Do guns make us more safe?

Poor Hitch. He turns almost every thread into his personal whine cellar.

Deplorables are lost when they aren't playing the victim. They define themselves by their enemies and their victimhood.
You gotta realize that they just parrot liberal talking points. The ignore button is your friend. lol.
Above is the typical response from the gun nuts, ignore the reality of children being killed, offer up no solutions, and pretend everything is just great in America.

Don't be like Rick!! *chuckles*
As opposed to "us" not having access to guns, yes they make us safer.
Then why is the US ranking in the safest countries in the world now at 129th place?
They are also fun to fire.
Expensive. So not everyone has one.
Well some are very expensive and others not so much. I have 19 and the most I paid was about $900.00 bucks.

Most people by choice decide if they want one or not. I've never met someone who said I don't own a firearm because they are too expensive.
Often the only ones you hear about are in the wrong hands.
And how do you propose to keep them out of the wrong hands?
Poor Hitch. He turns almost every thread into his personal whine cellar.

Deplorables are lost when they aren't playing the victim. They define themselves by their enemies and their victimhood.
Did your master call you to join in on the pile? Does he use a dog whistle to call you?
This is the new rifle for the US ARMY. It is the SIG XM-7 it fires the 6.8x51mm round and will eventually replace the M-16 an its variants that fire the 5.56x45 round.

Liberals this is your new hated Evil Black Rifle! The civilian version is the MCX-SPEAR available in 7.62.51mm, 6,5 Creedmoor, and soon the .277 Fury (civilian version of the 6.8x51 military round).

View attachment 2280380
Nice to see it is chambered in a 6.5 Creedmoor round. I would buy one. My long-range bolt action is a 6.5 Creedmoor and that is accurate to 3/4 of a mile! That is a different platform, but I LOVE the round.

I don't think these guns will be the new hated guns of liberals though. They only hated the AR-15 and AK-47 when they became the most popular rifles in America. Some of the gun manufactures were struggling fiscally until they put the AR-15 out for civilian sales, and then started making record profits. That is what they hated.
And how do you propose to keep them out of the wrong hands?
Gee Fuzzy, Maybe when someone is arrested for breaking the law they go to jail? Go to jail even longer if they do not reveal where they illegally acquired the gun? Or in Sandy Hook, that Mother's improperly stored guns were easily accessible to a minor not of sound mind.
Like the border of the United States. Start with the law that is on the books. That works on most of the issues.
Nice to see it is chambered in a 6.5 Creedmoor round. I would buy one. My long-range bolt action is a 6.5 Creedmoor and that is accurate to 3/4 of a mile! That is a different platform, but I LOVE the round.

I don't think these guns will be the new hated guns of liberals though. They only hated the AR-15 and AK-47 when they became the most popular rifles in America. Some of the gun manufactures were struggling fiscally until they put the AR-15 out for civilian sales, and then started making record profits. That is what they hated.
It will take many years on the civilian side before this takes a place of prominence like the AR-15 and AK-47 have taken as being an evil black rifle. I do believe though that the AR-15 and AK-47 aren't going anywhere on the civilian side. They are iconic and both have a ton of accessories that can be added to them to make them even better.
Start with the law that is on the books. That works on most of the issues.
Really? I politely disagree. Otherwise how do you explain the rise in school shootings?

Looking at the above statistics, right now there have been 375,000 students affected by these shooting. Do you think they are going to vote for less gun controls when they hit the voting age?

I'm not anti gun, but unless something happens to end these shootings, then sooner, rather than later 2A may get enough of a push to be repealed. So if I was you, I'd start looking at something other than the status quo.
Really? I politely disagree. Otherwise how do you explain the rise in school shootings?

Looking at the above statistics, right now there have been 375,000 students affected by these shooting. Do you think they are going to vote for less gun controls when they hit the voting age?

