Do guns make us more safe?

I'm sure the rise in gun violence has nothing to do with BLM promoting "Defend the Police." I'm sure Public Education teaching every child they are a "Victum" has nothing to do with gun violence. I'm sure teaching students there is no consequences for your actions wouldn't have anything to do with gun violence. I'm sure all of the pills Public Education feeds children has NOTHING to do with gun violence. It's just ridiculous to assume having kids HIGH ON PILLS hasn't been a factor in gun violence. The lack of discipline in school wouldn't have an influence on gun violence. I'm sure promoting violent protests, which are called peaceful, wouldn't have anything to do with growing gun violence. I'm sure having Marxist prosecuting attorneys refusing to arrest anyone wouldn't have anything to do with the rise in gun violence. I'm sure prosecuting people protecting their businesses and homes instead of arresting the thugs robbing their business and homes has nothing to do with the increase in gun violence. I guess having excuse after excuse on why people are unlawful wouldn't have anything to do with gun violence. I'm sure letting out violent criminals would have nothing to do with the increase in gun violence. I guess it's just by accident that gun violence in school is a recent activity. For 200 years children who grew up owning guns, who hunted at the age of five never went into one room school rooms and shot anyone. I guess it's just by accident the most violent cities in America are run by Dems. I guess it's just an accident that the cities with the most gun control laws have the most violence. I guess welfare and public housing hasn't led to more violence. I'm sure enslaving people to a monthly paycheck handed out by the government has nothing to do with gun violence. I guess policy after policy destroying family life would have nothing to do with the rise in gun violence. I'm sure having policy after policy destroying businesses and people's lively hoods in the name of "keeping them safe" has nothing to do with gun violence. I'm sure government regulations that destroy new jobs and new growth has nothing to do with gun violence. I'm sure its by accident in rural areas were guns are everywhere people are not just shooting one another. I guess none of these things would be a factor to gun violence. It's all the guns fault. Maybe just maybe the reason there is gun violence is Liberal/socialist/Marxist could never be that.

I love watching people on the left agree with Hitler, Stalin, and all the regimes with the most government murders.

One last thing. It's amazing to me on how so many people on the far left lack common sense and are blind followers. It'd be nice if the people on the far left would read a history book. Wait, I forgot, they've changed those to promote Marxist/Socialist/Left policy so you'll follow it.
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Why not move to Chicago? Or New York? They have some of the strictest gun control laws in the country. Take a nice stroll down a housing project. Lets not forget housing projects were a Marxist idea that never worked out. Lets not forget that gun violence has gone up since Marxist Prosecuting Attorneys don't want to prosecute anyone. Oh, lets see, gun violence went up in every city where BLM promoted "Defend the Police." I'm sure none of these things has anything to do with gun violence. I'm sure Public Education teaching every child they are a "Victum" has nothing to do with gun violence. I'm sure teaching students their is no consequences for your actions wouldn't have anything to do with gun violence. I'm sure all of the pills Public Education feeds children has NOTHING to do with gun violence. It's just ridiculous to assume having kids HIGH ON PILLS hasn't been a factor in gun violence. The lack of discipline in school wouldn't have an influence on gun violence. I'm sure promoting violent protests, which are called peaceful, wouldn't have anything to do with growing gun violence. I'm sure prosecuting people protecting their businesses and homes instead of arresting the thugs robbing their business and homes as nothing to do with the increase in gun violence. I guess having excuse after excuse on why people are unlawful wouldn't have anything to do with gun violence. I guess it's just by accident that gun violence in school is a recent activity. For 200 years a children who grew up owning guns never went into one room school rooms and shot anyone. I guess it's just by accident the most violent cities in America are run by Dems. I guess it's just an accident that the cities with the most gun control laws have the most violence. I guess welfare and public housing hasn't led to more violence. I'm sure none of these things would have anything to do with gun violence. I'm sure its by accident in rural areas were guns are everywhere people are not just shooting one another. I guess none of these things would be a factor to gun violence.

