Do guns make us more safe?

Lol, if that's all you got you need more medical intervention than the entire mental health profession can provide.

But you go ahead and do you. We'll just keep on laughing and shaking our heads.
It's was my understanding they originated from the sub Sahara and they were an extinct group of people my mistake I apologize whole heartily..

That ain't why you said that shit, Buffy. :ROFLMAO:

Tell us all about the Caucasiun and the Aryun "royalty" in your next attempt at metaphors.
And yet...

Defund the police...

How about we train the police to understand and know the laws they are supossed to uphold and enforce? And while we are at it, fire the thug officers who give police a bad name by not knowing simple ideas such as policy is not law, cameras protect all envoled from lies and public vs.private property. Then, for fun, make sure they are aware of the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 6th admenmants, for a start? How about that?
Lol, if that's all you got you need more medical intervention than the entire mental health profession can provide.

But you go ahead and do you. We'll just keep on laughing and shaking our heads.

Yeah fake bravado is fake.

We know you think guns are more important than the lives of Americans and their children.
Yeah fake bravado is fake.

We know you think guns are more important than the lives of Americans and their children.

Once again instead of debating the issues with facts, you make up lies and post more ascription while you run away like the little coward you are.

Here's a truth for you: MOST PEOPLE don't think like you do on this or many of the other idiotic things you say. That makes your voice the odd one out, not mine.

And, just like Carrie Nation who went on a tirade against alcohol you will probably get other nutters to join you. However, just as with prohibition, you will still not be in the right even if you manage to get a majority to follow along with your crazy ideas. Eventually the world will correct itself and you and your whacko crap will fall by the wayside. Just like the crusades of every other whack job throughout history.

YOU are an anachronism. YOU are a waste of space, oxygen, food, and electrons. Not to mention carbon.

Deal with that as you craft more lies to protect your fragile ego from the truth.
How about we train the police to understand and know the laws they are supossed to uphold and enforce? And while we are at it, fire the thug officers who give police a bad name by not knowing simple ideas such as policy is not law, cameras protect all envoled from lies and public vs.private property. Then, for fun, make sure they are aware of the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 6th admenmants, for a start? How about that?

If you ask that question of the police they will tell you that there are more laws than anyone can possible remember with more being added to the list every year. Thus, what you ask is an impossible task of anyone.

Meanwhile ignorance of the law is no excuse. Not for you, not for me and not for anyone else. Any cop who violates the law is subject to arrest and prosecution. As we saw with Derek Chauvin and see again with the 5 Memphis cops who were recently indicted for the death of Tyre Nichols.

So what you're complaining about already has the best solution society and the law can create. The good public servants protect us from the bad public servants.

And that's how it should be.
I think it's a safe bet he says things like those people.

I do!

Look at "those people" over there having fun!
Look, more of "those people" laughing and creating good memories.
Look, "those people" are getting married today.

Guns made Robert Dotson safe in New Mexico when he heard banging on his door at 11.30pm one night. As recommended by the good folks on the 'Guns are fun!' thread, he opened his front door with his handgun locked and loaded.

He was then shot dead by the police who thought they were knocking on the house three doors away for a domestic call. The police wouldn't tell the widow Dotson what had gone wrong, but she found out from her son who is a cop in the same area and was able to read the log.
Someone's trying way too hard.

You got your ass fact checked into oblivion again and have been reduced to posting snarky bullshit to protect your fragile ego.

Go ahead, your ego knows the score no matter how much you try and avoid acknowledging it.
Lol, if that's all you got you need more medical intervention than the entire mental health profession can provide.

But you go ahead and do you. We'll just keep on laughing and shaking our heads.
(Quoted for posterity, irony, and stupidity)

As a actual member of the “mental health profession”, I can assure everyone that Harpy is the one in need of a “medical intervention”.


Still, in all my years in the “mental health profession”, I never had to deal with an individual with Carbon water on the brain, like Harpy, so I’m not completely sure how Lithium would interact with that Carbon water soaked gray matter;.


Harpy would definitely make an interesting case study.


👉 Harpy 🤣

So what you're complaining about already has the best solution society and the law can create. The good public servants protect us from the bad public servants.

And that's how it should be.
So it works like guns laws do. Got it.

Define protect when many officers are afraid of a camera and can not even bother to know basic rights and laws. Not all but basic ones. You do know hairdressers are required as much if not more training than many officers.

Youtube is full of videos of dumb cops violating rights and getting away with it but keep telling yourself it is not that widespread.
You got your ass fact checked into oblivion again and have been reduced to posting snarky bullshit to protect your fragile ego.

Go ahead, your ego knows the score no matter how much you try and avoid acknowledging it.
No I didn't you asshat.

It's the other way around but you're too stupid to realize it. You used a debunked and retracted study. Repeatedly.

But your bravado and ego can't accept it so you just rail on incoherently.
So it works like guns laws do. Got it.

Define protect when many officers are afraid of a camera and can not even bother to know basic rights and laws. Not all but basic ones. You do know hairdressers are required as much if not more training than many officers.

Youtube is full of videos of dumb cops violating rights and getting away with it but keep telling yourself it is not that widespread.

Snark doesn't advance the conversation. If all you have is snark, then you're not going to fare all that well here.

You tube is also devoid of the hundreds of thousands of good cops doing their job and staying within the law. Which is one way of saying that if you believe the world is only as you see it on youtube you need to get out more.

