Do guns make us more safe?

OK, seeing how you asked. How many school shootings have been committed by people already identified by medical professionals as being in need of treatment?

While you're trying to work that one out, what is the gun lobby's position on mental illness tests prior to gun possession?
When you can see time after time after time that friends and family have tried to get mental health services for someone, who ends up being a mass shooter, only to be rebuffed by the system you have to understand their frustration.

Why would you ask me to speak for the gun lobby? I'm not a member of any gun owners association, club, or organization. If you want to know their position on anything ask them, not me.
Your inability/unwillingness/ lack of brain cells / whatever that compels you to find irrelevant comparisons that don't fit every time this comes up is sad, but predictable at this stage. One more time for Hitch since his head is too far up his ass to hear it every other time: cars are not made only for violence or death, alcohol is not made only for violence and death, boats are not made only for violence and death, pools are not made only for violence and death. Guns are only made for violence and death. The humorous part is how totally obvious you and your pro-gun comrades make it that you know you are complicit but you desperately cling to false comparisons and bogus side issues and name calling and childish denials.
You see guns as only for violence or death, you are wrong. Period, end of story. Is that a potential use in the wrong hands? Of course it is. Your myopic view of firearms makes you impossible to work with and your kind is why gun owners refuse to deal on anything. You won't be happy until all private ownership of firearms is ended. Sorry you aren't EVER going to get that. And sending storm troopers door to door to confiscate them is going to end in a civil war. Calm door, stop pontificating like a wanna be dictator, or crying like a little bitch, and maybe something good will come of this.
Ha ha ha. Yes, you would never insult someone based on their employment or employer since you had nothing of substance or truth to reply with. 🙄
Look tomwhoshouldn'tbeateacher he fired the first shot insinuating that my working part-time after retiring somehow made me irrelevant. I fired back at him for being a hind tit sucking welfare getting liberal. Don't like me insulting a dumb fuck like that then maybe tell him to shut the fuck up first.

Now go lay down by your water dish.
You see guns as only for violence or death, you are wrong. Period, end of story. Is that a potential use in the wrong hands? Of course it is. Your myopic view of firearms makes you impossible to work with and your kind is why gun owners refuse to deal on anything. You won't be happy until all private ownership of firearms is ended. Sorry you aren't EVER going to get that. And sending storm troopers door to door to confiscate them is going to end in a civil war. Calm door, stop pontificating like a wanna be dictator, or crying like a little bitch, and maybe something good will come of this.
You said I'm wrong, but offered absolutely nothing of reason or logic or anything as to why you think I'm wrong - which we both know is because I'm not wrong. And you're wrong - I'm happy ANY time there is even one less gun out there. I won't stop until every private gun ownership is ended because they don't do anything positive in anyway and every one of them makes the world a more dangerous place. The only good comes from less guns. And news flash - you've been going on and on and all these threads and you're the only one crying but you haven't actually offered a single shred of reason or evidence or logic or anything worthwhile to back your position up. But you do like to insult people for typos - so you might want to "calm door". And you do provide constant laughter from your ridiculous stupidity and complete lack of self control or maturity.
Look tomwhoshouldn'tbeateacher he fired the first shot insinuating that my working part-time after retiring somehow made me irrelevant. I fired back at him for being a hind tit sucking welfare getting liberal. Don't like me insulting a dumb fuck like that then maybe tell him to shut the fuck up first.

Now go lay down by your water dish.
On the contrary, I love you being phenomenally hypocritical and embarrassing the shit out of yourself every time you post.
Why build a wall?? Idiots who try and cross with their steel penis's get caught, turned around and banned from need for a wall! Stupidity takes care of it all on it's own...*chuckles*

Yes, that is exactly what happened. It's not a joke, even your new buddy TST isn't too happy about. Me, I sold my handguns ages ago. Right around the time carpel tunnel started to rear it's ugly head in my hands. No fun shooting when your wrists are sore for two or three days after.

You may think it's ridiculous, and as I said earlier I don't agree, but the government felt limiting the number of known guns, is better than doing nothing. Time will tell if it works, or if it's a fail.

