Do guns make us more safe?

Happily, I am quite certain you are, in fact, as dumb as I thought.
Arguably dumber.

The fact that “TrailerTrash” aka “KiotiUgly” aka “Mr. I don’t have an alt” was too dumb to keep up their lie / ruse is a pretty convincing argument for “dumber”.

You are wrong. A hundred years ago there was actually more guns. What we didn't have was a Socialist run School system pumping kids with Psychotic drugs.
Oh? Share that proof please!
The 1920’s?
Go find your data
More guns

And yeah .., the “schools” prescribe drugs? Wow!

Public Schools is a sign of “socialism”?
You want DeVoss to privatize them and get paid by the government ? Do that in your state, thank you
Talking to someone who is a Marxist is like talking to a drug addict.
Spell out what? G U N V i O L E N C E ??? I'm pretty sure anyone with a grade five education can spell it.

So, is BLM running any departments? Please tell me which Police Forces Budgets BLM funded, so you can then tell me which ones they cut?

I agree there, I just don't agree on the reason (s) why. You say BLM. I say it's way more complicated than that.
Black people protesting that they are subjected to more violence from the Police ( proven with data) and demonstrating for change is not the ONLY reason for increased gun crime. For you to try and claim it is, puts your whole argument to curb.

You make the cite, now show the data on where Police Departments vs arrest rates has caused an increase in gun violence? The FBI tracks these pieces of data in a very detailed manner. The link to the site is below, (see how nice I am pointing you in the direction to find your citation) now go get your proof of your claim.

That's the problem, gun violence is not a "simple problem", only weak minded people view it that way.
Yah I kind of figured you'd run from this. Typical low rent mind,only good at taking other's opinions as their own....
Oh? Share that proof please!
The 1920’s?
Go find your data
More guns

And yeah .., the “schools” prescribe drugs? Wow!

Public Schools is a sign of “socialism”?
You want DeVoss to privatize them and get paid by the government ? Do that in your state, thank you
Actually until 1934 when Congress passed the National Firearms Act that restricted ownership of machine guns, short-barreled shotguns, short-barreled rifles, sound suppressors (silencers), and other similar weapons that were often used by criminals during the Prohibition Era it was possible for any citizen to go down to the local hardware store/sporting goods store and buy a Thompson Submachine gun. The interesting thing here it was criminal use of these weapons, not civilian use of these weapons, that prompted the NFA.

The violence then, with far more easily accessible fully automatic weapons, was perpetrated by criminals, gangsters, mobsters, and not the average citizen shooting up the bar, club, grocery store or neighborhood. so what has changed in the make-up of society that violence by so called average citizens has taken a meteoric rise? Because if I could just walk in and buy a Tommy gun, put a 100 round drum on it I sure as heck could do some serious damage in the local nightclub if I chose to.
Because if I could just walk in and buy a Tommy gun, put a 100 round drum on it I sure as heck could do some serious damage in the local nightclub if I chose to.
Buy an Ar-15, put in a high capacity mag and a bump-stock on and you can still walk into a local nightclub and do a lot of damage..See the similarity?
Buy an Ar-15, put in a high capacity mag and a bump-stock on and you can still walk into a local nightclub and do a lot of damage..See the similarity?
The only similarity is the AR-15 with a bump stock can be rapidly fired. BUT you failed to make the distinction of why in the 30's it was criminals only shooting up places and today it is mentally ill people as much or more in mass shootings than criminals. Why? Obviously guns were easier to get then than now. So it isn't weapon type or availability now it's a change in society and the ability to define right from wrong in some people.
The only similarity is the AR-15 with a bump stock can be rapidly fired. BUT you failed to make the distinction of why in the 30's it was criminals only shooting up places and today it is mentally ill people as much or more in mass shootings than criminals. Why? Obviously guns were easier to get then than now. So it isn't weapon type or availability now it's a change in society and the ability to define right from wrong in some people.
I'm not commenting on the why's, what I am saying is there is a problem, fucking address it. The government addressed the problem of the gang wars of the 30's. First they got ride of the 18th amendment, then FDR got them jobs.....banning machine guns just made perfect sense.
I'm not commenting on the why's, what I am saying is there is a problem, fucking address it. The government addressed the problem of the gang wars of the 30's. First they got ride of the 18th amendment, then FDR got them jobs.....banning machine guns just made perfect sense.
The problem in my mind is so much more than a gun problem. It is a societal problem brought about by a loss of our moral compass. We have spent too many years being devisive, tearing our guts out over racism, sexism, homophobia, division of wealth, the drug problem and too many more to mention. We used to rally around each other in adversity, now we split apart. Then add in the abysmal dismantling of our mental health care system, more importance given to the mentally ill person's right than to those they have potential to harm, and the ease that so many just slip through or by the system with no help given and the next disaster is set in motion.
Those stand your ground laws are just an excuse to kill people.
spoken like somebody who has never had their home broken into, or known somebody who has..... and shows your judgmental mentality... so, if some POS breaks into your home in the middle of the nite, intends to rob you, possibly harm you and your family, you don't think you should have the rite to defend yourself? let the criminal win, just because? that's an honest question... Rather, you would NOT try to defend yourself when he threatens to harm you & your loved ones???
The problem in my mind is so much more than a gun problem. It is a societal problem brought about by a loss of our moral compass. We have spent too many years being devisive, tearing our guts out over racism, sexism, homophobia, division of wealth, the drug problem and too many more to mention. We used to rally around each other in adversity, now we split apart. Then add in the abysmal dismantling of our mental health care system, more importance given to the mentally ill person's right than to those they have potential to harm, and the ease that so many just slip through or by the system with no help given and the next disaster is set in motion.
beautifully stated!!!
spoken like somebody who has never had their home broken into, or known somebody who has..... and shows your judgmental mentality... so, if some POS breaks into your home in the middle of the nite, intends to rob you, possibly harm you and your family, you don't think you should have the rite to defend yourself? let the criminal win, just because? that's an honest question... Rather, you would NOT try to defend yourself when he threatens to harm you & your loved ones???
Move out of a Republican “run” area? Then you might not get broken into that much. Highest crime rates are in red states.

