Do guns make us more safe?
Some days it pays to read the news. This somalian illegal alien murdered at least a dozen elderly women in nursing homes located in Texas. No guns were involved.....
He was executed a day or so ago by his cell mate😂 I hope this monster was beaten to death. Once again no guns were involved...........If the border was under control this fucking monster, useless meat sack most likely would not have been in my country...... people that support open borders and unveted invaders. Should hang their heads in shame over this preventable tragedy. Fuck me to tears.... just fuck me to tears........
Some days it pays to read the news. This somalian illegal alien murdered at least a dozen elderly women in nursing homes located in Texas. No guns were involved.....
He was executed a day or so ago by his cell mate😂 I hope this monster was beaten to death. Once again no guns were involved...........If the border was under control this fucking monster, useless meat sack most likely would not have been in my country...... people that support open borders and unveted invaders. Should hang their heads in shame over this preventable tragedy. Fuck me to tears.... just fuck me to tears........
He was a legal US resident. He's was in the US since 2003.

You have no idea of the circumstances of his arrival. I haven't yet seen exactly how he arrived, though he was legally here.
So then we will differentiate the value of American lives by race. Okey dokey.
That's not what I said, but nice spin once again you propagandist. American is NOT a race, it is a nationality. Americans are made up of many races and always have been. It is not my fault that your ignorance extends to not knowing the difference between nationality and race.

No where in my comment, correcting your blatant, and frankly ridiculous, error did I mention value of a human by race. YOU did, clearly making YOU a RACIST.
Shrugs. Whatevs. I'm not defending the racist idiot who thinks being black makes it okay to be a victim of gun violence.
He was a legal US resident. He's was in the US since 2003.

You have no idea of the circumstances of his arrival. I haven't yet seen exactly how he arrived, though he was legally here.
I've been following the story for some time, when the story broke, his "visa, h1a?" Status had expired thus making him an illegal alien, at that time this monster should have been deported..... either way it is very apparent he was not veted.
This evil demon is suspected in as many as 90, --- 90-- suspicious nursing home deaths.......
Also if a "dreamer, legal " immigrant commits a felony he immediately becomes an illegal alien.. his Status is revoked
May the shit bag burn in hell and hopefully his death was extremely painful....
He is a mass murderer......
I've been following the story for some time, when the story broke, his "visa, h1a?" Status had expired thus making him an illegal alien, at that time this monster should have been deported..... either way it is very apparent he was not veted.
This evil demon is suspected in as many as 90, --- 90-- suspicious nursing home deaths.......
Also if a "dreamer, legal " immigrant commits a felony he immediately becomes an illegal alien.. his Status is revoked
May the shit bag burn in hell and hopefully his death was extremely painful....
He is a mass murderer......
I'm not questioning whether he murdered people.

Saying secured borders (an overly general statement as-is) would've somehow stopped this guy from murdering people is laughable.
Shrugs. Whatevs. I'm not defending the racist idiot who thinks being black makes it okay to be a victim of gun violence.
That's would be funny if it wasn't just another of your despicable LIES. I repeatedly brought up the inner city shootings in Chicago and asked REPEATEDLY WHY NO ONE CARED. What did I get for my trouble? I was called a racist by the clique here that can't be questioned. You have proven over and over that your moral compass is fucked up but here I could, if i wanted to, go back and find posts defending what I am saying here. But you would spin that off into another one of your hate filled alternative universes.

It must sting when you have to face the fact that YOU are the racist here, not me.
Personally, I'd like to see all firearms and all weapons removed and banned from all government agencies and authorities. Zero guns or weapons allowed for police forces, politicians security, etc.
That's would be funny if it wasn't just another of your despicable LIES. I repeatedly brought up the inner city shootings in Chicago and asked REPEATEDLY WHY NO ONE CARED. What did I get for my trouble? I was called a racist by the clique here that can't be questioned. You have proven over and over that your moral compass is fucked up but here I could, if i wanted to, go back and find posts defending what I am saying here. But you would spin that off into another one of your hate filled alternative universes.

It must sting when you have to face the fact that YOU are the racist here, not me.

