Unpopular Opinions

I will save the life of a human being at the expense of an animal any time. It's not that I don't think animals have value; but humans have more. Any human.

What if it is a criminal deviant that you're required to save? Would your choice still hold good?
What if it is a criminal deviant that you're required to save? Would your choice still hold good?

I know it is difficult, but I very much value human life. I don't believe in capital punishment. Taking human lives is not for me to decide. These are not happy things to contemplate or discuss, but I will still take the human every time.
I know it is difficult, but I very much value human life. I don't believe in capital punishment. Taking human lives is not for me to decide. These are not happy things to contemplate or discuss, but I will still take the human every time.

Fair enough - I suppose it isn't a guiding principle until it is tough to adhere to it under the most pressing circumstances.
I know it is difficult, but I very much value human life. I don't believe in capital punishment. Taking human lives is not for me to decide. These are not happy things to contemplate or discuss, but I will still take the human every time.

I can easily get behind that.

I love winter, all of the snow, ice, and cold. I prefer over most other seasons.

When I was younger, I more appreciated winter. Nowadays, I love the winter to look at, but walking through slush, shoveling snow and driving on ice are reasons I've changed my mind.

Smoking should be banned in all public spaces.

I could agree with this provided two exceptions; public outdoor spaces (parks, sidewalks, etc) and bars. I'll even go as far as saying bars can be non-smoking if they want, but the whole "half is smoking/half is not" is a joke.
I will save the life of a human being at the expense of an animal any time. It's not that I don't think animals have value; but humans have more. Any human.

Unpopular Opinion As long as it's not my dog then I'm with you.
Sue me, I'd save my dog over most people :p

I think it is immoral to eat meat if you would not be prepared to actually kill animals for food in reality.
I am a firm believer in the food chain, so I'll have me a burger. If there is an alien race powerful enough to make us its food, so be it