Incorrect Assumptions

Leslie again said:

But this is a post on a jack off site, and the effort to post shakespearean literature would seem , well, dumb.

Blue Pen I am not as of this moment, aware how long you have been with the Lit community. I know KM has been here a good bit longer than me.

In a knock down dragged out war of words though, I ain't betting on you to KO KM :)

Me I am just a complete amatuer erotica writer where erotica is concerned. I can write the stuff as easy as drinking water, but in the final analysis, it's not my strong point.


Oh I looked at your email address.

Hmmm that sure is a negative viewpoint ain't it? Are you hiding something deep down?
Do you secretly think your erotica is bad?

Shovel....hmmm that implies you wish to force it upon someone.
Evil....hmmm sounds like you support some atypical dogma to me.

Sometimes the posts here reminds me of a guy I worked for when I was in my early twenties. He drove the black carvette, I guess most would consider him a nice looking chap.

He invited me over to a pool party at his house, and I rode my bike over because I was on a health kick at the time.

As soon as I got there I hit the pool. He was drinking along with some other guys and talking about how great he was and the guys around him were blowing sunshine up his ass.

I wasn't that kind of young man. I didn't care for other people's crap. His current girlfriend brought a drink to me at the pool, because I was feeling a bit uncomfortable being the only black guy in the croud, as usual.

The more he talked the funnier he became, because I was pretty sure that my dick was bigger.

When I came out of the water after checking out the sexy blondes hanging about he and the others got quiet until I got to a towel.

I wore a royal blue pair of Speedos. My chest must have swelled four times its size, because the guys were looking at their girls looking at me.

Some will never get the moral of this story. That's even funnier.
Snake: how you ever devised to focus that post on this thread I'll never know, but this time your fixation on your dick was nearly like a breath of fresh (somewhat) air.

Perdita ;)
Leslie again said:

My posts do not seem like much on the surface. I don't spend any effort even attempting to stretch my literary legs in them.

But I am a wargamer (that term does NOT mean I play Risk or shooter games on my computer eh).
Go here, look into a game called Advanced Squad Leader.
Understand that the manual for this board game is several hundreds pages of triple column text that would scare a lawyer.

I read this sort of thing casually as a hobby.

Which is to say, there is likely few on this forum better suited to the excrutiating dissection of anything you say. It's a hobby eh.

But this is a post on a jack off site, and the effort to post shakespearean literature would seem , well, dumb.

Can't think why, but this post reminded me of a song I haven't heard in a while, so i looked it up to see why:

My mother said that I never should
play with the naughty, rude girls in the wood.
Their giggling talk I could never understand,
and that's why I fell in love with my right hand.

And that's why
I'm a wanker, I'm a wanker.
and it does me good like it bloody well should.
I'm a wanker, I'm a wanker
and I'm always pulling my pud'.

I was twenty-five years old before I was kissed,
and then I found that I preferred a swift one off the wrist.
It's cheap and convenient, you can't catch VD.
It's available at any time and it's absolutely free.

And that's why
(Repeat Chorus)

Oh, Mrs Palm and your five lovely daughters,
thank you for having me and being oh, so kind.
I've got pains in my arms and my dong is growing shorter,
My knees have turned to water, and I think I'm going blind.

I've wanked over Italy, I've wanked over Spain.
I've wanked in an omnibus, I've even had a wank in a train.
I've used a badger and a melon and a cat,
an inflatable Linda Lovelace, and a Davy Crockett hat.

And that's why
(Repeat Chorus)

Oh, Mrs Palm and your five lovely daughters,
Thank you for having me and being oh, so kind.
I've got pains in my arms and my dong is getting shorter,
My knees have turned to water, and I think I'm going blind.
Hmm most of the black guys I have met, usually find the myth of their more generous shafts to be an annoying stereo type to live up to.

That said, I have hmm almost 5 inches myself, and it doesn't bother me one bit if some think it might actually be short.

Hasn't ever bothered my wife :)

What you have has little actual worth if you ain't any good with it.

A generous shaft attached to a jerk for instance likely won't get used much.
And I can honestly say, the girls in my life are all very average looking by mainstream standards.

But I know they know, that I see what most miss.

I can spell insecure, but it has no real impact in my life.
Duck and cover

Did LA call svenska Sven

Does the following statemnt apply to wit or is it just phalic grandeur or the illusion thereof

What you have has little actual worth if you ain't any good with it.

I'll bet you did the dance too.


Been drinking so I'm allowed (in my own mind, to use it as an excuse for anything) will the rest of you just shut the fuck up.
I called her Sven because it's easier to type (sorta like calling me LA :)).

Oh and yes I was around way back when she explained the meaning of her name, so don't fret I already know.

Does the following statemnt apply to wit or is it just phalic grandeur or the illusion thereof

I thought I was fairly clear myself, maybe I wasn't. Maybe I didn't make it sufficiently simple, or perhaps I should have used more words with more letters :)
gauchecritic said:
Been drinking so I'm allowed (in my own mind, to use it as an excuse for anything) will the rest of you just shut the fuck up.

far out, it's just taken me 20 minutes of my time to read through all the new posts and now i have no time left to wade through it again to answer specific points.

to all please feel free to go back and edit out all the crap postings so i can see more clearly where the hell this thread and it's altered discussion (as per the editing in my initial post) went awol on me.

gone to work
Leslie again said:
I called her Sven because it's easier to type (sorta like calling me LA :)).

