Do guns make us more safe?

No that's how laws work in your world. Punish the innocent and pretend that it solves a real world problem. When the problem continues you pass an even more restrictive law against those that never broke the law in the first place. The cycle continues and nothing ever gets fixed except your politicians get voted out for being ridiculously naive.
It does solve real world problems however. Plenty gets fixed. In the 70s and 80s we had massive DUI problems, turns out turning a DUI into a big deal fucking worked. Its one of the only crimes where even if you didn't mean to hurt anybody it counts as murder.

All things considered drug laws mostly work especially for the hard stuff. Fentanyl is an issue but nothing is perfect. Setting the drinking age to 21 might not have ended underaged . . .well it wasn't underaged before but still. I know you think Americans are evil but there is a reason why you NEVER hear about mass shootings in Europe. There is a reason why you're safer in Chicago than Kansas City.

The cycle mostly works though we have a long, long way to go on so many issues. But we are too eager to vote out politicians.
Exactly. You act like everybody follows the law to the letter ( but then you mention how people break the law and speed) so who is the "law abiding"?

You pass gun laws, and expect the owners to follow the laws. If they don't they get charged and potentially lose their weapons forever. Maybe most people don't follow the laws to the letter like people who drive and then add ten to the speed limit. They get away with it, but try 20, and you get charged.

Laws work, you dismissing them, is laughable. Otherwise, why do we have any laws?
Laws only address violations of what is considered social norms and rules.

Laws don't prevent crimes, they merely exist to respond to what we label crime.

If anyone seriously thinks gun laws will prevent gun deaths, then they need an education on existing laws, like I dunno, how it's illegal to kill, assault and injure other people?

Since we have laws on the books about it being illegal to kill, assault and injure other people, then presto, we already solved the problem of gun violence.

It's already illegal to kill or injure people, with or without guns. Problem solved.

Don't agree? Then don't sit there with a straight face and claims laws will stop it.
If anyone seriously thinks gun laws will prevent gun deaths, then they need an education on existing laws,
How about if you had posted this instead...."If anyone seriously thinks Drunk Driving Laws will prevent death, then they need an education on existing laws."

See how fucking stupid that makes your post look?
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Nice editing job. He admits he carries the knife for protection farther in his comment. Look up Yellow Journalism because your post excels at it.
Really, he says "when he goes into bad area's". He carries "that" knife". Well how often does he do that, is it during work times? This is Canada, there are laws about carrying concealed knifes, and what type of knife you can carry.

Knife to a gunfight....remember that line from your original post....
How about if you had posted this instead...."If anyone seriously thinks Drunk Driving Laws will prevent death, then they need an education on existing laws."

See how fucking stupid that makes your post look?
Ah, so drunk driving never happens and no one is ever killed by drunk drivers because the law says it's illegal.

Go ahead and try to prove this laughable assertion. 🤣
It does solve real world problems however. Plenty gets fixed. In the 70s and 80s we had massive DUI problems, turns out turning a DUI into a big deal fucking worked. Its one of the only crimes where even if you didn't mean to hurt anybody it counts as murder.

All things considered drug laws mostly work especially for the hard stuff. Fentanyl is an issue but nothing is perfect. Setting the drinking age to 21 might not have ended underaged . . .well it wasn't underaged before but still. I know you think Americans are evil but there is a reason why you NEVER hear about mass shootings in Europe. There is a reason why you're safer in Chicago than Kansas City.

The cycle mostly works though we have a long, long way to go on so many issues. But we are too eager to vote out politicians.
Yeah the DUI problem is getting fixed alright. Wisconsin has such a repeat offender rate that some people have been arrested up to 10 or more times. Wisconsin is proud to say "Drink Wisconsinbly." Beer and alcohol commercials glamorize drinking and guess who let's that sink in...KIDS.

Drugs laws work? You must be on drugs. Fentanyl and Heroin are killing people every day. Heroin was all but gone but due to low cost has made a deadly resurgence. Narcan isn't being offered over the counter some places because drugs laws work.