I'm not anti gun, but unless something happens to end these shootings, then sooner, rather than later 2A may get enough of a push to be repealed. So if I was you, I'd start looking at something other than the status quo.
So you are saying the current laws don't work? Interesting, I thought you said laws work?
So you are saying the current laws don't work? Interesting, I thought you said laws work?
Laws do work; what I am saying is the current laws are not enough ( and hap haphazardly enforced as well from what I hear) . Is that too hard to grasp? Do I have to draw a picture for you ever single time so you can connect the dots?
Laws do work, what I am saying is the current laws are not enough. Is that too hard to grasp? Do I have to draw a picture for you ever single time so you can connect the dots?
If they are not enough then simply they do not work. Is that too hard for you to grasp? Can you connect your own dots, or aren't you sure what you mean?
If they are not enough then simply they do not work. Is that too hard for you to grasp? Can you connect your own dots, or aren't you sure what you mean?
lol, nice try. Kind of like when DUI laws first came into effect, there was little change to the behaviour of people who felt they could drink and drive. As Government saw the initial laws ( and penalties for breaking the laws) were not gaining the desired behaviour, more laws were brought into the mix, and slowly people got the idea that maybe drinking and driving isn't such a good idea.

But you keep on thinking laws don't work, I'm just waiting for the trespass laws to be killed, then we're all coming camping at your place.
lol, nice try. Kind of like when DUI laws first came into effect, there was little change to the behaviour of people who felt they could drink and drive. As Government saw the initial laws ( and penalties for breaking the laws) were not gaining the desired behaviour, more laws were brought into the mix, and slowly people got the idea that maybe drinking and driving isn't such a good idea.

But you keep on thinking laws don't work, I'm just waiting for the trespass laws to be killed, then we're all coming camping at your place.
Someone posted a clip from the 70s about public reaction to new laws banning open containers of alcohol in cars. A guy who looked like Matthew McConaughey from Dazed and Confused lamenting from his parked car to the TV reporter "Man, I just worked 10 hours in a factory and they're telling me I can't crack open a brew or two on my long drive home? That ain't right!"
lol, nice try. Kind of like when DUI laws first came into effect, there was little change to the behaviour of people who felt they could drink and drive. As Government saw the initial laws ( and penalties for breaking the laws) were not gaining the desired behaviour, more laws were brought into the mix, and slowly people got the idea that maybe drinking and driving isn't such a good idea.

But you keep on thinking laws don't work, I'm just waiting for the trespass laws to be killed, then we're all coming camping at your place.
DUI laws work, in most cases, for people without a drinking problem. If they worked as well as you think you wouldn't have repeat offenders with 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 plus DUI convictions. Back at ya though, nice try.
As a logical speaker. Think about all the different life changes we've made in the past 50 years, we are still holding on to and its just excess baggage. We are killing ourselves with everything that we have in possession. Guns are just another one of the things we hold on to dearly and so its another way of killing ourselves faster.
Laws do work; what I am saying is the current laws are not enough ( and hap haphazardly enforced as well from what I hear) . Is that too hard to grasp? Do I have to draw a picture for you ever single time so you can connect the dots?

DUI laws work, in most cases, for people without a drinking problem. If they worked as well as you think you wouldn't have repeat offenders with 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 plus DUI convictions. Back at ya though, nice try.
I already mentioned the laws not being enforced, maybe I should have mentioned the sentencing as well, but I didn't. Still the history shows DUI's have drop dramatically since the laws were brought in. There is no argument you can make that will change that "fact". ( I doubt there are many 10 plus DUI's, as a percentage of all arrests and convictions)

So if the same was applied to firearms, as has been proven in every other country that has brought in changes to their firearms laws, mass shootings have dropped.

Yes some countries have gone right to firearm bans to end those mass shooting. But they did end them. I keep promoting the fact that if the US doesn't act, then the new generation of young voters who grew up with mass shooting drills, or being in one, will vote out your precious 2A. You cannot continue as a country with having one everyday, sooner or later the voters will react.

I don't really care if you lose 2A, it won't affect me in any way. You guys are just to fucking stupid, or stubborn to see the writing on the wall....*chuckles*
I already mentioned the laws not being enforced, maybe I should have mentioned the sentencing as well, but I didn't. Still the history shows DUI's have drop dramatically since the laws were brought in. There is no argument you can make that will change that "fact". ( I doubt there are many 10 plus DUI's, as a percentage of all arrests and convictions)

So if the same was applied to firearms, as has been proven in every other country that has brought in changes to their firearms laws, mass shootings have dropped.

