Skinny girls? OR Girls with some meat?


It's all a matter of confidence and being comfortable with you body, I like both body types and I find that women who enjoy their body are very sexy, regardless of weight :)

college geek has that "it" thing about her that makes her seem incredibly attractive, I'd like to get to know her better if I can myself :catgrin:
misterspokes said:
college geek has that "it" thing about her that makes her seem incredibly attractive, I'd like to get to know her better if I can myself :catgrin:
Bah. :eek: Thank you, Misterspokes.
Everyone has their own preference in what they look for and like in others. This holds true not only with appearance but also with people we like to be around and deal with. Everyone knows what type of personality they like to be around. Some like wild and some like demure. I think someone can be outwardly beautiful but if their temperment and persaonality doesn't connect to my own, then our potential for a relationship of any kind is limited.

Personally, I like girls that are different than the barbie doll type. I love girls who love to laugh, joke, have intelligent conversations about intelligent things, have intelligent conversations about stupid things, read, and also girls that fit somewhere into my mold ofwhat is attractive physically. For me attraction varies to fit what I feel mentally and spiritually from that particular woman.

But that's just me.
i'd always thought I was 5.5 and just found out through some converter that my 165 cm frame is only 5.4. Now I feel shorter....grrrr

I'm always considered big among petite local Asians, the white guys I know sure like petite girls. But maybe they just haven't met me yet. :cathappy:
I have a preference for girls with more meat on their bones - it's hard to explain but they tend to leave me breathless and all bothered.

There's also a certain beauty to 'skinny' girls although I prefer the more athletic, toned look (actually earned) rather than skin & bones type.
I love all the responses that these questions always get: "I love all women, no matter their size, race, or ethnicity."

The truth is, guys are pigs and will almost always go for the better looking girl, even when the pretty one has demonstrated an ugly personality.

There was an episode of The Chelsea Handler Show where she picked a couple of girls and with some makeup workovers made one look super hot and the other look plain (hey, it's Hollywood - they couldn't find an ugly chick). Then they placed these two girls in a kind of speed-dating thing with six regular guys.

The hot chick was fed lines via an earpiece that made her appear to be the worst possible choice for a date. She was shallow, vapid and she was even told to admit that she farted during the conversation with one guy.

The plain girl was given a background of family wealth and unlimited use of Dad's sports car collection, season box seats at NFL games, personal love of sports, beer, poker and possible involvement with other women for a threesome. In other words, she was what every man says they want in a woman.

After the men had talked to each woman for a few minutes they were asked to write down which one they would want a second date with. All but one picked the hot girl. When asked why, their unanimous response was: "Look at her!"

So, when guys say they want a good girl and that the inside is what counts, remember that men will do or say anything to get in a woman's pants. If they think they have an equal chance at getting in the pants of a skinny model or a slightly overweight truck driver, they will take the model time after time.

But I'm sure that every guy on this forum is different. (Yeah. Right.)
Ekserb said:
After the men had talked to each woman for a few minutes they were asked to write down which one they would want a second date with. All but one picked the hot girl. When asked why, their unanimous response was: "Look at her!"
That's what I've learned at college. Too bad they don't have a B.S. for The Male Sexual Mind.
May as well jump in.

Honestly, my tastes in women have always varied relatively widely. I've been infatuated with girls (going back to middle and high school here) and women whom others might call "average" and those whom others might call "stunning." I've fallen for athletic types, well tanned, pale, Asian, Indian, Caucasian, tall, short, busty, and essentially flat girls/women.

My first infatuation was with a fairly tall, slender blonde. My first real girlfriend was a flat chested, tanned, brunette diver. My wife's a pale, 5'4", b-cup relatively slim beauty. In between, I've been attracted to many sorts/types. Overall, proportion has been perhaps the most important part, though I find myself attracted to slim/slender/average build women, probably because Mom's bigger - have fun with that, Mr. Freud. ;)

Numerically, I tend to prefer 5'3" - 5'9" and B-C chests, but that's just me.

