Incorrect Assumptions

MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:
Ok Gauche-

Lambast me. I know you'll do it with skill and aplomb.

Actually, I'm starting to enjoy it. Maybe a new fetish for me? *laugh*

Was I irresponsible?

You Girl.

*laugh* And you don't hit girls?

You know, I'm just realizing all this could have been avoided if I had merely done the honorable thing and read up on the matter in my trusty handbook, Parlor Amusements and Social Etiquette as published by the Christian Herald in 1895. I take it everywhere. I find it invaluable, that is to say utterly without value.

"It is not difficult in this world to attract, if one is young and pleasing to look upon. It may be taken as a general rule that no woman can retain her friends who cannot control her temper. What she thinks may be right, but, because it is so, no excuse can be found for her going into a long, quarrelsome argument, raising her voice, and making her hostess and all the other guests uncomfortable. People must know that socially, a girl is to be relied upon; that she is not going to bring the daily worries of her life into the social atmosphere, but that she is certain to bring her mite of agreeableness to add to all the other mites until the perfection of enjoyment is achieved, and the pleasant side of everybody is seen and enjoyed. The woman who wishes to keep her friends must steer clear of vital subjects on which they differ."

Curses! Foiled again.
Lol Mlle.

Oh so that's why I dfon't have friends:D
phew I thought it was my personality but come to find out it's my temper:nana:
Quoting myself

I put this on MG's movie quotes thread, but it fits very well here now.

Hitchcock's The Parradine Case

IMO a weak film: Selznick, trial film, a bad Gregory Peck as an English lawyer; but it has its moments, including Charles Coburn saying to his daughter,

"Where did you get this unfeminine interest in things?"
taking one post at a time before work.

perdita 'WSO: I'm getting you. :rose:'

For an author, I am not always good at voicing my thoughts. I'm glad that I'm beginning to make myself a little clearer.

Quint 'I believe the rest of your fear was unjustified but that is based on my disagreement with the premise that "I know he writes rape stories, therefore I suspect he wants to rape women."'

It sounds like we have picked up on basically a similar aspect, though you are infinately more coherent when making your point.

MathGirl 'I doubt that "Leslie again" is actually a virgin to this site.'

He's not a virgin to this site. He was here a while back and basically moved on to different things as a lot of people eventually tend to do.

Gauche 'Originally Posted by WSO:
"Generally I wish no one harm and only wish to help."

I'm a lot more interested about who isn't included under 'generally'. '

Don't worry dear, nobody around here is included under 'generally'.

Gauche - later 'This thread, along with several others recently, is what comes about when the 'plebs' are given the illusion of free speech without the very necessary adjuncts, warnings, boundaries and costs of same.'

I've always advocated the use of 'respect' when people have had difficulties in discussions. I will continue to do the same. Free speech is a wonderous thing eh, but always there are consequences. The trick is to work out if the consequences are worth the difficulties free speech can bring us.

Why 'We do, in fact, have the freedom of speech. What most don't realize is that with this freedom comes responsibility. Are we allowed to post what we want? Sure. Would it be responsible to do so? Not always. For example, becoming overzealous and singling out an individual's view for attack would do a discredit in the eyes of newcomers and veterans alike. Therefore, even though we are free to say what we wish, we must acknowledge the responsibility that comes with it.'


Svenskaflicka 'I'll agree with the Don't-bash-a-single-author rule, but as for the Non-Consent category, I think it's very, very bad. OK, some people like the fantasies, but I think there should be much sharper judging for the stories here. I've taken a look at them, and I think many of them belong in Extreme. I wrote one story for that category last year, for the Survivor contest, and it's without a doubt the worst piece of excrements I have ever written! I'm ashamed of myself.'

