Do guns make us more safe?

I live in a very rural area and since my cars had out of state plates for almost 2 months it didn't take someone with a huge brain to figure out were weren't from there.
Like I said I mean I'd be less paranoid of B&E there but if you're THAT rural what kinds of critters do you get? My area has grown, there are no animals that are particularly likely to by where live aside from you know, Possums, racoons, possums. But you could go a whopping ten miles south of me maybe a little farther and you'll probably find coyotes and its not impossible a mountain lion. They are rare that far from the mountain but not unheard of.
No the reason they are liberal is because they have good economies which attract more people and once you have people its impossible to remain Conservative. And Kansas STILL more dangerous than Chicago or New York which tells us that the gun laws do in fact work. I'm not a classical liberal, I'm a progressive. IF it were up to me we'd be rewriting most of the Constitution right now.
Chicago has been abandoned by several large corporations in the last year. to include Caterpillar, Citadel, Tyson, and Boeing. So much for attracting more people.
Where I live if you don't know your way around it doesn't matter if there is a well known 24/7 7-11 half a block North. It might as well be on the moon for all the good its gonna do you. An over 100 ft drive way. I'm not making that hike in the dark. I'm not stupid. I don't care about your home schedule even if you told me I don't know your name, state, city. I have heard that meth heads are really common in rural areas. We almost never see them. People drunk as hell, high as all hell, even the occassional crack head but thats pretty rare.

Though those people might be some odd 30 miles East. There aren't a lot of places you could hope to hide here. We've got one that I'm away
Chicago has been abandoned by several large corporations in the last year. to include Caterpillar, Citadel, Tyson, and Boeing. So much for attracting more people.
That's interesting but if that's their perogative it probably works in my favor mathwise.
My plan is whenever possible to have enough situational awareness to remove myself before something goes sideways. I honestly hope I never have to pull my pistol out of the holster in a hostile situation.
Where the hell do you live where things are so bad you have to hyper vigilant and armed? I mean I'm aware of my surroundings but not everybody who passes me on the street at night is a threat.
Again, read what I wrote. Being situationally aware is how everyone should be. It isn't hypervigilance it's just paying attention.
I had a car pull about half way up my driveway at about 0130 one morning. He stopped shut off the lights and then the motor. I told my wife to watch the car and that I was going to get the shotgun. I went out onto our little porch held shot gun up and racked the slide. The lights came on the motor started and gravel flew as they left.

We were new here and I think whoever it was thought since we were northern transplants that we would be pushovers because we would be anti-gun. Not so much and they never came
There are not a lot of "brave" people when they are staring down a shotgun barrel.
I never pointed it at them. I held it straight up and down and racked the slide. If they had advanced towards me I would have leveled the barrel at them. I just wanted to let them know this wasn't going to be an easy B&E if that was what he or her had in mind
This is a prime example of why guns do not make you safer however. You couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman or a child. It could just easily be someone in bad need of direction or a brief charge for the cell phone. Had they been armed, you racked the gun. You litterally started you would have deserved it if the next time anybody thought of you it was #TrailerHitchRIP.

Especially from the way you make it sound the time to break into your place is at 12pm when there is a 90% chance you and your wife are at work and your kids are in school. Criminals by and large are not retarded.
1) There is a county park less than a mile from my home that is a well known cell phone hot spot.

2) If they had stopped at the end of the driveway instead of halfway down an over 100 foot driveway I might believe your little scenario. Where they stopped they had a rapid clear path to the house or my shop. I would not shoot them for stealing, and since the area was well lit I could see if anyone would have gotten out of the car.

3) No kids at home and I will not share with you our time at home schedule.

4) Perhaps some are not mentally impaired, but some/many are drug addled.

You live in a place so small people know where you're from? No wonder you've got issues.
I live in a very rural area and since my cars had out of state plates for almost 2 months it didn't take someone with a huge brain to figure out were weren't from there.

So TrailerTrash DOES have an alt.





I’m not a liar like TrailerTrash.

This is the only user name I have ever had or ever will have.


