Do guns make us more safe?

Donald Trump didn't participate in the attempted exterminated of all the Jews in Germany. Donald Trump didn't kill anyone.

The fact that you had to try and deflect to "BUT TRUMP!!!" to avoid facing the truth that you support REAL LIFE NAZI's only proves what a sad little mental midget you are.

The nickname of ninnygirl is right, you're an imbecile.
Newsflash: killing Jews isn't what make someone a fascist.
Donald Trump didn't participate in the attempted exterminated of all the Jews in Germany. Donald Trump didn't kill anyone.

The fact that you had to try and deflect to "BUT TRUMP!!!" to avoid facing the truth that you support REAL LIFE NAZI's only proves what a sad little mental midget you are.

The nickname of ninnygirl is right, you're an imbecile.
I don’t support real-life Nazis. I pointed out that the Canadian parliament accidentally gave an ovation to a Nazi. When they realized what they had done, they apologized.

Meanwhile Donald Trump has been deliberately attacking Jews and the ADL during the Jewish High Holy Days.
I don’t support real-life Nazis. I pointed out that the Canadian parliament accidentally gave an ovation to a Nazi. When they realized what they had done, they apologized.

Meanwhile Donald Trump has been deliberately attacking Jews and the ADL during the Jewish High Holy Days.

You're an idiot.

Your proposal about the future being dense cities is shit. Your idea of taking cars off the road is shit. You think stuff just magically appears on your doormat because your ideas on how the world works are shit. Your praise those who give an actual real life nazi a standing ovation and then deflect to "but Trump!!!" when caught in the act is shit.

Basically everything about you sucks ninnygirl. You've been conned your entire life into thinking that all kinds of shit that doesn't exist is great because your mental abilities SUCK.

All you really need to do is stop being an imbecile and look at what's really going on other than being awed by the swirling colors in your head.

But you won't.

Because YOU SUCK.
Donald Trump didn't participate in the attempted exterminated of all the Jews in Germany. Donald Trump didn't kill anyone.

The fact that you had to try and deflect to "BUT TRUMP!!!" to avoid facing the truth that you support REAL LIFE NAZI's only proves what a sad little mental midget you are.

The nickname of ninnygirl is right, you're an imbecile.

I know Trump is old as dirt but I don't think he was even in Germany in the 1930s. That Trump didn't kill anybody doesn't matter anyhow. That has zero t
You're an idiot.

Your proposal about the future being dense cities is shit. Your idea of taking cars off the road is shit. You think stuff just magically appears on your doormat because your ideas on how the world works are shit. Your praise those who give an actual real life nazi a standing ovation and then deflect to "but Trump!!!" when caught in the act is shit.

Basically everything about you sucks ninnygirl. You've been conned your entire life into thinking that all kinds of shit that doesn't exist is great because your mental abilities SUCK.

All you really need to do is stop being an imbecile and look at what's really going on other than being awed by the swirling colors in your head.

But you won't.

Because YOU SUCK.

The future will be dense cities. The idea of getting as many cars off the roads as possible is pure gold. The rest of this paragraph is stupid as shit. Nobody is saying we won't still have trucks and Amazon and trains and planes. We are saying that ideally you could use mass transit to get places. I've never been to Texas but I suspect they are similar to California they are probably spread out so much that its not possible to function without a car.
You're an idiot.

Your proposal about the future being dense cities is shit. Your idea of taking cars off the road is shit. You think stuff just magically appears on your doormat because your ideas on how the world works are shit. Your praise those who give an actual real life nazi a standing ovation and then deflect to "but Trump!!!" when caught in the act is shit.

Basically everything about you sucks ninnygirl. You've been conned your entire life into thinking that all kinds of shit that doesn't exist is great because your mental abilities SUCK.

All you really need to do is stop being an imbecile and look at what's really going on other than being awed by the swirling colors in your head.

But you won't.

Because YOU SUCK.
Pointing out that Canadian Parliament wasn't deliberately honoring a Nazi is not "praising" them. They made a stupid mistake.
Pointing out that Canadian Parliament wasn't deliberately honoring a Nazi is not "praising" them. They made a stupid mistake.

I'm not even sure its fair to be mad a man who teamed up with anybody against people who annexed his country.