I love watching people on the left agree with Hitler, Stalin, and all the regimes with the most government murders. Maybe just maybe the reason their is gun violence is Liberal could never be that.
Better yet, they could start another gun grievance thread in this forum. 😂
Why not move to Chicago? Or New York? They have some of the strictest gun control laws in the country. Take a nice stroll down a housing project. Lets not forget housing projects were a Marxist idea that never worked out. Lets not forget that gun violence has gone up since Marxist Prosecuting Attorneys don't want to prosecute anyone. Oh, lets see, gun violence went up in every city where BLM promoted "Defend the Police." I'm sure none of these things has anything to do with gun violence. I'm sure Public Education teaching every child they are a "Victum" has nothing to do with gun violence. I'm sure teaching students their is no consequences for your actions wouldn't have anything to do with gun violence. I'm sure all of the pills Public Education feeds children has NOTHING to do with gun violence. It's just ridiculous to assume having kids HIGH ON PILLS hasn't been a factor in gun violence. The lack of discipline in school wouldn't have an influence on gun violence. I'm sure promoting violent protests, which are called peaceful, wouldn't have anything to do with growing gun violence. I'm sure prosecuting people protecting their businesses and homes instead of arresting the thugs robbing their business and homes as nothing to do with the increase in gun violence. I guess having excuse after excuse on why people are unlawful wouldn't have anything to do with gun violence. I guess it's just by accident that gun violence in school is a recent activity. For 200 years a children who grew up owning guns never went into one room school rooms and shot anyone. I guess it's just by accident the most violent cities in America are run by Dems. I guess it's just an accident that the cities with the most gun control laws have the most violence. I guess welfare and public housing hasn't led to more violence. I'm sure none of these things would have anything to do with gun violence. I'm sure its by accident in rural areas were guns are everywhere people are not just shooting one another. I guess none of these things would be a factor to gun violence.

I love watching people on the left agree with Hitler, Stalin, and all the regimes with the most government murders. Maybe just maybe the reason their is gun violence is Liberal could never be that.

You know you're safer in the cities you listed than you are places like Kansas City right? They were primarily peaceful protests. Holy shit there wouldn't cities left if it was 1/4 as bad as the Right likes to claim. Thieves do get prosecuted.

What you want to pretend are excuses are usually solid reasons. Can you name a city that is Republican run and then bring me the crime stats please? I hear this tripe all the time but that's all it is. We fucked both welfare and public housing under Reagan so yeah.

Yhere aren't actually people to shoot in rural areas ya goof.

Hitler actually had looser gun laws than the Weimar Republic, Gun control came before Stalin was in control though not by much. The government and would if wanted murder as many or more people. Gun control is a liberal policy, gun violence is a Conservative one.
Our elected officials need to answer and address that, a real problem, instead of some of the issues they waste our money on.

Yeah that's unlikely to happen because is not consistent way to enforce something like that.
I'm sure the rise in gun violence has nothing to do with BLM promoting "Defend the Police."
I stopped trying to read your crap at this point. Mass shootings have been going on long before BLM became a thorn in your side.
You know you're safer in the cities you listed than you are places like Kansas City right? They were primarily peaceful protests. Holy shit there wouldn't cities left if it was 1/4 as bad as the Right likes to claim. Thieves do get prosecuted.

What you want to pretend are excuses are usually solid reasons. Can you name a city that is Republican run and then bring me the crime stats please? I hear this tripe all the time but that's all it is. We fucked both welfare and public housing under Reagan so yeah.

Yhere aren't actually people to shoot in rural areas ya goof.

Hitler actually had looser gun laws than the Weimar Republic, Gun control came before Stalin was in control though not by much. The government and would if wanted murder as many or more people. Gun control is a liberal policy, gun violence is a Conservative one.
I want to let you know...Kansas City voted for Dems. Oops.
That doesn't make sense.

Its odd, it doesn't make sense but its true. The West didn't let you carry weapons into town, you had check them. Back East already had lots of gun laws. We romantized the West so people would move out here but the movies are just that movies. Movies based on dime novels which was their equivalent what we'd call a popcorn novel. Filled with heroic men saving damsels from save Indians. Completely leaving out black people.

Its relatively recently that we've been inching back towards the constitution as written not the Constitution as it best serves the people.
Why do people on the left always change history? Like to change the Constitution?
The right to bare arms was clear.
They wrote it into the Constitution because the British took away Patriots guns before the Revolution. They understood you can't have a free society without THE PEOPLE protecting themselves against guns.
You people annoy me.
You know you're safer in the cities you listed than you are places like Kansas City right? They were primarily peaceful protests. Holy shit there wouldn't cities left if it was 1/4 as bad as the Right likes to claim. Thieves do get prosecuted.

What you want to pretend are excuses are usually solid reasons. Can you name a city that is Republican run and then bring me the crime stats please? I hear this tripe all the time but that's all it is. We fucked both welfare and public housing under Reagan so yeah.

Yhere aren't actually people to shoot in rural areas ya goof.