👉 TrailerTrash aka KiotiUgly aka ??? 🤣


I’m not a liar like TrailerTrash.

This is the only user name I have ever had or ever will have.


👉 TrailerTrash aka KiotiUgly aka ??? 🤣

Sure you don't have an ALT...Or maybe you don't and you just signal the minions. Or maybe I am dumping TrailerHitch and switching logins. I guess you'll have to stay tuned to find out. But now since I apparently fucked this up I will come up with something else or maybe I'll taunt you with both names.
America has the most guns.
America has the most gun violence.
America has the most gun deaths.

Back a few hundred years ago there were no guns.
And no gun violence.
And no gun deaths.

I mean it's really not that complicated
America has the most guns.
America has the most gun violence.
America has the most gun deaths.

Back a few hundred years ago there were no guns.
And no gun violence.
And no gun deaths.

I mean it's really not that complicated
There has NEVER been a time when there weren't guns in the hands of civilians in the USA. If you believe there was you aren't much of a teacher.
Lets spell it out for you.
Spell out what? G U N V i O L E N C E ??? I'm pretty sure anyone with a grade five education can spell it.
Since BLM encouraged cities to get rid of police. Did you get that so far?
So, is BLM running any departments? Please tell me which Police Forces Budgets BLM funded, so you can then tell me which ones they cut?
There is more gun violence.
I agree there, I just don't agree on the reason (s) why. You say BLM. I say it's way more complicated than that.
Black people protesting that they are subjected to more violence from the Police ( proven with data) and demonstrating for change is not the ONLY reason for increased gun crime. For you to try and claim it is, puts your whole argument to curb.
Oh...imagine when you remove police and stop arresting thugs you get more gun violence.
You make the cite, now show the data on where Police Departments vs arrest rates has caused an increase in gun violence? The FBI tracks these pieces of data in a very detailed manner. The link to the site is below, (see how nice I am pointing you in the direction to find your citation) now go get your proof of your claim.
I'm sure if you are on the left this simple common sense is above your head.
That's the problem, gun violence is not a "simple problem", only weak minded people view it that way.
Our elected officials need to answer and address that, a real problem, instead of some of the issues they waste our money on.
Those you vote for refuse to do this. Those I vote for try to do something but it is shut down by those you vote for. So...why do you vote for those that refuse to do anything about why mentally ill people are allowed to own guns. You blame those you vote for. Why do you vote for them?
Sure you don't have an ALT...Or maybe you don't and you just signal the minions. Or maybe I am dumping TrailerHitch and switching logins. I guess you'll have to stay tuned to find out. But now since I apparently fucked this up I will come up with something else or maybe I'll taunt you with both names.
(Quoted for posterity and lack of verity)

Translation: TrailerTrash was caught out in a lie and is having “a moment”.

Most of the decent, intelligent people on the PB had TrailerTrash pegged as a disingenuous, intellectually dishonest POS right from the start.

This latest revelation regarding TrailerTrash lying about having an alt merely confirms that assessment.


👉 TrailerTrash aka KiotiUgly aka ??? 🤣

America has the most guns.
America has the most gun violence.
America has the most gun deaths.

Back a few hundred years ago there were no guns.
And no gun violence.
And no gun deaths.

I mean it's really not that complicated
You are wrong. A hundred years ago there was actually more guns. What we didn't have was a Socialist run School system pumping kids with Psychotic drugs.
You are wrong. A hundred years ago there was actually more guns. What we didn't have was a Socialist run School system pumping kids with Psychotic drugs.
No there were not more guns, more gun owners? Yes but fewer guns and we've always a socialist run school system and nobody is pumping kids full of psychotic drugs.
Talking to someone who is a Marxist is like talking to a drug addict.

