Incorrect Assumptions

MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:
Yes, I picked my favorite. The Locust Plague, but it hardly matters.

Christ on a fucking pogo stick- look who's lecturing me on prosthelytizing psychology.

I recall a certain indignant crusader treating me to an in-depth definitive psychological analysis of cliques and their mien and kin.

Naturally, that was manna from heaven? A timeless wisdom personally delivered to you on the breath of angels?

No, you're not perfect. You're just a hypocrite.

Well, you certainly can't take it nearly as well as you can dish it. That's not a good sign. You're not used to getting your shit tossed back into your face, are you?
IMO, Mlle. can take anything, and she does it exquisitely, even humorously in a literary manner. So she's not a warm hug type gal or smilie freak. Rebutting silly logic and off-kilter opinions does not mean she can't take shit, only that she won't when it really is shit.

And why are supposedly literarily minded persons targeting her vocabulary? I like mine, I've cultivated it lovingly all my life, but can't rate it on a par with hers. It seems natural, i.e., it belongs to her. As I look at language from my own loving gutter, I cannot begrudge hers; she owns it and too bad for those who haven't got a handle on theirs. The rest, for the most part, fall far short of her skill, perception and expression. Methinks the ladies (for the most part) do protest too much in the wrong writer's handbook vein.

Her alledged amateur analysis of AD simply makes sense if read without prejudice. He's not a brilliant writer, he's not acknowledged by anyone but a few other not-so-brilliant writers, so why shouldn't one who is, be kept from judging him with a logic and intelligence I have yet to see matched on these threads?

Having read everything that's been writ re. this matter I see no flaws in the woman's thinking or expressions, plus she wraps it all in choice words, style, erudition and classical rhetoric. Agreeing with her is beside the point. She speaks, she writes, and there is none to match her wit and logic; not on Lit. anyway. I would welcome such a match, then there would be truly interesting discussion. For the present all is writ in water next to Mlle.'s super marble constant voice.

Jesusfuck, she's the best and freshest thing to appear on these boards since I joined. If she left the threads I'd consider leaving them myself. (Don't get excited, that's not a portent, just an exclamatory statement.)

Way out of your league here, Muff. And give the Laurel card a rest. No one, outside technical queries, has brought her into this but you. I believe she's well regarded and respected and if she says she can't do anything about something it doesn't matter. What does matter is what part Lit. might play in contributing even in the most minute way to the preponderance of violence against women in our culture and society. Based only on what most people have agreed upon re. the content of the Demon's story, it would be a significant statement for Lit. to move his utter shit to 'extreme'. But what is sadly more signifcant is all this flawed crap directed at an intelligent, literate woman who speaks her mind in a way that none can respond to except with impotent hysterics. Wandering wombs, indeed.

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My posts do not seem like much on the surface. I don't spend any effort even attempting to stretch my literary legs in them.

But I am a wargamer (that term does NOT mean I play Risk or shooter games on my computer eh).
Go here, look into a game called Advanced Squad Leader.
Understand that the manual for this board game is several hundreds pages of triple column text that would scare a lawyer.

I read this sort of thing casually as a hobby.

Which is to say, there is likely few on this forum better suited to the excrutiating dissection of anything you say. It's a hobby eh.

But this is a post on a jack off site, and the effort to post shakespearean literature would seem , well, dumb.

Blue Pen I am not as of this moment, aware how long you have been with the Lit community. I know KM has been here a good bit longer than me.

In a knock down dragged out war of words though, I ain't betting on you to KO KM :)

Me I am just a complete amatuer erotica writer where erotica is concerned. I can write the stuff as easy as drinking water, but in the final analysis, it's not my strong point.

My best work (my opinion) was a fabrication of a supposed Birthday Party held online, by persons I knew that inhabited the Chat room here at Lit.
I wrote it whimsically as if the persons had actually met physically all in a real room. Turned out to be quite a silly mental orgy.

My erotica is basically written with the intent to make the person reading it smile. If you haven't smiled at least once while reading one of my pieces, then I have failed you the reader.

But my real talent only comes out when I am writing about planetology, paleo sciences, and theoretical physics. Not generally much fun to jack off to though :) (I hope!).

So in the final analysis, psycho analysing a person based on a few stories they wrote is, well, pointless.
Let me know when you have visited AD in person, seen his home, watched him at work and looked at how he spends his day (while not writing erotica). Then perhaps your opinion of him might interest someone.

Oh I looked at your email address.

Hmmm that sure is a negative viewpoint ain't it? Are you hiding something deep down?
Do you secretly think your erotica is bad?

Shovel....hmmm that implies you wish to force it upon someone.
Evil....hmmm sounds like you support some atypical dogma to me.
L a: just thought I'd tell you this is the best and most interesting post I've read of you (which is not to say I agree with anything you've said). Given half a chance... well, don't really know if I have the time or inclincation (and I don't tease anyone I don't know.)

Thanks, Perdita ;)
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How am I supposed to "take it"? Is there a thread you can quote that will that will walk me through the proper procedure for responding to your insults?