See here's your problem (in bold above),I point out what is occurring, as you can see below. Note the bold section, re-read it idiot, it doesn't say I can or can't see, or even agree with the action. I merely point out the reaction, since it effects me, and many others. But then again, you don't care,because you have no control over others. Fucking laughable, of course you can have control over others. That is how a Democracy works, people share an idea, or ideology, promote it, and push the government to act.

I'm thinking you're going to see this first hand. As I have pointed out many times, that first generation of children who have lived through the fear, or actually been involved in a mass school shooting are now at the voting age. They are not going to forget, and many are active and pissed. It won't be this election, but I foresee by 2030 the possibility of a major change or even the removal of 2A becoming a possibility. All because selfish,lazy assholes like yourself don't try and work with the anti gun nuts to come up some sensible limitations to start preventing these increasingly common shooting in the US.

And you wonder why people laugh at what you post. No shit, you either don't read, or you get so angry before you finish reading, and then go off and post a rant, that is total factually incorrect since you failed to grasp the meaning of what the poster wrote.

I agree shooting is fun. No issue there, but I don't need a 20 or 30 round magazine. I am quite capable of loading my mags, or striper clips. The largest capacity mags I have is for my .303 British. 10 rounds, but I never fully load the mag. I fail to see how having to load a few times, is going to add or detract from the shooting experience. But to each his own. It's just another example of you not giving a shit about trying to limit the number of people who get shot during a mass shooting event. Kind of how you buried your head in the sand on bumpstocks.

Never said they did. What I said was the laws implemented against drunk driving have reduced the deaths caused by drunk drivers. You on the other hand have stated "laws don't work". So again, when are you going to lobby on having all those laws in the USA thrown out. I'm really waiting for the "trespass" laws that you say don't work anyhow, to be gone so me and my buddies can come camp out on your front lawn.

No diversion, my logic is sound. You claiming laws don't work is where the failure arises from. *chuckles*
If everyone coming across with as gun is getting caught, then why the need to ban handgun sales? Oh yeah because it isn't working. The government's bogus plan solves nothing, does nothing, is nothing.

My shooting rapid fire 20 or 30 rounds at a target is fun to me. It's 100% legal, and hurts no one. You don't like it, too bad, you'll never be invited to my shooting range so do tell me how it harms you.

I did not say laws don't work, I said they work for law abiding citizens who fall in line and obey. Laws don't do anything to impede criminal behavior.

You have to display and prove your logic is sound, just saying it is doesn't make it so.
Yawn...You are boring as fuck. I bet your classes could be bottled and sold as a sleep remedy.
Good thing you've already declared multiple times that I'm not actually a teacher. More of that classic "Hitch disagreeing with himself" excrement you pour out constantly.

But yes, when you post things that are actually factual and logical and thoughtful out and intelligent it's nowhere close to as entertaining as when you are whiny, easily triggered, completely moronic, dipshit. So yes, you are always much less boring.
You said I'm wrong, but offered absolutely nothing of reason or logic or anything as to why you think I'm wrong - which we both know is because I'm not wrong. And you're wrong - I'm happy ANY time there is even one less gun out there. I won't stop until every private gun ownership is ended because they don't do anything positive in anyway and every one of them makes the world a more dangerous place. The only good comes from less guns. And news flash - you've been going on and on and all these threads and you're the only one crying but you haven't actually offered a single shred of reason or evidence or logic or anything worthwhile to back your position up. But you do like to insult people for typos - so you might want to "calm door". And you do provide constant laughter from your ridiculous stupidity and complete lack of self control or maturity.
Thanks for finally admitting you are nothing but a gun grabber and that the Constitution means absolutely nothing to you.

I would love to talk to one of you anti-gunners that wasn't a sociopathic lunatic. No gun owner will ever go along with giving up all private ownership. There are other solutions but guys like you don't care, strip people's rights as long as you get you way.