Hitler actually had looser gun laws than the Weimar Republic, Gun control came before Stalin was in control though not by much. The government and would if wanted murder as many or more people. Gun control is a liberal policy, gun violence is a Conservative one.
No. Welfare and public housing ARE THE PROBLEM. The Problem was embracing Marxist policy and thinking it would actually work. The Problem actually started with Socialists taking over public education. The PROBLEM is having Public housing and Welfare AT ALL. It simply doesn't work. Handing out money doesn't solve problems. The PROBLEM is spending BILLIONS of DOLLARS on Public housing and welfare. The Problem is just about everything that can be linked to Marx. I want to say I'm not against each state having limited welfare but the Policies promoted by Dems and Johnson DON'T WORK. But you want to "feel" it does. 20 of the 22 poorest cities in America are all run by DEMS. Maybe that's not an accident. The Marxist policy Dems hold onto is why America is falling apart.
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Why do people on the left always change history? Like to change the Constitution?
The right to bare arms was clear.
They wrote it into the Constitution because the British took away Patriots guns before the Revolution. They understood you can't have a free society without THE PEOPLE protecting themselves against guns.
You people annoy me.
It was not clear however. These were men notorious for not using more words than they needed. Seems really strange this is the only right that has a qualifier.
Why do people on the left always change history? Like to change the Constitution?
The right to bare arms was clear.
They wrote it into the Constitution because the British took away Patriots guns before the Revolution. They understood you can't have a free society without THE PEOPLE protecting themselves against guns.
You people annoy me.
Yeah? Explain
“Well regulated”
Then respect the Constitution and the Founding Fathers’ wisdom
No one is taking your fucking gun
Stop being a sheep
Still didn't read it did you. WHAT CITIES ARE REPUBLICAN RUN RIGHT NOW?
That's my point.
The reasons these cities are hell holes is because people in cities DON'T vote republican.


So tired of you far left Marxists.
That's my point.
The reasons these cities are hell holes is because people in cities DON'T vote republican.


So tired of you far left Marxists.

No the reason they are liberal is because they have good economies which attract more people and once you have people its impossible to remain Conservative. And Kansas STILL more dangerous than Chicago or New York which tells us that the gun laws do in fact work. I'm not a classical liberal, I'm a progressive. IF it were up to me we'd be rewriting most of the Constitution right now.
I stopped trying to read your crap at this point. Mass shootings have been going on long before BLM became a thorn in your side.
Lets spell it out for you.
Since BLM encouraged cities to get rid of police. Did you get that so far?
There is more gun violence.
Oh...imagine when you remove police and stop arresting thugs you get more gun violence.
I'm sure if you are on the left this simple common sense is above your head.
No the reason they are liberal is because they have good economies which attract more people and once you have people its impossible to remain Conservative. And Kansas STILL more dangerous than Chicago or New York which tells us that the gun laws do in fact work. I'm not a classical liberal, I'm a progressive. IF it were up to me we'd be rewriting most of the Constitution right now.
Of course.
Liberal policy hasn't worked. You keep mentioning Kansas...who cares. Kansas is run by DEMS TOO.
Just like every Marxist. You are living la la land. Marxist policy is the reason cities like: Chicago, Oakland, San Fran., New York, Baltimore, Portland, LA, are all pits. You can add Minneapolis and St. Paul to that list in a couple years.
Open your mind...look at how Marxist policy is a FAILURE.
Oh, why would I expect someone on the left to have an open mind when it comes to politics or economics. It's all about Marx and creating a dystopia.
No the reason they are liberal is because they have good economies which attract more people and once you have people its impossible to remain Conservative. And Kansas STILL more dangerous than Chicago or New York which tells us that the gun laws do in fact work. I'm not a classical liberal, I'm a progressive. IF it were up to me we'd be rewriting most of the Constitution right now.
Two of the top ten cities were people are MOVING OUT FROM are CHICAGO AND NEW YORK. Unless of course you count Illegals.
Two of the top ten cities were people are MOVING OUT FROM are CHICAGO AND NEW YORK. Unless of course you count Illegals.

Nobody is worried about it, them having fewer people and stablizing would be good. Besides unless you lucked into it only being Conservatives that are leaving this is a net win for libs. Just means more purple states and red ones. I hope like hell its libs moving to Texas.
Of course.
Liberal policy hasn't worked. You keep mentioning Kansas...who cares. Kansas is run by DEMS TOO.
Just like every Marxist. You are living la la land. Marxist policy is the reason cities like: Chicago, Oakland, San Fran., New York, Baltimore, Portland, LA, are all pits. You can add Minneapolis and St. Paul to that list in a couple years.
Open your mind...look at how Marxist policy is a FAILURE.
Oh, why would I expect someone on the left to have an open mind when it comes to politics or economics. It's all about Marx and creating a dystopia.

I do keep mention Kansas, because its a red state the gun laws there are lax compared to Illinois or NY. Oakland has been a pit for a while, San Fran nope, LA, nope, Portland haven't been in years. Fact remains if you're gonna die its gonna be in a red state.
So fucking tired of ignoramuses tossing around Communists, Socialists and now Marxists.

Name the policies they match your big scary words!

You don’t like cities ? Stay out

But, don’t get pissed off if any cities send the homeless from your state back home. Apparently that’s all good these days !!