Do guns make us more safe?

My bad. Forgot that I was dealing with people incapable of nuance and irony and seeing how two faced they are being.
Nuance? I'm being told repeatedly that the implementations and existence of laws will fix bad issues.

Ergo, the laws about it being illegal to kill, assault or injure people have solved the violence issue already.

Unless the implementation and existence of such laws doesn't solve the issue.

You guys need to pick a lane here. Do laws solve/prevent issues or not?
stupid stupid fuckin' hick gun-luvin' idiot people:

wedding official decided that a great way to get the guests' attention to come gather for the wedding would be to fire a home-made blank into the air

he drew the gun but fumbled it as he cocked it and shot his 12-year-old grandson in the shoulder as he stood next to him. Fortunately, the injury wasn't life-threatening but did require hospital treatment and time. I suppose the kid should thank his grandaddy for not shooting him in the face, risking his sight or worse.
Nuance? I'm being told repeatedly that the implementations and existence of laws will fix bad issues.

Ergo, the laws about it being illegal to kill, assault or injure people have solved the violence issue already.

Unless the implementation and existence of such laws doesn't solve the issue.

You guys need to pick a lane here. Do laws solve/prevent issues or not?
Laws discourage people from doing antisocial things. They make society better, even if they don't eliminate those behaviors entirely.
Laws discourage people from doing antisocial things. They make society better, even if they don't eliminate those behaviors entirely.
Sure. So the law strictly enforces not killing, assaulting or injuring other people. And that includes with guns or any other weapon.

Therefore problem has been already dealt with, which is why in countries like the United States, there's hundreds of millions of guns, tens of millions (maybe hundreds) of gun owners, but out of that only a statistically insignificant amount of gun violence.

Like you said, not every bad thing can be eliminated entirely. That's reality and we have to deal with it.
Sure. So the law strictly enforces not killing, assaulting or injuring other people. And that includes with guns or any other weapon.

Therefore problem has been already dealt with, which is why in countries like the United States, there's hundreds of millions of guns, tens of millions (maybe hundreds) of gun owners, but out of that only a statistically insignificant amount of gun violence.

Like you said, not every bad thing can be eliminated entirely. That's reality and we have to deal with it.
Sure. So the law strictly enforces not killing, assaulting or injuring other people. And that includes with guns or any other weapon.

Therefore problem has been already dealt with, which is why in countries like the United States, there's hundreds of millions of guns, tens of millions (maybe hundreds) of gun owners, but out of that only a statistically insignificant amount of gun violence.

Like you said, not every bad thing can be eliminated entirely. That's reality and we have to deal with it.
States with stricter gun laws have less gun violence. Banning guns saves lives.
States with stricter gun laws have less gun violence. Banning guns saves lives.
You are so full of shit....banning guns means the crooks and murderers will have guns to start with. Then you have to account for the 2nd amendment to deal with and its obvious that without guns your freedom to rail against them you would lose.
Stupid people thinking criminals having guns are a threat to them. Criminals...use guns...against criminals. Darwinism. Let them take care of their own. Guns...used in crime...are used once...and disposed of.
Stupid people thinking criminals having guns are a threat to them. Criminals...use guns...against criminals. Darwinism. Let them take care of their own. Guns...used in crime...are used once...and disposed of.
If guns are only a threat to criminals, and by definition criminals ignore the law, then passing gun laws is absolutely useless.
False. The states and cities with the strictest gun laws have the most gun violence.

Banning cars would also save lives, so what?
Lots of children will die, but that's the cost of your right to wander around with guns and it's a price you're willing to pay.
If guns are only a threat to criminals, and by definition criminals ignore the law, then passing gun laws is absolutely useless.
Reading comprehension is hard.

Stupid people thinking criminals having guns are a threat to them. Criminals...use guns...against criminals. Darwinism. Let them take care of their own. Guns...used in crime...are used once...and disposed of.
Banning cars would also save lives, so what?
The United States has too many private cars AND too many private guns. About the same number of people die from both every year. That's why I'm in favor of passing laws to reduce the number of both.
The United States has too many private cars AND too many private guns. About the same number of people die from both every year. That's why I'm in favor of passing laws to reduce the number of both.
The utility of guns and cars is simply too great to expect everyone to give them up. You cannot simply make technology disappear or go away because it has downsides.

