Do guns make us more safe?

Exactly, south of the border. I do so like it here. We have a stand your ground law here meaning if I am threatened with bodily harm I can use deadly force to protect myself.

A boot in his ass until you meet up with someone stronger, tougher, in better shape, and better trained, that beats your ass into the ground and carves you up with his little 3 inch jack knife. Yeah, I prefer the right to have my hand gun with me.

Those stand your ground laws are just an excuse to kill people.
Those stand your ground laws are just an excuse to kill people.
Plus, from what I saw, I thought TH wanted that guy in his house? Having second thoughts and pulling a gun on a dude is weak!

Don’t get friends that way. What kind of swipe is that??
Yes I've already noted that you chickens down there have laws protecting you when you fire first.

That possibility exists, but I'm not a scared little man who needs to have a handgun, "just in case". See the difference, and I'm not in the minority up here. That's the normal attitude. We're very polite, but don't let that politeness make you think we're pushovers.

Yes, I've seen you post that a couple times. That's kind of why I think you're a chicken. I spent years working in the US, and never felt the need to be armed.
Yawn...Oh look another internet tough guy. Honestly I don't give a fuck what you think. I honestly hope your delusional belief you can beat everyone's ass doesn't cost you your life. As for me, I will carry a gun when I choose to simply because I am not a delusional super hero. My first move ALWAYS is to remove myself from a situation before it goes sideways. If I can't I will do whatever is necessary to protect me and my loved ones.

Besides it's a moot point for you anyways because of all your new gun laws it's almost impossible for a civilian to get a carry permit.
Plus, from what I saw, I thought TH wanted that guy in his house? Having second thoughts and pulling a gun on a dude is weak!

Don’t get friends that way. What kind of swipe is that??
Well I meant just in general. Even if it would be difficult to prove in 90% of cases the idea that you should withdraw if you can is not preached.
Yawn...Oh look another internet tough guy.
Umm I'm not the guy here saying " I need a gun for self protection",now am I?
Honestly I don't give a fuck what you think.
And I don't give a fuck what you think. I am just pointing out the difference in our Countries laws, and people. That you don't like that difference, and get insulted by it, is not my problem.
I honestly hope your delusional belief you can beat everyone's ass doesn't cost you your life.
Why would it, the threat here doesn't exist. Yes there is gang on gang shootings, but lets think about that for a second. First when you're in a gang, if the other gang fucks with you, or steals something of value. You can't just run to the police and get them to "arrest" the other gang. You need to be able to defend yourself cause there is no backstop. Since the major supply of illegal handguns flow from the us, like water in a stream, there is a risk because gangs can get guns pretty easily . But the gangs don't want the cops breathing down their necks cause they shot the wrong person.

The same situation exists in the US, but you get all these weapons relate businesses selling their wares on the marketing of "fear". ican't just admitted that the last threat he faced was in 1975. Wow big need for arms eh? Fuck off with your fear, it's owning you it seems.
As for me, I will carry a gun when I choose to simply because I am not a delusional super hero.
No your not, you're an admitted chickenshit scared of your own shadow it seems.
My first move ALWAYS is to remove myself from a situation before it goes sideways. If I can't I will do whatever is necessary to protect me and my loved ones.
Good plan, and when was the last time you actually had to do that??? For me its been never.
Besides it's a moot point for you anyways because of all your new gun laws it's almost impossible for a civilian to get a carry permit.
New gun laws, hell you've haven't been able to do that since the 1920's.
No they are an excuse not to become a victim from a violent attack. I suppose in your demented mind a dead victim is better than a dead criminal.
Nobody dead is ideal but the reality is that people with those Stand your Ground laws in many cases make no attempt to remove themselves from the situation. Or like that guy in Florida a few years back actively put themselves in a bad situation.
Nobody dead is ideal but the reality is that people with those Stand your Ground laws in many cases make no attempt to remove themselves from the situation. Or like that guy in Florida a few years back actively put themselves in a bad situation.
My plan is whenever possible to have enough situational awareness to remove myself before something goes sideways. I honestly hope I never have to pull my pistol out of the holster in a hostile situation.
Umm I'm not the guy here saying " I need a gun for self protection",now am I?

No, you are the delusional super hero that fears nothing and no one. Most often the first to die when shit really goes down.

And I don't give a fuck what you think. I am just pointing out the difference in our Countries laws, and people. That you don't like that difference, and get insulted by it, is not my problem.

Unlike you Canadians that seem obsessed with what goes on in the US my bet is just like me most US citizens don't give Canada a second thought. Well except for maybe during hockey season.