Marxists include: progressives, socialists, communist, and Fascists. Fascism was started by a Marxists in Italy who didn't believe Communism was extreme enough. Lenin himself, who you idiots worship, said that Socialism is the stepping stone to communism (paraphrasing).
The problem with you people is Marxism is your religion. Marxism is a cult. Your God is Marx. Your heaven is the dystopian economic policies you "believe" will work but have never worked nor will ever work. You REFUSE to see how Marxism doesn't work because it's your religion. Talking to you people is like talking to a drug addict. You refuse to believe that MARX and Marxist policy is what is destroying America. You refuse to see how Marxism ALWAYS Fails. You refuse to see that Marxist policy looks good on paper but FAILS in real life. It NEVER WORKS. But because your "faith" and you "Believe" you refuse to use common sense and see it doesn't work. Marxists change history, change science, change everything to promote this agenda. You always want to refute everything against Marxist policy even when it's a blunt lie. This comes from Marx, Lennin, and Stalin. They believed it was okay to lie to promote Marxism. Marx was a liar. Lenin was a murderer. So was Stalin. Lets not forget the Nazi party was a "National Socialist Party." Ooops. Death by famine or murder always happens around Marxist policy. But you people believe its a "utopia of fairness".

Three biggest myths of Marxist policy: it'll make everything fair, it'll work, and it is for the "little guy." If you look to real history, not the made up one Marxists lie about, you'll easily see it's a disaster.

My last post on this thread. Why? Because you people remind me of drug addicts who live in complete denial. All you have to do is look at everywhere Liberal and Marxist policy has been promoted and it has NEVER WORKED. But that is to difficult for you people to wrap your head around. Why?

Marxism is a cult.

The biggest sales job in all the planet is the idea Marxism works. Marx was an idiot.
Last edited:
Talking to someone who is a Marxist is like talking to a drug addict.

Marxists include: progressives, socialists, communist, and Fascists. Fascism was started by a Marxists in Italy who didn't believe Communism was extreme enough. Lenin himself, who you idiots worship, said that Socialism is the stepping stone to communism (paraphrasing).
The problem with you people is Marxism is your religion. Marxism is a cult. Your God is Marx. Your heaven is the dystopian economic policies you "believe" will work but have never worked nor will ever work. You REFUSE to see how Marxism doesn't work because it's your religion. Talking to you people is like talking to a drug addict. You refuse to believe that MARX and Marxist policy is what is destroying America. You refuse to see how Marxism ALWAYS Fails. You refuse to see that Marxist policy looks good on paper but FAILS in real life. It NEVER WORKS. But because your "faith" and you "Believe" you refuse to use common sense and see it doesn't work. Marxists change history, change science, change everything to promote this agenda. You always want to refute everything against Marxist policy even when it's a blunt lie. This comes from Marx, Lennin, and Stalin. They believed it was okay to lie to promote Marxism. Marx was a liar. Lenin was a murderer. So was Stalin. Lets not forget the Nazi party was a "National Socialist Party." Ooops. Death by famine or murder always happens around Marxist policy. But you people believe its a "utopia of fairness".

Three biggest myths of Marxist policy: it'll make everything fair, it'll work, and it is for the "little guy." If you look to real history, not the made up one Marxists lie about, you'll easily see it's a disaster.

My last post on this thread. Why? Because you people remind me of drug addicts who live in complete denial. All you have to do is look at everywhere Liberal and Marxist policy has been promoted and it has NEVER WORKED. But that is to difficult for you people to wrap your head around. Why?

Marxism is a cult.

The biggest sales job in all the planet is the idea Marxism works. Marx was an idiot.
Tl;Dr - you don't like "Marxism" and ascribe it to everyone you don't like. 👍
Obvious fools like TrailerHitch who simply spout off political talking points and insults do not tend to get much attention in the new law enforcement algorithms for monitoring forums like Lit.

It's the guys who talk on and on about accurate details of weapon tech, the ones who are turned on by that tech talk, or the ones who are sympathetic to violence who tend to get tracked.
(Quoted for posterity and lack of verity)

Translation: TrailerTrash was caught out in a lie and is having “a moment”.

Most of the decent, intelligent people on the PB had TrailerTrash pegged as a disingenuous, intellectually dishonest POS right from the start.

This latest revelation regarding TrailerTrash lying about having an alt merely confirms that assessment.


👉 TrailerTrash aka KiotiUgly aka ??? 🤣

Yawn...As if you opinion matters.