Do guns make us more safe?

True enough. It isn't that hard to do online research to build an IED if you were so inclined.

Research isn't really required, you just have to be smarter than a numbskull Lefty who thinks that guns are the problem.

Lock up the guns, let the mass murderers run around free; is the Lefty philosophy.
Can guns make us safer? Well yes and no
That doesn't mean you can't have rules and regulations for a society to use guns. We have rules and regulations for everything. No right is absolute.
That's a clear answer..."None ya." Meaning not any of your business as long as he/she obeys the law. Further why do you believe you even have the right to ask that question?
It's a free country. He doesn't have to answer if the question makes him uncomfortable. It's just been my experience that guys who own guns love to talk about how cool they are.
It's a free country. He doesn't have to answer if the question makes him uncomfortable. It's just been my experience that guys who own guns love to talk about how cool they are.
I love to talk guns with other gun owners. I will not be specific about what I own with people who seem intent on infringing on my right to own firearms. There in lies the difference. To be honest though I am rarely specific about what I own with anyone.
I'm not talking about scaring off. Im talking about effectiveness. It's hard to miss at 10 feet with a shotgun.

Actually not true, most are going to be done by "semi professionals" who are in and out in under 10 mins.

Most home burglaries are done between between 10 am and 3 pm.

For the past several decades, property crime rates, including burglaries, have steadily declined. The current burglary rate, including cases of forced entry, is 75% less than it was in the 1980s. Which means while there are still far too many, they are not as much of a threat as they were 40 years ago.

What has changed since 40 years ago is the "marketing and fear factors". After all, if everyone said there is no need for home defence systems ( including firearms),who'd be out buying them?

What's your good reason?

The above only goes to show you're a bit more in tune with your firearms than just for "home protection". I don't care what loads you use,if you can't hit the target, it doesn't matter. With a 12 gauge, accuracy of being on target isn't really a problem.

If you think handguns offer a better measure of accuracy, just go peruse Youtube. There are dozens of incidents where shots are fired from 10' or less, that hit nothing.

Speaking about the "targets", most thieves are not looking for a shoot out. They want in and out with the goods in as fast a time as possible with little risk to their own lives. (kind of why the biggest increase in theft is the "porch bandits")

I do not protect my home and farm based on national crime averages, but on experiences and my particular region.

It very well may be different. I do know that where I live has THE lowest crime rate in the nation. As a state, we have the lowest, and my county has the lowest in our state, thereby making where I live the lowest in the nation. But it only makes sense. This is a VERY rural area and nefarious activities are readily apparent. Since everyone knows one another, if someone see's something, they are going to confront them.

That does not mean we do not have any crime; we do, but having guns in almost every house plays into that. In fact, gun-controller's cited that if we went to permitless-concealed-carry, our crime rate would go up, but being one of the first states to go permit-less, it actually went down. Those statistics were used as other states began to adopt the permitless-carry-laws.

But I do admit that some crime goes unreported because we take care of issues ourselves here. I know in one incident, a police detective told us, "we are not going to do anything about this, but we will look the other way if you deal with it". When you do, it makes the statement, "don't do anything there", for a lot of years afterwards.
You don’t need expertise to use it in that situation
Which is exactly why you would end up hurting someone in your family before you end up stopping the intruder.
, all you need is some basic knowledge of how a gun works and the WILL to use it. And you know that if I have a gun pointed at someone invading my house then their head is getting blown clean off because I definitely have that will.
The will to use it is nice, but being trained and proficient is what keeps accidents from happening. Most likely that is why the second amendment includes the words well-trained. They even knew back then there were folks who shot them selves or family members with poor training. You make the arguments for the sane folks so much easier when you say anything. Thank for that. Almost like playing tee-ball.
Assumptions were coming from that piece of trash Raazor who claimed that a gun owner would shoot themselves or a family member if they truly felt their lives were in danger because of fear but you ignored that to try to score a cheap shot against someone attacking an aggressor on here once again.
That's a clear answer..."None ya." Meaning not any of your business as long as he/she obeys the law. Further why do you believe you even have the right to ask that question?
You're making excuses for QueanKing, who made threats of murder right here on this forum.

It's time for people to stand up to the right wing extremists like you and require a rigorous licence process for gun ownership. Then it will meet the Constitutional standard of being "well regulated".
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Weird....gun violence is increasing this year...highest rate in a decade. So why then...if the cause is a response to violent crime...why do we not see a correlation with those violent crime rates with any past data? Is the response attributed instead to future violent crimes? Because the data says it isn't due to past crimes. Weird.
You're making excuses for QueanKing, who made threats of murder right here on this forum.

