Do guns make us more safe?

Try again dumb ass. While the Weimar Republic did give Jews back their guns, the Nazis just as quickly took them away again. Here's some historical data for you.

Thanks for proving my point. The Weimar had taken guns. Hitler gave many back. There is a world of difference between taking guns from a specific group and from everybody.

I always appreciate you looking up data you think I don't know because no matter what I posted you have accused it of being MSM lies.
Nonsense, there are more firearms than citizens in the US. If we were the problem it would be readily and immediately obvious. But since we aren't it is the criminals and mentally ill that perpetrate gun violence.

By the way, the highest percentage of new gun buyers are women and minorities.

It's obvious you have difficulty with sentence structure and spelling. That's a separate issue from your continued posting that proves a lack of education and understanding of this issue.

Nobody has the first real clue how many guns are in the US. Its not usually criminals or the mentally ill, not in anyway that would ever measure anyhow.

The two groups that are watching one major party actively attack them time and time after time? Just cus its logical doesn't mean its going to make them more not less safe which is what its going to do. Reaching for your wallet can get you shot as a black man so knowing more are armed just puts us in more danger.

Actually my sentence structure is solid as is my spelling more often than not and its better when I give anything that resembles giving a shit. Trailer everybody here laughs at you because you are so off your rocker on every subject that it doesn't even make sense how you could fuck up so much. Though I guess when we look at the Right Wing as a whole you're probably not wrong, you're probably flat out lying.

There are lots of theories I've seen on at least the Israeli/Hamas conflict that line up with data we have unlike your speculation but I'm not signing off on some of this shit until we have a little more data.
But since we aren't it is the criminals and mentally ill that perpetrate gun violence.

Interesting since we have been pointing out forever on here that the pro gun supporters are complicit because they actively support legislators who have been enacting laws that make it easier for criminals and the mentally ill to have easier and more access to guns. So even though your statement is, predicably, not accurate, the small part of it that is correct absolutely proves that everything the anti gun side has said about the pro gun side is correct. And you just agreed with that. Now you're response will be some idiotic swearing and sad attempts at personal attacks and misdirection attempts but the reality is we've all just seen you once again contradict your own statements.
Hi! Hey how are you doing this evening? You seem a bit agitated. Everything okay at home?

Or are you just the most pathetically easily triggered person ever because you are the perfect storm of A) having the emotional maturity of a two year old without a nap, B) being off the charts stupid about literally everything, and C) running your mouth so much that you constantly set yourself up so that you do stupid things like bringing up Nazis in a discussion where you are constantly supporting mass murder promoting legislation and beliefs with your vile pro gun positions.
Ah, back to mimicking what I post. You really are a pathetic train wreck.

Really I proved my point about the Nazis with documentation. You refuse to believe the truth even when hit in the face with it. I promote no legislation about guns and belong to no gun owner's groups, the only vile person here is you because every post you make is full of outright God Damned lies.
Interesting since we have been pointing out forever on here that the pro gun supporters are complicit because they actively support legislators who have been enacting laws that make it easier for criminals and the mentally ill to have easier and more access to guns. So even though your statement is, predicably, not accurate, the small part of it that is correct absolutely proves that everything the anti gun side has said about the pro gun side is correct. And you just agreed with that. Now you're response will be some idiotic swearing and sad attempts at personal attacks and misdirection attempts but the reality is we've all just seen you once again contradict your own statements.
Yawn...Keep posting nonsense since it's all you have. It's fun to watch you recycle the same Bull Shit every third or fourth post.
Nobody has the first real clue how many guns are in the US. Its not usually criminals or the mentally ill, not in anyway that would ever measure anyhow.

The two groups that are watching one major party actively attack them time and time after time? Just cus its logical doesn't mean its going to make them more not less safe which is what its going to do. Reaching for your wallet can get you shot as a black man so knowing more are armed just puts us in more danger.

Actually my sentence structure is solid as is my spelling more often than not and its better when I give anything that resembles giving a shit. Trailer everybody here laughs at you because you are so off your rocker on every subject that it doesn't even make sense how you could fuck up so much. Though I guess when we look at the Right Wing as a whole you're probably not wrong, you're probably flat out lying.