To use celebrity examples, I've never understood why anyone's attracted to Pam Anderson, Paris Hilton or Anna Nicole. On the other hand, I adore Jennifer Connolly (sp?), Julia Roberts (had a smoldering crush on her ever since Pretty Woman, I'll admit), Claudia Black, Keira Knightley, and Alyssa Milano. And the actress who plays Rose Tyler on Dr. Who is pretty cute. :)

(Ekserb may not believe this, but then there's no accounting for an over-inflated sense of cynicism and being out of touch with reality - I walk around a major state university campus at least three days a week and see hundreds of counter examples)
Vandren said:
On the other hand, I adore Jennifer Connolly (sp?), Julia Roberts (had a smoldering crush on her ever since Pretty Woman, I'll admit), Claudia Black, Keira Knightley, and Alyssa Milano. And the actress who plays Rose Tyler on Dr. Who is pretty cute. :)

(Ekserb may not believe this, but then there's no accounting for an over-inflated sense of cynicism and being out of touch with reality - I walk around a major state university campus at least three days a week and see hundreds of counter examples)
Not sure why Ekserb wouldn't be able to believe it...those women are not plain at all, with or without make-up.
Ekserb said:
I love all the responses that these questions always get: "I love all women, no matter their size, race, or ethnicity."

The truth is, guys are pigs and will almost always go for the better looking girl, even when the pretty one has demonstrated an ugly personality.

There was an episode of The Chelsea Handler Show where she picked a couple of girls and with some makeup workovers made one look super hot and the other look plain (hey, it's Hollywood - they couldn't find an ugly chick). Then they placed these two girls in a kind of speed-dating thing with six regular guys.

The hot chick was fed lines via an earpiece that made her appear to be the worst possible choice for a date. She was shallow, vapid and she was even told to admit that she farted during the conversation with one guy.

The plain girl was given a background of family wealth and unlimited use of Dad's sports car collection, season box seats at NFL games, personal love of sports, beer, poker and possible involvement with other women for a threesome. In other words, she was what every man says they want in a woman.

After the men had talked to each woman for a few minutes they were asked to write down which one they would want a second date with. All but one picked the hot girl. When asked why, their unanimous response was: "Look at her!"

So, when guys say they want a good girl and that the inside is what counts, remember that men will do or say anything to get in a woman's pants. If they think they have an equal chance at getting in the pants of a skinny model or a slightly overweight truck driver, they will take the model time after time.

But I'm sure that every guy on this forum is different. (Yeah. Right.)

Well what could any man say to that. I guess the male race is doomed. I respect your opinion, but I personally am offended. I do realize many men are exactly as you described, but even in your scenerio almost 17% of men would not be as you described. I would like to count myself as part of the 17%. Just reading the scenerio without seeing the two women I would make the same choice as the 17%. And you know something it works both ways. There are many shallow women out there who SAY they want the romantic type, someone who can show a sensitive side at times, someone who respects them... yet time and time again it is always the asshole guys with girlfriends. They treat their women like shit and you all stay with him, because in your twisted mind you think you can't get anything better. Yes I will admit there are times when a beautiful woman who has no exxess weight stands next to a plain woman who might be slightly overweight I would look at the 'hotter' one first... but in my experiences the 'plain jane' is better for a relationship. Judging someone by their outward appearance alone is done by both sexes. So don't just go insulting all of the male race because you have been wronged... Some women are just as bad...the cliche 'tall dark and handsome' comes to mind. Men who are muscular. Or well endowed. It's a two way street.
College_geek said:
Not sure why Ekserb wouldn't be able to believe it...those women are not plain at all, with or without make-up.

Actually, that referred to the previous three paragraphs, all of which, I think, disproved (or flew in the face of) his incredibly cynical statement. (Just for clarity, I ought to point out that no well-known examples of the other types of women I've been attracted to came to mind late last night.)

This particular statement - "remember that men will do or say anything to get in a woman's pants" - I find especially offensive and overly cynical, seeing as it only applies to less than a quarter of the male population in my experience.
Vandren said:
This particular statement - "remember that men will do or say anything to get in a woman's pants" - I find especially offensive and overly cynical, seeing as it only applies to less than a quarter of the male population in my experience.
I stand corrected. I was in a very cynical mood last night...felt like stabbing everything verbally. I apologize.
jenlee84 said:
Being an Asian female, I do not understand why American White guys like me. Is it a skinny thing? I am 100 pounds and 5'2." Why is it that African Americans like meat?

-Jen :kiss:

5'3 and 100lbs. sounds bout perfect to me...

it's all about how you wear it to me.. i don't like too much one way or another.. very height dependent.. plus men never know what they really want... we suck :p
jenlee84 said:
Being an Asian female, I do not understand why American White guys like me. Is it a skinny thing? I am 100 pounds and 5'2." Why is it that African Americans like meat?

