Do guns make us more safe?

Thanks for proving my point. The Weimar had taken guns. Hitler gave many back. There is a world of difference between taking guns from a specific group and from everybody.

I always appreciate you looking up data you think I don't know because no matter what I posted you have accused it of being MSM lies.
Hitler gave them back to Nazi party members and kept them away from those he chose to oppress and murder.
Nobody is losing their shit. The closest is you who absolutely has to insult people left and right. Ignoring you forget that Kennedy had the audacity to have cancer pretty fucking quick. Democrats don't behave like Republicans, that's the real reason. Nobody would care if we lost votes, which we wouldn't we'd probably gain votes. But remember how long it took to get Obamacare through and how many things gave away to the right?

We not don't all agree and march in lockstep we want to work WITH you to improve the country. We shouldn't be ratfucking each other and for whatever reason my team still hasn't figured out that the days of being able to trust the Right to negotiate and keep their word is so fucking low we might as well assume you're planning to stab us in the back first chance you get. Since you know we would never do the same to you you're not even cautious about your actions.

You guys are Saturday Morning Cartoon Villains these days. Like you don't even have real goals beyond owning the libs. Lowering taxes for the rich and removing any protections the average man has.
You are right dems don't act like reps. Dems openly and unashamedly are out to destroy the American way of life. You are insane if you believe that dems don't care about losing votes. Why do you think Obama picked a doddering old white guy like biden for a running mate? He hadn't accomplished shit in 47 years except to push through a crime bill that targeted Blacks. He picked him to get old white people votes.

Considering that a good portion of what was said about Obamacare was outright lies it never should have passed. 1) You can keep your doctor, not true in so many cases. 2) Medical care will be cheaper, an absolute lie.

Real goals? You aren't serious are you? Stopping the flow of illegal immigrant and drugs across the border. Strengthening our defenses. Having allies pay their share of NATO and other treaty organizations costs. Hell under Trump China, Russia and North Korea were behaving themselves.
Interesting since we have been pointing out forever on here that the pro gun supporters are complicit because they actively support legislators who have been enacting laws that make it easier for criminals and the mentally ill to have easier and more access to guns. So even though your statement is, predicably, not accurate, the small part of it that is correct absolutely proves that everything the anti gun side has said about the pro gun side is correct. And you just agreed with that. Now you're response will be some idiotic swearing and sad attempts at personal attacks and misdirection attempts but the reality is we've all just seen you once again contradict your own statements.
This argument that pro gun supporters are complicit in gun violence is ridiculous and you know it. Carry this out and every car owner is complicit in every vehicle crash death. Every alcohol distiller is complicit in every alcohol related death. Every boat manufacturer is complicit in every boating death. Every swimming pool manufacturer is responsible for every swimming pool drowning death. And so on and so on. There is no direct connection.
Oh, we have the utmost respect for all MAGAts who work part time in a big box store. Not sure what you're talking about here...
Oh ouch...coati has nothing so he slams me working part time. I forgot that if I was a lib like you I could stay home and suck off the tit of American workers who actually do work and pay their taxes to support welfare turds like you.
Here a starter for ten: How many school shootings have been perpetrated by people with criminal records and with illegal guns?

Answer: About as many as have been done by LGBTQ folks.
Completely ignore mental illness. Nice work, perfect example of more of your yellow journalism.
How would you even know if it did or did not prevent anything?

You not liking it is noted.

The exact same way you know.

You being okay with being groped for something that happened ONCE and there are simpler solution to. Hell the Israelis over all are damn good at just watching people.
The exact same way you know.

You being okay with being groped for something that happened ONCE and there are simpler solution to. Hell the Israelis over all are damn good at just watching people.
Your issue with being groped is irrelevant to whether it eliminates risk.
If America doesn't want to do anything about guns...why not prevent guns from entering a school? I once crunched the numbers...figuring out how many public schools there is...and giving each 2 metal detectors. Most schools would only need the one they don't need can be passed on. Then I figured out the price of buying each one. Then I added the cost of manning those for 5 $20/hr.

It was the cost of 3 of those fancy fighter jets. Three fighter jets...never having a gun murder in a public school ever again.


I wonder why Americans prefer to do nothing? Who benefits from kids dying?
Because it's all Bull Shit that's why. There is always money for something except this.

Here in Tennessee legislation was passed to put cops in all schools, including private schools.
You are right dems don't act like reps. Dems openly and unashamedly are out to destroy the American way of life. You are insane if you believe that dems don't care about losing votes. Why do you think Obama picked a doddering old white guy like biden for a running mate? He hadn't accomplished shit in 47 years except to push through a crime bill that targeted Blacks. He picked him to get old white people votes.

Considering that a good portion of what was said about Obamacare was outright lies it never should have passed. 1) You can keep your doctor, not true in so many cases. 2) Medical care will be cheaper, an absolute lie.

Real goals? You aren't serious are you? Stopping the flow of illegal immigrant and drugs across the border. Strengthening our defenses. Having allies pay their share of NATO and other treaty organizations costs. Hell under Trump China, Russia and North Korea were behaving themselves.