Anyone who thinks gun ownership and use is all rainbows and blissful safety is an idiot. But the same applies to anyone claiming gun ownership and use is all negative and bad.
It sounds like you’re arguing that laws are pointless. Is that what you’re saying?
No that's not what I am saying at all. What I am saying is now, as always, law abiding citizens obey the law and criminals do not, and never will. Writing new laws will not change that and your inability to understand that is really quite sad.
There lies the position of the Republican party in 2023.

'We're the party of Law & Order because we obey the laws that we agree with. The other laws don't count.'
And you leftist that block roads, and loot, burn and terrorize business owners are a shining beacon of law and order. Fucking hypocrite.

The 1994 Assault Weapons Ban was effective at reducing crime and getting these military-style weapons off our streets.​

  • A Justice Department study of the assault weapons ban found that it was responsible for a6.7% decrease in total gun murders, holding all other factors equal.
    • Source: Jeffrey A. Roth & Christopher S. Koper, “Impact Evaluation of the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act of 1994,” (March 1997).
  • The same study also found that “Assault weapons are disproportionately involved in murders with multiple victims, multiple wounds per victim, and police officers as victims.”
  • The use of assault weapons in crime declined by more than two-thirdsby about nine years after 1994 Assault Weapons Ban took effect.
    • Source: Christopher S. Koper, “An Updated Assessment of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban: Impacts on Gun Markets and Gun Violence, 1994-2003” (June 2004), University of Pennsylvania, Report to the National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice.
  • The percentage of firearms seized by police in Virginia that had high-capacity magazines dropped significantly during the ban. That figure has doubledsince the ban expired.
  • When Maryland imposed a more stringent ban on assault pistols and high-capacity magazines in 1994, it led to a 55% drop in assault pistols recoveredby the Baltimore Police Department.
    • Source: Douglas S. Weil & Rebecca C. Knox, Letter to the Editor, The Maryland Ban on the Sale of Assault Pistols and High-Capacity Magazines: Estimating the Impact in Baltimore, 87 Am. J. of Public Health 2, Feb. 1997.
  • 37% of police departments reported seeing a noticeable increasein criminals’ use of assault weapons since the 1994 federal ban expired.
    • Source: Police Executive Research Forum, Guns and Crime: Breaking New Ground by Focusing on the Local Impact (May 2010).
And you leftist that block roads, and loot, burn and terrorize business owners are a shining beacon of law and order. Fucking hypocrite.
There's a reason they push so strongly for disarming citizens. Much eaaier to terrorize and bully people less capable of defending themselves.
Nuance? I'm being told repeatedly that the implementations and existence of laws will fix bad issues.

Ergo, the laws about it being illegal to kill, assault or injure people have solved the violence issue already.

Unless the implementation and existence of such laws doesn't solve the issue.

You guys need to pick a lane here. Do laws solve/prevent issues or not?
Hardly. It's not the anti gun side that ever says better laws will magically fix the giant mess guns have made and continue to make. Your side says that because you want to pretend that either it needs to fix everything in a snap or it's not worth doing. On our side we would actually love to see less school shootings and murders and gun violence even if it doesn't instantly drop to zero. You're fighting against that idea.
Hardly. It's not the anti gun side that ever says better laws will magically fix the giant mess guns have made and continue to make. Your side says that because you want to pretend that either it needs to fix everything in a snap or it's not worth doing. On our side we would actually love to see less school shootings and murders and gun violence even if it doesn't instantly drop to zero. You're fighting against that idea.
If you're honestly worried about the lives of children, pretend they're politicians and start funding armed security for them like we do for politicians.

I don't see anyone crying about 'evil' guns and armed security protecting politicians.
Hardly. It's not the anti gun side that ever says better laws will magically fix the giant mess guns have made and continue to make. Your side says that because you want to pretend that either it needs to fix everything in a snap or it's not worth doing. On our side we would actually love to see less school shootings and murders and gun violence even if it doesn't instantly drop to zero. You're fighting against that idea.
Oh BULL SHIT. Anti-gunners espouse the theory all the time that more guns laws or outright bans will solve all gun violence. They know they are full of shit when they say it but they keep pushing that agenda.
And you leftist that block roads, and loot, burn and terrorize business owners are a shining beacon of law and order. Fucking hypocrite.
I've never done any of that, and certainly have never indicated that I support such stuff.

I may have said that persons armed with scary skateboards shouldn't be shot on sight.