Thanks for coming on the thread and making your thoughts know. Basically we agree, however I don't intend specifically writing anything for either the Non-Consent or Extreme categories. Hopefully my characters will respect my wishes in that.

destinie21 'Whether you meant to or not it's the language of your posts that makes it seem like you're being facetious. The word baggage denotes that past experiences are presently coloring your opinions and making you seem irrational. (ie: a black person thinks that every white person is has malicious intents because past expereinces with racism have distorted their veiw.) Just as the word fanatic will always denote being excessive to the point of "craziness" when it really means unquestioned devotion.
You state that Blue Pen's baggage has blinded her to the possibility that the author may just be an author. This statement seems as rash and judgemental as you're acussing her of being with AD. unless you know that for a fact then in your own words
"you're no better than a person who prefers to say 'guilty until proven innocent.' Also this is a public forum so why do you feel justified in asking someone to leave because they've bought up a subject you don't want to discuss? I thought you were an advocate of free speech.'

I don't believe that the language of my posts is at fault. I will however try to curtail my use of 'slang' expressions that obviously have a less defined meaning in different parts of the world to here. 'Baggage' is just a word eh, but different people took that word in a more serious connotation that it was intended. Baggage does not necessarily mean that the person has irrational tendiencies, but it does mean that previous life experiences have altered one's viewpoints - that's how life works really. The reason I asked Mlle to leave in an earlier posting was because as the thread opener, I am obliged to ensure the thread discussion stays on the original topic. Kind of an unwritten rule around here. I had intended for this thread to be a discussion of other things... sometimes a discussion in one thread triggers off other thoughts and that's what I'd intended for this one. However, I have altered my first opening post to alert possible new readers to the change in the discussion as I believe it's more important to sort out things we are now discussing.

MlledeLaPlumeBleu I am not sure I have the time at the moment to respond to your post fully enough. I have a full work day today and hockey game straight after and I leave for work in about five minutes. However I don't want you to think I am being remiss or not bothering with your thoughts. I will endeavour to pick a few main points from your posting to comment on. By the way, I am relieved now that we are both being adults and treating each other with respect.

This particular story amounted to something much different in my estimation, because of more subtle markers. Yes, there is the anger factor- but more paramount is that the anger- not the sex- appears to be the motivation.

Perhaps you are right. However I do believe there are other ways to read this story. Perhaps if the author let us know 'how' he goes about writing his stories that might enlighten us as to how the anger appears the strongest factor in this particular story.

I have come to the conclusion during our discussion, that for me, this story really needs a specific and detailed editing in order to ascertain statistical information of what is said and how often some parts are frequented. Kind of like a detailed observation that I do with my work. When/If I get a free hour I will endeavour to do this. I'd be willing to share my objective observation if you were interested.

Now that I lay it out that way, I understand that I probably could have made my point adequately without dragging pathology into it, without invoking the DSM-IV.

Agreed. And incidentally, I like and prefer the way you just laid it out. Thanks for taking the time to do that. This is the kind of thing I meant in my paragraph above.

However, when first reacted negatively to the story, my brain first understood it in terms of pathology- rage, motivation, biological markers.

I did provide a specific link and title, thus making the author available to all- but let's be honest- he was already out there. It isn't like I found the story in his desk at work and put them up here. Yes, it's fiction, but I don't think it's harmless or benign just because of that.

When you put a story up on a site like Lit, you are making a public statement, and the more emotionally charged and controversial that statement is, the more flack you're liable to catch for it.

I don't feel that specific mention of specific authors names and/or stories in a derrogatory way is conducive to what I understand this site to be achieving. I know that you understand my reasoning by now. Yes I agree, it's a public statement once a story is posted in Literotica, but there are different ways of achieving the same goal. It just takes a little more time and maybe effort to end up at the same goal.

My heart weeps for the author if his feelings are hurt- but you know what, my sensibilities are hurt that someone would try to present their bitter, violent vengeance fantasy towards women as simple rape erotica.

In any case, I'm sure AD has taken much reassurance from the people who have [in my opinion, misguidedly] stood up for the violation of his "rights".

And he's clearly found a way for his voice to be heard in the conversation, I think we all are aware

I would do the same for any author at any time I was capable of speaking out. I fully understand that this author may not even want, nor care for, my opinion to be voiced. Also, my own personal opinion of this specific author was not taken into consideration when I spoke out. I simply am aware that if the same thing happened to me I would be devastated.