The American way of life was destroyed the Right and Ronald Reagan long before anybody even knew what an Obama was. He picked Joe because he was seen as someone who could reach across the aisle, plain and simple. I'm beginning to think there is nobody in all of politics who has accomplished a fucking thing though.

I'm not touching that doctor nonsense since a lot of us don't get to keep our doctors anyway. Medical care not getting cheaper was one of the dozens of things he gave to the right.

Sorry our borders have remained largely unchanged for at least twenty years. Our defenses are essentially invincible so that falls under getting your rich friend richer. Biden actually got them paying more into NATO though that was such a drop in the bucket I don't understand for the life of me why anybody gives a shit.

Yeah you would believe those guys were behaving themselves.
Your issue with being groped is irrelevant to whether it eliminates risk.

You being ok with being groped is also irrelevant to whether it eliminates risk when a one off issue doesn't even support the belief that there is a risk, at least not a risk worthy of paying attention to.
You being ok with being groped is also irrelevant to whether it eliminates risk when a one off issue doesn't even support the belief that there is a risk, at least not a risk worthy of paying attention to.
I never said I was ok with it.

Hope this helps! 👍
I never said I was ok with it.

Hope this helps! 👍

You very specifically said that if something lowers risks even a little its better than doing nothing. You clearly believe that this lowers risk and significantly.
You very specifically said that if something lowers risks even a little its better than doing nothing. You clearly believe that this lowers risk and significantly.
Yes, I said that. I never said that I liked being groped. (Though I've never been groped at an airport)

And you didn't refute what I said at all.

All you've basically said is that sometimes reducing risk introduces other issues. I have never argued against that.

But yes, I believe that airport screenings have reduced risk and I am ok with them causing a few issues along the way. I am always a proponent of improvement.
Yes, I said that. I never said that I liked being groped. (Though I've never been groped at an airport)

And you didn't refute what I said at all.

All you've basically said is that sometimes reducing risk introduces other issues. I have never argued against that.

But yes, I believe that airport screenings have reduced risk and I am ok with them causing a few issues along the way. I am always a proponent of improvement.

Then you haven't flown in the last twenty years. A few issues? I remember when you didn't need to have a two hour window that is not a "few issues." Your standards are WAY too low.
Then you haven't flown in the last twenty years. A few issues? I remember when you didn't need to have a two hour window that is not a "few issues." Your standards are WAY too low.
It doesn't matter. Screening reduces risk. I'm for it because it does. Whether screening can be done better and at least impact to travelers is a separate thing.
Completely ignore mental illness. Nice work, perfect example of more of your yellow journalism.
OK, seeing how you asked. How many school shootings have been committed by people already identified by medical professionals as being in need of treatment?

While you're trying to work that one out, what is the gun lobby's position on mental illness tests prior to gun possession?
Oh ouch...coati has nothing so he slams me working part time. I forgot that if I was a lib like you I could stay home and suck off the tit of American workers who actually do work and pay their taxes to support welfare turds like you.
Well stated 😂😂😂 very well stated.....
This argument that pro gun supporters are complicit in gun violence is ridiculous and you know it. Carry this out and every car owner is complicit in every vehicle crash death. Every alcohol distiller is complicit in every alcohol related death. Every boat manufacturer is complicit in every boating death. Every swimming pool manufacturer is responsible for every swimming pool drowning death. And so on and so on. There is no direct connection.
Your inability/unwillingness/ lack of brain cells / whatever that compels you to find irrelevant comparisons that don't fit every time this comes up is sad, but predictable at this stage. One more time for Hitch since his head is too far up his ass to hear it every other time: cars are not made only for violence or death, alcohol is not made only for violence and death, boats are not made only for violence and death, pools are not made only for violence and death. Guns are only made for violence and death. The humorous part is how totally obvious you and your pro-gun comrades make it that you know you are complicit but you desperately cling to false comparisons and bogus side issues and name calling and childish denials.
Oh ouch...coati has nothing so he slams me working part time. I forgot that if I was a lib like you I could stay home and suck off the tit of American workers who actually do work and pay their taxes to support welfare turds like you.
Ha ha ha. Yes, you would never insult someone based on their employment or employer since you had nothing of substance or truth to reply with. 🙄
I don’t know what the solution To gun violence is but if guns were allowed at the Supreme Court building, the Capitol, and state legislature, there would be a big incentive for those in power to find a solution.
Why do we focus on school shootings? The majority of the homicides are some dude who came home and right or wrong thought his lady was messing around and her and or her (alledged) lover ended up in a body bag. These people didn't wake up criminals. AT least not in anyway we care about. Maybe they sold some weed. MAybe they have a public intox like so many, many many men. The only reason I don't have one. . or two was my employer was the one who kept my drink full and I didn't notice. I was with it JUST enough to hear him tell them he was an off duty cop (not retired but I guess popo respect popo) and he'd get me back to the hotel.

I hear a lot of people claim to be law abiding but honestly even fucking Superman has some speeding tickets and if anybody had the first clue who Batman was. . .

