It's The First Annual Nude Day Erotic Story Contest!

Re: Fit For Last

Calibetsy said:
...if you can't get enough votes does that automatically make you last place? Oh and congradulations to all the winners well done and everyone else? Better luck next time.
I second, third, etc. all the other congratulations to the winners. As for the issue of elgibility, that will probably need to be adjudicated by a higher power.

A special, "atta boy" to Gauchecritic for apparently, well, not exactly NOSING the rest of us out for last place dis-honors, but you get the idea. Just remember, as I understand the lack of rules, this is a DISTINCTIVE recognition that has nothing to do with anything distingushed.

And now, w/o further ado, here are my totals:

Views: 11448 (the early entrant gets the views)

Votes: 69 (with that symbolic number I should have done better)

Rating: 4.48 (oh, for want of a five, an H was lost)

Rumple Foreskin
I'm certainly thankful that the lack of rules don't include having to pay Laurel US$100. for taking last place.

gauchecritic said:
I'm certainly thankful that the lack of rules don't include having to pay Laurel US$100. for taking last place.

That would be cold, wouldn't it? For a contest that didn't cost me a penny to enter, this was fun. However, next time I'll know to enter twice. The story that's entered on the first day will probably have plenty of votes and a fighting chance for last place. The story submitted on the last possible day, might have a chance at finishing in the money, IF, enough votes can be hustled-up.

Maybe the AH irrregulars will swing into action sooner for the next fierce competition. Until then, enjoy your distinctive, if undistingueshed, title.

Rumple Foreskin
While we're wearing our hair shirts

Rumple Foreskin said:
That would be cold, wouldn't it? For a contest that didn't cost me a penny to enter, this was fun. However, next time I'll know to enter twice. The story that's entered on the first day will probably have plenty of votes and a fighting chance for last place. The story submitted on the last possible day, might have a chance at finishing in the money, IF, enough votes can be hustled-up.
Exactly what my wife said! My first entry was doing great while there were only four or five others, then slipped, while 'Kowalski' fought harder. I missed this thread earlier, so my figures are as at nearly noon (GMT) on the 13th:

Okay Baby, We'll Do It! 64,321 views, 334 votes, 4.42 average (4.41 on the 12th).
Kowalski Gets Her Man 10,974 views, 148 votes, 4.61 average.

I guess my 'fuzzy mediocrity' quip wasn't too far off, although I'm pleased about Kowalski as it was a double first for me, first attempt at writing anything with deliberate humour and first attempt at writing anything with a police background.

My congratulations to the winners (no hard feelings, honest) and here's to the next contest. Now if I can only think of something original for Hallowe'en...

Re: While we're wearing our hair shirts

Alex De Kok said:
Now if I can only think of something original for Hallowe'en...
I've never entered a contest, but I might try the Hallowe'en. I've been toying with the idea of a scene involving a South African singing cowboy wearing a corset, several sheep, and a garderobe. All the elements for a classic spooky story.
Ps. Oh, and a raven named "Quoth."
Last edited:
Re: Re: While we're wearing our hair shirts

MathGirl said:
I've never entered a contest, but I might try the Hallowe'en. I've been toying with the idea of a scene involving a South African singing cowboy wearing a corset, several sheep, and a garderobe. All the elements for a classic spooky story.

where does the zombie fit in?
Re: Re: Re: While we're wearing our hair shirts

sirhugs said:
where does the zombie fit in?
Dear SH,
Good point. Okay, let's make one of the critters a werewolf in sheep's ... um ... garter belt. That's as good as a zombie, isn't it?
Ps. Quoth the raven could say ..... umm.... don't want to give away the irony I've planned for the story. Irony's big lately, you know.
Re: Re: Re: Re: While we're wearing our hair shirts

MathGirl said:
Dear SH,
Good point. Okay, let's make one of the critters a werewolf in sheep's ... um ... garter belt. That's as good as a zombie, isn't it?
Ps. Quoth the raven could say ..... umm.... don't want to give away the irony I've planned for the story. Irony's big lately, you know.
Keep trying, MG. You've got over three months to work out the details.