I have run out of time to continue answering your posting Mlle. However I intend to come back to it later. You say some important things and I wish to comment on them.

Just me the virgin again :)

Hmm wouldn't it be nice if we didn't count posts, didn't assign pathetic ego stroking titles, and in general left a post to fend for its self based solely on who said it and not based on how many previous posts had been contributed before, hmmm.

Oh well every forum I have ever encountered uses the silly stupidity.

Yeah, I am not new to the site (the original identity is "its Leslie" which explains why I chose Leslie again) But I have not contributed to the forums in hmm to long to recall, and it's just not worth the time to fathom.

The those that like Lit, yeah it can be a nice place. It is only what it is though, a place to give away your hard work for free, so it can be attacked by psuedo experts.

To those to full of themselves (insert nasty comments here).

Man WSO is sure going to have to read a lot of posts to catch up from yesterday eh.

To those that might wish to bait me with comments, or those that think their rebutals might mean something guess again. I might disappear for another year after this post eh.

I can be just as nice as I can be nasty.
But until you guys actually learn how to be credibly offensive, don't expect me to actually notice.

"vituperative" neat word, I don't use it everyday so I looked it up just to be sure.
Wouldn't the word "mouthy" have been easier. Nah, it wouldn't allow you the opportunity to impress anyone now would it.

But if you are so incredibly good, such a consumate word smith, what are you doing wasting your time here?
Leslie again said:
"vituperative" neat word, I don't use it everyday so I looked it up just to be sure. Wouldn't the word "mouthy" have been easier. Nah, it wouldn't allow you the opportunity to impress anyone now would it.
Forgawdssake, my 12 year old niece knows vituperative. It's a fine word but I've heard it too often, though generlaly aptly, on the AH. No one is trying to impress you, believe me.

Finely impotent point, Les. I daresay, again, your posts are the most puerile on the AH at the moment.

I've said this before-- on an author's site I become quite vexed by the maligning of English, and inattention to logic.

Perfervid Perdita
perdita said:
I've said this before-- on an author's site I become quite vexed by the maligning of English, and inattention to logic.

Perfervid Perdita

Well said M'lady....

The reason I read the author's forums on such sites as this, is that even the rants are usually in well composed English....*sigh*
To those that might wish to bait me with comments, or those that think their rebutals might mean something guess again. I might disappear for another year after this post eh.

I've got my fingers crossed.
and don't worry about me baiting you. I refuse to engage in a battle of the wits with someone who's unarmed
It took forever to read all of this thread so far...

And I've come to one conclusion. A writer writes what they will, a reader reads what they want to read, fiction is just that, fiction. To have writers debating over the realism of any story in the manner put forth in this thread is almost laughable if it weren't so tragic. As a warrior I've seen worse mutilation than any of you can ever imagine. Granted that is war, but fiction, if well writen, can stir up the same repulsive reactions in us all if we believe what the writer has writen. As is evident by Dirty Slut's recent fan e-mail threatening her life over something she wrote. Are we no better than him? It was just a story. If you don't like that kind of thing don't read it. I certainly wouldn't, and I've seen worse in reality. I can't emphasize this too harshly: IT'S ONLY A FICTIONAL STORY! Nothing more, and nothing less. Show your ire by voting, and sending the author your own feedback. That's what this site is all about.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
destinie21 said:
I refuse to engage in a battle of the wits with someone who's unarmed
Go, Dest! Ha! Sounds like something Wilde might have said.

Some bloke was recently commenting about how mean women can be in pairs, or whatever. It's nothing to do with being girlie, though. If bitches get righteous, righteously, then I say watch out, whatever you've got between your legs.

Just sayin', Perdita ;)
Dirt Man: sorry, I don't know you yet, but you seem well received after some absense.

Bluntly, you're missing the point; writing, reality, fiction, free speech and sociology, etc. is not it.

Will I explain it to you? No. As women are stereotypically accused of saying, but sometimes it needs be said, "If you have to ask..."

