Do guns make us more safe? adrina here's another runner up for you.... Now granted this is an older tragedy, that being said it's very much in tune with your thread. I believe this shitsack has been convicted of several murders since this article has been written
This evil meatsack has murdered at least 12 elderly women (suspected in at least 90 other deaths in nursing homes) for their jewelry using a pillow, a fucking pillow to smother these helpless women. Someone's grandmother. This monster is an somalian illegal alien. That shouldn't have even been allowed in my country. His murders were perpetrated in Texas so hopefully he gets the needle..... all murders were perpetrated without a gun....

Also on Nov 12 2021. (Having to go further back now.)

35 dead. That's just one list.

Here's another.

Two mass shootings that day. Could have been worse. There are days with three and four.

But hey no biggie. They're just American lives.
This thug decided to destroy another innocent life by breaking into an occupied home, fearing for his life and his family pushed this useless meat bag's off button. Police determined it was self defense. As a result this waste of air will no longer destroy other innocent lives..... F. A. F. O.

On March 9, 2023....

23. Gone. Gun violence.

Amazingly no mass shootings on March 9. However there were 2 on the 7th and 1 on the 10th, so I guess we're only so lucky.

Moar guns!
Speaking of gun violence, so far we've only had one today. Yesterday had four though, so really we only need one more today and then we'll have 3 per day for the last 48 hours.


We're number one! We're number one!
Yeah, but Trailer Hitch consistently supports you , so you might not want to call him out that much.

The reality is that she is grasping at straws. If they had guns, she would be defending them and their rights to own them. Even if they had used them to kill the people.

In the meantime, stabbing death rate in the US: 0.6 per 100k

And, let's not forget fatal house fire deaths per day in the US: 7

Compared to gun violence deaths in the US: 4.12 per 100k

One more fun fact: gun violence beats out stabbings as a cause of death 10 to 1

She's a desperate moron who trades the lives of Americans and their children so she can worship a penis substitute.
Henry earl Dinkins, kidnapped a 10 year old girl then did unspeakable things and murdered her, a ten year old girl wtf.
Unfortunately this fucking monster received life in prison, and not the needle....
Looks to be no gun was involved ...... ps. Don't anyone dare defend this monster..... a ten year old innocent little girl
Bonus, runner up, Harold Edwards Jr. Pleaded guilty to murdering a 97 year innocent near helpless woman, by burning her Alive in her residence. Again no gun involved. The world has monsters, horrible monsters.....

And in your world you would have guns flow freely without restrictions into the hands of these monsters. Further, if these monsters had committed these crimes with guns you would defend their rights to own guns.

Why do you hate Americans so much that you don't care about their lives?
I guess this kinda sorta means that your anti-gun agenda is starting to fall on it's face.

You should read both the article AND the decision (link in the article). Notice that it references that CDC study you claim was "debunked" but actually wasn't. Too bad for your team.

This judge has a couple more gun case decisions he's going to release soon. Neither of them are going to go your ideological way either.

Sorry, not sorry.
More kids die...Republicans say sorry not sorry..

Can be fixed tomorrow for 40 % of the states...the 60% just loses our 80% GDP.
So then we will differentiate the value of American lives by race. Okey dokey.