. And in the case of women in conversation, well, we've been dismissed as hysterics and reactionary "feminazis" too often in the recent past for a comment like that not to carry a particular sting- especially coming from another woman.

I was disappointed that the boys haven't jumped in 'til now. It's a loaded subject, I know, but the male perspective on AD might have been illuminating.

Oh, and incidentally, I didn't vote down his story or disparage it in any other way than merely to question the intent of the author and its content. As long as it's posted here under the graces of Lit I accept its existence and AD's right to get non-biased feedback from the general populus.

This is the only one of AD's stories that violates my bullshit meter for what this site is purportedly about, and because of that, belongs on Extreme.

The rest are well within the grey area. Some are rape, but whatever. Fictonally force yourself on people and see if I care ;) I'll be off writing about gay monks or something.

Miss Blue Pen (infinitely amicably)
Not to be a post-hog, but I think I've found a parallel....what do you think?

"I have an imagination that frankly has no boundaries that I can yet discern. Want a vivid nightmare produced for you? Just ask. If you want to be truely and thoroughly unable to sleep for days, I can oblige.
I can see to it that you feel awkward walking alone in the dark as well.

I am not sure I have the skill of a great writer, but this I do know, I have the power to make you scared."

Do you feel safe, now Beth? [diabolical laugh]
Ok Gauche-

Lambast me. I know you'll do it with skill and aplomb.

Actually, I'm starting to enjoy it. Maybe a new fetish for me? *laugh*

Was I irresponsible?

Svenska! The fight was raging for a whole other, previous thread. *laugh* Isn't that enough?
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