Do guns make us more safe?

Awwwww. And I thought we had a beautiful romance brewing. 😞💔
Great love is sometimes found when folks throw caution to the wind, but you’re gonna let facts stand in the way of love. I’m sad, but ok.
(Better links. I put these here because the right will sometimes argue that the gun violence numbers are skewed by suicide)

Awwwww. And I thought we had a beautiful romance brewing. 😞💔
Great love is sometimes found when folks throw caution to the wind, but you’re gonna let facts stand in the way of love. I’m sad, but ok.
(Better links. I put these here because the right will sometimes argue that the gun violence numbers are skewed by suicide)
No one is disputing that firearm accidents and suicide happen in the home, how does that article even remotely tie into an individual carrying for protection enter their home only to find strangers in their home and unloading. Show me statistics where a person coming home shoots and kills a family member mistaking a family member for a robber.... a shooting is a response to a surprise party. I guess anything is possible but I can't imagine that that scenario happens very often if at all.
I can see where we are entering into a loop where you claim that you want to be prepared for anything and I claim that 'anything' rarely happens comparable to the dangers of having a gun.
The only downside to the fine young woman's open carrying is it screams "shoot me first". Otherwise please do exercise your basic human right to self preservation
It's actually quite common to see open carry here where I live in Tennessee. I can only assume even more conceal carry.

I prefer to conceal carry just because it eliminates prying eyes.
Um, what number do you suggest then? Um.

Pay attention to the exchange that you’re involving yourself in.

The debate was over the reason the CDC report was removed, and whether the report was valid. The poster known as Harpy aka Carbon Water boy was PROVEN wrong on EVERY assertion they made.

The poster known as Harpy aka Carbon Water boy was also PROVEN to be a farcically pompous, belligerent asshat.

Don’t be like Harpy aka Carbon Water boy.



When the next school shooting happens (<-- OH LOOK THERE, I SAID IT!) I'm positive that you and the rest of your ignorant shills will pick that up and use it to try and score points in your anti-gun/anti-America agenda.

Worse, you'll continue to say stupid things like "you make up facts" when the truth is I only quote sources. That you disagree with those sources doesn't make them nonexistent or fake.

And yes, I do support anyone who isn't a prohibited person in their choice to keep and bear arms. Why wouldn't I? It's the law and I stand for the law.

You not liking that either doesn't matter one whit to me. Or the courts.
School shootings anti american? What's more american than children being murdered at school? It's one of the things that make you proud to be an american.
Yawn...Your blatant stupidity in the blaming of people who have done nothing wrong is glaringly obvious.

I pity you.
Pity is something you feel when others are suffering or having misfortunes. Like all the gun violence victims you keep helping create with your pro gun positions. And yes, it is glaringly obvious how much wrong you have and continue to do. adrina here's another runner up for you.... Now granted this is an older tragedy, that being said it's very much in tune with your thread. I believe this shitsack has been convicted of several murders since this article has been written
This evil meatsack has murdered at least 12 elderly women (suspected in at least 90 other deaths in nursing homes) for their jewelry using a pillow, a fucking pillow to smother these helpless women. Someone's grandmother. This monster is an somalian illegal alien. That shouldn't have even been allowed in my country. His murders were perpetrated in Texas so hopefully he gets the needle..... all murders were perpetrated without a gun....
Really, he's a thug? How do you know? What was his criminal record?

Maybe he was down and out of luck,couldn't get a job, and had to resort to crime? Do you have any idea? No, but to you he's a thug...

Here's his obit, maybe read it.....
Really, he's a thug? How do you know? What was his criminal record?

Maybe he was down and out of luck,couldn't get a job, and had to resort to crime? Do you have any idea? No, but to you he's a thug...

Here's his obit, maybe read it.....
He violated someone, broke into the home, the victims have no idea what this "poor down trodden" individual would do.
If is as "down on his luck" there are more than enough social services in place to provide help. He chose that road it's on him...... you believe I'm black hearted, maybe I am, maybe if you or your kind have had the living shit beat out of you as I have or been attacked in your driveway like I have. Fuzzy you tend to look at the world abit deferently. ps. I don't care if you don't believe me, one time I was accosted I was enfem, heels and corset just ask any cis girl how fucking venerable we are ......
Pity is something you feel when others are suffering or having misfortunes. Like all the gun violence victims you keep helping create with your pro gun positions. And yes, it is glaringly obvious how much wrong you have and continue to do.
My pity is for your suffering for having the misfortune of being as stupid as you are about this issue.

I am no more responsible for gun violence because I obey the law regarding gun ownership than you are for drunk driving deaths when you obey the law driving your car. I do make the bold assumption that you do not drink and drive. I could be wrong, for all I know you could be an alcoholic with 12 DUI's.
My pity is for your suffering for having the misfortune of being as stupid as you are about this issue.

I am no more responsible for gun violence because I obey the law regarding gun ownership than you are for drunk driving deaths when you obey the law driving your car. I do make the bold assumption that you do not drink and drive. I could be wrong, for all I know you could be an alcoholic with 12 DUI's.
Fortunately you don't understand pity anymore than anything else, which is not at all.

You're absolutely responsible. Guns and cars aren't the same at all. Guns have a single entelechy - to hurt others. Any support for them (and their availability and their lack of control and their accessibility) is responsible for every result. You can't even logically deny it (you will try, but you always leave the logic out of it), because you already try to take credit for the minute number of "good guy with a gun circumstances" you pat yourself on the back for. You want the credit for support of guns - you get it. Unfortunately almost all of it is violence and death of innocents, including almost daily school shootings. You get them all because there is only one line with guns.