It's time for people to stand up to the right wing extremists like you and require a rigorous licence process for gun ownership. Then it will meet the Constitutional standard of being "well regulated".
You know jack squat about me yet you presume to label me a right winger. Do you know many right wingers who support a woman's right to control her own body, including abortion? Do you know many right wingers who believe in equal rights for everyone? Do you know many right wingers who believe that our health care system is a disaster? Do you know many right wingers that believe the helping hand of welfare is definitely needed for some people? Do you know any right wingers that voted for Obama twice? Well all that describes me as well as believing in the 2nd Amendment, supporting the police when they are smart enough to police their own and remove bad cops, supporting the military, and securing the border. So coati I don't fit neatly in your right wing box.

As for what firearms anyone owns it is entirely none of your business any more than whatever you own of anything is anyone else's business as long as you don't break the law.
You know jack squat about me yet you presume to label me a right winger. Do you know many right wingers who support a woman's right to control her own body, including abortion? Do you know many right wingers who believe in equal rights for everyone? Do you know many right wingers who believe that our health care system is a disaster? Do you know many right wingers that believe the helping hand of welfare is definitely needed for some people? Do you know any right wingers that voted for Obama twice? Well all that describes me as well as believing in the 2nd Amendment, supporting the police when they are smart enough to police their own and remove bad cops, supporting the military, and securing the border. So coati I don't fit neatly in your right wing box.

As for what firearms anyone owns it is entirely none of your business any more than whatever you own of anything is anyone else's business as long as you don't break the law.
In fairness, I never had you down as a Biden-supporting Liberal. You had me fooled, I can tell you.
You know jack squat about me yet you presume to label ...
As for what firearms anyone owns it is entirely none of your business any more than whatever you own of anything is anyone else's business as long as you don't break the law.
If someone makes public threats to murder others with his guns, it becomes my business. You sound like a right winger for arguing otherwise.

I do not protect my home and farm based on national crime averages, but on experiences and my particular region.
From what I read below, where you live seems relatively safe.
It very well may be different. I do know that where I live has THE lowest crime rate in the nation. As a state, we have the lowest, and my county has the lowest in our state, thereby making where I live the lowest in the nation. But it only makes sense. This is a VERY rural area and nefarious activities are readily apparent. Since everyone knows one another, if someone see's something, they are going to confront them.

That does not mean we do not have any crime; we do, but having guns in almost every house plays into that. In fact, gun-controller's cited that if we went to permitless-concealed-carry, our crime rate would go up, but being one of the first states to go permit-less, it actually went down. Those statistics were used as other states began to adopt the permitless-carry-laws.

But I do admit that some crime goes unreported because we take care of issues ourselves here. I know in one incident, a police detective told us, "we are not going to do anything about this, but we will look the other way if you deal with it". When you do, it makes the statement, "don't do anything there", for a lot of years afterwards.
Then why do you need the items listed below, if the rates are so low?
I do know that where I live has THE lowest crime rate in the nation

My AR-15's are loaded with soft lead, subsonic rounds, hollow points, and then super-sonic armor piercing rounds; in that 3-round configuration down through their stacks. That gives me a lot of options. My pistols all have hollow points...
The above seems a bit overkill if you live in THE lowest crime rate in the nation. What would you have if you were in the southside of Chicago?? A tank?
If someone makes public threats to murder others with his guns, it becomes my business. You sound like a right winger for arguing otherwise.

TrailerTrash aka KiotiUgly aka ??? voted for the corrupt orange traitor in 2020.

Nuff said.

In fairness, I never had you down as a Biden-supporting Liberal. You had me fooled, I can tell you.
I'm not a biden supporting liberal, nor am I a trump supporting right winger. It just chafes me how every 4 years it always seems to boil down to the lesser of two evils. If it's a trump/biden showdown I will more than likely vote third party.

Honestly I am damn tired of the tearing apart our country at the seems. How about a little moderation, a little co-operation, and thinking about the citizens and the country instead of consolidating power?

TrailerTrash aka KiotiUgly aka ??? voted for the corrupt orange traitor in 2020.

Nuff said.

lazaran the stalker who can't go one day without posting about me...nuff said. Shakes my head in amusement.

