Do guns make us more safe?

Again, read what I wrote. Being situationally aware is how everyone should be. It isn't hypervigilance it's just paying attention.
If you feel the need to actively be aware of everything not just, oh I heard someone to my right. I don't need to look at them. I probably will by reflex but I don't care and I don't carry a weapon unless you want to count I sometimes have my maglight. Not gonna like, that thing is not a flashlight, it is a club that happens to produce light.

Ending The Dangerous Myth That Guns Make Us Safer​

The primary reason people own a gun is for protection, according to Pew Research Center data. Frightening stories of violent crimes and late-night home invasions fill our imaginations, making these exceedingly rare events seem more likely, and can motivate even a pacifist to buy a gun “just in case.”

But a gun often offers the opposite of protection.

When we bring a gun into our home, we dramatically increase the probability that we, a member of our family, or someone close to them will be seriously injured or killed by a gun. Taking gun safety classes is not enough. The main causes of gun related deaths are not the mishandling of firearms, but the mismanagement of emotions when people are around firearms.
Lets not forget, if you really want something for home defence, then you get a 12 gauge shotgun, not some fucking hair trigger handgun. Trust me no thief wants to be looking down the barrel of a 12 gauge, they know if you shoot, their fucked.

As I have said multiple times, "society of fear". Marketing 101 and there are millions of rubes who buy into the "self protection" speal. Then the other sub set who get all riled up by the "fear" of losing 2A. Well the only way that's gona happen is if they keep up their push back against the sane and sensible regulations promoted to reduce "gun violence".
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Lets not forget, if you really want something for home defence, then you get a 12 gauge shotgun, not some fucking hair trigger handgun. Trust me no thief wants to be looking down the barrel of a 12 gauge, they know if you shoot, their fucked.
The problem is, they are not able-minded thieves. They are entering your home to steal stuff, so they can sell it to buy more drugs. They are already jacked up and tweaking on hard core drugs, and can barely understand English. They probably won't even hear the sound of a pump shotgun, and they probably aren't too aware of what's being pointed at them.

In self-defense situations, people ASSUME the other person is going to make a logical decision, and that just is not the case. Watch police videos. It's people hoped up on drugs that retaliate, or the fight or flight response. They are not in their right minds because otherwise they would NOT be doing what they are.

I am friends and family with a lot of law enforcement people, and they all say the same thing. "It's crazy wat is out there now". They also say, "carry a weapon".
The problem is, they are not able-minded thieves. They are entering your home to steal stuff, so they can sell it to buy more drugs. They are already jacked up and tweaking on hard core drugs, and can barely understand English. They probably won't even hear the sound of a pump shotgun, and they probably aren't too aware of what's being pointed at them.

In self-defense situations, people ASSUME the other person is going to make a logical decision, and that just is not the case. Watch police videos. It's people hoped up on drugs that retaliate, or the fight or flight response. They are not in their right minds because otherwise they would NOT be doing what they are.

I am friends and family with a lot of law enforcement people, and they all say the same thing. "It's crazy wat is out there now". They also say, "carry a weapon".

This requires citation.
Lets not forget, if you really want something for home defence, then you get a 12 gauge shotgun, not some fucking hair trigger handgun. Trust me no thief wants to be looking down the barrel of a 12 gauge, they know if you shoot, their fucked.
I had a car pull about half way up my driveway at about 0130 one morning. He stopped shut off the lights and then the motor. I told my wife to watch the car and that I was going to get the shotgun. I went out onto our little porch held shot gun up and racked the slide. The lights came on the motor started and gravel flew as they left.

We were new here and I think whoever it was thought since we were northern transplants that we would be pushovers because we would be anti-gun. Not so much and they never came back.
You live in a place so small people know where you're from? No wonder you've got issues.
The problem is, they are not able-minded thieves. They are entering your home to steal stuff, so they can sell it to buy more drugs. They are already jacked up and tweaking on hard core drugs, and can barely understand English. They probably won't even hear the sound of a pump shotgun, and they probably aren't too aware of what's being pointed at them.

In self-defense situations, people ASSUME the other person is going to make a logical decision, and that just is not the case. Watch police videos. It's people hoped up on drugs that retaliate, or the fight or flight response. They are not in their right minds because otherwise they would NOT be doing what they are.