-Jen :kiss:

I fucking LOVE skinny girls, it's a dominate thing and i dunno...they attract me, but i don't like anorexic chicks!
jenlee84 said:
Being an Asian female, I do not understand why American White guys like me. Is it a skinny thing? I am 100 pounds and 5'2." Why is it that African Americans like meat?

-Jen :kiss:
Its not a skinny thing, its likely an asian thing...

And we like meat because big ass means tight pussy...
College_geek said:
I stand corrected. I was in a very cynical mood last night...felt like stabbing everything verbally. I apologize.

NP. I probably could have phrased some stuff a bit clearer. And really should have, given my job.

Ah well, c'est la vie (I probably butchered that). :)
well i would have to say skinny being a small girl my self im 35kg which is about 70 pounds i think but not sure
i look at other people (even though i have my SO... i can still apreciate the scenery) and i look more at other things...
(this board - How important are certain body parts?)

my SO is slightly overweight but even if she is self-depreciating she holds herself confidently and with her chin up she's a very strong person and that's a part of what attracted me to her, she was strong... (i was a bit of an emotional weakling and loved to surround myself with strength... i've become more confident and strong myself thanks to her...)
angelkitty7888 said:
i look at other people (even though i have my SO... i can still apreciate the scenery) and i look more at other things...
(this board - How important are certain body parts?)

my SO is slightly overweight but even if she is self-depreciating she holds herself confidently and with her chin up she's a very strong person and that's a part of what attracted me to her, she was strong... (i was a bit of an emotional weakling and loved to surround myself with strength... i've become more confident and strong myself thanks to her...)

As your SO shows, sensuality cums from within a person. It cannot be defined by age, weight or body mass.
As I suspected, the men of Lit truly are the only group of men who are immune from the physical charms of women. Apparently these men are so tuned into a woman's personality that they feel absolutely nothing when they look at Playboy, Penthouse, or FHM. (If they do have any copies around the house I'm sure they read the articles and avoid the pictures.)

Pleeeeeeease. I am so fucking tired of the bullshit online personas. There are maybe a dozen honest people on this forum and they are so rudely criticized for their candid opinions that they rarely say anything. This forum (and the entire country for that matter) are so Politically Correct that no one says what they think anymore - they only say what they think other people want to hear.

There are some women on this board who are indeed sexy and attractive despite being a little overweight or a little short or a few years older. There's no denying that. What I find hard to believe, however, is the numbers of men who say they would choose a woman based solely on her personality instead of what she looks like.

It's easy to bang away on a keyboard and play the person of high moral character, but in the real world when presented with a real choice between a hot chick and an average girl, men will almost always pick the hot girl. I don't know how many different ways to say it and you all know it's true. Ask any woman who goes to a bar and finds herself sitting alone for hours while the gorgeous model has to beat off the men from the moment she walks in the door. Is it because the model has such an amazing mind and loves sports and beer? Hah! No way.

How many men walk into that same club and walk right up to the worst-dressed girl in the place and start talking to her to find out about her dreams and desires? No fucking way. They might find their way over to her corner after they've been shot down by one or two of the better looking women, but they never start with the fat chicks (unless they have a fetish for that kind of girl).

Any man who is honest with himself will admit that he would walk up to the better looking of two women if he had no other criteria to go on. Jesus, who wouldn't?!? Even if the women were identical twins he would more likely gravitate toward one over the other if the first was better dressed or was wearing nicer makeup.

As usual, there may be a handful of exceptions, but study after study proves that men are primarily attracted to pretty women. If she happens to have a brain in her pretty little head, that's only a bonus. (In fact, many times the brain might be a turn off to the man if he was really only interested in getting laid.)

So go ahead, let me have it for being honest and speaking the truth.
Ekserb, why all the anger? Everybody has their weird fetishes. Maybe all those other people on this thread just have a personality fetish. Personally, I can't relate, but to each their own. ;)

The way I interpreted the question was more of a "Scarlett Johanssen" v. "Gwyneth Paltrow" type question, not so much of a "Roseanne Barr" v. "Claudia Schiffer" question. (We all know that 99.99% of people would take Claudia over Roseanne.)

I guess a better way to phrase it is, if you have two women, each considered beautiful by the standards of Western mainstream society, and one is skinny whilst the other is curvaceous, which do you prefer?

I said, personally I like both. I mean, I would totally do young Debbie Harry back in the 70's (skinny), but I'd do Rachel Weisz as well (voluptuous). Maybe if I had some sort of amazing time travel device and a sack full of aphrodesiacs I could do both at the same time! Okay, who's with me?