Do guns make us more safe?

I don't give a flying fuck. If you want to be lenient with criminals, if you want to let more criminals into the nation? Don't blame the law abiding for fucked up liberal policies.
Lenient with criminals? You're the ones ARMING then with deadly weapons. You have no higher ground here. You aren't law abiding - you're complicit and abetting these criminals. You don't give a flying fuck, because You're just as selfish and evil and guilty.
Nobody is letting criminals into the country either. Our justice system is so insanely strict that we somehow have more people in jail per capita than any nation
This has actually been pointed out and explained to you many, many times but between your complete inability to have any reading comprehension skills and your astonishing lack of understanding of logic, you have proven you don't get this. But no, they are not the same and there is zero logic that puts them in the same track. Guns only do one thing - cause violence and death. Cars are not the same. Alcohol is not the same. Combining multiple things is not the same. Pro-car people aren't pushing agendas to enable more drunk driving. Pro-alcohol people aren't pushing agendas to enable more drunk driving. Sigh.
This high lighted statement is 100% wrong. Unless my plinking shooting holes in paper targets or detergent bottles is causing violence and death. Your propagandist Bull Shit makes you completely irrelevant on this topic. Your mind is so twisted that nothing you say can be taken seriously.
Lenient with criminals? You're the ones ARMING then with deadly weapons. You have no higher ground here. You aren't law abiding - you're complicit and abetting these criminals. You don't give a flying fuck, because You're just as selfish and evil and guilty.
You really are a brain washed dumb son of a bitch. How are the guns locked in my safe, 100% under my control, arming anyone.
Nobody is letting criminals into the country either. Our justice system is so insanely strict that we somehow have more people in jail per capita than any nation
Sure that's why human trafficking, and the flow of Fentynal across the border have EXPLODED in the years since joey took over, as well as the number of illegals crossing the border has also exploded.
That's an impressive trio for you. First you prove you have zero idea what the word "violence" means. Then you prove you have no concept of what a mic drop or walking away is. Then you follow it up with what we have to hope is a typo because otherwise you don't even know what "arm" means. Either way you are still being dishonest and/or ignorant about the number of gun violent acts and deaths that come from guns locked in safes.
That's an impressive trio for you. First you prove you have zero idea what the word "violence" means. Then you prove you have no concept of what a mic drop or walking away is. Then you follow it up with what we have to hope is a typo because otherwise you don't even know what "arm" means. Either way you are still being dishonest and/or ignorant about the number of gun violent acts and deaths that come from guns locked in safes.
More circular nothingness.
And now we can add "circular" to the list of things you're proving you don't know what it means. But you are damn funny and entertaining.
Sure that's why human trafficking, and the flow of Fentynal across the border have EXPLODED in the years since joey took over, as well as the number of illegals crossing the border has also exploded.

Fentynal is very, very easy to smuggle and is in high demand after we started getting strict about drugs like Oxycotton. This is a self made problem. There is very little evidence supporting that human trafficking is significantly higher under Biden and reality is that the Right doesn't actually give a shit about human trafficking anyhow There is a reason why it is only brought up in conjunction with illegal immigration not as if it is its own problem that while connected can be addressed in other methods.

As for the number of illegals crossing the border maybe if we'd stop destabalizing governments and start trading with our southern neighbors this problem goes WAY down. Now we know why we sanctioned the hell out of Venezula and for that matter Cuba. If the American people saw a government that was successfully taking care of its citizens we might start wanting some of that Health Care. But you already know that.
I have to add to my previous post as much as we not to talk about race and wealth there is reason why Obama caught serious shit for talking a Castro but every few years we try to play nicer with Russia than is strictly necessary. We know they aren't gonna nuke us for any of the posturing as usual that both countries do.
I've never made any effort to be funny. I just point out the truth. Like how now we have to add "sad" and "pathetic" to the long lost of things you have proven you don't know anything about. While it's unknown if you are making an effort at it or it's just natural, you are the opposite in that you constantly make people laugh and you never post any truth at all.
I've never made any effort to be funny. I just point out the truth. Like how now we have to add "sad" and "pathetic" to the long lost of things you have proven you don't know anything about. While it's unknown if you are making an effort at it or it's just natural, you are the opposite in that you constantly make people laugh and you never post any truth at all.
Being an arrogant ass, doesn't make you right. You're inability to acknowledge that all you have is diversion and misdirection is just further indication that you are sad and pathetic.