Oh and yes I was around way back when she explained the meaning of her name, so don't fret I already know.

I'm not fretting, I'm just smiling sadly at this.

You claim to understand the meaning because you were here when it was explained, yet you don't adhere to a very nice and understandable request?

And no, its *not* like calling you LA, you haven't expressly requested NOT to be called LA. (Unless I missed that post, in which case I apologise)

No, I've got nothing else to say, I can't match the great and rather vocabulary expanding battle going on here.

Helen - waiting for Flicka to explode.
Re: Duck and cover

originally posted by Leslie Again:

I thought I was fairly clear myself, maybe I wasn't. Maybe I didn't make it sufficiently simple, or perhaps I should have used more words with more letters

For all of your immense ( albeit alleged intelligence, you don't catch on to quick. I guess I'll spell it out) I meant can the statement also apply to wit or is it just the pontification of phallic grandeur or the illusion thereof

What you have has little actual worth if you ain't any good with it.

If it applies to wit well...

Then I suggest that you study art and logic. Then learn to draw your own conclusions.
Last edited:
Hmm I could just as easily say, that a joke that has to be explained, ain't much of a joke now is it.

As for my wit hmm, well I ain't a stand up comic, so I am not surprised if a good one might sound better than me.

Regarding intellect, hey some say "it ain't rocket science", but hmm if I actually know rocket science, but I am not so good with basket weaving, what does that say really.

pontification of phallic grandeur or the illusion thereof

Hey I never said I had a great tool, nor did I ever state I was incredible with it. I personally think my technique is fairly average. I only know I have never had any complaints. That's good enough for me :)

You claim to understand the meaning because you were here when it was explained, yet you don't adhere to a very nice and understandable request?

What request?

Oh regarding LA no I don't care if you call me asshole for that matter (but eventually people that have not been here for a while will need to be reminded who you are referring to).

The further a person gets from using something similar to the persons actual monicker, the less likely anyone is going to be able to discern who the heck you are talking about.
cahab said:
Oh, Mrs Palm and your five lovely daughters,
Thank you for having me and being oh, so kind.
I've got pains in my arms and my dong is getting shorter,
My knees have turned to water, and I think I'm going blind.

Dear Cahab,
You should be a member of the "Sons of Onan" in the DurtGurl group.
Leslie again said:

You claim to understand the meaning because you were here when it was explained, yet you don't adhere to a very nice and understandable request?

What request?

Oh regarding LA no I don't care if you call me asshole for that matter (but eventually people that have not been here for a while will need to be reminded who you are referring to).

The further a person gets from using something similar to the persons actual monicker, the less likely anyone is going to be able to discern who the heck you are talking about.

Right. You claimed to have "been there" when Svenskaflicka explained the meaning of her name. Every time she has done this she has asked, nicely, that people don't call her Sven. Therefore, I assumed (perhaps wrongly) that you were aware of this, and called her it anyway.

*returns to lurkdom*
Hey, JL: do come out of lurkdom every so often, miss that gaze.

wildsweetone said:

to all please feel free to go back and edit out all the crap postings so i can see more clearly where the hell this thread and it's altered discussion (as per the editing in my initial post) went awol on me.

gone to work

Well, at the risk of standing up in a shooting gallery, let me see if I can recap for you...

So and so said "Oh, yeah?!"
Then the other guy said, "Well, mine's bigger than yours"
in between here she said, "Nah ah."
then I think somebody went and called someone "Sven".

I think this is where somebody is gonna start saying "neener, neener"...

I've been trying to see where WSO (If I may call her that without being corrected), was going with the discussion, but I can't find it. Something about illusion and reality, pretention and desire I think... does it have anything to do with fragile egos? A few pages ago there was something I was going to say but I forgot what it was...

Can you maybe start a new one and just delete this entire thread, Wild? Which way is the exit?
Doesn't like Sven? I must have missed that memo, I can write out the full name for her I suppose.

Remember I have been gone a year eh.

Can a person actually delete a thread (assuming they started it) here at Lit, I know that it's not possible generally on other sites once another has contributed to it.

Well assuming the common person doesn't possess moderator powers.

At any rate, I only know the meaning of Svenskaflicka as decided by her (at least as she used it about a year ago).
Its also the first four letters of an identity which would be sufficiently identifiable to distinguish it from someone refered to as say WSO or LA or KM or Perd.

I am amused you would assume I might think she was a swede named Sven hehe.
KillerMuffin said:
What does she think about Sabledrake who writes stories that are seriously vicious toward women?

Wow ... I do? I'd certainly never thought of them that way.

Sabledrake said:
Wow ... I do? I'd certainly never thought of them that way.


Well. I really, really, really wanted to keelhaul Robert and if there was anything left sautee him in a nice butter sauce and serve him up to Enrique right before I cut him into tiny pieces with toenail clippers. I read the whole thing anyway.

The whole thing with Ariadne was just flat mean.

Vicious yes. Good, most definitely. I don't consider vicious a necessarily bad thing.
Leslie again ,

I called her Sven because it's easier to type (sorta like calling me LA ).

Oh and yes I was around way back when she explained the meaning of her name, so don't fret I already know.

Doesn't like Sven? I must have missed that memo, I can write out the full name for her I suppose.

well which is it?
pS: Don't be shocked we all know that woman are peaceable and cuddly unless they're on the rag. Then they're volitale

That being the case, I think I'll steer clear of this thread from now on as it is pointless, and as my own period has just started.