I would love to talk to one of you anti-gunners that was a sociopathic lunatic. You will never get a gun owner to give up all private gun ownership. There are solutions that don't go to that extreme but guys like you simply don't care.
Yall do know that 911 calls to the police create an average wait time of 15 to 20 minutes which is plenty of time for a criminal to do their job and move on, which could include your death. Im really sure there are plenty of dead Israelies that might be otherwise alive if they had access to the deadly AR15. You say it cant happen here in the USA with the Biden open border and no vetting, you are whistling past the grave yard. Armed citizens are not the problem, its democrats that want no bail and convicts released on the general public.
Thanks for finally admitting you are nothing but a gun grabber and that the Constitution means absolutely nothing to you.

I would love to talk to one of you anti-gunners that wasn't a sociopathic lunatic. No gun owner will ever go along with giving up all private ownership. There are other solutions but guys like you don't care, strip people's rights as long as you get you way.

I would love to talk to one of you anti-gunners that was a sociopathic lunatic. You will never get a gun owner to give up all private gun ownership. There are solutions that don't go to that extreme but guys like you simply don't care.
Repeating yourself within the same post. That's a new one.

I never have denied that I wanted all the guns gone. I've said that before, but for you to know that it would take the smallest level of reading comprehension skills and you don't have that.

But you are again completely wrong. The Constitution means a lot to me. But you want to pretend that it can't be changed when part of the beauty of the founding fathers is that they knew they weren't perfect and they knew times changed and that the constitution needed to be changed and updated.

They also wrote the second amendment for a brand new country that didn't have any legitimate military strength and would need armed private citizens to form well regulated militias at that time. It's been over a hundred years since that was even remotely as accurate for this country. Our military is the strongest in the world. We have no need for the 2nd amendment - which isn't even being accurately applied anyway. You aren't part of a well regulated militia. And your guns do nothing for the freedom of the state. The reality is you are taking a figurative shit on the constitution by not actually following what it means and stands for and instead putting your selfish desires ahead of the country and ahead of the constitution.

"My way" is less people die from guns. When your way is the opposite - and it is - then I'm not the sociopath and I don't care about you feeling I'm too "extreme".
Copy and paste error. I take full responsibility.

Your way has zero chance of succeeding.
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Thanks for finally admitting you are nothing but a gun grabber and that the Constitution means absolutely nothing to you.

I would love to talk to one of you anti-gunners that wasn't a sociopathic lunatic. No gun owner will ever go along with giving up all private ownership. There are other solutions but guys like you don't care, strip people's rights as long as you get you way.

I would love to talk to one of you anti-gunners that was a sociopathic lunatic. You will never get a gun owner to give up all private gun ownership. There are solutions that don't go to that extreme but guys like you simply don't care.
Speakin' of "the Constitution meaning nothing", what part of a "well-regulated militia" were the last five or so school shooters members of?
Simple. It is something that can be done today with immediate results.

Honestly I'm uncertain it can unless we are using the 1174 method of a 1% decrease is worth it. I don't believe that. I believe that and I'm gonna paraphrase cus I think the man was wrong long term. And miquoted the founder.

"He who gives up great liberty to gain minmo
Thanks for finally admitting you are nothing but a gun grabber and that the Constitution means absolutely nothing to you.

I would love to talk to one of you anti-gunners that wasn't a sociopathic lunatic. No gun owner will ever go along with giving up all private ownership. There are other solutions but guys like you don't care, strip people's rights as long as you get you way.

I would love to talk to one of you anti-gunners that was a sociopathic lunatic. You will never get a gun owner to give up all private gun ownership. There are solutions that don't go to that extreme but guys like you simply don't care.

I'm a gun owner and would happily go for buy back. There are no solutions that don't go to that extreme because something as silly mental health checks is too much for you with obvious reasons. You wouldn't pass.
Honestly I'm uncertain it can unless we are using the 1174 method of a 1% decrease is worth it. I don't believe that. I believe that and I'm gonna paraphrase cus I think the man was wrong long term. And miquoted the founder.