So use some more smoke and mirrors and try to look smarter than you are.
I've never thought I was right because I was an arrogant ass.
I've known I am right because the alternative is to be you and your type who think it's perfectly acceptable to let more and more people be hurt and killed by guns because you're just an ass.
And now we have to add "misdirection" and "diversion" to your list because I've never done anything but be direct and consistent and transparent and clear.
There is only one of us working hard to make me look smart and it's not me. But I don't care about looking smart. This is about not being a murderous asshole - or a gun loving supporter of murderous assholes. Again, only one of us has done that (but this time it is me).
I've never thought I was right because I was an arrogant ass.
I've known I am right because the alternative is to be you and your type who think it's perfectly acceptable to let more and more people be hurt and killed by guns because you're just an ass.
And now we have to add "misdirection" and "diversion" to your list because I've never done anything but be direct and consistent and transparent and clear.
There is only one of us working hard to make me look smart and it's not me. But I don't care about looking smart. This is about not being a murderous asshole - or a gun loving supporter of murderous assholes. Again, only one of us has done that (but this time it is me).
It's a damn good thing you don't care about looking smart. You keep spouting over and over that you just post the truth. Whose truth? Your truth. Not necessarily THE truth but your truth. Just because you think it and you type it doesn't make it true. The fact that YOU always think you are right and anyone that disagrees with you is wrong is a mental illness and it's call Narcissism.

I've killed no one, my guns have killed no one, my guns and ammunition are locked up unless they are in my possession. The gun is a tool, the user is the instrument of choice for good or evil. Nothing you say changes that.
It's a damn good thing you don't care about looking smart. You keep spouting over and over that you just post the truth. Whose truth? Your truth. Not necessarily THE truth but your truth. Just because you think it and you type it doesn't make it true. The fact that YOU always think you are right and anyone that disagrees with you is wrong is a mental illness and it's call Narcissism.
Yah you resemble that word.
I've killed no one, my guns have killed no one, my guns and ammunition are locked up unless they are in my possession. The gun is a tool, the user is the instrument of choice for good or evil. Nothing you say changes that.
Why do you think how you care for your weapons is the norm for all owners? Tom points out the "facts" and you ignore them. Sure you're a responsible owner and no your "guns" have never been stolen or used in a crime, but that doesn't mean what he pointed out doesn't happen.

You're really to into yourself (Narcissist) to much to see that what he posted isn't a "personal" attack on you, but an attack on the way firearms are so easily available in the USA. So you do what you do best, attack.

It's almost like how anyone who mentions gun control, is branded as a person who just wants to ban guns. You get to blinded to the fact that there is a ton of gun violence in the USA. That violence needs to be addressed, not swept under the rug.

So what's your solution? Got one, or are you just going to keep your head burried in the sand, proudly spouting, it's not MY guns causing the problems....
Yah you resemble that word.

Why do you think how you care for your weapons is the norm for all owners? Tom points out the "facts" and you ignore them. Sure you're a responsible owner and no your "guns" have never been stolen or used in a crime, but that doesn't mean what he pointed out doesn't happen.

You're really to into yourself (Narcissist) to much to see that what he posted isn't a "personal" attack on you, but an attack on the way firearms are so easily available in the USA. So you do what you do best, attack.

It's almost like how anyone who mentions gun control, is branded as a person who just wants to ban guns. You get to blinded to the fact that there is a ton of gun violence in the USA. That violence needs to be addressed, not swept under the rug.

