Do guns make us more safe?

No, you didn't prove drunk driving never happens or no one is ever killed by drunk drivers.
And there it is again. Complete disregard of anything but an all or nothing perspective that only comes from the pro gun side because only they could say with a straight face they don't care that less people die.
Sure they have that's why drug deaths and overdoses have gone up.
LOL always the simple answer, drug overdoses and fatalities on the rise. Must be laws don't work.

Well maybe it's a complicated issue, like the drugs today are far more deadly than the Heroin OD's of the 80's. Fentanyl seems to be one of the main drivers.

If you're honestly interested in learning the whys. Here is a good place to start.

If you're just interested in screaming "laws don't work". Then please get rid of the trespass laws, so I can come and sit and drink and party on your front lawn.
LOL always the simple answer, drug overdoses and fatalities on the rise. Must be laws don't work.

Well maybe it's a complicated issue, like the drugs today are far more deadly than the Heroin OD's of the 80's. Fentanyl seems to be one of the main drivers.

If you're honestly interested in learning the whys. Here is a good place to start.

If you're just interested in screaming "laws don't work". Then please get rid of the trespass laws, so I can come and sit and drink and party on your front lawn.
I have repeatedly said, and now I will type slower so maybe it will sink into your frozen canadian head this time, laws only work on the law abiding, criminals are criminals because they don't obey the law. Yes fuzznutts, it really is that simple.
No, you didn't prove drunk driving never happens or no one is ever killed by drunk drivers.
I never tried to, what I proved is the implantation of laws have reduced impaired driving.
You claim "laws don't work"

Laws only address violations of what is considered social norms and rules.

Laws don't prevent crimes, they merely exist to respond to what we label crime.

If anyone seriously thinks gun laws will prevent gun deaths, then they need an education on existing laws, like I dunno, how it's illegal to kill, assault and injure other people?

Since we have laws on the books about it being illegal to kill, assault and injure other people, then presto, we already solved the problem of gun violence.

It's already illegal to kill or injure people, with or without guns. Problem solved.

Don't agree? Then don't sit there with a straight face and claims laws will stop it.
AS we can see, in the case of impaired driving laws did reduce deaths. If you compare Canada ( the country you claim you live in) to the deaths from guns in the US, you can also see how our laws have help to keep firearm fatalities from becoming common place. Unlike the US with an average of one school shooting every three days.
I have repeatedly said, and now I will type slower so maybe it will sink into your frozen canadian head this time, laws only work on the law abiding, criminals are criminals because they don't obey the law. Yes fuzznutts, it really is that simple.
Law abiding citizens are only that, till they break the law Hitch. There is no "magic" serum that turns people into criminals.
Sure they have that's why drug deaths and overdoses have gone up.
Nope, moron. They have gone up for the exact same reason gun deaths and gin violence has gone up. More access.

More drugs, more drug overdose, more drug deaths

More guns, more gun violence, more gun deaths.

It's the perfect level of simplicity for you to comprehend, but your unwillingness to be honest or logical or use any reason will continue to befuddle you.
Law abiding citizens are only that, till they break the law Hitch. There is no "magic" serum that turns people into criminals.
Law abiding citizens do not expect their government to continually usurp their rights by changing laws for no beneficial purpose.
Nope, moron. They have gone up for the exact same reason gun deaths and gin violence has gone up. More access.

More drugs, more drug overdose, more drug deaths

More guns, more gun violence, more gun deaths.

It's the perfect level of simplicity for you to comprehend, but your unwillingness to be honest or logical or use any reason will continue to befuddle you.
That's not possible. Your ALT II74says fentanyl is highly regulated, so how can there be more available? Discounting of course the open border and fentanyl flowing across the border like a river.
Republicans arguing about shit like guns....they can't even keep a Speaker when they control the House. If i was them...I would be focusing on the real issue...cause if they don't...they will lose their guns
What rights have been usurped Hitch? List em or as they say around STFU.
Nah, I don't think I will dancing monkey Alt. I think I will keep saying what ever I want to. If you don't like that then fuck all the way off and stop reading my posts.
The Two Decade Red State Murder Problem

The murder rate in Trump-voting states has exceeded Biden-voting states every year this century.

