It's The First Annual Nude Day Erotic Story Contest!

No, rainbow, you were definitely not the only person to see that.

The Earl
National Nude Day Entries

Well to all who have submitted entries I've read and I like em, too bad the one I wrote turned out not to have nudity in it. Keep up the good work and don't worry about the voting your stories are much better than the votes your getting. Calibetsy:p
Re: Re: Two up.

perdita said:
Wow, I get to vote for you twice and it will be legal.

Rumor has it voting at least twice has always been legal in certain areas of Chicago and south Texas.

And as for Ogg and the other UK folks getting an eight hour jump on Chicklet, they should be so lucky. ;)

Rumple Foreskin
Re: Re: Re: Two up.

Rumple Foreskin said:
Rumor has it voting at least twice has always been legal in certain areas of Chicago and south Texas.

And as for Ogg and the other UK folks getting an eight hour jump on Chicklet, they should be so lucky. ;)

Rumple Foreskin

I try to behave like a gentleman so I delayed my first submission until after 00.01 on the first day on the West Coast of the US.

Now I have two stories in the contest but neither will win because my writing content and style is too British and has too little sex. I'm still aiming to come last, if I can.


PS I'm rather too old to jump on anyone. I need a consenting adult partner who is patient.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Two up.

oggbashan said:
Now I have two stories in the contest but neither will win because my writing content and style is too British and has too little sex. I'm still aiming to come last, if I can.
You've got a fight on your hands, big guy. Content and style aren't nearly as important to my bid for last place as is my lack of talent.

And when it comes to sex, you may be right that your story has too little "grunting and groaning" to appeal to hard core wankers, but even that can't insure you a last place finish. For as you may recall, my story has no sex at all. Heck, my poor, G rated submission is so innocuous it also has no curse words or intimate descriptions of various body parts.

When it comes to fighting for that coveted last place, your "divide and be conquered" strategy may not be enough to undercut my story's combination of bad writing and no sex. :)

Let the contest continue.

Rumple Foreskin
More ...

Alex de Kok says in the 600 word thread that he is submitting another entry so we have some more competition although I don't think he is aiming to come last.

I'm still surprised that so few authors have entered. These contests are a great way to exposure on Literotica, to get readers, feedback and votes.

I'm getting votes and feedback on stories that were posted a long time ago. The same thing happened during the Earth Day contest.

I don't think I'll try writing a third entry. Having read and appreciated other people's entries I'm reluctant to try again in this contest. I'll start thinking about Halloween.

Re: More ...

oggbashan said:
Alex de Kok says in the 600 word thread that he is submitting another entry so we have some more competition although I don't think he is aiming to come last.

I'm still surprised that so few authors have entered. These contests are a great way to exposure on Literotica, to get readers, feedback and votes.

I'm getting votes and feedback on stories that were posted a long time ago. The same thing happened during the Earth Day contest.

I don't think I'll try writing a third entry. Having read and appreciated other people's entries I'm reluctant to try again in this contest. I'll start thinking about Halloween.


I agree with you Og, my vote tally on my other stories has increased. I'm getting a lot of feedback saying they read my entry and are in the process of reading my other stories. I may come in last but IMHO I've won.

Cookie :)
I thought about submitting a second story, but gave up after discovering this little known clause in the Geneva Convention dealing with punishment for the inhuman treatment of readers.

Of course, if folks start checking out my other stories, I've got last place cinched. The rest of you might as well vote yourselves a five and take the rest of the day off.

Rumpledforskin's Story

:confused: Ok I may be new around her but I've read all the entries and rumpledforskin you are way off base. Your story was awesome, sweet and a little sappy and it is nice that not everything has to be totally about sex. I think you did a great job and I'm sorry to say wrote your self right out of contention for last place. I give you :nana: Dance nice job.
Re: Rumpledforskin's Story

Calibetsy said:
:confused: Ok I may be new around her but I've read all the entries and rumpledforskin you are way off base. Your story was awesome, sweet and a little sappy and it is nice that not everything has to be totally about sex. I think you did a great job and I'm sorry to say wrote your self right out of contention for last place. I give you :nana: Dance nice job.
Oh, geez, there you go, messing up a bad thing. :) But seriously folks, thanks for the warm fuzzy.

I'm glad you liked the piece. It's a short story version of a chapter from the novel I've just finished. Og and I got into the "battle for last place" when both of us had initial votes in the low, very low, three's. Since then, they've rocked back and forth. But for me, at least, the "fight for the cellar" has made the contest more fun.