Meeting The Deli Chick, votes 141 , views 20113, score 4.32

Private Duty Nurse, votes 84, views 25037, score 4.57
It's Here!

Happy National Nude Day.

And thanks for those who read and voted for my story. Special thanks for the brave few who sent fedback.
Happy Nude Day!

I was naked from midnight til a few minutes ago. Kind of boring though. Going to work where I expect no nudity at all.

anxious for a real holiday: Nov. 2, El Dia de los Muertos!

No, I don't have a nude photo of me. That AV looks pretty much liek me, though.

You're authors, for crying out loud! Smut authors, too, I might add! Use your dirty imagination, people!;)
Dear Svenska,
What's a "thestral?"
Ps. Now that I've bared all, I'm gonna resume being the shy, retiring type I normally am.
Pps. Perdita, Is El Dia de los Muertos just a Mexican thing, or do other Latin countries do that?

I have a fine imagination thank you very much. You're too pink though, I love that extreme whiteness of the real you. In fact I love your 'real' AV, much sexier than the nudie here.

bessos, Perdita :kiss:
MathGirl said:
Now that I've bared all, I'm gonna resume being the shy, retiring type I normally am.
Uh, you're always nude, MG (except for the glasses or those beach babes); but then nude babies don't really count (except in Lit. stories).

Keep that big butt powdered, dear.

MathGirl said:
Dear Svenska,
What's a "thestral?"
Ps. Now that I've bared all, I'm gonna resume being the shy, retiring type I normally am.
Pps. Perdita, Is El Dia de los Muertos just a Mexican thing, or do other Latin countries do that?

Dear MG, a Thestral is a creature that looks pretty much like the skeleton of a horse. They eat raw flesh, are very good at finding their way (and are therefor excellent at taking you wherever you want to go), and can only be seen by those who have witnessed someone die.


PS!) You're ALWAYS baring everything - the only piece of clothing I see on that baby are those sunglasses. (Aaaaahhhh!!! Child pornography!!!!!:eek: )
Re: Flicka:

perdita said:
I have a fine imagination thank you very much. You're too pink though, I love that extreme whiteness of the real you. In fact I love your 'real' AV, much sexier than the nudie here.

bessos, Perdita :kiss:

The extreme whiteness in my old AV is due to the fact that we were standing facing strong sunlight. That also explains why my eyes look so weird. In real life, I'm as pink as a piglet!:D
To celebrate this noble day, I'd thought about posting an AV of me buck naked. I finally decided to spare everyone since that wouldn't be indecent exposure so much as it'd be a disgusting display. :)

Rumple Foreskin
The worst case of public nudit has to be the time when I was a nude model for an art class, and one of the students had brought her dog, a cute and VERY friendly little bull terrier. He made several brave attempts to break loose from his mistress and run over to me as I stood on the podium, posing.

"It's actually cruel to the animal," I pointed out, "to expose him to all this naked flesh. I can imagine what he's thinking right now: Whow! Lunch!!!..."
Happy Bastille Day

Let's go and storm a prison for political prisoners. We'd have to be naked to show we're not carrying WMDs.

Any prisons with political prisoners near you? The UK has some in Northern Ireland. We might have to ignore the unpleasant consequences when those released shoot, bomb or knee-cap other UK citizens for glory of their political cause.

If you are a US citizen why not try Camp X-Ray at Guantanamo Bay? I hope it's better defended than the Bastille was.

For political prisoners in other countries ask Amnesty International. They can provide a list of convenient locations to storm. For some prisons WMDs could be a useful accessory. I don't think I would stand much chance of invading, say N***h K***a, on my own, naked or not.

Just a note to inform you...

... that today is the Name's Day of Her Royal Highness Viktoria, Crown Princess of Sweden.

All the flags are up, and swaying boldly in the wind.
Re: Just a note to inform you...

Svenskaflicka said:
... All the flags are up, and swaying boldly in the wind.
No disrespect to the princess but I like the idea of flags being up and bold.

Ogg: I'm too old for political activism, but I myself like to be stormed by nude men.

Perdita ;)
I once knew a girl who could fold a towel so that it got an erection...

(Oh, the skills of teenage years...:rolleyes: )