There are lots of theories I've seen on at least the Israeli/Hamas conflict that line up with data we have unlike your speculation but I'm not signing off on some of this shit until we have a little more data.
Look let's be clear and forthright on one thing. I honestly don't give a single damn what you absolutely off your rocker leftists, liberals, democrats, socialists, communists, or woke people think about me. This is fun for me to watch you lose your shit over and over about gun control. You had control of the house and senate and the presidency and how many gun control laws came out? NONE, because even dems know they will lose votes if they pass strict gun control. They are liars and hypocrites about this topic just like the right is about abortion. So keep on trucking baby because you ain't getting shit.
Look let's be clear and forthright on one thing. I honestly don't give a single damn what you absolutely off your rocker leftists, liberals, democrats, socialists, communists, or woke people think about me. This is fun for me to watch you lose your shit over and over about gun control. You had control of the house and senate and the presidency and how many gun control laws came out? NONE, because even dems know they will lose votes if they pass strict gun control. They are liars and hypocrites about this topic just like the right is about abortion. So keep on trucking baby because you ain't getting shit.
Hmmm, I guess that you didn’t hear about the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act.
Look let's be clear and forthright on one thing. I honestly don't give a single damn what you absolutely off your rocker leftists, liberals, democrats, socialists, communists, or woke people think about me. This is fun for me to watch you lose your shit over and over about gun control. You had control of the house and senate and the presidency and how many gun control laws came out? NONE, because even dems know they will lose votes if they pass strict gun control. They are liars and hypocrites about this topic just like the right is about abortion. So keep on trucking baby because you ain't getting shit.
Nobody is losing their shit. The closest is you who absolutely has to insult people left and right. Ignoring you forget that Kennedy had the audacity to have cancer pretty fucking quick. Democrats don't behave like Republicans, that's the real reason. Nobody would care if we lost votes, which we wouldn't we'd probably gain votes. But remember how long it took to get Obamacare through and how many things gave away to the right?

We not don't all agree and march in lockstep we want to work WITH you to improve the country. We shouldn't be ratfucking each other and for whatever reason my team still hasn't figured out that the days of being able to trust the Right to negotiate and keep their word is so fucking low we might as well assume you're planning to stab us in the back first chance you get. Since you know we would never do the same to you you're not even cautious about your actions.

You guys are Saturday Morning Cartoon Villains these days. Like you don't even have real goals beyond owning the libs. Lowering taxes for the rich and removing any protections the average man has.
Look let's be clear and forthright on one thing. I honestly don't give a single damn what you absolutely off your rocker leftists, liberals, democrats, socialists, communists, or woke people think about me. This is fun for me to watch you lose your shit
Oh, we have the utmost respect for all MAGAts who work part time in a big box store. Not sure what you're talking about here...
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Here a starter for ten: How many school shootings have been perpetrated by people with criminal records and with illegal guns?

Answer: About as many as have been done by LGBTQ folks.
After viewing the videos and images coming out of Israel of the terrorist going door to door, dragging young girls out of their homes after killing everyone else in the home. For the most part the victims are unarmed do to Israeli gun laws these victims had absolutely no fighting chance whatsoever. This is a stark reminder that reinforces my belief in private gun ownership and the 2nd amendment. So for all of you anti gun nazis take a hard look at the shit that is happening in Ukraine and now Israel being unarmed is a recipe for disaster
No, the average person in that situation would very likely be killed or maybe not. One thing's for certain I'll take my chances behind an AR with several full capacity magazines.
After viewing the videos and images coming out of Israel of the terrorist going door to door, dragging young girls out of their homes after killing everyone else in the home. For the most part the victims are unarmed do to Israeli gun laws these victims had absolutely no fighting chance whatsoever. This is a stark reminder that reinforces my belief in private gun ownership and the 2nd amendment. So for all of you anti gun nazis take a hard look at the shit that is happening in Ukraine and now Israel being unarmed is a recipe for disaster
No, the average person in that situation would very likely be killed or maybe not. One thing's for certain I'll take my chances behind an AR with several full capacity magazines.
Buffalogurl: "if only people knew how to use their guns everyone would be safe"

Also Buffalogurl: Nuclear war is just about to happen and we're all gonna die

After viewing the videos and images coming out of Israel of the terrorist going door to door, dragging young girls out of their homes after killing everyone else in the home. For the most part the victims are unarmed do to Israeli gun laws these victims had absolutely no fighting chance whatsoever. This is a stark reminder that reinforces my belief in private gun ownership and the 2nd amendment. So for all of you anti gun nazis take a hard look at the shit that is happening in Ukraine and now Israel being unarmed is a recipe for disaster
No, the average person in that situation would very likely be killed or maybe not. One thing's for certain I'll take my chances behind an AR with several full capacity magazines.
I suggest that you pack up some of your guns and ship them to Israel.
If America doesn't want to do anything about guns...why not prevent guns from entering a school? I once crunched the numbers...figuring out how many public schools there is...and giving each 2 metal detectors. Most schools would only need the one they don't need can be passed on. Then I figured out the price of buying each one. Then I added the cost of manning those for 5 $20/hr.

