Do guns make us more safe?

What makes any difference whether it was yesterday or a year ago? As for where they were struck, arm, leg or back, you have no clue as to whether they were running away or struck while diving for cover or trying to attack her.
Bottom line, she's alive unmolested, fuck the folk must just hate a strong, courageous, confident woman
Also what wasn't stated was the prior "rap" sheets of the thugs.
The point is that ammosexuals are killing unarmed people every day in the 'safe' states. You had to go back two months to find a case where a home defender shot people in the back, and we don't even know if those people were even dangerous. The vast majority of burglars just want to escape if detected.

As a guide, people in 'attack' mode are rarely shot in the back.

Did you demand to see the 'rap' sheets of the people killed in 9/11 to see if their murder was justified?
So bring anti gun apparently means you are then trying to be a brutal dictator?

It's a questionable precedent to set, given that the logical extension of that is to determine that being pro gun means you are aligned with every school shooter and every person who has ever committed any act of fun violence.
No,no.....your anti gun agenda is about totalitarian authority. It has absolutely nothing in common with the safety and well-being of people. Your government couldn't/won't give two hoots in hell for your or anyone's
I find that capitalizing, promoting the anti gun nazi agenda using the blood of the innocent people let alone the children despicable, vile at best, words escape me for the worst. That and you should be ashamed of yourself for doing so!
Your logic is flawed to compare the pro American, freedom loving, basic human rights supporting, good people to the deranged mass shooters of the world. None, absolutely none of us pro gun folk want anything to do with mass shootings, it brings the bile in my stomach up to my mouth every time I here about another tragedy.....
Your leftwing liberals are playing you with their anti gun bullshit and you and your kind have swallowed it hook, line and sinker.
Bottom line..... a free man is an armed man, only slaves are disarmed. Are you a slave?
One more thought...... I absolutely refuse to be punished for someone else's crime.... give these last two statements some thought
The point is that ammosexuals are killing unarmed people every day in the 'safe' states. You had to go back two months to find a case where a home defender shot people in the back, and we don't even know if those people were even dangerous. The vast majority of burglars just want to escape if detected.

As a guide, people in 'attack' mode are rarely shot in the back.

Did you demand to see the 'rap' sheets of the people killed in 9/11 to see if their murder was justified?
If I read your post correctly you believe it's OK to destroy someone's life and home without any repercussions
You weren't there you have no idea what transpired in her fight for life....
Actually brey123, on 2nd thought maybe, just maybe if you were to have an experience such as this you would have a better perspective on getting the shit stomped out of you by 4 thugs. I hope it never happens to you because it fucks up your life. I really hope you never have a problem of this sort, it will haunt you for the rest of your life...
No,no.....your anti gun agenda is about totalitarian authority. It has absolutely nothing in common with the safety and well-being of people. Your government couldn't/won't give two hoots in hell for your or anyone's
I find that capitalizing, promoting the anti gun nazi agenda using the blood of the innocent people let alone the children despicable, vile at best, words escape me for the worst. That and you should be ashamed of yourself for doing so!
Your logic is flawed to compare the pro American, freedom loving, basic human rights supporting, good people to the deranged mass shooters of the world. None, absolutely none of us pro gun folk want anything to do with mass shootings, it brings the bile in my stomach up to my mouth every time I here about another tragedy.....
Your leftwing liberals are playing you with their anti gun bullshit and you and your kind have swallowed it hook, line and sinker.
Bottom line..... a free man is an armed man, only slaves are disarmed. Are you a slave?
One more thought...... I absolutely refuse to be punished for someone else's crime.... give these last two statements some thought
There were times in the American south where the slave population outnumbered those of their white masters.
The question you should ask before posing your thoughts on being armed or not is exactly WHY then and historically now, the NRA and gun nuts are consistently silent on defending the rights of a POC who is legally armed.
Sorry, but your argument hits my ear not as being a slave because you can't have a gun, but more of an argument for actual slavery.
Stop comparing white gun angst to slavery!
There were times in the American south where the slave population outnumbered those of their white masters.
The question you should ask before posing your thoughts on being armed or not is exactly WHY then and historically now, the NRA and gun nuts are consistently silent on defending the rights of a POC who is legally armed.
Sorry, but your argument hits my ear not as being a slave because you can't have a gun, but more of an argument for actual slavery.
Stop comparing white gun angst to slavery!
Your just plain and simply off your chain with that jackass statement.
Your just plain and simply off your chain with that jackass statement.
This person does not know my race and is naive to what I said.
Does not stop them from making derogatory slave references.
No,no.....your anti gun agenda is about totalitarian authority. It has absolutely nothing in common with the safety and well-being of people. Your government couldn't/won't give two hoots in hell for your or anyone's
I find that capitalizing, promoting the anti gun nazi agenda using the blood of the innocent people let alone the children despicable, vile at best, words escape me for the worst. That and you should be ashamed of yourself for doing so!
Your logic is flawed to compare the pro American, freedom loving, basic human rights supporting, good people to the deranged mass shooters of the world. None, absolutely none of us pro gun folk want anything to do with mass shootings, it brings the bile in my stomach up to my mouth every time I here about another tragedy.....
Your leftwing liberals are playing you with their anti gun bullshit and you and your kind have swallowed it hook, line and sinker.
Bottom line..... a free man is an armed man, only slaves are disarmed. Are you a slave?
One more thought...... I absolutely refuse to be punished for someone else's crime.... give these last two statements some thought
Wow. To quote Luke Skywalker "Amazing. Every word of what you said was wrong."