Hope we meet up elsewhere. Regards, based on your rep among Lit friends,

I've got my fingers crossed.
and don't worry about me baiting you. I refuse to engage in a battle of the wits with someone who's unarmed

That's it, shit I am going to go somewhere were the insults are at least of a sufficient quality to be worth reading.

Unarmed ha that's funny.

Oh well I have something more important to do, like watch paint fade.

By the way, the above post lacked superfluous clever wordy phrases and applications of superior literature due mainly to my lacking a need to impress anyone with my literary skill.

This user account will self destruct in 4...3...2...
Leslie again said:
I've got my fingers crossed.
and don't worry about me baiting you. I refuse to engage in a battle of the wits with someone who's unarmed

That's it, shit I am going to go somewhere were the insults are at least of a sufficient quality to be worth reading.

Unarmed ha that's funny.

Oh well I have something more important to do, like watch paint fade.

By the way, the above post lacked superfluous clever wordy phrases and applications of superior literature due mainly to my lacking a need to impress anyone with my literary skill.

This user account will self destruct in 4...3...2...

You do realize that the definition of superfluous is obsolete ie: marked by wastefulness or exceeding what is sufficient or necessary. So how then would making your post superfluous
have impressed anyone? Here's a word you may want to aquaint yourself with: troglodyte.

:D anyhow as far as I know literary minds don't like superfluous passages. They're tedious just for the sake of being tedious. Often time when you find a passage like that the author has just used, plethra of words to disguise their inherent lack of skill.:D
I, for one, hope Leslie sticks around. I've always liked Leslie. He doesn't play reindeer games with the local twits.

I'm sure that most of us would prefer he leave. Nothing like a fresh set of rose colored glasses to make the world pretty and gay. Everyone agrees with each other and we all join hands, skip about, and sing London Bridges Falling Down while convincing ourselves that the pocketful of pansies will keep the plague at bay.
To "wit": (not intelligence, mind you)

The supreme irony of being chastised for poor peer conduct by yourself notwithstanding, I can't quite manage to become comfortable with equating my opinion to a gathering locust cloud threatening to blot out the infinite sun of compassion and humanity.

I think there' s a place for cryptic hyperbole, and apparently it's right at the end of long expository threads in which you haven't participated. It's the biggest bang for your buck (and coming from someone who charges by the word, I should know, huh?).

You can sweep down and condemn the lot, replete with smoldering descriptions of imminent pandemonium and make quite a spectacle of yourself with all that sulfur dust and sand.

Next time skip the ominous old English nursery rhyme metaphors and just say:

"Hey, you know what, Nicola? I think you're a fucking douche. Here's why ______."
(Take as long of a space as you need)

As for today, I'm glad I could serve as your convenient snack-sized symbol of the encroaching First Amendment Apocalypse, of which I am clearly the new Hitler. Go forth, o paladin, and protect the earth from fascists like me and my horrible, horrible opinion.

Whatever. Being on your personal hit list is like KP duty- it rotates among the company.
People Seem To Think

That's the problem. They only SEEM to think....

Only Leslie suggested leaving. No one dimissed him. He makes accusations and does his own bit of analyzing.Then claims about the banter not being up to snuff and how he will not even respond to inferior insults because he is smart enough to use a thesaurus but apparently can't be bothered with the dictionary. Yet after all that he still responded to a post that I made.

I wouldn't want everyone to agree on everything because I'm horrified by some people's beliefs and clearly I would have to adopt them or Wage War to enforce my own. How very boring it would be.

I do love the way words are crammed into my mouth and people leap to the most illogical conclusions though.

pS: Don't throw away the baby with the bathwater.
to complete answering Mlle's posting...

to Mlle:
WSO: please understand that I'm not upset with you in any way, shape or form. We had a discussion, stuff was said, blah-de-blah and kitty-goes-round-the-pole! I hope you aren't inordinately upset with me.

We're still alive and still talking, I'm okay.