Rumple Foreskin
National Nude Day Contest

Well I did it. I submitted my first contest entry. I just hope I don't make too poor a showing, who knows maybe I'll take last place, maybe they won't even print it, :confused:. And anyway it's probably way to long. I just didn't want to end it ;) oh and in case your wondering I love smilies. Good luck to all and have a great National Nude Day which is incidentally my real birthday. :D
Re: National Nude Day Contest

Calibetsy said:
Well I did it. I submitted my first contest entry. I just hope I don't make too poor a showing, who knows maybe I'll take last place, maybe they won't even print it, :confused:. And anyway it's probably way to long. I just didn't want to end it ;) oh and in case your wondering I love smilies. Good luck to all and have a great National Nude Day which is incidentally my real birthday. :D
and remember I'm not bad I'm just drawn that way ;) Jessica Rabbit
Re: Re: National Nude Day Contest

Calibetsy said:
and remember I'm not bad I'm just drawn that way ;) Jessica Rabbit
Calibetsy, when you finally reach whatever exalted plateau it is that grants folks the privilege of having a sig line, you would do well to remember that one.

As for your entering the fray, I say, CHEAT! Over use of smilies is an obvious effort to irritate readers in a calculated, sneaky, underhanded, unscrupulous, and basically just plain low-down attempt to make a grab for last place. (Wish I'd thought of it.)

It's a good thing I'm such a mild-mannered, laid-back type of guy. Just wait till Oggbashan and Cookiejar get a hold of you. Is your insurance (both medical and burial) paid up? :)

Rumple Foreskin
In my own defense

I did warn everyone in advance that I love smilies. Sorry I shall try to keep them to a minimun wouldn't want any unfair advantages now. :p :eek: :catgrin: :devil: :confused: :cool: :nana: :p Sorry couldn't resist
Last edited:
Re: In my own defense

Calibetsy said:
I did warn everyone in advance that I love smilies. Sorry I shall try to keep them to a minimun wouldn't want any unfair advantages now. :p :eek: :catgrin: :devil: :confused: :cool: :nana: :p Sorry couldn't resist
Remember I'm Not Bad I'm just Drawn that Way : Jessica Rabbit
Wow Got to learn how to do this right

Sorry some day I will learn to post right but hey what can you expect from a (gasp) virgin lol

Remember: I'm not bad I'm just drawn that way:: Jessica Rabbit
Re: Re: Re: National Nude Day Contest

Rumple Foreskin said:
Calibetsy, when you finally reach whatever exalted plateau it is that grants folks the privilege of having a sig line, you would do well to remember that one.

As for your entering the fray, I say, CHEAT! Over use of smilies is an obvious effort to irritate readers in a calculated, sneaky, underhanded, unscrupulous, and basically just plain low-down attempt to make a grab for last place. (Wish I'd thought of it.)

It's a good thing I'm such a mild-mannered, laid-back type of guy. Just wait till Oggbashan and Cookiejar get a hold of you. Is your insurance (both medical and burial) paid up? :)

Rumple Foreskin

I'll have you know RF that I'm just a sweet innocent, tripping through Lit's fields tossing the gentlemen Viagra from my little basket. :p
Og, Cookie, et al,

We may be in trouble. I just checked and ten (10) (X) new stories have been submitted. The ones I've checked out seem way too good to be serious contenders for last place. However, odds are, at least one or two of the others could be incompetent enough to give us a challenge for the dishonor of occupying the bottom rung of the contest food chain.

Tension mounts.

Rumple Foreskin
It's so un-be-fucking-lieavably HOT in my apartment, I just walk around in the nude, panting. Perhaps I should simply submit my diary to the contest..?
Svenskaflicka said:
It's so un-be-fucking-lieavably HOT in my apartment, I just walk around in the nude, panting. Perhaps I should simply submit my diary to the contest..?
Unless Laurel cuts you some slack, it probably won't be accepted unless you start walking around OUTSIDE in the nude. Of course, I'm all for inclusion and at least 100% on your side in this fight for freedom of speech and exposure. Don't let a bunch of arbitrary rules inhibit you. Feel free to post your diary entries, complete with photos. ;)

Rumple (broadminded) Foreskin
Maybe if I throw in me touching myself in front of the open window, being watched by a guy in the street below?:(
Or maybe I'm not walking around naked in MY apartment? Perhaps I'm a nude model in an art school?

*plot bunny!!!*
I made it. I submitted my story a few minutes ago. Phew.

OK, now for the most exciting part of any contest: the waiting.;)
So how long time do we have to collect votes? Until the 15th of July or the 15th of August?