Anti gun is 100% about safety and has nothing to do with totalitarian authority. It's about being in a society that protects it's citizens by creating limits on things that cause more harm than they do anything else. We don't put nuclear weapons in people's hands. We don't let people who can't be responsible with it have access to cars or alcohol or drugs. None of it has anything to do with control and you make yourself an idiot every time you pretend it does.

You can say whatever you want, but when you push for pro gun civilization then you are responsible for the consequences of that - and that means school shootings. Your desire to pretend you aren't responsible doesn't mean shit. We all know you are irresponsible already. But you are. And the sooner that you are held to that legally, the better we all will be.
She doesn't know that they only gonna steal from her , she walks in on a home invasion, it's 4 to 1
Unless you've ever been it that situation, you've got no idea how quickly shit can go sideways
Let the cops deal with it? By the time the police arrive 99% of the time they are just historians, just mopping up the carnage.
If she enters her home unaware of intruders and they turn menacingly towards her and trapped her I would think she justified in unloading her weapon and sort it out later. If she enters and has an opportunity to escape that could get dicey IMHO. How many people enter their home gun in hand. It appears she has some pretty good training.
Something I always wondered; as manslaughter is killing without malice, can you attempt it? Attempt usually means to try to do something. If you're trying to kill someone that's malicious. In my book anyway.
The individual states have statutes for "attempted involuntary manslaughter" (where the crime was done without intention but would have led to death absent some intervention) and "attempted voluntary manslaughter" (where the crime was done with either recklessness or wanton disregard. but would have led to death absent some intervention).
If she enters her home unaware of intruders and they turn menacingly towards her and trapped her I would think she justified in unloading her weapon and sort it out later. If she enters and has an opportunity to escape that could get dicey IMHO. How many people enter their home gun in hand. It appears she has some pretty good training.
Tell us you have no friends or visiting family or how no one has ever given you a surprise party to celebrate your miserable life.
Tell us you have no friends or visiting family or how no one has ever given you a surprise party to celebrate your miserable life.
Apparently she was aware that they weren’t family and friends because she shot 2 of them.
If I read your post correctly you believe it's OK to destroy someone's life and home without any repercussions
You weren't there you have no idea what transpired in her fight for life....
Actually brey123, on 2nd thought maybe, just maybe if you were to have an experience such as this you would have a better perspective on getting the shit stomped out of you by 4 thugs. I hope it never happens to you because it fucks up your life. I really hope you never have a problem of this sort, it will haunt you for the rest of your life...
I never said, nor do I think that it's OK to destroy someone's life and home.

If you had comprehension skills you would know this, the remainder of your rant is moot. However you do seem to reside in a very dangerous place, I recommend that you relocate to a safer country where guns are not to be feared.
She doesn't know that they only gonna steal from her , she walks in on a home invasion, it's 4 to 1
Unless you've ever been it that situation, you've got no idea how quickly shit can go sideways
Let the cops deal with it? By the time the police arrive 99% of the time they are just historians, just mopping up the carnage.
This happens on average 4800 times a day in the US… you found one example to highlight.
If she enters her home unaware of intruders and they turn menacingly towards her and trapped her I would think she justified in unloading her weapon and sort it out later. If she enters and has an opportunity to escape that could get dicey IMHO. How many people enter their home gun in hand. It appears she has some pretty good training.
Where were the entrance wounds again? How many weapons were recovered at the scene?
Important questions to know the answers to, before jumping to conclusions…
Baby, you had me at, “I’m not familiar…”
Awwwww. And I thought we had a beautiful romance brewing. 😞💔
Great love is sometimes found when folks throw caution to the wind, but you’re gonna let facts stand in the way of love. I’m sad, but ok.
(Better links. I put these here because the right will sometimes argue that the gun violence numbers are skewed by suicide)
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You best hope I don't tell my daddy.
He gonna find you and force you into a shotgun wedding for restricting his daughter's marriage rights.
Some statistics are like Hunter's cock. They're real.
Other statistics are like Melania's tits.
A well crafted joke.
I'm here for thinking, sneaky jokes as these.
I approve.