And you voted for a guy whose highwater mark in politics was to push through a crime bill that targeted blacks at a higher percentage than whites. Other than that he did absolutely nothing for 47 years.
If someone makes public threats to murder others with his guns, it becomes my business. You sound like a right winger for arguing otherwise.
If someone made credible threats to murder someone that is against the law. End of story.

But let me ask you this...Since I have never threatened to murder anyone does that make my guns nobody's business but mine?
Actually until 1934 when Congress passed the National Firearms Act that restricted ownership of machine guns, short-barreled shotguns, short-barreled rifles, sound suppressors (silencers), and other similar weapons that were often used by criminals during the Prohibition Era it was possible for any citizen to go down to the local hardware store/sporting goods store and buy a Thompson Submachine gun. The interesting thing here it was criminal use of these weapons, not civilian use of these weapons, that prompted the NFA.

The violence then, with far more easily accessible fully automatic weapons, was perpetrated by criminals, gangsters, mobsters, and not the average citizen shooting up the bar, club, grocery store or neighborhood. so what has changed in the make-up of society that violence by so called average citizens has taken a meteoric rise? Because if I could just walk in and buy a Tommy gun, put a 100 round drum on it I sure as heck could do some serious damage in the local nightclub if I chose to.
Thanks for answering.
We already restrict bulk purchases of explosives. A simple mask mandate can defend against most bio weapon attacks.
The mask didn't work. Lockdowns didn't work. A smart person knows the vaccine is killing more people than covid did. i'm sure these facts scare the hell out of you. in the cities with the most gun control laws the most violent crimes happen. One example is Chicago...a liberal pit of a city...every day between 2 to 10 people are shot EVERY DAY. Here, why not take a stroll at night down one of these neighborhoods. If Gun control is SO GREAT go do it.
The reason for the 2nd Amendment is to protect us from the Government.
I'd add, liberal/socialist/Marxists/progressives who insist on removing our Constitutional rights.

I have a suggestion.
If you are a Marxist who wants to remove guns from TRUE Americans...why not YOU YOURSELF enter peoples homes and try it. Especially in States without liberal prosecuting attorneys. SMILE.

I know you'll never do it, you are simply to lazy to do so. You'll have someone else do it. Oh, did I mention one of the NUMBER one character traits of Socialists/Marxists/Communists/progressives is simple laziness. What I find interesting is most Socialists/Marxists/Communists/progressives talk about "Helping the poor" but they themselves do not do a thing to help anyone who is poor. What they want is the government to STEAL from people who produce and give it to people who sit on their ass. OR they want to use government programs to lock people INTO slavery. Hoping they will buy into Socialism and vote for Dems. See how this works in Dem run cities. Lets all move to San Fran as an example where people post online where people are pooping on sidewalks. SO I don't believe for one second a Marxist would actually TRY and remove arms from true Americans...simply because they are to lazy too.

My question is this; why do real Americans put up with Marxists/progressives/communists/fascists in the first place? A note: Fascism was started by an Italian Marxist who didn't believe communist was extreme enough. Why don't people know this? Marxists have took over the teachers union and public education over a hundred years ago. The proof public education is run by Marxists is by just reading the text books. They lie about EVERYTHING. Every text book is about making sure Susie and Johnny turn into good little Marxists. Also, 90 percent of all teachers vote for the Marxists running the Dem party. That is not an accident. Why? Public schools through the teachers union REFUSE to hire conservative pro American teachers. A public education teacher is one of the most CLOSED MINDED people in America. Don't believe me? Tell a public education teacher the programs they promote don't work. Tell a public education teacher Marxist philosphy doesn't work. Add to this, that Marxists have killed more people directly and through famine than any other group in the history of man kind. Tell a public education teacher God is real. Tell a public education teacher that: ice age, overpopulation, acid rain, global warming, and now "climate change" is made up. Oh, don't forget to tell your teacher Market economies work and the United States was the greatest country every created. See how "open minded" your college professor or public education teacher is. Biased left winged liars.

What is scary is how many people have fallen for the Cult of Marx.
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How to tell everyone that you failed Political History without having to explain why.
Actually I aced all of my College Level History classes.
I also aced my Poly Science course.
This was when Colleges actually believed in real discussions and taught real history. It was changing when i was going through though. I could tell Colleges were headed down some Socialist Marxist nightmare.
I'm sure you believed what you were taught in one of this indoctrination centers.