Why would it, the threat here doesn't exist. Yes there is gang on gang shootings, but lets think about that for a second. First when you're in a gang, if the other gang fucks with you, or steals something of value. You can't just run to the police and get them to "arrest" the other gang. You need to be able to defend yourself cause there is no backstop. Since the major supply of illegal handguns flow from the us, like water in a stream, there is a risk because gangs can get guns pretty easily . But the gangs don't want the cops breathing down their necks cause they shot the wrong person.

Oh my! Canada has civilized gangs and gang warfare. How quaint.

The same situation exists in the US, but you get all these weapons relate businesses selling their wares on the marketing of "fear". ican't just admitted that the last threat he faced was in 1975. Wow big need for arms eh? Fuck off with your fear, it's owning you it seems.

You anti-gunners just can't get it through your head that firearms have many other uses besides killing people. I target shoot, many of my friends hunt, some use their firearms to protect their livestock. Criminals and the insane use them in illegal manners that have nothing to do with the millions of law abiding gun owners.

No your not, you're an admitted chickenshit scared of your own shadow it seems.

Not scared of much of anything. But I can see how a super hero like you needs to view it that. I see it as being prepared if I ever need it and hoping I never do.

Good plan, and when was the last time you actually had to do that??? For me its been never.

I have made the decision to remove myself and my wife from a couple of places in the past. Being older we do not frequent bars or concerts so I don't have to be as aware. Although violence can break out anywhere, the grocery store, the mall, the big box store, so situational awareness is still a priority to me.

New gun laws, hell you've haven't been able to do that since the 1920's.

I honestly have no idea what the fuck this grammatically fucked up sentence means.
My plan is whenever possible to have enough situational awareness to remove myself before something goes sideways. I honestly hope I never have to pull my pistol out of the holster in a hostile situation.
Where the hell do you live where things are so bad you have to hyper vigilant and armed? I mean I'm aware of my surroundings but not everybody who passes me on the street at night is a threat.
Coyotes gotten faster since 1776? Flintlocks worked just fine back then.
The answer would be yes, they are a lot faster because being a hybrid-animal, coyotes never existed in 1776. The first coyote we ever saw on our farm was in 1978, and quickly increased in number. They are also much, much bigger than out west, with us taking one about 10 years ago that was over 80 pounds. It was 100 yards from the calf barn when it was shot.
The answer would be yes, they are a lot faster because being a hybrid-animal, coyotes never existed in 1776. The first coyote we ever saw on our farm was in 1978, and quickly increased in number. They are also much, much bigger than out west, with us taking one about 10 years ago that was over 80 pounds. It was 100 yards from the calf barn when it was shot.
Coyotes are not a hybrid animal. They've been around for millions of years and were most definitely here in 1776.
Coyotes are not a hybrid animal. They've been around for millions of years and were most definitely here in 1776.
Better do some research on the Eastern Coyote. They started showing up in the 1930's, but we did not see our first coyote until the 1970's. Even now they are hybridizing, and getting bigger and more prolific.
Better do some research on the Eastern Coyote. They started showing up in the 1930's, but we did not see our first coyote until the 1970's. Even now they are hybridizing, and getting bigger and more prolific.

Oh I see your problem, you don't understand evolution pretty much at all and don't know what a hybrid is.
The answer would be yes, they are a lot faster because being a hybrid-animal, coyotes never existed in 1776. The first coyote we ever saw on our farm was in 1978, and quickly increased in number. They are also much, much bigger than out west, with us taking one about 10 years ago that was over 80 pounds. It was 100 yards from the calf barn when it was shot.
I’m glad you have records going back to 1978. Seems there are records as far back as 1750 and even further detailed one on Lewis and Clark’s expedition. So seems they existed.

Thanks for giving me a chance for some historical research. Facts are fun.

Just make sure no one in the household goes after anything else that just over 80 lbs in a different setting like a public school house, but you see that’s where it happens.
I’m glad you have records going back to 1978. Seems there are records as far back as 1750 and even further detailed one on Lewis and Clark’s expedition. So seems they existed.

Thanks for giving me a chance for some historical research. Facts are fun.

Just make sure no one in the household goes after anything else that just over 80 lbs in a different setting like a public school house, but you see that’s where it happens.
Trying to confuse Western coyotes with the Eastern Coyote, only shows your limitations on debate. Bringing up a different breed of animal, on a sighting in 1850, over five thousand miles away from my farm; hardly makes a solid defense for your initial oversight. No amount of deceitful rephrasing can change the fact that no flintlock was used on a coyote on my farm because they never existed here when flintlocks were in common usage.

In regards to your other points; without question, freedom is very scary, whether we are talking about the right to free speech, search and seizure, detainment, or the right to bear arms, and I fully understand why people have reservations about such liberties. However, like our forefathers, some of us understand freedom can be a two-edged sword. Just like the same rifle I use to bounce a chunk of lead off a metal target a mile way, can also be used to take a life from that same distance by someone with nefarious intentions. This is no different than police officer's who routinely let criminals bail out of jail much to their chagrin, while those same laws of freedom allow a mother to bail out of jail as well, so that as a justice system works out the consequences of her infraction, she can be home with her kids.