This is precisely why the "my gun isn't hurting anybody doesn't hold. Cus that shit ceases when you come home to a trail of your ladie's clothes open the door expecting sexy goodness and you find out she can deep throat!

I'd be less annoyed if those people would just admit they don't care. I don't care how many frat boys die of alcohol poisoning. I'm willing to have people at the bar door and cops who will call you an uber/lyft whatever if they think you aren't okay but I can say it aloud.
Why do we focus on school shootings? The majority of the homicides are some dude who came home and right or wrong thought his lady was messing around and her and or her (alledged) lover ended up in a body bag. These people didn't wake up criminals. AT least not in anyway we care about. Maybe they sold some weed. MAybe they have a public intox like so many, many many men. The only reason I don't have one. . or two was my employer was the one who kept my drink full and I didn't notice. I was with it JUST enough to hear him tell them he was an off duty cop (not retired but I guess popo respect popo) and he'd get me back to the hotel.

I hear a lot of people claim to be law abiding but honestly even fucking Superman has some speeding tickets and if anybody had the first clue who Batman was. . .

This is precisely why the "my gun isn't hurting anybody doesn't hold. Cus that shit ceases when you come home to a trail of your ladie's clothes open the door expecting sexy goodness and you find out she can deep throat!

I'd be less annoyed if those people would just admit they don't care. I don't care how many frat boys die of alcohol poisoning. I'm willing to have people at the bar door and cops who will call you an uber/lyft whatever if they think you aren't okay but I can say it aloud.
Simple. It is something that can be done today with immediate results.
Well maybe you should build a border wall to keep us out then..
Why build a wall?? Idiots who try and cross with their steel penis's get caught, turned around and banned from need for a wall! Stupidity takes care of it all on it's own...*chuckles*
.Your government banned hand gun sales in your country because of illegal guns crossing the border?
Yes, that is exactly what happened. It's not a joke, even your new buddy TST isn't too happy about. Me, I sold my handguns ages ago. Right around the time carpel tunnel started to rear it's ugly head in my hands. No fun shooting when your wrists are sore for two or three days after.
The absolute ridiculousness and hopelessness of that just makes me laugh. Honestly it's hilarious how fucking pointless that move was.
You may think it's ridiculous, and as I said earlier I don't agree, but the government felt limiting the number of known guns, is better than doing nothing. Time will tell if it works, or if it's a fail.
I have no more control over 150 million gun owners than I do a meddling busy body canadian who can't see how fucking stupid banning gun sales is when those sales aren't the problem.
See here's your problem (in bold above),I point out what is occurring, as you can see below. Note the bold section, re-read it idiot, it doesn't say I can or can't see, or even agree with the action. I merely point out the reaction, since it effects me, and many others. But then again, you don't care,because you have no control over others. Fucking laughable, of course you can have control over others. That is how a Democracy works, people share an idea, or ideology, promote it, and push the government to act.

I'm thinking you're going to see this first hand. As I have pointed out many times, that first generation of children who have lived through the fear, or actually been involved in a mass school shooting are now at the voting age. They are not going to forget, and many are active and pissed. It won't be this election, but I foresee by 2030 the possibility of a major change or even the removal of 2A becoming a possibility. All because selfish,lazy assholes like yourself don't try and work with the anti gun nuts to come up some sensible limitations to start preventing these increasingly common shooting in the US.
Fuck you. Your illegal or stolen guns are coming across our borders in record number. It got so bad, that rightly or wrongly our Government put a ban on handgun sales in the country. Due to you fucking assholes not getting your fucking ducks in a row.
And you wonder why people laugh at what you post. No shit, you either don't read, or you get so angry before you finish reading, and then go off and post a rant, that is total factually incorrect since you failed to grasp the meaning of what the poster wrote.
Why? Because honestly shooting the absolute shit out of a target with 20 or 30 rounds is an absolute hoot. AND since I am hurting no one and it's legal suck it sonny I'm gonna have them whether you or Justin like it or not.
I agree shooting is fun. No issue there, but I don't need a 20 or 30 round magazine. I am quite capable of loading my mags, or striper clips. The largest capacity mags I have is for my .303 British. 10 rounds, but I never fully load the mag. I fail to see how having to load a few times, is going to add or detract from the shooting experience. But to each his own. It's just another example of you not giving a shit about trying to limit the number of people who get shot during a mass shooting event. Kind of how you buried your head in the sand on bumpstocks.
Drunk driving laws have absolutely nothing to do with guns.
Never said they did. What I said was the laws implemented against drunk driving have reduced the deaths caused by drunk drivers. You on the other hand have stated "laws don't work". So again, when are you going to lobby on having all those laws in the USA thrown out. I'm really waiting for the "trespass" laws that you say don't work anyhow, to be gone so me and my buddies can come camp out on your front lawn.
Nice diversion again when your logic fails you once again on gun ownership. Smoke, mirrors, nice song and dance routine.
No diversion, my logic is sound. You claiming laws don't work is where the failure arises from. *chuckles*