Post a reason why the person above would appear in the evening breaking news

His orgy parties are even more popular than ever in this era of "social distancing".
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His orgy parties are even more popular than ever in this era of "social distancing".

Man chokes on lollipop on sidewalk, crowd practices "social distancing" until 7 year old steps up and performs Heimlich Method and saves his butt.
Broke the world record for eating the most Sour Patch Kids in one hour.

that's not that far fetched, deckard

Claimed he was taken away by the dream police. His friends later learned it was a cheap trick for attention. more of a baseless lie?
that's not that far fetched, deckard

Claimed he was taken away by the dream police. His friends later learned it was a cheap trick for attention. more of a baseless lie?

so now you should be Sour Lara! Ha ha ha ha :)

Never actually read or saw Dr Zhivago.
Every year, dozens of Litizens gather at the gates of the inconspicuous home of one so-called DeckardNYC, engaging in the immemorial festivity of throwing rotten cabbages into the yard. This tradition has absolutely no historical background or actual purpose.
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Every year, dozens of Litizens gather at the gates of the inconspicuous home of one so-called DeckardNYC, engaging in the immemorial festivity of throwing rotten cabbages into the yard. This tradition has absolutely no historical background or actual purpose.

As a new age cult leader.
Exposed her tits to a grocery store stock boy in an effort to exceed the limit of only two rolls of toilet paper.

This just in: Johnnie Blue, 44, a bagboy at Whole Foods, was arrested today for sexual misconduct when he attempted to make a customer bare her breasts for free tissue. More as this story develops.
This just in: Johnnie Blue, 44, a bagboy at Whole Foods, was arrested today for sexual misconduct when he attempted to make a customer bare her breasts for free tissue. More as this story develops.

Florida Man arrested for selling fake cures to COVID-19.
For violating a full-quarantine order invoked in NYC, and jumping on a flower bed hard from the deck above!
banned? wrong thread deckard :D but then these threads really all look alike

He was hatched from an eagle's egg live on camera as the world watched
Arrested for hiding 4,000 rolls of tp

He held a Covid19 party and had the nerve to invite the govenor of Kentucky. The govenor actually showed up, did his Mister Rogers's shame/pep speech, and now Deckard is on the "Healthy (alone) at Home" bandwagon.
He held a Covid19 party and had the nerve to invite the govenor of Kentucky. The govenor actually showed up, did his Mister Rogers's shame/pep speech, and now Deckard is on the "Healthy (alone) at Home" bandwagon.

Won second prize in a beauty contest, and the whole $10.

Made the news because the winner was caught deep-throating the judge when she was supposed to be getting crowned.
Sexy woman arrested for distracting train conductor causing large crash. All passengers ignored their injuries and pursued this mystery woman. $1,000,000 reward for her capture $1,500,00 if you get her in cuffs.