Do guns make us more safe?

Ok... your wrong about the ar.... but I'll ask this... the 1903 Springfield, M1 garand, 1897 Winchester shotgun, 98 Mauser, colt 45 auto pistol are former combat weapons will your kind just be satisfied destroying my right to the AR or with that accomplished will your kind target these other former military weapons....
You already know the answer. They won't be happy until all civilian gun ownership is banned.
I hear a lot of the pro gun people here say the guns are just tools. The problem with the gun is it's only purpose is to inflict injury on a person or kill them.

I live in canada, in a pretty large city that borders on a rural area and I can count on one hand the number of gunshots that I've heard, and they all came from conservation officers dealing with problem bears that have been habituated to Human garbage.

I have hunted in the past, but don't currently own anything other than a pellet rifle for dealing with Vermin in my garden. One of my neighbors here that I'm friends with is a gun collector and I actually had to sign his fac so he could get a gun license. His neighbor next to him is also a gun collector but quite a bit older. Unfortunately, he had a break in where he was sleeping upstairs and somebody broke in and stole a few of his guns, and then the next day they did the same thing and stole even more and the RCMP took away his remaining guns until he could get a proper way to lock them up securely in his house before they would give him back.

I don't feel unsafe without a gun I don't think I'd feel safer with one. I usually carry a flip knife with me because I work in a job where I need to open bags Etc or when I'm off in the bush doing stuff like photography hiking Mountain biking. If I go into areas of Vancouver that I feel and safe and I do carry that knife in my back pocket out of sight but available. I don't feel the need for anything stronger and deterrence than that.
Geezus you really are a whiny bitch. Seems to be a common trait among you canadians here at lit.
Am I the one who has ever started a thread whining about something? Nope never have I started a thread like that.

I'm just pointing out the "fact" a shotgun is a far more deadly weapon in close quarters, for a scared nervous person to use, with a bang that will scare the bejesus out of a would be intruder....

Apparently you are all okay with philthy_phil, larazan, and deluxeauto harassing me about posts I have made elsewhere on Lit concerning my Bi curiousity. WHY is this okay? It seems clearly sexual orientation harassment, homophobic, and definitely against what you supposedly stand for. If you believe as you say why aren't you calling them out for this? Because if you don't all your other calls for any other ist, or phobia are hypocritical at least, and lies at best.

Alright you lefty meanies, stop picking on Trailer Hitch! He's very sensitive about comments regarding his purported sexuality choices. SENSITIVE, dammit!
Back to the point.....oh wait I can't because you fucking took a bulldozer to the field, no goalposts left to'd rather hide your head in the sand, and not debate the reality's.
Ok... your wrong about the ar....
NO I am not wrong about the AR-15.
but I'll ask this... the 1903 Springfield, M1 garand, 1897 Winchester shotgun, 98 Mauser, colt 45 auto pistol are former combat weapons will your kind just be satisfied destroying my right to the AR or with that accomplished will your kind target these other former military weapons....
How about my SKS or my two .303 British and ( well not anymore but my past M1911).

Think about this for a second, .303 British, 10 shot mag, (well there is a 20 round version but very rare) has a record in the "mad minute" of 36 rounds per minute. Not sure what an 8 round mag of the Garand can pump out, but I suspect it wouldn't be much more than 40 per min.

An AR-15 with a bumpstock can shoot 3-4 rounds per second, which is 240 rounds a min, if the shooter can change the high capacity rounds fast enough. Buy hey maybe they are kinda slow, so lets cut that number in half to 120 rounds per min.

Now lets look at weight and lengths eh? My "sporter" .303 weights about 7 lbs and is about 42" long, the Garand is about 10 lbs and 47" long , the AR is about 6 pounds and about 32" long.

So which one do you want to be using in a hallway???? Carrying for any length of time, want to use when you need to spray and pray....

