Do guns make us more safe?

Fuck you. Your illegal or stolen guns are coming across our borders in record number. It got so bad, that rightly or wrongly our Government put a ban on handgun sales in the country. Due to you fucking assholes not getting your fucking ducks in a row.

Good for you and your buddies, now talk to the other 150 million assholes who don't, or won't


Good thing you didn't feel that way about drunk driving laws, eh?
Well maybe you should build a border wall to keep us out then...Your government banned hand gun sales in your country because of illegal guns crossing the border? The absolute ridiculousness and hopelessness of that just makes me laugh. Honestly it's hilarious how fucking pointless that move was.

I have no more control over 150 million gun owners than I do a meddling busy body canadian who can't see how fucking stupid banning gun sales is when those sales aren't the problem.

Why? Because honestly shooting the absolute shit out of a target with 20 or 30 rounds is an absolute hoot. AND since I am hurting no one and it's legal suck it sonny I'm gonna have them whether you or Justin like it or not.

Drunk driving laws have absolutely nothing to do with guns. Nice diversion again when your logic fails you once again on gun ownership. Smoke, mirrors, nice song and dance routine.
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YOU are the absolute moron who constantly tries to use drunk driving as a diversion to the topic of guns! You absolute fucking moronic hypocrite. My word you're so dumb I can't believe you don't forget to breathe regularly. Not only do we need more laws to limit gun ownership we need more restrictive laws on who is allowed to post on line because even the lowest standards for that would be way too high for you to qualify.
YOU are the absolute moron who constantly tries to use drunk driving as a diversion to the topic of guns! You absolute fucking moronic hypocrite. My word you're so dumb I can't believe you don't forget to breathe regularly. Not only do we need more laws to limit gun ownership we need more restrictive laws on who is allowed to post on line because even the lowest standards for that would be way too high for you to qualify.
Hi! Hey how are you doing this evening? You seem a bit agitated. Everything okay at home?

You realize the two things you want are essentially what the Nazis did? Control the media/public debate and restrict gun ownership primarily to the state. Congratulations Himmler your true colors have emerged.
Your government banned hand gun sales in your country because of illegal guns crossing the border? The absolute ridiculousness and hopelessness of that just makes me laugh. Honestly it's hilarious how fucking pointless that move was.

Why? Because honestly shooting the absolute shit out of a target with 20 or 30 rounds is an absolute hoot. AND since I am hurting no one and it's legal suck it sonny I'm gonna have them whether you or Justin like it or not.
Our government banning guns is absolutely disgusting. I paid money out of pocket and waited for a year for a damn gun licence, and when I got it, they made it illegal for me to buy at that point.

Hopefully our Conservative party will get into power and completely reverse the bans. Very tired of the nanny state imposing itself.
Why? Because honestly shooting the absolute shit out of a target with 20 or 30 rounds is an absolute hoot. AND since I am hurting no one and it's legal suck it sonny I'm gonna have them whether you or Justin like it or not.

Laws have been changed in the past and will be changed in the future.
They sure have and sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. It seems with guns laws you almost always lose.
One good thing is that as technologies like 3D printing continue to advance, manufacturing one's own guns will become increasingly easy.
Hi! Hey how are you doing this evening? You seem a bit agitated. Everything okay at home?

You realize the two things you want are essentially what the Nazis did? Control the media/public debate and restrict gun ownership primarily to the state. Congratulations Himmler your true colors have emerged.
The Nazis hate seeing your dumb ass posts where you're so stupid you say nothing honest or accurate 95% of the time and then when you do finally say something you contradict yourself? Because that's the control I want. Not of debate and not of media - just of absolute dishonest morons like yourself

The Nazis wanted to see people not being hurt or killed by guns at an appalling and vile and disgusting rate daily? Because that's the gun control I want.

Seeing as how truth and reality and history show that is not what the Nazis - or you - want, I'm guessing you don't want to actually get into an honest look at who is closer to being a Nazi.
They sure have and sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. It seems with guns laws you almost always lose.

