Are you Lit stalkworthy?

I am absolutely stalk worthy … I post hilarious memes… I’m your best hype girl and I also will eviscerate you but you will somehow love it and ask for more.
I believe that I am Lit stalk-worthy. And I generally enjoy the special attention, unless it happens to come from a mod with self-esteem issues.
Well I think I’m hilariously witty - but that’s probably not what is stalk worthy on a sex site? But apparently my AV gets a lot of attention 😁
I mean, I'm sort of stalking you. Lol

In my defense (as if I had any), you're going to the same threads I look at. lol
I mean, I'm sort of stalking you. Lol

In my defense (as if I had any), you're going to the same threads I look at. lol
Is it my hilarious wit or the AV? 😁

(I am a creature of habit and tend to stick to the same threads when I wander back into this place)