Incorrect Assumptions

How pretty, you discovered colours, I suppose the crayons just foul up the screen any other way eh.

Svenskaflicka is just one of a multitude of clever cute names.

I have seen em all, basic names that actually are the person's name (my name not surprisingly is indeed Leslie). And the sort that bespeek the person covering up some thinnly disguided inadequacy.

I could never use a name referring to my ooohhh so in demand cock, because even I would have trouble not making fun of it.

And then there are the ones that just aaaaaaaabsolutely require more than a reasonable span of letters that don't roll off the tongue let alone allow any ease in typing.

Would you reeeeally want to type my name if it was


Even if I got annoyed when you refused?

Or how about getting this one straight

Dear Hollyshititsthat#$@*&#BastardLesagain :

Logic would lead me to use the copy and paste feature. Surely as a computer guru you're familiar with this. Also if someone was asinine enough to choose a user name such as Hollyshititsthat#$@*&#BastardLesagain I hardly think I'd be eager to talk to them.

Thank you though for reamaining predictable and going to the most illogical conclusion.
Aw, Destinie- I think you've made a lifelong friend! :rolleyes:


You and I are aces, as always, and KM and I just cheerfully disembowelled each other-

but damn if she isn't right about Robert! Poor, poor Robert ;) Poor, sodomized Robert.

I loved it too.

Cut and paste, well shit, and I thought I was surounded by writers and authors.

Turns out I am merely talking to pretentious pompus prima donnas that can cut and paste.

So much for that illusion.
KM > oh, okay ... was a little taken aback (though flattered that an august Lit personality such as yourself was familiar with my work, thank you!). I've been called many things before -- sick, twisted, warped, demented, even evil -- but vicious specifically toward women was a new one ;)

Mlle > no worries ... I'd been following the thread anyway (having gotten into wrangles over "content in writing" vs. "personal habits of authors" before), and was just a little startled to suddenly see my name thrown into the mix!

Leslie again said:
Cut and paste, well shit, and I thought I was surounded by writers and authors.

Turns out I am merely talking to pretentious pompus prima donnas that can cut and paste.

So much for that illusion.

nice use of alliteration in any case I'm just going to
eschew any further obfuscation and not respond to the content of the post above by expessing my opinion.
Leslie again said:
Cut and paste, well shit, and I thought I was surounded by writers and authors.

Turns out I am merely talking to pretentious pompus prima donnas that can cut and paste.

So much for that illusion.

nice use of alliteration in any case I'm just going to
eschew any further obfuscation and not respond to the content of the post above by expessing my opinion.
Leslie again said:
Cut and paste, well shit, and I thought I was surounded by writers and authors.

Turns out I am merely talking to pretentious pompus prima donnas that can cut and paste.

So much for that illusion.

nice use of alliteration in any case I'm just going to
eschew any further obfuscation and not respond to the content of the post above by expessing my opinion.

Then there is the other aspect when we are reading work written by other authors.

Do we assume that Stephen King is a thrill seeker just because he writes such stories?

Do we assume that John Barth smoked pot because he wrote about it?

Am I a murderer because I have written about a murder?

What things have you written about that you would hate a reader to accuse you of being or doing?

Hmmm... neat thread. Or at least it was an interesting topic before it got hijacked in a different direction.

I write a lot of stuff, including non-consensual erotic themes, and it's rather tiring to be accused by the morality police of "promoting rape" because I've used it as a theme of sexual fantasy in some of my work.

A friend of mine goes to a slash (male/male romance/erotica) fan fic convention each year, a convention for *writers* of the genre... and she has to be careful about who knows this because all to many people think a *writers convention* because of the subject is some sort of swinging orgy.

Assumptions I think are stupid is that a person can tell the type of person a writer is from their fiction, especially when all they focus on is one facet of their fiction.

I know a guy who writes hard core horrific bug/aliens raping women snuff stories... stuff that totally oogs me out and gives me the creepies, but he's an absolute sweetheart in conversation, witty and and intelligent in discussions over all sorts of topics.

There is a lot of difference between a writer and the subject matter of some of their writing. Unless you get to know the writer outside their fiction, you really can't judge who and what they are all about just from *fiction* they've created.

Taking only a slice of a person's work in fiction and holding it up like a Rorschach test isn't going to give you real insight to who the writer is as a person.

Well, just a few words.