I forget the exact wording but didn't Churchill basically say "If Hitler invaded Hell I'd heard the devil out?"
I'm not even sure its fair to be mad a man who teamed up with anybody against people who annexed his country.

I forget the exact wording but didn't Churchill basically say "If Hitler invaded Hell I'd heard the devil out?"
“If Hitler invaded Hell I would make at least a favourable reference to the Devil in the House of Commons.”
I'm not even sure its fair to be mad a man who teamed up with anybody against people who annexed his country.

I forget the exact wording but didn't Churchill basically say "If Hitler invaded Hell I'd heard the devil out?"
So you are saying it's okay to be a Nazi as long as you are fighting a different evil. Evil is still and always evil no matter what the so called justification.
So you are saying it's okay to be a Nazi as long as you are fighting a different evil. Evil is still and always evil no matter what the so called justification.

Then we don't fight anybody ever. We just take the hit and deal with it.
So you are saying it's okay to be a Nazi as long as you are fighting a different evil. Evil is still and always evil no matter what the so called justification.
Point of order. According to the manual of superstition, the Devil may have killed one or two folks, ever. That's a heap better than God who exterminated almost the entire population of the world a couple of times.
Point of order. According to the manual of superstition, the Devil may have killed one or two folks, ever. That's a heap better than God who exterminated almost the entire population of the world a couple of times.
I'm not religious so take your superstition elsewhere. It has no validity in my conversation and is little more than a diversion by you since you can't justify defending a NAZI.
I'm not even sure its fair to be mad a man who teamed up with anybody against people who annexed his country.

I forget the exact wording but didn't Churchill basically say "If Hitler invaded Hell I'd heard the devil out?"
He wasn't just joining the Wehrmacht to fight the Russians. He was in the SS which is pretty damning.
You are defending a NAZI. Geezus even you can't be this fucking stupid.

Yes I am. IF someone attacks my home I don't give a shit what they are doing over there. If evil is evil we can't fight anybody. The bombing of Dresdon was EVIL. Nuking Japan EVIL. Being in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq or even Afghanistan EVIL. Drone bombing with our known track record is undeniably evil. That's just the way it is.
He wasn't just joining the Wehrmacht to fight the Russians. He was in the SS which is pretty damning.

If I need power to protect my home call me Dracula and take my soul. That seems to have been his primary objective. This is the exact same shit we're hearing RIGHT NOW about why we should just let Ukraine fall.
You're an idiot.

Your proposal about the future being dense cities is shit. Your idea of taking cars off the road is shit. You think stuff just magically appears on your doormat because your ideas on how the world works are shit. Your praise those who give an actual real life nazi a standing ovation and then deflect to "but Trump!!!" when caught in the act is shit.

Basically everything about you sucks ninnygirl. You've been conned your entire life into thinking that all kinds of shit that doesn't exist is great because your mental abilities SUCK.

All you really need to do is stop being an imbecile and look at what's really going on other than being awed by the swirling colors in your head.

But you won't.

Because YOU SUCK.
LOL you get your ass handed to you again over the ovation fuck up, and then have to pivot to a different subject. Why don't you just fuck off, and go write your shitty little porn stories. Judging from what BSG has written, compared to your crap, I can see why she pisses you off.....*chuckles*
I wonder why the Amendment makes a reference to a militia? I think every owner needs to be a part of a militia...and instead of sending the National Guard into combat situations...we should send our militias.
I would normally be disappointed that this crazed meth head didn't get his off button pressed... that being said this 13 year boy stood in the gap and defended his mother and himself. I'm pleased this fine young man didn't despatch this useless meat sack then have to live with the memory of his death..... citizenship status not reported... the court stated the perpetrator won't be spending much if any time behind bars...... free to destroy another person's life... and yes a firearm was used to stop this drug crazed meat sack...
Pointing out that Canadian Parliament wasn't deliberately honoring a Nazi is not "praising" them. They made a stupid mistake.

praised; praising
  1. to express a favorable judgment of : commend
  2. to glorify (a god or saint) especially by the attribution of perfections

And of course I see your attempt to deflect to "deliberate" as if giving a standing ovation isn't intended as a standing ovation, it just "accidentally" happened.

You really are a ninny.