I am friends and family with a lot of law enforcement people, and they all say the same thing. "It's crazy wat is out there now". They also say, "carry a weapon".
So what's your point? Are you trying to say a 12 gauge isn't good for self defence? Talk about going on a tangent about who, or what shape the burglars in. This is about the defender, who just got woken up, half asleep, you think they are going to pull a Harry Callahan, or are they going to be better off having a shotgun?
I had a car pull about half way up my driveway at about 0130 one morning. He stopped shut off the lights and then the motor. I told my wife to watch the car and that I was going to get the shotgun. I went out onto our little porch held shot gun up and racked the slide. The lights came on the motor started and gravel flew as they left.

We were new here and I think whoever it was thought since we were northern transplants that we would be pushovers because we would be anti-gun. Not so much and they never came back.
There are not a lot of "brave" people when they are staring down a shotgun barrel.
There are not a lot of "brave" people when they are staring down a shotgun barrel.
My guns make me and my family safer. I know that when some tweaker who was just released by a bleeding heart judge kicks in my door, he'll get whats coming to him, not someone elses life. Don't want a gun? Fine, don't buy one. Pretty fucking simple.
My guns make me and my family safer. I know that when some tweaker who was just released by a bleeding heart judge kicks in my door, he'll get whats coming to him, not someone elses life. Don't want a gun? Fine, don't buy one. Pretty fucking simple.

Nah, you’ll just crap your pants and shoot a member of your own family…or yourself.
My guns make me and my family safer. I know that when some tweaker who was just released by a bleeding heart judge kicks in my door, he'll get whats coming to him, not someone elses life. Don't want a gun? Fine, don't buy one. Pretty fucking simple.
You really think I care about the opinion of a guy who's handle here is based upon a crime? Go fuck off loveupskirt,when they catch you peeking up little girls dresses, I hope they throw away the fucking key!!
I had a car pull about half way up my driveway at about 0130 one morning. He stopped shut off the lights and then the motor. I told my wife to watch the car and that I was going to get the shotgun. I went out onto our little porch held shot gun up and racked the slide. The lights came on the motor started and gravel flew as they left.

We were new here and I think whoever it was thought since we were northern transplants that we would be pushovers because we would be anti-gun. Not so much and they never came back.

Mmm hmm.
There are not a lot of "brave" people when they are staring down a shotgun barrel.
I never pointed it at them. I held it straight up and down and racked the slide. If they had advanced towards me I would have leveled the barrel at them. I just wanted to let them know this wasn't going to be an easy B&E if that was what he or her had in mind
Hey guns are like super late abortions
We object to the loss of life based on religious principles which apparently gives us the right to ram our ideas down your throats

To the point that our military is lacking leaders to protect all of us

So deal with our freedom of speech to require some regulations on your obsession
Before buying a gun? We get to give you a brain scan and a body cavity search

Sorry ! It’s to safe lives
Look at this way: In the US, people have owned guns since the 1790's, and it has only been an issue in the last 20 years or so. Problem is people have changed, and not for the better, a lot of mental illness. Guns have not changed.
I never pointed it at them. I held it straight up and down and racked the slide. If they had advanced towards me I would have leveled the barrel at them. I just wanted to let them know this wasn't going to be an easy B&E if that was what he or her had in mind

This is a prime example of why guns do not make you safer however. You couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman or a child. It could just easily be someone in bad need of direction or a brief charge for the cell phone. Had they been armed, you racked the gun. You litterally started you would have deserved it if the next time anybody thought of you it was #TrailerHitchRIP.

Especially from the way you make it sound the time to break into your place is at 12pm when there is a 90% chance you and your wife are at work and your kids are in school. Criminals by and large are not retarded.
Look at this way: In the US, people have owned guns since the 1790's, and it has only been an issue in the last 20 years or so. Problem is people have changed, and not for the better, a lot of mental illness. Guns have not changed.
Then why are mentally ill people allowed to own guns?
Look at this way: In the US, people have owned guns since the 1790's, and it has only been an issue in the last 20 years or so. Problem is people have changed, and not for the better, a lot of mental illness. Guns have not changed.

They've been an issue a lot longer than that and we used to have a lot more gun control