Unpopular Opinions

The only 2 breeds of dogs my parents had growing up.
Dobes rool, those little dogs.........are lunch (Paris Hilton purse rats)


Hey, I have a RSS feed for Beatles and Leigh81. There's more where that came from. :cool:
I dont believe there is a supreme being or deity.

In tandem to that, we are quite alone and we don't go to a magical place filled with clouds, or pools of fire, when we die. we go into the bellies of worms and that's it.
I believe we aren't alone in the universe. I believe there is life out there, but whether it is intelligent or not is another question.

In tandem to that, I don't believe aliens travel thousands of light years; to come to earth only to buzz locals in the sticks.

In tandem to that, I believe it's possible that a Terran saurian race developed to the point of space travel and might be re-visiting their former home planet.

In tandem to that, it's my opinion that if there were intelligent beings elsewhere in the milky way, it would be a higher chance that they would be further out than the earth's solar system.
The premise is that it took the earth billions of years to get everything right to produce intelligent beings. that is, if the milky way is expanding with age and all it's solar systems came from the same place at it's center, then likely solar systems with the premise of life might develop at the same rate, and thus solar systems at our distance from the center, or greater are the most likely to have developed intelligent life.
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I believe stores that sell the socialist business mentality of selling a "membership" to get better deals, is the greatest example that they think their patrons who buy it are imbeciles.
Its my opinion that a product insurance plan, or extended warranty, is the most foolish thing you could purchase; the logic is: if it breaks one day after the manufacturers warranty, then the cost for the warranty pays off.

My logic is, if it breaks one day after the manufacturers warranty, then the product is shit, and why would I want shit to be replaced endlessly?
Lit is an erotic literature site with anonymous people, but people here are just as uptight about sex as they are in real life. Being judged by people you don't know isn't any different than being judged by people you do know. It's very strange.
Airika :rolleyes:
Just spell your fucking name conventionally already.
Poser. Your whole life is a joke.

Too harsh?
Airika :rolleyes:
Just spell your fucking name conventionally already.
Poser. Your whole life is a joke.

Too harsh?

perhaps a touch, but I can relate to being annoyed with people using different spelling of names for no reason except to be different.


My unpopular opinion is that I like discussing unpopular opinions, or even taking on an unpopular opinion just to work out why it is unpopular, or even if it should be.

I'll throw out a wild for instance: Hitler
People sensationalize his badness to make hating him easier; to distance themselves from him in anything he liked and therefor something that might be a shared like.
Hitler liked dogs, does that mean that all dog lovers are hitler wannabes? (to cat lovers, perhaps!)

He made a major bad mistake (or two or three) and should be held accountable for what he did or enacted, but does that mean anything he believed in was wrong?
For example, he believed in family, patriotism, and orgies, but does all that mean all those things are "evil"?
He also believed in socialism like Obama, Great Britain and Russia, but does that mean all socialists are Hitler wannabe's?

If anybody responds, please don't turn this into a political debate, I am only taking this from a sociological and philosophical perspective.
Lit is an erotic literature site with anonymous people, but people here are just as uptight about sex as they are in real life. Being judged by people you don't know isn't any different than being judged by people you do know. It's very strange.

How are people here uptight about sex?
Christian from 50 Shades sets the standard for what makes a man.
I Think Brexit and Trump are all you need as proof that aliens are controlling our world already
If forced to choose, I have more faith in the ordinary joe's than I do in the technocratic elites.
I will save the life of a human being at the expense of an animal any time. It's not that I don't think animals have value; but humans have more. Any human.
I love winter, all of the snow, ice, and cold. I prefer over most other seasons.