Finally, cops aren't perfect and no one expects them to be. They have to follow the law just like you and I do and when they do wrong they get punished for it. Yes there are bad cops who are protected by other bad cops but for the most part the rest do a good job under awful conditions.

And here's a wild thought; how about if instead of making cops out to be the bad guys, we actually hold the bad guys accountable and stop allowing our friends and neighbors to BE bad guys. That way the cops won't need to be jack booted thugs when dealing with the rest of us after we go astray accidentally.
No I didn't you asshat.

It's the other way around but you're too stupid to realize it. You used a debunked and retracted study. Repeatedly.

But your bravado and ego can't accept it so you just rail on incoherently.

The CDC study hasn't been debunked. It was pulled by the CDC at the behest of the anti-gun orgs who were backed by the administration at the time. It still exists and the CDC still refers to it when providing statistics regarding gun deaths.

Meanwhile the data you provide has been manipulated (from the CDC study by the way) to include statistics from other categories in order to "puff" the numbers. By doing that the anti-gun orgs which did this get people like you to sign on to their agenda because it seems like a good thing. Yet underneath it all they're lying to you. And when this is pointed out to you, you drink more of their Kool Aid because again, it seems like a good thing.

It isn't. It's never a good thing when tyrants try to tell others how to live their lives.

That you're not aware of any of that only PROVES that you don't know shit about the subject and only parrot the talking points you're spoon fed by those with an agenda.

The world doesn't work the way you see it. This has been shown to you time and time again by more members here than just me. Yet you insist that your ideas are the one and only true way instead of understanding that you're out of step with reality and society.

You're wrong. You've always been wrong. Denying that in order to avoid having to admit it doesn't change that FACT.
How about adding a couple of weeks training for cops. It could be filled with instruction for, IDK, when not to shoot people.

That would be a start.
How about adding a couple of weeks training for cops. It could be filled with instruction for, IDK, when not to shoot people.

That would be a start.

In most places the police academy is 26 weeks long. The curriculum is usually available for anyone to see because recruitment.

Perhaps if you researched and looked at it before you posted your meaningless drivel you wouldn't look so foolish after posting.
The CDC study hasn't been debunked. It was pulled by the CDC at the behest of the anti-gun orgs who were backed by the administration at the time. It still exists and the CDC still refers to it when providing statistics regarding gun deaths.

Meanwhile the data you provide has been manipulated (from the CDC study by the way) to include statistics from other categories in order to "puff" the numbers. By doing that the anti-gun orgs which did this get people like you to sign on to their agenda because it seems like a good thing. Yet underneath it all they're lying to you. And when this is pointed out to you, you drink more of their Kool Aid because again, it seems like a good thing.

It isn't. It's never a good thing when tyrants try to tell others how to live their lives.

That you're not aware of any of that only PROVES that you don't know shit about the subject and only parrot the talking points you're spoon fed by those with an agenda.

The world doesn't work the way you see it. This has been shown to you time and time again by more members here than just me. Yet you insist that your ideas are the one and only true way instead of understanding that you're out of step with reality and society.

You're wrong. You've always been wrong. Denying that in order to avoid having to admit it doesn't change that FACT.


Sorry, Harpy, but the CDC removed the study because the numbers on defensive gun use were sooooooo fucked up.

The study suggested that the range of defensive gun use could be anywhere between 60,000 to 2.5 million per year.

Another study provided a range of between 55,000 to 4.7 million.

When the range of numbers is soooooo fucked up, the study is inherently invalid.

Hope that ^ helps.


👉 Harpy 🤣

Snark doesn't advance the conversation. If all you have is snark, then you're not going to fare all that well here.

You tube is also devoid of the hundreds of thousands of good cops doing their job and staying within the law. Which is one way of saying that if you believe the world is only as you see it on youtube you need to get out more.

Finally, cops aren't perfect and no one expects them to be. They have to follow the law just like you and I do and when they do wrong they get punished for it. Yes there are bad cops who are protected by other bad cops but for the most part the rest do a good job under awful conditions.

And here's a wild thought; how about if instead of making cops out to be the bad guys, we actually hold the bad guys accountable and stop allowing our friends and neighbors to BE bad guys. That way the cops won't need to be jack booted thugs when dealing with the rest of us after we go astray accidentally.

Simple questions, do you believe in the rule of law or not? If so, should we all be held to that standard, especially those who swore to up hold the constitution and laws in the area they serve? Or is innocent until proven guilty meaningless, along with the bill of rights?

Not all cops are bad guys but sadly there are many who seem to get away with things for too long, like other carreer crimminals do. This is a well known problem, thus (imho) the dumb calls to defund police rather than re_educate, better train or fire / jail the thugs who act like gang members.
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In most places the police academy is 26 weeks long. The curriculum is usually available for anyone to see because recruitment.

Perhaps if you researched and looked at it before you posted your meaningless drivel you wouldn't look so foolish after posting.
If we are talking about research before meaningless drivel, shall we provide exhibit Arpy.

Good lord dude, you don’t got the goods yet you hope to talk sentences around and around and poof, still nothing.

Do you look at your posts before posting because….dipshit!
In most places the police academy is 26 weeks long. The curriculum is usually available for anyone to see because recruitment.

Perhaps if you researched and looked at it before you posted your meaningless drivel you wouldn't look so foolish after posting.
It's good to see you advancing the conversation rather than telling people to go fuck themselves.

Keep up with the effort.