Things got into some hair-pulling at the end. "Baggage" is a very loaded term, because by its basic connotation it implies that a person's logic and judgement are clouded, effectively rendering everything they've said unreliable and suspect. In a discussion, where reason and rationality are ultimately the only important factors, to dismiss someone out of hand as just having "baggage" is, well, kind of shitty.

'Baggage' is only as loaded as each one of us reads it to be.

It doesn't require that a woman (or anyone) have baggage to be concerned by something they view as damaging. And in the case of women in conversation, well, we've been dismissed as hysterics and reactionary "feminazis" too often in the recent past for a comment like that not to carry a particular sting- especially coming from another woman.

I am perfectly happy with who and what I am. Being a feminist or not doesn't come into this discussion as far as I'm concerned. And like I said above, 'Baggage' is only as loaded as we perceive it.

I was disappointed that the boys haven't jumped in 'til now. It's a loaded subject, I know, but the male perspective on AD might have been illuminating.

Perhaps the males in Litland know better than to jump in on what appeared to be 'discussion' similar to what they'd get in their own lives already...? ;) In my experience, males don't tend to rip each other to shreds in the same manner that females do. Maybe they just prefer to keep their own counsel.

Oh, and incidentally, I didn't vote down his story or disparage it in any other way than merely to question the intent of the author and its content. As long as it's posted here under the graces of Lit I accept its existence and AD's right to get non-biased feedback from the general populus.

Voting here in Litland has so many variables that I have ignored any voting statistics for many months. I don't down vote, if a story is not good enough and I have time, I will send in depth feedback on one webpage of the story. I vote on author's work that I have helped with and that's about it. Frankly I don't have the time at the moment to read and give feedback.

This is the only one of AD's stories that violates my bullshit meter for what this site is purportedly about, and because of that, belongs on Extreme.

Okay I understand that, however do you realise you based your comments on his integrity (or lack of it) on only this one story? I'm sure you realise it by now.

The rest are well within the grey area. Some are rape, but whatever. Fictonally force yourself on people and see if I care I'll be off writing about gay monks or something.

I'm glad I'm still not interested in entering the non-consent or extreme stuff.

Miss Blue Pen (infinitely amicably)

Thanks for being amicable. :)

to all:

I would appreciate us not getting completely sidetracked by who is posting what and would rather we try to stick to the points raised. Author bashing is not my favourite kinda game, no matter who the author is.
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I am bored, not to mention looking at ones walls is a bad idea, now I am thinking the place needs to be painted :)

KM likes me?... well I guess that makes sense, KM don't take shit from people much either (oh the horror, that sentenced reeked of lousy writing).

Hey does anyone here actually reeeeeeeally expect me to fret over spelling punctuation and all that shit? Just be glad I am typing with both hands right now :) (by the way I am aware there is only 1 e in the word really).

Blue Pen doesn't impress me regardless of what pretty words she uses. I have read famous authors that made their works literary masterpieces all through the use of dimestore language. Your choice of words doesn't make your literature good eh.

Of course art is in the eye of the beholder, me I think Picasso sucks.

Hey is anyone interested in a detailed description of a Dungeons and Dragons 3rd Edition game system bestiary notes "Troglodyte" by any chance?

Man I wish I had an avatar again, the flame throwing tank said so much about me too.
The Plague was caused by the fleas on a certain species of rat, not locusts. The people at the time believed that breathing through posies would keep one from getting the plague. A very naive way of looking at the world. A couple of pretty flowers and a bit of self-righteous indignation and we can make all of the ugly things go away.

I'm not perfect, Mizz Pen and I certainly don't pretend to be. I don't pretend to be better than someone simply because I don't care for his sexual fantasies. I don't pretend to have some moral high ground because my smut is somehow better than his smut. I don't care for the man personally, but I am not going to brand someone a sociopath and a pariah based on what amounts to 5,000 words. You, of course, may feel perfectly free to do your Miss Cleo routine and read his fortune in your cards if you like.