The American people lose almost every time. I know we are too fucking stupid to care about American lives so I'm focused on more important things that might happen in the real world.
The Nazis hate seeing your dumb ass posts where you're so stupid you say nothing honest or accurate 95% of the time and then when you do finally say something you contradict yourself? Because that's the control I want. Not of debate and not of media - just of absolute dishonest morons like yourself

The Nazis wanted to see people not being hurt or killed by guns at an appalling and vile and disgusting rate daily? Because that's the gun control I want.

Seeing as how truth and reality and history show that is not what the Nazis - or you - want, I'm guessing you don't want to actually get into an honest look at who is closer to being a Nazi.
First of all tom the not a TEACHER, the Nazis didn't disarm the populace to stop gun crimes, they disarmed them to make them helpless to resist the Nazi regime.

You are closer to being a Nazi, you want to control information and a citizen's right to own a Constitutionally protected item, a firearm.
First of all tom the not a TEACHER, the Nazis didn't disarm the populace to stop gun crimes, they disarmed them to make them helpless to resist the Nazi regime.

You are closer to being a Nazi, you want to control information and a citizen's right to own a Constitutionally protected item, a firearm.
Yes the Nazis wanted to use laws to create a situation where it was very easy to commit mass murders. That makes you and your pro gun comrades EXACTLY like the Nazis.
First of all tom the not a TEACHER, the Nazis didn't disarm the populace to stop gun crimes, they disarmed them to make them helpless to resist the Nazi regime.

You are closer to being a Nazi, you want to control information and a citizen's right to own a Constitutionally protected item, a firearm.

They actually gave back guns that had been taken, probably with good reason, by the Weimar Republic. It would be nice if you had the first fucking clue what you were on about.
It's always emotion based with your side. By the way the word is mathematical. Learn to spell so you don't look uneducated.

Actually its not if we look at facts vs emotion on a case by case basis the Right are infinitely more emotional, their primary emotion fear. They are scared of everything and don't believe the world can be better than it is. I think they were all damaged badly as children.

I'm not writing a college paper, I don't care about proper spelling as long as its close enough that someone knows what I meant. Just as I don't really care if my sentences are grammatically correct. It shows that you really don't have anything to say when you insult or nitpick spelling.

The reality is you know for a fact that you are wrong. More guns equal more danger. This is a constant.
Yes the Nazis wanted to use laws to create a situation where it was very easy to commit mass murders. That makes you and your pro gun comrades EXACTLY like the Nazis.
You really are quite the ignorant fuck. I am not in favor of disarming law abiding citizens you are. Therefore you Herr Himmler are more the Nazi than me. Now go read a fucking history book you fucking hack liberal buffoon.
Actually its not if we look at facts vs emotion on a case by case basis the Right are infinitely more emotional, their primary emotion fear. They are scared of everything and don't believe the world can be better than it is. I think they were all damaged badly as children.

I'm not writing a college paper, I don't care about proper spelling as long as its close enough that someone knows what I meant. Just as I don't really care if my sentences are grammatically correct. It shows that you really don't have anything to say when you insult or nitpick spelling.

The reality is you know for a fact that you are wrong. More guns equal more danger. This is a constant.
Nonsense, there are more firearms than citizens in the US. If we were the problem it would be readily and immediately obvious. But since we aren't it is the criminals and mentally ill that perpetrate gun violence.

By the way, the highest percentage of new gun buyers are women and minorities.

It's obvious you have difficulty with sentence structure and spelling. That's a separate issue from your continued posting that proves a lack of education and understanding of this issue.
You really are quite the ignorant fuck. I am not in favor of disarming law abiding citizens you are. Therefore you Herr Himmler are more the Nazi than me. Now go read a fucking history book you fucking hack liberal buffoon.
Hi! Hey how are you doing this evening? You seem a bit agitated. Everything okay at home?

Or are you just the most pathetically easily triggered person ever because you are the perfect storm of A) having the emotional maturity of a two year old without a nap, B) being off the charts stupid about literally everything, and C) running your mouth so much that you constantly set yourself up so that you do stupid things like bringing up Nazis in a discussion where you are constantly supporting mass murder promoting legislation and beliefs with your vile pro gun positions.