Do guns make us more safe?

If you're honestly worried about the lives of children, pretend they're politicians and start funding armed security for them like we do for politicians.

I don't see anyone crying about 'evil' guns and armed security protecting politicians.
You mean like the security that was provided at Uvalde school, who ran away at the first bang?
"This year will go down in history! For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -Adolf Hitler, November 15, 1935
You mean like the security that was provided at Uvalde school, who ran away at the first bang?
Yeah, and unarmed parents were held back as their kids got killed. Maybe parents should be armed and capable of defending their families instead, like pro gun adovcates insist.
I've never done any of that, and certainly have never indicated that I support such stuff.

I may have said that persons armed with scary skateboards shouldn't be shot on sight.
He didn't get shot on sight, He attempted, along with the other 2, to assault and batter Kyle Rittenhouse. Am I to assume by your idiotic and yet again completely wrong and biased comment you would stood there and let yourself be bludgeoned with a skateboard?
Would you be more likely to break in a house where someone may shoot you or a house where the residents were unarmed? If you did and got shot, would you make the same mistake again? I worked and retired from law enforcement and know the answer to both questions from experience,ask a criminal, they will tell you!
He didn't get shot on sight, He attempted, along with the other 2, to assault and batter Kyle Rittenhouse. Am I to assume by your idiotic and yet again completely wrong and biased comment you would stood there and let yourself be bludgeoned with a skateboard?
Shithouse was surrounded by armed cops, he was in no danger at all. The cops watched what happened and carried on by.

He shot them on sight, and not a single person was killed by the skateboarders. They lit up a few litter bins. It turns out that you're the snowflake.
Would you be more likely to break in a house where someone may shoot you or a house where the residents were unarmed? If you did and got shot, would you make the same mistake again? I worked and retired from law enforcement and know the answer to both questions from experience,ask a criminal, they will tell you!
Well, the answer seems obvious, yet the liberals will say you value your property more than the criminal's life. They are wrong though, the criminal valued your property more than his own life!
Shithouse was surrounded by armed cops, he was in no danger at all. The cops watched what happened and carried on by.

He shot them on sight, and not a single person was killed by the skateboarders. They lit up a few litter bins. It turns out that you're the snowflake.
BULL SHIT. There is video of one the guys he shot pointing a pistol at Rittenhouse's head. Try again you lying mother fucker.
Trump called himself that yesterday, I'm in good company.
You think we don't notice you just ignoring the fact Rittenhouse had a gun pointed at his head and was chased down by his attackers?

The guy even admitted he pointed a gun right at the Rittenhouse after Kyle was on the ground before he was forced to defend himself.

There's a reason Rittenhouse wasn't found guilty, genius.
So you admit you lied. That might be a step to admitting the truth can be your friend.

TDS is a sad problem for all of you libs. Get some help.
You're so dumb that it's hardly worth replying. The first guy that Shithouse shot tossed a plastic bag towards him, Shithouse shot him four times with a rifle in return.

The second guy was armed only with a skateboard; was shot in the chest and killed.

The third guy was armed with a handgun under his 2A rights, pointed it at him and was shot. That's the third guy who had just seen two people killed by Shit with a rifle.

Nobody shot at the Shit. The Shit wasn't even entitled to be in that state with a gun, the court saw the evidence of that and ruled 'Meh'.
You're so dumb that it's hardly worth replying. The first guy that Shithouse shot tossed a plastic bag towards him, Shithouse shot him four times with a rifle in return.

The second guy was armed only with a skateboard; was shot in the chest and killed.

The third guy was armed with a handgun under his 2A rights, pointed it at him and was shot. That's the third guy who had just seen two people killed by Shit with a rifle.

Nobody shot at the Shit. The Shit wasn't even entitled to be in that state with a gun, the court saw the evidence of that and ruled 'Meh'.
For someone who so loves the law like you do just remember a court of his peers found him NOT GUILTY. Sadly your ilk only considers a court decision valid if it supports your fucked up moral compass. Now accept the courts decision or admit you are a hypocrite and liar.
If you're honestly worried about the lives of children, pretend they're politicians and start funding armed security for them like we do for politicians.

I don't see anyone crying about 'evil' guns and armed security protecting politicians.
A) all those guns don't protect them every time by any stretch. (And every time they fail there is wild outcry about why the guns didn't do enough) B) where is your funding for this and c) absolutely no one wanted trained, professional personnel to not have guns while on the job. I realize it would taking actually having reading comprehension skills and being honest and paying attention to know that, but it's true.
Oh BULL SHIT. Anti-gunners espouse the theory all the time that more guns laws or outright bans will solve all gun violence. They know they are full of shit when they say it but they keep pushing that agenda.
Again, you would need actual reading comprehension skills and honesty and to pay attention to recognize none of that is true, but you have none of that so no one is surprised at your excitement for bull excrement.
Again, you would need actual reading comprehension skills and honesty and to pay attention to recognize none of that is true, but you have none of that so no one is surprised at your excitement for bull excrement.
Yawn...Whose ALT are you by the way? Your posts have a familiar ring to them.

11-Year-Old Youth Football Player Arrested; Accused of Shooting 2 of His Teammates

"It is a crime to allow your children to have access to your firearm in an unsecured box," chief McKinley said.

I would say only in Florida… but it happens all over the place.
Ah, so drunk driving never happens and no one is ever killed by drunk drivers because the law says it's illegal.
If you look at the history of the law, you will clearly see that Drunk Driving laws have reduced accidents and deaths. In 1986 the rate was about 587/100,000 people. Today the rate is 225/100,000 people.
Go ahead and try to prove this laughable assertion. 🤣
I just proved it. It was relatively easy, but I doubt you have mental wherewithal to grasp it.
Fuzzy1975 said:
Laws work, you dismissing them, is laughable. Otherwise, why do we have any laws?

Sure laws work. That's why there's no drug problem in the US. That's why there is no drunk driving problem in the US. That's why there is no human trafficking in the US. That's why there is no violent crime and murder in the US. It's obvious that laws magically solve everything.
If you compare the data to prior the laws and after, you can see the reduction, that laws have brought in.
more and more fast food workers getting shot on the regular

North Carolina this time: a disgruntled old fucker (68) thought he'd been given the wrong change. He argued about it then left the drive-thru to come into the restaurant where he grew more belligerent and opened fire, leaving an employee with life-threatening wounds before fleeing the scene like a fucking coward.

w.t.h.f? wrong change? okay, so you're gonna be a bit miffed but to start shooting inside a family restaurant like it's the wild west? oh, right, these types WANT it to be this way. Anyway, fucker's arrested and charged with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill, inflicting serious injury and discharging a weapon into occupied property.
If you look at the history of the law, you will clearly see that Drunk Driving laws have reduced accidents and deaths. In 1986 the rate was about 587/100,000 people. Today the rate is 225/100,000 people.

I just proved it. It was relatively easy, but I doubt you have mental wherewithal to grasp it.
No, you didn't prove drunk driving never happens or no one is ever killed by drunk drivers.