Feel free to imagine me curled up in the fetal position, weeping, if you prefer.

Well, you certainly can't take it nearly as well as you can dish it. That's not a good sign. You're not used to getting your shit tossed back into your face, are you?KillerMuffin

That sounds like something Leslie would say. I've heard writers influence each other; I'm looking forward to seeing what exciting new voice emerges from this literary fusion. Perhaps you can write confrontational children's books.

The thing is, that wasn't my shit. As per an old Buddhist proverb:

If someone gives you a present, and you don't accept it- to whom does the present belong?
Leslie again said:
But my real talent only comes out when I am writing about planetology, paleo sciences, and theoretical physics.

Gosh, theoretical physics. Glad I could copy that, otherwise I wouldn't even be able to spell it. I'm impressed. Woo woo woo
Feel free to imagine me curled up in the fetal position, weeping, if you prefer.

Hmm what makes you think I want to see you at all? You are probably as bland looking as your replies.

Gosh, theoretical physics. Glad I could copy that, otherwise I wouldn't even be able to spell it. I'm impressed. Woo woo woo

If I wanted to impress you I would, but I would be unimpressed if you were impressed, so I can't see my wanting to impress you any time soon.

Trying to imagine a person that was me and KM combined.
Eeeeewwwwww I need some soap that image has got to go heheh. Quick KM don't think about it :)
Oh for future knowledge, because I know it will come up soon, I use commas, just because I like to, not because it has anything, you know, to do with , you know, perfect grammatical style.

I just like using them.


Commas for everybody :)
Leslie again said:
If I wanted to impress you I would, but I would be unimpressed if you were impressed, so I can't see my wanting to impress you any time soon.
You certainly never fail to make the point that you are quite wonderful, but that you won't bother to demonstrate it because we are too uneducated and inadequate to appreicate you.
Ps. I'm awestruck, nevertheless.
Story book ending ...

All this talk of being impressed

Yet the only impression I get smacks of immaturity and false bravado.

For some reason I keep thinking of The Empero's New Clothes.

Funny That.
Let's play a funny game now - Guess the Real Life profession of our debaters!

Mlle - teacher, probably at a high level. Or song writer. Those are the only ones I can think of that use the dictionary/thesauraus so often.

Leslie - college student. Only students have that amount of self confidence and "fuck-the-world" attitude.

Perdita - full time mother. Baking buns with one hand, and slapping the kids' behinds for being naughty with the other.

WSO - journalist. Going through every little post, every little detail, paying attention to tones and innuendoes, demands the mind of a person with a magnifying glass and a tape recorder.

KM - police. Or perhaps head producer of a talk show, like "Oprah", "Ricki Lake", "Jenny Jones"...

Svenskaflicka - unemployed busybody, living on social security, and having WAY too much time to spend on-line...

*taking cover against all the inevitable flames*;)
Flicka, you are too much and I love you more with each post. :heart:

For the record, my sons are grown young men, I do not bake or cook, I work at a university, and I am currently very content "in bed" (sometimes out of bed too, more exciting).

Man, I hope you get a job soon. :)

Amusing Sven and hmm even ironic as before I tuned back in, was wondering what does everyone supposedly really do with their time (aside from this stupidity).

College student hmmm that is technically a compliment :)
I am self taught actually though. I joined the army when I was 17 which mangled my academic portion of the atypical persons life rather efficiently.

I am 41 right now though, a father, married since 86. I am disabled though, so I can be here anaaaaaaany frigging time on the clock, every day is saturday afternoon (trust me that loses its thrill soon though).

Today as we speak, I am beta testing software. I do it because I can, not to mention I am an acknowledged expert in 20th century warfare simulations. Current project is an add on program for a tactical warfare design called Steel Panthers.

But my primary activity would likely be best described as househusband hehe.

Self confidence, yep I have that in abundnace. It's not hard to obtain though. A person merely has to be good at separating to chaff out of life.
I can say "fuck the world" just as easily as I do, merely because so many really could stand to hear it a bit more.

I would love it, if more people on this rock we call earth would finally wake up. But I suspect mother nature will get to that before we do it willingly.
Perdito, does this bother you:

A person was convicted of a crime because of something that he or she had written in a diary.

Mamzelle High Horse agreed that this was a good thing.

Mamzelle does not like it when people make assumptions about her based on her writing. Oh my aren't they bad when the assume she's a crackhead because she mentions cocaine twice. However, she does feel perfectly free to do otherwise.

Look at your own posts, Perdy. Look at how you react to the way people have, oh, assumed things about Chicklet based on her pictures and her stories. Oh they have no right! But you feel perfectly free to do so to demon because he's just such an evildoer.

What I'd like to know is why is it okay for Mamzelle the Magnificent to enjoy porno stories about women being taken against their will and she's just writing erotica but when demon writes porno stories about women being taken against their will, he's a sociopath that ought to be locked up for the greater good? Why are her fantasies okay and his not? Because of the violence? Rape is okay if it's not violent? As long as it's not violent rape the person is well adjusted and enjoying fantasy.