No one suggests we get rid of the fourth amendment though, because they know, the average citizenry uses those protections a lot, yet in their ignorance, they fail to see the scary, but benefits, of the second amendment.

Only when freedoms are lost, do many see the value of those freedoms. Because of that, its best not to lose them in the first place.
Trying to confuse Western coyotes with the Eastern Coyote, only shows your limitations on debate. Bringing up a different breed of animal, on a sighting in 1850, over five thousand miles away from my farm; hardly makes a solid defense for your initial oversight. No amount of deceitful rephrasing can change the fact that no flintlock was used on a coyote on my farm because they never existed here when flintlocks were in common usage.
Hmmmm…. Evolution didn’t seem to be high on the list for most conservatives. Looks like you have gone through some evolution too.
In regards to your other points; without question, freedom is very scary, whether we are talking about the right to free speech, search and seizure, detainment, or the right to bear arms, and I fully understand why people have reservations about such liberties. However, like our forefathers, some of us understand freedom can be a two-edged sword.
It is a double edged sword, but to be a well regulated militia, brings it’s own organization and training which the local yahoo gun nut doesn’t have.
Just like the same rifle I use to bounce a chunk of lead off a metal target a mile way, can also be used to take a life from that same distance by someone with nefarious intentions.
Those nefarious classrooms of kids… grocery stores full of people, churches full of people, concerts full of people.
This is no different than police officer's who routinely let criminals bail out of jail much to their chagrin,
Bail is part of our system. If it is deemed you can have bail, like say $200,000, you can buy your way out of jail.
while those same laws of freedom allow a mother to bail out of jail as well, so that as a justice system works out the consequences of her infraction, she can be home with her kids.
Ohhhh it’s about the children now.
No one suggests we get rid of the fourth amendment though, because they know, the average citizenry uses those protections a lot, yet in their ignorance, they fail to see the scary, but benefits, of the second amendment.
It’s not a throw everything out situation. A simple firearm with the ability to shoot 1-6 shots and then take time to reload is more than enough for ANYTHING 99% of the citizens will deal with.
Only when freedoms are lost, do many see the value of those freedoms. Because of that, its best not to lose them in the first place.
You have the freedom but when you abuse it, then it infringes on others freedoms. My kid has the freedom to not get shot up in the classroom. My friend has the freedom to go to church and not have to have a security team of law enforcement personnel.

But yeah, keep on with the freedom angle. It only works for the second amendment when you look at ALL of the words there.
Poor folks are bothered when they can see people unlike themselves allowed to walk freely in society. Gotta have weapons to keep them in check.
Some folks become tactically aware in the supermarket when they move from cereal to coffee. It's a scary world in the end-of-aisle zone.

'Clear up in aisle 14!'
Where the hell do you live where things are so bad you have to hyper vigilant and armed? I mean I'm aware of my surroundings but not everybody who passes me on the street at night is a threat.
Again, read what I wrote. Being situationally aware is how everyone should be. It isn't hypervigilance it's just paying attention.
I love the far right wing nuts here. They give me plenty of laughs throughout the day. I’d be curious to know what % just like to rile people up with their frontier jibberish and what % are actually that scared of every little thing they don’t understand. If you just like to rile people up ignore me. If your that stupid quote and reply. This poll will be for informational purposes only.
So you grab that AR-15 because it’s so versatile. Seems like it needs it’s own infomercial. A family rifle…it dices, it slices.

The guys who shoot up kids in classrooms know exactly how versatile it is. I’m glad it‘a a real easy gun to use, as you stated. That’s why people choose it to kill all those kids. Fish in a barrel.

And for your doors, ever consider locks? Or maybe your “I’m a gun nut” signs in the yard weren’t visible at 2am, because the guy came in anyway.

Was he wearing a coyote costume?

Coyotes gotten faster since 1776? Flintlocks worked just fine back then. Don’t need military grade weapons for a coyote.

But it clearly makes you feel macho. And you have your rights.
So much ignorance in such a small space. You are welcome to your opinion. Not worth my time to try to educate small minded brainwashed people. Have a good one sheep. Lol.
So much ignorance in such a small space. You are welcome to your opinion. Not worth my time to try to educate small minded brainwashed people. Have a good one sheep. Lol.
A guy wearing a blue shirt- showing off all the positive things of ownership.

I would say Mike Lindel could do it, he is still good with MAGA folks right? He’s loyal. Buy any of his pillows? He always seemed creepy to me.