Freedom is a sword, not a couch. If you believe that you have the right to express your sexual fantasies, you certainly can't get out a pocket full of posies and cover up other people's sexual fantasies because you don't like them. Well, I suppose you can--you just did. It just doesn't make you right, does it? Especially when you play Dr. Laura while you're going about it. You can only have sexual fantasies if Mllethepen thinks they're okay otherwise you're a sick-o. She'll even trot out the DSM-IV and use five syllable words to back herself up.

Just for future reference:

Fantasy is not reality.

Of course I like you, Leslie. Even when we didn't get along, we got along quite well.
KillerMuffin said:
The Plague was caused by the fleas on a certain species of rat, not locusts. The people at the time believed that breathing through posies would keep one from getting the plague. A very naive way of looking at the world. A couple of pretty flowers and a bit of self-righteous indignation and we can make all of the ugly things go away.

I'm not perfect, Mizz Pen and I certainly don't pretend to be. I don't pretend to be better than someone simply because I don't care for his sexual fantasies. I don't pretend to have some moral high ground because my smut is somehow better than his smut. I don't care for the man personally, but I am not going to brand someone a sociopath and a pariah based on what amounts to 5,000 words. You, of course, may feel perfectly free to do your Miss Cleo routine and read his fortune in your cards if you like.

Freedom is a sword, not a couch. If you believe that you have the right to express your sexual fantasies, you certainly can't get out a pocket full of posies and cover up other people's sexual fantasies because you don't like them. Well, I suppose you can--you just did. It just doesn't make you right, does it? Especially when you play Dr. Laura while you're going about it. You can only have sexual fantasies if Mllethepen thinks they're okay otherwise you're a sick-o. She'll even trot out the DSM-IV and use five syllable words to back herself up.

Just for future reference:

Fantasy is not reality.

Of course I like you, Leslie. Even when we didn't get along, we got along quite well.

I think she was referring to the Plauges refrenced in the bible

you know locusts, frogs, death
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Hold on Sweet One ;)

Don't put words or realizations in my mouth. Yes, the one story is the only one I think would do better to be located in "extreme".

I also recall saying several times that my personal feeling about this man was a conclusion I drew from looking at his body of works as a whole. The consistent undercurrent of self-pity, anger and hatred for things bearing vaginas in conjunction with the previously mentioned sadistic rape story was what led me to think there were deeper issues there.

that's all.

Yes, I picked my favorite. The Locust Plague, but it hardly matters.

Christ on a fucking pogo stick- look who's lecturing me on prosthelytizing psychology.

I recall a certain indignant crusader treating me to an in-depth definitive psychological analysis of cliques and their mien and kin.

Naturally, that was manna from heaven? A timeless wisdom personally delivered to you on the breath of angels?

No, you're not perfect. You're just a hypocrite.
I hate to break it to you, Mlle, but you didn't read the body of his work. You just read his Lit submissions. That's the problem here. You assumed that his Lit submissions are everything there is to him. If he did in fact have nothing but misogynist propoganda all over his life, I would agree with you. However, I have read things from him where he was loving and tender. Some of the stuff he wrote about a girl he was into was so hallmark sappy a boyband could have sang it.

I'd like to show it to you, but I can't find it at the moment.

He could use a good therapist, that's for sure, but I'm not sure he could use crucification. I'm not sure anyone could.

In my opinion, you are wrong about him.

However, you should probably still go through the nonconsent category and make a note of those stories for Laurel. If you've got the stomach, BDSM and Incest could use a good looking over. Maybe Fetish, too. Hungryguy posts in fetish. Now there's a seriously sick imagination.

A big problem that Lit has is that some people think of it as they do ASSTR and groups. They don't consider it a publication or that Lit has right to reject people based on subjective criteria. Laurel is such a doll. She tries so hard to make so many people happy and that's just impossible. It's hard to tell people no, but she tells an average of 45% of the people who submit stories no.

Her biggest problems come from content that she doesn't post here for whatever reasons--and you'd be surprised to find that most of them aren't personal preference. Authors regularly bitch at her and crucify her for telling them no. Heck, you've already seen it here with wolfhond.