Oh and btw I don't want to take everyone's steel penis away, I am just for promoting safe and sane regulations on training and legal responsibility for those who own them, and I see no need for people to have modern grade military weapons.
I hear a lot of the pro gun people here say the guns are just tools. The problem with the gun is it's only purpose is to inflict injury on a person or kill them.
Unless you are a hunter, then the purpose is kill the "game".
I live in canada, in a pretty large city that borders on a rural area and I can count on one hand the number of gunshots that I've heard, and they all came from conservation officers dealing with problem bears that have been habituated to Human garbage.
You can get a CO to show up to shoot bears? lol not here, we just use the three SSS system...shoot, shovel and shut-up.
I have hunted in the past, but don't currently own anything other than a pellet rifle for dealing with Vermin in my garden. One of my neighbors here that I'm friends with is a gun collector and I actually had to sign his fac so he could get a gun license.
Sure you don't mean PAL, but I could be wrong on the FAC, I just don't recall needing to get signatures from anyone but family for that...
His neighbor next to him is also a gun collector but quite a bit older. Unfortunately, he had a break in where he was sleeping upstairs and somebody broke in and stole a few of his guns, and then the next day they did the same thing and stole even more and the RCMP took away his remaining guns until he could get a proper way to lock them up securely in his house before they would give him back.
I'm amazed he got them back and not charged. Then again depends on the province. In Ontario the provincial rules apply which means gun safes, bolted down. Some places it's just secured in a lockable room.
I don't feel unsafe without a gun I don't think I'd feel safer with one. I usually carry a flip knife with me because I work in a job where I need to open bags Etc or when I'm off in the bush doing stuff like photography hiking Mountain biking. If I go into areas of Vancouver that I feel and safe and I do carry that knife in my back pocket out of sight but available. I don't feel the need for anything stronger and deterrence than that.
America the land of the culture of fear....I've never felt the need to be armed in either country....
I hear a lot of the pro gun people here say the guns are just tools. The problem with the gun is it's only purpose is to inflict injury on a person or kill them.
In this very same post by you you admit to using guns to hunt thereby destroying any sense of logic to this statement. It's nonsense to say guns are only for killing people and you know it but it doesn't meet your agenda to admit it
I don't feel unsafe without a gun I don't think I'd feel safer with one. I usually carry a flip knife with me because I work in a job where I need to open bags Etc or when I'm off in the bush doing stuff like photography hiking Mountain biking. If I go into areas of Vancouver that I feel and safe and I do carry that knife in my back pocket out of sight but available. I don't feel the need for anything stronger and deterrence than that.
If you feel safe why do you carry a knife for protection? A valuable lesson here may be don't take a knife to a gun fight.
I live in canada, in a pretty large city that borders on a rural area and I can count on one hand the number of gunshots that I've heard, and they all came from conservation officers dealing with problem bears that have been habituated to Human garbage.

I don't feel unsafe without a gun I don't think I'd feel safer with one. I usually carry a flip knife with me because I work in a job where I need to open bags

If you feel safe why do you carry a knife for protection? A valuable lesson here may be don't take a knife to a gun fight.
Reading comprehension problems rearing it's ugly head again with you Hitch?

Canada, what fucking gun fights........Carries a knife for work....duh
Gun control laws by definition only apply to the law abiding. It's like every time someone speeds or abuses driving a vehicle, you ticket every other driver out there and expect the speedster to care.
Gun control laws by definition only apply to the law abiding.
Exactly. You act like everybody follows the law to the letter ( but then you mention how people break the law and speed) so who is the "law abiding"?

You pass gun laws, and expect the owners to follow the laws. If they don't they get charged and potentially lose their weapons forever. Maybe most people don't follow the laws to the letter like people who drive and then add ten to the speed limit. They get away with it, but try 20, and you get charged.

Laws work, you dismissing them, is laughable. Otherwise, why do we have any laws?
Reading comprehension problems rearing it's ugly head again with you Hitch?

Canada, what fucking gun fights........Carries a knife for work....duh
I don't feel unsafe without a gun I don't think I'd feel safer with one. I usually carry a flip knife with me because I work in a job where I need to open bags Etc or when I'm off in the bush doing stuff like photography hiking Mountain biking. If I go into areas of Vancouver that I feel and safe and I do carry that knife in my back pocket out of sight but available. I don't feel the need for anything stronger and deterrence than that.
Nice editing job. He admits he carries the knife for protection farther in his comment. Look up Yellow Journalism because your post excels at it.
LMFAO....and that can't happen with any other type of firearm???? The problem is people like you who fail to understand the fear of facing a shotgun, vs a handgun...

lol......I'm not the one who carries a gun Hitch.....nice projection suits you well.

You're thinking my use of the term "cutdown" was physical......Learn to think!!!

Exactly, the ONLY difference is it is semi-automatic vs the autofire capable ....thanks for confirming
Geezus how can you stand the smell off the shit you post? This whole post just smacks of your stupidity.
Exactly. You act like everybody follows the law to the letter ( but then you mention how people break the law and speed) so who is the "law abiding"?

You pass gun laws, and expect the owners to follow the laws. If they don't they get charged and potentially lose their weapons forever. Maybe most people don't follow the laws to the letter like people who drive and then add ten to the speed limit. They get away with it, but try 20, and you get charged.

Laws work, you dismissing them, is laughable. Otherwise, why do we have any laws?
Why are criminals called criminals? Because the law doesn't mean shit to them. You will never disarm criminals by punishing law abiding gun owners.
RobDownSouth said:
Alright you lefty meanies, stop picking on Trailer Hitch! He's very sensitive about comments regarding his purported sexuality choices. SENSITIVE, dammit!