It was the cost of 3 of those fancy fighter jets. Three fighter jets...never having a gun murder in a public school ever again.


I wonder why Americans prefer to do nothing? Who benefits from kids dying?
If America doesn't want to do anything about guns...why not prevent guns from entering a school? I once crunched the numbers...figuring out how many public schools there is...and giving each 2 metal detectors. Most schools would only need the one they don't need can be passed on. Then I figured out the price of buying each one. Then I added the cost of manning those for 5 $20/hr.

It was the cost of 3 of those fancy fighter jets. Three fighter jets...never having a gun murder in a public school ever again.


I wonder why Americans prefer to do nothing? Who benefits from kids dying?
Just adding context, in case people aren't aware - less than 12% of schools had metal detectors as of 2019.
And no...a metal detector in every school won't prevent every incident. But it reduces it.

When was the last time you heard of someone shooting up an airport...or courthouse?

Better than doing nothing.

When you look at the Google results "will metal detectors in schools reduce gun violence"...see all the negative ones? Look at the money source backing those studies. Then look at the money source for the studies supporting them.

What are we out of if they don't work? 4...5 fighter jets. Priorities
And no...a metal detector in every school won't prevent every incident. But it reduces it.

When was the last time you heard of someone shooting up an airport...or courthouse?

Better than doing nothing.

When you look at the Google results "will metal detectors in schools reduce gun violence"...see all the negative ones? Look at the money source backing those studies. Then look at the money source for the studies supporting them.

What are we out of if they don't work? 4...5 fighter jets. Priorities
It's the same argument I make on any major problem. We would love to completely solve every problem, but any solution that reduces the problem even a little bit is better than nothing.
As an aside, the Glasgow airport incident is why in the UK it's impossible to drive close to the front doors of international airports nowadays. All drop-offs are on the other side of massive bollards.

In the UK, when shit happens they do stuff to ensure it is really difficult to do it ever again.
After viewing the videos and images coming out of Israel of the terrorist going door to door, dragging young girls out of their homes after killing everyone else in the home. For the most part the victims are unarmed do to Israeli gun laws these victims had absolutely no fighting chance whatsoever. This is a stark reminder that reinforces my belief in private gun ownership and the 2nd amendment. So for all of you anti gun nazis take a hard look at the shit that is happening in Ukraine and now Israel being unarmed is a recipe for disaster
No, the average person in that situation would very likely be killed or maybe not. One thing's for certain I'll take my chances behind an AR with several full capacity magazines.

You do realize at least by modern sensibilities this call makes absolutely no sense right?
It's the same argument I make on any major problem. We would love to completely solve every problem, but any solution that reduces the problem even a little bit is better than nothing.

I gotta disagree on this one. Sometimes you just have to accept that a certain amount of shit happens and some of it happens to you. There are tons of problems that we could reduce and probably more than a little bit. Lets take a real life scenario.

How many commercial planes were used in terrorist attacks prior to 9/11. Not redirected to someplace with a nonextradition policy but used as weapons? How many since? We know the TSA routinely fucks up their searches. While I think just carrying on at this point is appropriate lock the door to the pilots, have a marshal on every plan and stop groping me. Let me bring water on planes with me. Holy fuck buckets.

The cure is SO much worse over the course of twenty two years than the original problem.

There of course are other ones mind you but stuff happens.
I gotta disagree on this one. Sometimes you just have to accept that a certain amount of shit happens and some of it happens to you. There are tons of problems that we could reduce and probably more than a little bit. Lets take a real life scenario.

How many commercial planes were used in terrorist attacks prior to 9/11. Not redirected to someplace with a nonextradition policy but used as weapons? How many since? We know the TSA routinely fucks up their searches. While I think just carrying on at this point is appropriate lock the door to the pilots, have a marshal on every plan and stop groping me. Let me bring water on planes with me. Holy fuck buckets.

The cure is SO much worse over the course of twenty two years than the original problem.

There of course are other ones mind you but stuff happens.
Feel free to disagree. in your instance, the solution prevented many just also introduced other issues.

That happens.

Some people don't like seatbelts either.
Feel free to disagree. in your instance, the solution prevented many just also introduced other issues.

That happens.

Some people don't like seatbelts either.

There doesn't seem to be any reason that it has prevented ANY problems. Just introduced problems and taught us to live in constant fear. This isn't like seat belts, this is more like drunk check points every two blocks because the cops have no clue where you're coming from or going.
There doesn't seem to be any reason that it has prevented ANY problems. Just introduced problems and taught us to live in constant fear. This isn't like seat belts, this is more like drunk check points every two blocks because the cops have no clue where you're coming from or going.
How would you even know if it did or did not prevent anything?

You not liking it is noted.