So what's your solution? Got one, or are you just going to keep your head burried in the sand, proudly spouting, it's not MY guns causing the problems....
Have you ever had an original thought? You parrot back to me almost everything I say. I'm pretty sure you are nothing but a troll propagandist quoting a script.
Have you ever had an original thought?
Look in the mirror. Check your talking points on this subject.
You parrot back to me almost everything I say.
Maybe you should consider switching from"Dancing Chipmunk" to "Squawking Parrot"? Though you've kind of stopped using that already. Can't you stick to any task?
I'm pretty sure you are nothing but a troll propagandist quoting a script.
Which script would that be Hitch?

The one us reasonable gun owners preach, where we believe in proper training, licencing, background searches, mandatory storage laws. Limits on magazine capacities, outlawing any device that would change the function of the existing firearm to make it fire more rapidly. That script?
The one us reasonable gun owners preach, where we believe in proper training, licencing, background searches, mandatory storage laws. Limits on magazine capacities, outlawing any device that would change the function of the existing firearm to make it fire more rapidly. That script?
Well then work on gun laws in YOUR country and stay the Fuck out of our business.

I don't disagree with you on proper training. I have taken 3 concealed carry classes, including the live fire one and I am licensed to conceal carry a firearm. Any firearm purchase from a gun store requires an NCIC background check. I already do, and all of my friends that are gun owners, lock our firearms up in gun safes when they are not in use so I oppose mandatory storage laws because that to be will lead to a central location for gun storage outside the home. I disagree with magazine capacity limits too. I find bump stocks silly but if the ATF has been blocked by the courts in removing them then that's the end of it in my mind.
Well then work on gun laws in YOUR country and stay the Fuck out of our business.
Fuck you. Your illegal or stolen guns are coming across our borders in record number. It got so bad, that rightly or wrongly our Government put a ban on handgun sales in the country. Due to you fucking assholes not getting your fucking ducks in a row.
I don't disagree with you on proper training. I have taken 3 concealed carry classes, including the live fire one and I am licensed to conceal carry a firearm. Any firearm purchase from a gun store requires an NCIC background check. I already do, and all of my friends that are gun owners, lock our firearms up in gun safes when they are not in use so I oppose mandatory storage laws because that to be will lead to a central location for gun storage outside the home.

Good for you and your buddies, now talk to the other 150 million assholes who don't, or won't
I disagree with magazine capacity limits too.
I find bump stocks silly but if the ATF has been blocked by the courts in removing them then that's the end of it in my mind.
Good thing you didn't feel that way about drunk driving laws, eh?
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More Guns, More Death: The Fundamental Fact that Supports a Comprehensive Approach to Reducing Gun Violence in America

In a scholarly review of the relationship between gun prevalence and homicide almost 20 years ago, Harvard researchers concluded that available evidence supports the hypothesis that greater numbers of guns corresponds to higher rates of homicide.[1] In the years since, the evidence has strengthened at every level of analysis. Further, the hypothesis that more guns equates to more deaths has been supported using many different ways of measuring gun availability and access.

First, having a gun in the home increases the risk that a person will be the victim of a homicide with a gun or commit suicide with a gun.[2],[3] This is true regardless of storage practice, type of gun, or number of firearms in the home.[4] Put simply, if there is a gun in the home, it is easier for a person to pick it up and use it against a family member, intimate partner, or associate in the midst of a conflict. Similarly, people are more able to attempt suicide during a moment of crisis if a firearm is accessible in the home. Suicides are also far more likely to be completed with a firearm than any other means.[5]

But it is not just about access to firearms in the home. Research shows that greater availability of guns throughout local neighborhoods in cities like Detroit[6] and Newark[7] corresponds to higher rates of firearm deaths, especially in communities suffering from concentrated economic disadvantage. And across cities, legal access to guns via federally licensed dealers[8] and the availability of stolen guns[9] result in higher firearm homicide rates. At the county level, more access to guns within and in surrounding counties equates to more gun deaths.[10]

Across states, researchers found that more guns equal more gun deaths looking at all 50 states in the country from 1981 to 2010.[11] This finding has been replicated in numerous other studies.[12] [13] Importantly, states with both lax gun laws and greater access to guns have higher rates of mass shootings.[14]