Because you are a racist. Statistically you're safer in Chicago than Kansas City. There is of course a reason why you focus so heavilly on what happened in Chicago any random weekend.
Because you are a racist. Statistically you're safer in Chicago than Kansas City. There is of course a reason why you focus so heavilly on what happened in Chicago any random weekend.
Because none of you hypocrites give a flying fuck about those inner city Blacks getting killed every day. It doesn't fit the agenda of a white male doing a mass shooting so you don't care. I'm sure statistics help the parents of some child in Chicago feel better about their murdered child shot to hell because he's safer there than Kansas City. YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS HERE ARE THE TRUE RACISTS AND HYPOCRITES BY TRYING TO DEFLECT IT BACK ONTO ME.
Because none of you hypocrites give a flying fuck about those inner city Blacks getting killed every day. It doesn't fit the agenda of a white male doing a mass shooting so you don't care. I'm sure statistics help the parents of some child in Chicago feel better about their murdered child shot to hell because he's safer there than Kansas City. YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS HERE ARE THE TRUE RACISTS AND HYPOCRITES BY TRYING TO DEFLECT IT BACK ONTO ME.
Because you're ignoring the facts and focusing specifically on the black community even though the guns are the real problem and we all know it.
Only a PROVEN LIAR with an extremely guilty conscience, like TrailerTrash aka KiotiUgly aka ??? would be soooooo defensive about their racist tendencies.

Because you're ignoring the facts and focusing specifically on the black community even though the guns are the real problem and we all know it.
So it isn't Blacks getting shot, it's the guns? Thanks for clearing that up you fucking racist.
Only a PROVEN LIAR with an extremely guilty conscience, like TrailerTrash aka KiotiUgly aka ??? would be soooooo defensive about their racist tendencies.

Here we go again... Look news flash Lazaran posting last month's news about the ALT I admitted to. Damn you are Johnny dumb ass right on top of things.

I'm hardly the racist here since I am the only one wondering why you liberals don't give a fuck about them. If caring about their deaths makes me a racist in your eyes, what are you since you don't care? Oh never mind it makes you a hypocrite liberal. And you are one of the best hypocrite liberals.
TrailerTrash aka KiotiUgly aka ??? thinks because they "admitted" to LYING, that it excuses the LYING, and restores their credibility in the eyes of decent, honest, intelligent people.


👉 TrailerTrash aka KiotiUgly 🤣

TrailerTrash aka KiotiUgly aka ??? thinks because they "admitted" to LYING, that it excuses the LYING, and restores their credibility in the eyes of decent, honest, intelligent people.


👉 TrailerTrash aka KiotiUgly 🤣

And you think posting it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over makes you look cool. By this time it makes all it does is make you look like an obsessive douchebag. Look say it all you like, I'm not shutting up and I'm not leaving.

By the way, you are far from decent or honest and calling yourself that ;proves it.
Ultimately it is the guns. Remove them from the equation or at least limit them and the problems solves its damn self.
So the guns are jumping up, all on their own, going out into the streets and killing people. Holy shit, it's a good thing mine are locked in a gun safe. Who knows the anarchy they could cause if I left them unsupervised,,,


👉 TrailerTrash aka KiotiUgly 🤣

That's the best you have?

Saying it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over like you do makes you the the slow kid who gets fixated and can't let something go. It's ludicrous but you won't be able to stop yourself.
So the guns are jumping up, all on their own, going out into the streets and killing people. Holy shit, it's a good thing mine are locked in a gun safe. Who knows the anarchy they could cause if I left them unsupervised,,,

The rest of the world doesn't have this problem so while obviously the guns aren't doing it themselves removing them solves the problem. This who people kill people is as stupid as saying trucks don't haul goods, people haul goods. Ignoring that soon enough we'll have self driving trucks but regardless. Without trucks a lot fewer goods move from LA to NY.
The rest of the world doesn't have this problem so while obviously the guns aren't doing it themselves removing them solves the problem. This who people kill people is as stupid as saying trucks don't haul goods, people haul goods. Ignoring that soon enough we'll have self driving trucks but regardless. Without trucks a lot fewer goods move from LA to NY.
And a guy like me with my guns is no threat to anyone that isn't a threat to me. I've been carrying concealed now for 5 years and have never once had to take my pistol out of the holster due to a hostile situation. So it is clear that my guns are in good, safe, controlled, hands.
And a guy like me with my guns is no threat to anyone that isn't a threat to me. I've been carrying concealed now for 5 years and have never once had to take my pistol out of the holster due to a hostile situation. So it is clear that my guns are in good, safe, controlled, hands.

Maybe yours are, that's all good and well. You still don't see our murder rates anywhere else in the industrial world. Unfortunately when we make policies we can't base it on the responsible people, we have to do the math and figuring out what we're willing to tolerate and why. That doesn't change the fact that the more guns the more deaths its just a matter of if we think it an acceptable risk.