Take other precautions for your home?

Just bring in Liam Neeson. No?

Does having a gun at home really make you safer?​

Keeping a gun in your home is supposed to keep you safe. Matthew Miller’s research suggests that the opposite is true.

“One-third of all households have guns, and I just don’t think people are aware of the risks that they’re assuming for themselves, or imposing on everyone else who lives in that home,” says Miller, a professor of health sciences and epidemiology at Northeastern. “I don’t think people have the information. I don’t think that they have internalized the risks.”

As one of the nation’s leading researchers of gun violence, Miller takes on the responsibility for piecing together that information. His work, which has revealed that people in households with guns face increased risk of injury, death, and suicide, is painstaking. He has co-authored recent studies that have found that Americans are generally unaware that access to guns increases the risk of suicide; and, further, that parents or caretakers tend to not recognize the need to make their guns inaccessible to children who are at risk of doing harm to themselves.
Move out of a Republican “run” area? Then you might not get broken into that much. Highest crime rates are in red states.

Take other precautions for your home?

Just bring in Liam Neeson. No?
so, ignore the question & try to make me look like an idiot. nice way to debate! have a great day though!!!
so, ignore the question & try to make me look like an idiot. nice way to debate! have a great day though!!!
You weren’t debating. You discounted the argument entirely.

If you had your home invaded, move out of the red state. Facts. They hurt I know. Especially if the crime involves a gun, double in the red state.

You make yourself look like the idiot, no help needed here.
I have to tell you I am surprised that you agree with me here. Happily surprised though.
Why? Guns in themselves are not the problem. I have plenty, some have even killed people, though I wasn't the one who shot people with them.

There are many reasons for the gun violence in the US, and I have many posts saying there is no "silver bullet" answer. But saying "I am not the problem, so don't implement any rules on me that impinge on my direct freedom, instead go after the criminals", is also not a viable stance.

If you people down there don't figure out a way to end this senseless gun violence. Hell you're averaging a mass shooting everyday, there is going to be a generation of voters showing up soon who may just be able to deliver on an amendment to the constitution on 2A
Why? Guns in themselves are not the problem. I have plenty, some have even killed people, though I wasn't the one who shot people with them.

There are many reasons for the gun violence in the US, and I have many posts saying there is no "silver bullet" answer. But saying "I am not the problem, so don't implement any rules on me that impinge on my direct freedom, instead go after the criminals", is also not a viable stance.

If you people down there don't figure out a way to end this senseless gun violence. Hell you're averaging a mass shooting everyday, there is going to be a generation of voters showing up soon who may just be able to deliver on an amendment to the constitution on 2A
I agree we need to work on a solution, The problem is there is so much animosity involved with gun owners and anti gunners that there can never be rational discussions. Until we can find a way to reach common ground the situation is hopeless.
I agree we need to work on a solution, The problem is there is so much animosity involved with gun owners and anti gunners that there can never be rational discussions. Until we can find a way to reach common ground the situation is hopeless.
The animosity stems from a large number of gun owners who refuse to see past "shall not be infringed" and therefore would allow anyone to have a gun even if they told them they would use it on them.

Being angry is fine, being obstinate is not.

Annnnnnd TrailerTrash aka KiotiUgly aka ??? is back to playing the disingenuous idiot that wants to find “solutions” to America’s gun violence problem.


The animosity stems from a large number of gun owners who refuse to see past "shall not be infringed" and therefore would allow anyone to have a gun even if they told them they would use it on them.

Being angry is fine, being obstinate is not.
Thank you for proving my point so succinctly.
Thank you for proving my point so succinctly.
I'm ok with compromising with angry people who want to compromise. When you're both working towards a solution, the animosity is easily turned towards a goal. Animosity doesn't stop progress and many times accelerates it.