The reason why I haven't yet exploded at the incorrect shortening of my name, is that I only do this when that mistake is done by someone whose opinion I give a damned about. :catgrin:
All the fun shit seems to happen when I'm busy.

I work with a bunch of highly educated idiots who insist on being called doctor when I call them dofus.

Look, you're trying to impress people you may never see face-to-face. Why get upset?

Shit, I get messages telling me that my snake must only be 4 inches because I choose to use the name BlackSnake. Let me think on it...Not!

I'm sorry, but I must be the hardest person in the world to impress, because I give less than a fuck if there are typos, misspelling, or bad grammar in my posts. Do you really think that I'm impressed when you find them and point them out? If so, you really need to get out more.

Since the little tale I wrote was taken to mean that I was boasting about the size of my dick. Let me spell it out. When you fire post after post in an attempt to show how much smarter you are than everyone else you are being extremely stupid.

Now to address the boasting of my dick. It's not a cock, it's a dick, and a very good sized one at that. Do I brag here? Maybe. No real reason not to. I may have, but I really didn't think so. If I have, so fucking what? Do you seriously think that I jerk off at night thinking of all the women on Lit that want to fuck me? I've seen some pics of some of the members that I believe would make for a lovely evening, but don't hold your breath thinking that I give it much thought after I logout.

Just try to keep thinks in perspective and have fun. It seems like on every thread someone get ganged up on.
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rhinoguy said:
What is the distinction that you make there?

I generally refer to mine as a cock....maybe i SHOULDN'T.

saw the CAN boast...but the pics speak loud enough.

rhino (half the man)

I never used the term cock before I began making my poor attempts at writting erotica. It seemed shameful to call a part of me that I considered to an assest with less than the strongest term.

peter, pecker, weenie, wewe, cock,...are terms that seem to have less of an impact than dick
I guess it is time I found something intelligent to pursue, I will maybe look at this thread another day, and see if anything intelligent has occured.

As you were people.
Leslie again said:
I guess it is time I found something intelligent to pursue, I will maybe look at this thread another day, and see if anything intelligent has occured.

As you were people.

LOL!!!!! Intelligent! You're so fuckin' funny! On a sex content message board! Damn! Gotta go take a pee after that one! Way funny!
Cockshy dicks; cockalori.

For the record, it's gotta be cock for me. Dick is too oft' used as derisive, has the unfortunate assonance amidst itty and bitty.

Cock. Say it; then say Dick.

No boner.


I hope you aren't upset at my fond tribute to your equipment on the other thread!

I was only teasing, you know. Trying to inject a little levity after the battle royale, just like you did with your Speedo analogy. However we may giggle, you know we bitches all love you , BS. And the snake too. Hell, hearing about the Snake was like the only light spot in my psyche a few days ago.

I'll rip a person's heart out with my teeth if they cross me, but I wouldn't intentionally hurt your feelings for anything. Not even James Spader with a fruit basket and a big red ribbon tied round his dick!

My- that would be nice, though.


Oh my gods.

BS - KEEP that AV up. She is hot...

*drools onto keyboard, swears and wipes it up*
I had a real thing for James Spader...

When he played opposite of Jack Nickelson as werewolfs. I was bitchy itchy for 6 whole months over that. LOL

MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:

I hope you aren't upset at my fond tribute to your equipment on the other thread!

I was only teasing, you know. Trying to inject a little levity after the battle royale, just like you did with your Speedo analogy. However we may giggle, you know we bitches all love you , BS. And the snake too. Hell, hearing about the Snake was like the only light spot in my psyche a few days ago.

I'll rip a person's heart out with my teeth if they cross me, but I wouldn't intentionally hurt your feelings for anything. Not even James Spader with a fruit basket and a big red ribbon tied round his dick!

My- that would be nice, though.


Making a mental note not to cross Mlle

a few seconds later:

Putting on the breast plate of righteousness just in case :D
Now, edit out James Spader in (Whatever it was, escapes my memory), and replace with Gabriel Byrne in End of Days.

You're good as gold with me, Sergeant Woogums. No need for Kevlar.


I think Gabriel Byrne is hot, don't get me wrong- but being a "dark ladye" [well, brunette] myself, I'm just drawn to limpid-eyed blonds- polarity, you know?

Now, if you wanna talk about something everyone can enjoy, we'd have to go back to Blacksnake's cock again.