Rob...Look I admitted I was in the LGBTQIA+ forum discussing my potential Bi-curiosity. So repeatedly mentioning it says far more about you than me. Is there a closet door you want to open? Perhaps blasting someone else's curiosity makes you think your own latent homosexual fantasies will somehow go away. Who knows really? Maybe just admit what you want and that pressure will ease off from you.

Either way, you will not silence me with your stupidity.

Have a nice life.
Why are criminals called criminals? Because the law doesn't mean shit to them. You will never disarm criminals by punishing law abiding gun owners.

Actually yes you will. I mean I know like all conservatives you think Americans are uniquely evil and the south is evil even by US standards.
Actually yes you will. I mean I know like all conservatives you think Americans are uniquely evil and the south is evil even by US standards.
Not a chance that you will ever disarm the criminals even if by some miracle you disarm what are now law abiding citizens.

The only Americans I think are uniquely evil are the leadership and drone followers of the left
Gun control laws by definition only apply to the law abiding. It's like every time someone speeds or abuses driving a vehicle, you ticket every other driver out there and expect the speedster to care.
No. Laws apply to everyone. The law abiding don't have to be concerned with punishment for breaking the laws. Your driver analogy is, as always, painfully and idiotically off. You catch the speedster and you fuck their life up forever for speeding. Every other driver is now safer and every other speedster actually thinks about the consequences of being a law breaking, selfish, disgusting asshole.
Not a chance that you will ever disarm the criminals even if by some miracle you disarm what are now law abiding citizens.

The only Americans I think are uniquely evil are the leadership and drone followers of the left

No, you think Americans as a collective are evil. We can look at the rest of the industrialized world and see they don't have the problems we have. You can look state by state, the more lax you're gun laws the more gun violence you get. It really is that fucking simple.
No. Laws apply to everyone. The law abiding don't have to be concerned with punishment for breaking the laws. Your driver analogy is, as always, painfully and idiotically off. You catch the speedster and you fuck their life up forever for speeding. Every other driver is now safer and every other speedster actually thinks about the consequences of being a law breaking, selfish, disgusting asshole.
What are the consequences of you being a blow hard narcissist know it all prick?

The absolute idiocy of your comment here is so obvious even you should be able to see it. You say law abiding citizens have nothing to worry about if they follow the law. THEY ALREADY ARE! You however want to move the goal posts to make what they are doing illegal thereby making them criminals. Even you can't be so stupid as to not see that.
What are the consequences of you being a blow hard narcissist know it all prick?

The absolute idiocy of your comment here is so obvious even you should be able to see it. You say law abiding citizens have nothing to worry about if they follow the law. THEY ALREADY ARE! You however want to move the goal posts to make what they are doing illegal thereby making them criminals. Even you can't be so stupid as to not see that.

That is exactly how laws work. You make a law and now its illegal.
No, you think Americans as a collective are evil. We can look at the rest of the industrialized world and see they don't have the problems we have. You can look state by state, the more lax you're gun laws the more gun violence you get. It really is that fucking simple.
Your gun laws, not you're which means you are.

Wow you almost exactly repeated the post I refuted. Did you have TIA or a stroke and forget what you originally posted.
I needed repeating since you clearly aren't comprehending how reality functions.
That is exactly how laws work. You make a law and now its illegal.
No that's how laws work in your world. Punish the innocent and pretend that it solves a real world problem. When the problem continues you pass an even more restrictive law against those that never broke the law in the first place. The cycle continues and nothing ever gets fixed except your politicians get voted out for being ridiculously naive.
What are the consequences of you being a blow hard narcissist know it all prick?
Mostly laughing at you as you keep posting and proving you know absolutely nothing about anything (including almost every word you incorrectly used in that question)
The absolute idiocy of your comment here is so obvious even you should be able to see it. You say law abiding citizens have nothing to worry about if they follow the law. THEY ALREADY ARE! You however want to move the goal posts to make what they are doing illegal thereby making them criminals. Even you can't be so stupid as to not see that.
Yes, the goal posts need to be moved because they are not in the right place. This happens often. Lots of people used to own slaves. It was wrong. The laws changed. If they still decided to own slaves after that they were breaking the law then. And the world was a better place because of it. Same thing here.
Mostly laughing at you as you keep posting and proving you know absolutely nothing about anything (including almost every word you incorrectly used in that question)

Yes, the goal posts need to be moved because they are not in the right place. This happens often. Lots of people used to own slaves. It was wrong. The laws changed. If they still decided to own slaves after that they were breaking the law then. And the world was a better place because of it. Same thing here.
I know every word I posted, the fact that you can't see yourself as clearly as i do says much about you.

When you can't logically or honestly debate the topic divert to something totally irrelevant like slavery to hopeless try to defend your lunacy. Epic fail teach.