"He who gives up great liberty to gain minmo

I'm a gun owner and would happily go for buy back. There are no solutions that don't go to that extreme because something as silly mental health checks is too much for you with obvious reasons. You wouldn't pass.
The term buy back is a misnomer. You can't buy back what was never yours, and you certainly can't buy my property at below market value. $200 doesn't come close to the value of any firearm I own.

Actually my mental health is good enough that when I worked for the military I passed the psyche eval for a Top Secret Clearance. As firefighters we needed it to enter sensitive areas during an emergency. What have you got besides your old Captain Crunch decoder ring?
The term buy back is a misnomer. You can't buy back what was never yours, and you certainly can't buy my property at below market value. $200 doesn't come close to the value of any firearm I own.

Actually my mental health is good enough that when I worked for the military I passed the psyche eval for a Top Secret Clearance. As firefighters we needed it to enter sensitive areas during an emergency. What have you got besides your old Captain Crunch decoder ring?

Fine. You can give me money to get rid of things.

I'd be impressed with your clearance if I didn't have the same.
They were as mentally ill as you are mentally incompetent.
So they let "mentally ill" numpties into the militia now?
Doesn't sound very "well regulated" to me.

I always thought those school shooters were simply "White Guys With A Grudge And A Gun"......
So they let "mentally ill" numpties into the militia now?
Doesn't sound very "well regulated" to me.

I always thought those school shooters were simply "White Guys With A Grudge And A Gun"......
Especially the transgendered one in Nashville...Right? Golly stereotyping on your part...
When you can see time after time after time that friends and family have tried to get mental health services for someone, who ends up being a mass shooter, only to be rebuffed by the system you have to understand their frustration.

Why would you ask me to speak for the gun lobby? I'm not a member of any gun owners association, club, or organization. If you want to know their position on anything ask them, not me.
I'm merely asking if you know what the position is.

The provision of mental health care in the US is totally third world. Republicans repeatedly vote down any improvements in this area.

The gun lobby has achieved a position where the only way of stopping a mentally ill person from having a gun is while they are confined in an institution for their own protection. The minute they are released they can go buy a rifle.

Incidentally, the numbers of people previously identified even by their family as requiring treatment is remarkably low.
If everyone coming across with as gun is getting caught, then why the need to ban handgun sales? Oh yeah because it isn't working. The government's bogus plan solves nothing, does nothing, is nothing.
Huh? Again learn to read. I never said "everyone". I said the dumbfuck steel penis lovers who think they can bring their personal guns in. As to the illegal handguns, the smugglers are quite clever.
My shooting rapid fire 20 or 30 rounds at a target is fun to me. It's 100% legal, and hurts no one. You don't like it, too bad, you'll never be invited to my shooting range so do tell me how it harms you.
You again see it only through "your selfish" window. Which why you're just an asshole. It's not about you! It's about what you"could" do to help eliminate the shit show of mass shootings. But you won't because you're just a selfish dick.
I did not say laws don't work, I said they work for law abiding citizens who fall in line and obey. Laws don't do anything to impede criminal behavior.
Then why do we have any laws, if only the law abiding are follow them? All we as a society need to do is post a list of suggested ways to live and everything will be peaches and cream. Right?
That's not my argument at all. My point is simply this laws are only as good as those that obey them. There are laws against murder and yet murders occur. Why if its illegal? There are a multitude of guns laws and yet these shootings occur. Why if its illegal? My point is simply this, another feel good law that accomplishes nothing is worth exactly that, nothing.
Your above post literally says laws don't work, since only the law abiding follow the rule of law. I guess we've been going about this all wrong. We just need to round up all the criminals and throw them in jail forever.....then there will be no crime.
You have to display and prove your logic is sound, just saying it is doesn't make it so.
It's not my fault you can't comprehend what you read, and write. My logic is sound, we are a far better off society with laws, than one without.

The vast majority of people obey laws, whether they agree with them or not. People are not born criminals, nor do they take a pill or go to school to become a criminal. That you can't understand why murder occurs, when there is a law against it, says a lot more about your mental wherewithal and logic than it does about mine....*chuckles*