Cars don't work the same. Their sole purpose is not to be driven drunk. And I would never support legislation or policy makers who want to make it easier for people to drive drunk or have access to automobiles while intoxicated. You're the exact opposite when it comes to guns.
Fortunately you don't understand pity anymore than anything else, which is not at all.

You're absolutely responsible. Guns and cars aren't the same at all. Guns have a single entelechy - to hurt others. Any support for them (and their availability and their lack of control and their accessibility) is responsible for every result. You can't even logically deny it (you will try, but you always leave the logic out of it), because you already try to take credit for the minute number of "good guy with a gun circumstances" you pat yourself on the back for. You want the credit for support of guns - you get it. Unfortunately almost all of it is violence and death of innocents, including almost daily school shootings. You get them all because there is only one line with guns.

Cars don't work the same. Their sole purpose is not to be driven drunk. And I would never support legislation or policy makers who want to make it easier for people to drive drunk or have access to automobiles while intoxicated. You're the exact opposite when it comes to guns.
Your right, guns and cars aren't the same. My right to own a firearm is a Constitutionally protected right. Driving is a privilege, not a right.

Okay first of all I have never mentioned one time here on lit any story about a good guy with a gun, unless you count me going out on my stoop and interrupting what was sure to be an attempted burglary at my house in the middle of the night. You really need to listen occasionally and not yap nonsense all the time. How, if I obey the law, my guns are in a gun safe when not with me, the ammunition in a different location in my house, am I personally responsible for some nut case or criminal shooting someplace up? You logic is completely unsound. With your logic anyone that owns a car is responsible for all driving deaths even if they weren't involved in the incident. You love the faulty guilt by association propaganda, too bad it is 100% wrong.
Sorry to disagree with you TomTeacher, but I like the car to gun analogy.
The waiting in line for service. Having to deal with the government. The taxes paid on the license and getting and reviewing of renewal. Taking the eye exam. Having John Law check on me from time to time to make sure I'm in compliance. I love the buying of car insurance.
He violated someone, broke into the home, the victims have no idea what this "poor down trodden" individual would do.
You're the one calling him a thug without knowing the back story, not me, STFU
If is as "down on his luck" there are more than enough social services in place to provide help. He chose that road it's on him......
Again you're the one who called him a thug. Define a thug?
you believe I'm black hearted,
yep,I do, but I'd use the term "dumb cunt"
maybe if you or your kind have had the living shit beat out of you as I have or been attacked in your driveway like I have.
awww poor baby,scared for life now eh? sucks to be you.
Fuzzy you tend to look at the world abit deferently.
Yes, I look at it through the realities of life. If firearms were not so prevalent in the USA, this (white) guy wouldn't be dead, just in jail.Maybe he'd have gotten back on his feet, and his four kids would still have a father....
Sorry to disagree with you TomTeacher, but I like the car to gun analogy.
The waiting in line for service. Having to deal with the government. The taxes paid on the license and getting and reviewing of renewal. Taking the eye exam. Having John Law check on me from time to time to make sure I'm in compliance. I love the buying of car insurance.
I should rephrase.
TomTeacher I believe you should lean in even more to the car to gun analogy.
Ok, continue on...
Your right, guns and cars aren't the same. My right to own a firearm is a Constitutionally protected right. Driving is a privilege, not a right.

Okay first of all I have never mentioned one time here on lit any story about a good guy with a gun, unless you count me going out on my stoop and interrupting what was sure to be an attempted burglary at my house in the middle of the night. You really need to listen occasionally and not yap nonsense all the time. How, if I obey the law, my guns are in a gun safe when not with me, the ammunition in a different location in my house, am I personally responsible for some nut case or criminal shooting someplace up? You logic is completely unsound. With your logic anyone that owns a car is responsible for all driving deaths even if they weren't involved in the incident. You love the faulty guilt by association propaganda, too bad it is 100% wrong.
No, we both know it's still you using the unsound logic, but we also both know why you are doing it. We both know fully well that you want to keep pretending you are not responsible when you support legislation and politicians that result in massive amounts of gun violence and death because you know how vile and disgusting that makes all pro gun folks. It's not guilt by association, its guilt by direct involvement and responsibility. Again, the car analogy has no logic. Guns have no positive uses. Cars do. No one is supporting politicians or legislation to allow unsafe people access to cars. If they did - and that happened - then it would still be a stretch to think they are the same -but you would at least be getting closer. You would also need to add that said person would also be constantly patting themselves on the back for every ambulance or any time a car helped doing something they deemed as good. And no, said person would not need to list specific stories to be taking credit for that - as you have many times (but humorous attempt to move the goal posts - one of your classics).
No, we both know it's still you using the unsound logic, but we also both know why you are doing it. We both know fully well that you want to keep pretending you are not responsible when you support legislation and politicians that result in massive amounts of gun violence and death because you know how vile and disgusting that makes all pro gun folks. It's not guilt by association, its guilt by direct involvement and responsibility. Again, the car analogy has no logic. Guns have no positive uses. Cars do. No one is supporting politicians or legislation to allow unsafe people access to cars. If they did - and that happened - then it would still be a stretch to think they are the same -but you would at least be getting closer. You would also need to add that said person would also be constantly patting themselves on the back for every ambulance or any time a car helped doing something they deemed as good. And no, said person would not need to list specific stories to be taking credit for that - as you have many times (but humorous attempt to move the goal posts - one of your classics).
No positive uses? So then you support disarming the police and military, right?