Mamzelle the Arbiter of Porno Morality calls demon a sociopath because he enjoys raping and hurting women. She calls herself normal because while she like stories about rape, she's not like him. What does she think about Dr. M who writes stories that are exclusively about women who are tied up and beaten? What does she think about Sabledrake who writes stories that are seriously vicious toward women? Why is demon worse than these people? Because she has the key to intent. She has read everyone's Lit offerings and she can decide who is moral and who is a sociopath based on the DSM-IV.

Do you people listen to yourselves? You want Laurel--not me--to remove a rape story because it doesn't fit your definition of what's acceptable in rape. It's degrading and violent to women.

Oh my fucking gawd, you write SMUT. Everything on this site is considered degrading and violent toward women by a large faction of our population. Why is it not okay for them to pass that judgment on you but it's okay for you to pass that judgment on others?

Don't get me wrong, Perdo. I like Mamzelle. She's a total fucking hypocrite who thinks her shit smells of roses, but she's someone that I can like and respect because she is principled and she stands up for them. But I'm not going to roll over and let her tickle my belly when she's completely wrong. If she's good enough to pull out the Howitzer, I'm good enough to pull out the Abrams. I'm not an agree to disagree sort of a girl. Especially when it runs over my principles. And calling someone a sociopath because his brand of rape fantasy doesn't match your brand of rape fantasy is just way too much.

As for the Laurel card. I wasn't aware I was pulling it. I wasn't even aware that is was a card. She's my friend, not someone I consider to be a status symbol as you're apparently thinking. I'll shut about her in the future.
perdita said:
Flicka, you are too much and I love you more with each post. :heart:

For the record, my sons are grown young men, I do not bake or cook, I work at a university, and I am currently very content "in bed" (sometimes out of bed too, more exciting).

Man, I hope you get a job soon. :)



So do I... Well, I have two more weeks of Kindergarten to go through, and then I'll learn more useful things, like how to use Power Point, Excel, and Access, and how to put a computer together after you've torn it apart.
Now THAT's useful!:)

But what job I can get after that... I don't know. M says I'm aiming too high, that I shouldn't expect to step right into a secretary's office right out of the unemploymence line, but I've done the Cleaner, the McDonalds Worker, the Toilet Paper Sales Woman - I don't want to start at the bottom again!
I want something that requires more usage of my brain than "should I scrub the left toilet before the right toilet, or vice versa?"

Actually, in real life Perdita and I are an unlikely crime-fighting duo: Miss Cleo and the Mexican

We patrol the mean streets, picking up perps and shakin' 'em down. We play by our own set of rules.

Destinie is our tough-but-lovable sergeant, Woogums.

She likes to accuse us of "breakin' all the rules", "bustin' her chops"and "abusing authority", as well as "police brutality" cause we use verbal weapons on the unarmed...
KM: sorry you took the time, but I am letting you know I did not and will not read your post; only got through the first line. I am arrogantly certain nothing of it will be worth my time. Let's ignore each other, please.

Svensakaya, NO!

Toilet Paper Sales Woman - Guttgott! And you're deliberating over where you and hubby will live? Move to NY and I'll visit you.

my prayers, Perdy
Oh lord with all these people riding around on moral high horses I hope I don't get trampled. To rpeat my opinion it was that the story be moved to extreme. As were many others posted here.
I've prepared my last will and testament knowing that I will be crucified by the righteous defenders of free speech.


pS: I'm a secret agent.
or am I an agency secret?
oh well by gones
Re: Svensakaya, NO!

perdita said:
Toilet Paper Sales Woman - Guttgott! And you're deliberating over where you and hubby will live? Move to NY and I'll visit you.

my prayers, Perdy

Would you believe that I (together with the rest of the teenage sales crew) was driven all around the district, where I knocked on doors and asked people if they wanted to buy toilet paper and washing powder?:D

If I had been a REAL hooker, atleast I would have worked indoors, on my back in a comfortable bed...
According to likely almost all of society, we are all fucking perverts, including the Extreme crowd, which likely, no one is interested in distinguishing the difference from eh.

That said, sure maybe some stuff belongs in Extreme, then again, maybe everything on Lit is extreme in 9 out of 10 person's view point eh.

Try telling the next stranger on the street, you right erotica, and it was a loving story between say a mother and son, or two sisters and a hitch hiker, or a horny cheerleader and the school football team.

I can assure you, the person will write you off as some sort of deviant.

The only people calling the extreme extreme are we writers of erotica eh. The term has no value outside on the street.
MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:
Actually, in real life Perdita and I are an unlikely crime-fighting duo: Miss Cleo and the Mexican

We patrol the mean streets, picking up perps and shakin' 'em down. We play by our own set of rules.

Destinie is our tough-but-lovable sergeant, Woogums.

She likes to accuse us of "breakin' all the rules", "bustin' her chops"and "abusing authority", as well as "police brutality" cause we use verbal weapons on the unarmed...

Evil doers beware.
We are the wandering menstruals
We only fight crime every 28 days

Lol :D

pS: Don't be shocked we all know that woman are peaceable and cuddly unless they're on the rag. Then they're volitale:D