Yes some countries have gone right to firearm bans to end those mass shooting. But they did end them. I keep promoting the fact that if the US doesn't act, then the new generation of young voters who grew up with mass shooting drills, or being in one, will vote out your precious 2A. You cannot continue as a country with having one everyday, sooner or later the voters will react.

I don't really care if you lose 2A, it won't affect me in any way. You guys are just to fucking stupid, or stubborn to see the writing on the wall....*chuckles*
One of the truths of those arrested for DUIs is they have gotten away with it dozens of times before getting caught and the cycle continually repeats in between every arrest.

You continually blame those who have broken no gun laws for those that do commit firearms crime. Why don't you blame those that don't drive drunk for DUIs? I know you will say there is no correlation but in reality there is. In both cases instead of going after the guilty you blame the law abiders.

Again, a firearms ban has zero chance of succeeding. It counts on everyone turning in their guns willingly, sorry but it won't happen. When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty and many will rebel. It will become a PR nightmare for the government to have to kill thousands, if not millions to enforce an illegal gun confiscation law. Let alone figuring out where to find enough people to go door to door to door collecting guns. On top of that they would only know about guns bought after background checks began. Yes, I understand exactly what I am saying, and yes technically under an illegal law we would be criminals.

We're stupid? Your okay with a law taking away gun owning rights of law abiding canadians in a fool's game belief that it will somehow stop the flow of illegal guns over the border. All it does is increase the market for those illegal guns. Kind of like prohibition increased the market for canadian whiskey in the US. Banning liquor worked so well that prohibition was finally ended.
Your aware aren't you that any Israel citizen who is in the Military (active or reserve) or Security keeps possession of their arms? Which in Israel is about 30% of the adult population. On top of that, they are also trained. Yet Hamas, knowing this, still attacked. Why? Well zealots don't really care, they are prepared to die.

So why don't you hop on a plane to Israel, and offer to help? If you think and armed population will prevent religious nut bars from attacking.
That leaves 70% of the population unarmed, without any means of defending themselves. The Israeli governments stand on gun control very much contributed to the loss of civilian life. These people, win loose or draw, didn't have the option to fight back.... even if they died, they died fighting, standing in the gap..... fuzzy are you that hopeless? Would you not want a fighting chance? If your backed into a corner, (fuck me fuzzy?) you've got nothing to loose and everything to gain... I'll take my chances with a black rifle.. in heels, skirt, and 36D tits....
That leaves 70% of the population unarmed, without any means of defending themselves. The Israeli governments stand on gun control very much contributed to the loss of civilian life. These people, win loose or draw, didn't have the option to fight back.... even if they died, they died fighting, standing in the gap..... fuzzy are you that hopeless? Would you not want a fighting chance? If your backed into a corner, (fuck me fuzzy?) you've got nothing to loose and everything to gain... I'll take my chances with a black rifle.. in heels, skirt, and 36D tits....
I'd watch that video. ;)
That leaves 70% of the population unarmed, without any means of defending themselves. The Israeli governments stand on gun control very much contributed to the loss of civilian life.
2 % of Israelis also have firearm permits, so that is about 40% who have access to firearms. Which if you look at percentages ( not gross numbers) is about the same as in the US. Yes Israel has a very solid legal regulation of firearms, but it's not difficult to actually get a permit.
One of the truths of those arrested for DUIs is they have gotten away with it dozens of times before getting caught and the cycle continually repeats in between every arrest.
This isn't about DUI's dummy. I used the example of DUI's laws to prove laws work.They do, statistics prove this.

Think what you want about the rest, you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer Hitch. I'm just trying to help you understand that the course you're following doesn't have the ending you want.

Yawn...More blather. Look you set your rules of engagement, I don't give a fuck what you think or say anymore.

Of course you do, otherwise why reply? *chuckles*
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