It's The First Annual Nude Day Erotic Story Contest!

Laurel said:
The last day to submit contest entries is Sunday, July 6th. We will announce the 3 winners on Saturday, July 12.

I think that this means that the votes will be counted up until Friday, July 11th.
Svenskaflicka said:
Eeeeeek! And I only have 12 votes yet!:eek: :( Come on! Vote! 5 me!

been there. done that. loved the story- just off the wall enough....
Re: Re: Re: Re: Two up.

oggbashan said:
Now I have two stories in the contest but neither will win because my writing content and style is too British and has too little sex. I'm still aiming to come last, if I can.


PS I'm rather too old to jump on anyone. I need a consenting adult partner who is patient.

no one told me there is a consolation prize!

Is it a booby prize? :rolleyes:

I can't believe I wrote that.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Two up.

sirhugs said:
no one told me there is a consolation prize!

Is it a booby prize? :rolleyes:

I can't believe I wrote that.

Not as far as I know. All I wanted was the consolation of coming last because it was obvious that I wasn't in the running to come first. That was then. I still don't think I am a serious contender for first or runner up.

But I have had more votes and more feedback on my older stories so I'm pleased that I entered.

A gentleman should try to come last.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Two up.

oggbashan said:
A gentleman should try to come last.

Yes, thank you, Sir! Though in the moment it may not be the thought that counts. ;)

Hugs - use of boobies: very big turnoff.

Perdita (who voted for all of 'you' so I guess it's moot.)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Two up.

perdita said:
Yes, thank you, Sir! Though in the moment it may not be the thought that counts. ;)

Hugs - use of boobies: very big turnoff.

Perdita (who voted for all of 'you' so I guess it's moot.)


it was a joke( note the rolling of eyes at self above)...I had just read a comment by someone about that word- was it you perchance- but could not resist the pun.:eek:
I haven't yet (I don't think I can with a clear conscience) voted for my own story. Put me out of my misery and tell me it's ok then maybe I can boost my story up past 4.

It seems (I've asked but had no reply yet) but it seems that Laurel has been equalizing my scores. Vote went down average went up. It looks like some ones got taken away. Is it just me or is it for the contest as a whole?

Gauche, darling AV-creature-thing: I give myself 5s on everything; otherwise why would I submit something? I'm serious. Sheesh! Maybe it's the American agressor gene kicking in. Don't be so reserved, esp. about yourself.

Hugs: I always know you're joshin'. It was my new gal pal Mlle who said the thing about boobies and then I agreed w/her and then there you were using it you knaughty man.

I'm going to go vote again for Gauche, can't stand to think that Yorkshireman might be miserable.


(O, I miss the Earl boy :( ; he's gone on holiday for a couple weeks.)
27 votes! Yay!!!:)

Thank you, everyone who has voted for me! And thank you again, for giving me high votes!:heart: :heart: :heart:
gauchecritic said:
It seems (I've asked but had no reply yet) but it seems that Laurel has been equalizing my scores. Vote went down average went up. It looks like some ones got taken away. Is it just me or is it for the contest as a whole?


I think it's all of us. Mine yo-yoed up and down for a while, with apparent intervention from Laurel, but seem to have settled into fuzzy mediocrity.

Hi All,

Since I'm new around here and this is my first submission, maybe someone can explain about the voting process. I haven't seen a rules area, but I've read some of your comments suggesting that the voting is being monitored and altered. This might explain why my score changed, but the number of votes stayed the same. I've been scratching my head about that one.

Thanks to anyone who may have voted for my story. I'm about to get to work returning the favor.

--SexySoBeChick :cool:
Score changing and votes same is, I think, just a delay in updating between the two items.

Voting Voting

To Err Is Human To Forgive Devine To Err On A Grander Scale Is Your Government At Work
Hello to all, I have read each story in turn and I enjoyed most of them completely. Couple weren't my speed but all is good. As for coming in last place, I suspect I shall be the best contender I can't even get the required 25 votes to quailify. Good luck to all and you should all have 5 for taking a chance and entering in the first place.
There are a lot of new pretenders for the honor of bringing up the rear (so to speak) in this contest. Truth be told, those who entered at the last minute don't have a chance for last place.