No I think YOU are EVIL and DELUSIONAL with the crap you post.
Really, he says "when he goes into bad area's". He carries "that" knife". Well how often does he do that, is it during work times? This is Canada, there are laws about carrying concealed knifes, and what type of knife you can carry.

Knife to a gunfight....remember that line from your original post....
So he is actually committing a criminal act carrying his knife and you are defending his criminal action. How amusing is that?
Yeah the DUI problem is getting fixed alright. Wisconsin has such a repeat offender rate that some people have been arrested up to 10 or more times. Wisconsin is proud to say "Drink Wisconsinbly." Beer and alcohol commercials glamorize drinking and guess who let's that sink in...KIDS.

Drugs laws work? You must be on drugs. Fentanyl and Heroin are killing people every day. Heroin was all but gone but due to low cost has made a deadly resurgence. Narcan isn't being offered over the counter some places because drugs laws work.

No I think YOU are EVIL and DELUSIONAL with the crap you post.
It's almost like the solution would be to more effectively teach responsible and safe driving, and drug education.

Only absolute idiots would demand banning alcohol/drugs or claim putting more laws on the books against such is some sort of actual solution.
Fuzzy1975 said:
Laws work, you dismissing them, is laughable. Otherwise, why do we have any laws?

Sure laws work. That's why there's no drug problem in the US. That's why there is no drunk driving problem in the US. That's why there is no human trafficking in the US. That's why there is no violent crime and murder in the US. It's obvious that laws magically solve everything.
Fuzzy1975 said:
Laws work, you dismissing them, is laughable. Otherwise, why do we have any laws?

Sure laws work. That's why there's no drug problem in the US. That's why there is no drunk driving problem in the US. That's why there is no human trafficking in the US. That's why there is no violent crime and murder in the US. It's obvious that laws magically solve everything.
It sounds like you’re arguing that laws are pointless. Is that what you’re saying?
It sounds like you’re arguing that laws are pointless. Is that what you’re saying?
Already addressed. Laws are how we deal with crimes, it doesn't stop them.

If they did, our laws against killing other people already solved the issue of gun violence a long time ago.
There lies the position of the Republican party in 2023.

'We're the party of Law & Order because we obey the laws that we agree with. The other laws don't count.'
There lies the position of the Republican party in 2023.

'We're the party of Law & Order because we obey the laws that we agree with. The other laws don't count.'
Laws fix problems. Killing, assaulting and injuring people is illegal. Therefore the gun violence problem is already solved.
Already addressed. Laws are how we deal with crimes, it doesn't stop them.

If they did, our laws against killing other people already solved the issue of gun violence a long time ago.
Laws don't stop crimes? But guns do? Your idiotic lack of logic continually claims that crimes are prevented because criminals are supposedly worried about the potential consequences of someone else possibly having a gun in the vicinity of their crime, but those same criminals supposedly never worry about the consequences of breaking the law? Just when I thought you evil, murderous fools couldn't get any dumber in your vile justifications you come up with this crap
Laws don't stop crimes? But guns do? Your idiotic lack of logic continually claims that crimes are prevented because criminals are supposedly worried about the potential consequences of someone else possibly having a gun in the vicinity of their crime, but those same criminals supposedly never worry about the consequences of breaking the law? Just when I thought you evil, murderous fools couldn't get any dumber in your vile justifications you come up with this crap
You might have a point, if only those who enforce the law weren't armed with...get this...guns! 🤣
It's illegal to threaten or kill people. So the gun issue is solved, because laws already fixed the issue.
Pedophilia is outlawed, so there's no need to look any further into LGBTQ+ issues. No more book bans, let Disney and the military employ who they want.
We already have laws against vote tampering and illegal voting, so all elections must be done perfectly and there is no reason to ever question them or suggest they aren't perfect. Yeah, I see you all embracing this philosophy real well.
We already have laws against vote tampering and illegal voting, so all elections must be done perfectly and there is no reason to ever question them or suggest they aren't perfect. Yeah, I see you all embracing this philosophy real well.
So then if laws fix the issues and we already have laws against killing, assaulting and injuring people, then any further laws targeting guns are useless. It's already illegal to kill, assault or injure other people, and not just with guns.

The laws already exist, therefore the problem is already solved.