Coming up! The "usual suspects" will mansplain this as
  • "rates" don't matter, only "absolute numbers" do!
  • Nuh uh! Nuh uh! Nuh uh!
  • whaddabout bringing knives to a gun fight?
  • the inalienable right to redress opinions that differ from yours with deadly force
  • Not MY gun, nosirree!
  • Butt Hunters Laptop
This young woman was attacked by a pack of feral jackals in the crime infested city of Philadelphia, while her two babies were seated in the rear of the car. She apparently is a real momma bear, she squared off with one of the useless meatsacks and stood in the gap defending her babies. Unfortunately this brave mother didn't have a AR15 or a riot shot gun to even up the odds. One of the coward's head butted her while wearing a helmet. With the help of"tic-toc"? Someone identified this white coward and he's been arrested....(personal note, I hope and pray the police place him a cell with Bubba long mule and only release him when he's pregnant) ...
This young woman was attacked by a pack of feral jackals in the crime infested city of Philadelphia, while her two babies were seated in the rear of the car. She apparently is a real momma bear, she squared off with one of the useless meatsacks and stood in the gap defending her babies. Unfortunately this brave mother didn't have a AR15 or a riot shot gun to even up the odds. One of the coward's head butted her while wearing a helmet. With the help of"tic-toc"? Someone identified this white coward and he's been arrested....(personal note, I hope and pray the police place him a cell with Bubba long mule and only release him when he's pregnant) ...
Your point being that the young motorcyclist who was viciously attacked by the car driver, was protected by his gun that fell on the floor.

I think I have it now.
So.... a man with a gun attacks a woman and you think that is a case for guns making us safer...

Okey dokey. Get back on your meds.
No, jezebel your just angry she's a real woman and mother who carried her babies to term, instead of sacrificing them to your lord and master moloch. She had the tits to defend them with her life....that's a situation you just can't comprehend.
Your point being that the young motorcyclist who was viciously attacked by the car driver, was protected by his gun that fell on the floor.

I think I have it now.
As expected you defend this useless meat sack, then have gall to gaslight the post ...... you must just hate someone who will defend themselves especially a woman.....
No, jezebel your just angry she's a real woman and mother who carried her babies to term, instead of sacrificing them to your lord and master moloch. She had the tits to defend them with her life....that's a situation you just can't comprehend.

You sound angry. Have you sought out counseling?

Such drivel. "real woman", "sacrificing them to moloch"... oh my that sounds very serious.

The reality is that you posted a fucking dumbass example because you're a dumbass extremist without the brains god gave a cantaloupe seed.
You sound angry. Have you sought out counseling?

Such drivel. "real woman", "sacrificing them to moloch"... oh my that sounds very serious.

The reality is that you posted a fucking dumbass example because you're a dumbass extremist without the brains god gave a cantaloupe seed.
So, you believe there is a God?
Yes I am damaged, the deference is I know it and understand my affliction, you on the other hand refuse to recognize your short comings, self loathing and general anger at anything that differs from your narrow mind...
And as expected, you defend that useless meat sack... " go figure?".....
So, you believe there is a God?
Yes I am damaged, the deference is I know it and understand my affliction, you on the other hand refuse to recognize your short comings, self loathing and general anger at anything that differs from your narrow mind...
And as expected, you defend that useless meat sack... " go figure?".....

You make a lot of inaccurate and frankly, crazy, accusations. Your perception is seriously problematic.

How's your shoulder after carrying that chip all these years?
As expected you defend this useless meat sack, then have gall to gaslight the post ...... you must just hate someone who will defend themselves especially a woman.....
The point of the story (before you twisted it around) is that the unarmed woman was put in danger by an armed man. However he turned out to be a total ammosexual and dropped his firearm on the floor. The woman didn't need a gun to defend herself and saw him off with a Karen level glare.

I tried to put that humorously but you went all twonk on us.