When you're watching boxing, you've got time to check out the bios of the other contestants. As of a few minutes ago, there were 35 stories, 17 with scores of 4.50 or better as indicated by their having gotten an "H". Of those 17 "out of contention for last place" stories, 16 were also "new". There was only one non-newbie story, a nice piece of writing by Sambones, that stumbled ahead of the other bottom feeders by scoring high enough to get tagged with a dread "H".

This "curse of the last minute entry" even extends to very good writers such as Alex de Kok and Master Vassago. Their early entries still have a shot at being Boss of the Basement. However, each of them had a last minute entry and both are stuck with one of those cursed "H's".

I wonder what the ruling would be if someone had a story finish first and another come in last? Very interesting.

Rumple Forskin

ps to Calibetsy - You just got another vote. Being a good Democrat, I usually vote early and often, but slipped up this time. :) Hang in there. Mulit-page stories sometimes get lower vote totals.
Last edited:
I'm not one to beg, and my story is well below the competive "H" zone, but 25 votes would be nice . If you haven't yet read Cumming of Age in Nude America

please do so, and if you like it vote. even the views are nice, since I put it in " first Time", not " Incest", although on KM's standrads it might belong in "Incest", cause it reaklly is about Coming of Age. "Incest" would have garnered more views.

Feedback also welcome.
In reply to sirhugs

I read your story and voted but I notice that sometimes vote don't seem to get counted so don't worry if the total isn't showing up yet I'm sure it will. I hope that's what happens as I am still only sitting at 24 votes and it's Thursday already. Continued luck to all. And advanced congradulations to the winners.

The Lord never gives us more than we can handle...Just wish he didn't have so much faith in me.
Re: In reply to sirhugs

Calibetsy said:
I read your story and voted but I notice that sometimes vote don't seem to get counted so don't worry if the total isn't showing up yet I'm sure it will. I hope that's what happens as I am still only sitting at 24 votes and it's Thursday already. Continued luck to all. And advanced congradulations to the winners.


so subtle... I added my vote to your story. As I mentioned on someone's thread on sequels, I tend not to jump into chapter stories so had neglected your arousing little adventure. Glad I gave it a read.
I'm Sorry

In reply to sirhugs:

I just wanted to let everyone know that it wasn't my intention to sound as though I was soliciting votes. I didn't mean for it to come out that way. This is the first time I have written anything that I felt was worthy enough to be entered in anything and the only reason was because I had received such positive feedback on earlier parts of the story. However to sirhugs and the others how took the time to vote for me after my apparently not so subtle but totally unconious hint thank you thank you thank you and good luck with your stories as well.


Two Tears in a Bucket...Mother Fuck It: Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
I wonder if our vote-for-me-for-I-am-thy-friend system will cause Laurel to change the voting sytem..?:(
What is the voting system? Why do votes mysteriously disappear? Is there a Bermuda Triangle around here? :confused:
SexySoBeChick -

Laurel keeps an eye on voting, amongst her innumerable other tasks around here. If she suspects vote tampering she investigates and may adjust scores. She doesn't just blitz 'one' votes, because some are honestly given. I've had at least one for my 'mature' entry. I know, because the reader took time to write and explain why he'd done it!

Svenskaflicka -

Only if you voted me a 5 and everyone else a 1!

The Bermunda Triangle Of Votes

It seems to me that there isn't any logical system to the voting, however, I believe that since the computer is able to tract who voted and when maybe after the review at the end of the day anyone who voted for themselves either logged in or amonymusly(pardon the spelling) have the extra votes discounted. That seems as though it would only be fair, that way no narsasistic person can just keep voting for themselves over and over. That's just what I think, otherwise the system makes absolutely no sense. Has anyone asked Laurel about it?
Two Tears in a Bucket...Mother Fuck It
Re: The Bermunda Triangle Of Votes

Calibetsy said:
that way no narsasistic person can just keep voting for themselves over and over.

You can't vote for ANY story more than once, your own or others.
I Have A Question

Here's my question???? Does anyone know how the contest is decided? Is it based on overall average, whomever has the highest wins? or is it based on the number of votes a story recieves? Perhaps it's based on the number of people who read it. I'm not sure, but I believe understand that the story must garner at minimun 25 votes to be considered. Is that correct? I would appreciate it if someone let me know thanks.
