Do guns make us more safe?

Two things here;

1. You love the Constitution so much you want to change it into something else? That's like saying you love someone but only if they're someone else.

2. There's a mechanism for changing the Constitution. Unfortunately for you, that's not done by proclaiming loudly that we need more gun control.
1) stop going to the Hitch school of analogy making and understanding. He's a moron we all laugh at and you're sounding like him. But you actually almost fell ass backwards into a decent analogy with your terrible effort. Loving the Constitution is loving that it can and will and should change through time and loving every phase of it. So if you want to go with the idea of loving someone else, its like falling in love and marrying them when they are 18 and then still loving them when they are 40 and 60 and 80 even though they are clearly not the exact same as when they were 18 and their interests have changed and their maturity has changed and the world around them has changed and you would just be a selfish, ignorant, unreasonable bastard if you loved them at 18 and refused to love them at any other age because they weren't the same as they were at 18.

2) sorry you slept through every history class ever. But the list of changes that have happened to the Constitution that just happened with zero public outcry for their need is remarkably short. With that kind of attitude we wouldn't even have the Constitution and we would still pay taxes to England.
1) stop going to the Hitch school of analogy making and understanding. He's a moron we all laugh at and you're sounding like him. But you actually almost fell ass backwards into a decent analogy with your terrible effort. Loving the Constitution is loving that it can and will and should change through time and loving every phase of it. So if you want to go with the idea of loving someone else, its like falling in love and marrying them when they are 18 and then still loving them when they are 40 and 60 and 80 even though they are clearly not the exact same as when they were 18 and their interests have changed and their maturity has changed and the world around them has changed and you would just be a selfish, ignorant, unreasonable bastard if you loved them at 18 and refused to love them at any other age because they weren't the same as they were at 18.

This isn't what you said. What you said is that you love the Constitution "because you can change it." So, to use your analogy; you love someone but only if they dye their hair, wear different clothes, get plastic surgery, etc. instead of loving them for who they are.

That's about as stupid as stupid gets.

2) sorry you slept through every history class ever. But the list of changes that have happened to the Constitution that just happened with zero public outcry for their need is remarkably short. With that kind of attitude we wouldn't even have the Constitution and we would still pay taxes to England.

You seem to have pivoted to "but but we did that in the past" without understanding that imposing State laws which ban/restrict guns aren't the method to amend the Constitution. A method you seem to be aware of, since you reference it, BUT REFUSE TO EMPLOY and then try to vilify those who remind you that the amendment process exists.

There is a way to amend the Constitution. Use it or shut the fuck up already, we're tired of your constant whining about unlawful crap that does nothing except make you look like the loser you really are.
This isn't what you said. What you said is that you love the Constitution "because you can change it." So, to use your analogy; you love someone but only if they dye their hair, wear different clothes, get plastic surgery, etc. instead of loving them for who they are.

That's about as stupid as stupid gets.
By this standard, you don't support the second amendment because it was a change to the original constitution. You also don't support women having the right to vote, coloreds having full citizenship rights, and slavery being outlawed because those are also changes to the "perfect" original document.

A rather shitty hot take for you, but hai, it's something we've come to expect.

My family has guns but none are legally mind and might never be. Yeah, the thing is the way Hyper Inflation works is that working a second or third job assuming you can even handle that for more than a few months. I've never seen someone work 80 hours a week without burning out pretty quick. Now if you are working two jobs but you're only getting between 30 and 50 hours you aren't really working "two jobs" you just have two locations since neither is giving you full time. Anyway with inflation they way it was by the time you worked your second job the check from your first one was pretty much worthless so good luck with that one. This isn't like modern America where between social programs, minimum wages and pretty decent protections for worker at least by historical standards. This was a fucking disaster. One that very few nations have ever repeated. Zimbabwe being the best example of it.

I have respect for the men of Tianamen Square but not a whole lot for the Chinese as a whole. No small group can hold on to power without the consent of the governed. Now I'm not an expert on Chinese Culture over all but it seems like At the end of the day the Chinese prefer stability over basically anything else. They can tolerate quite a bit if they can be relatively certain no huge jarring changes occur.

The Constitution and the things it embodies are so deeply rooted in racism and slavery that slavery has been over for well over a century and a half and we are STILL getting punished for the original sin. There is also the fact that it is so difficult to alter that really the only time people really bring up the Constitution is because they know they are wrong BUT since I can't take it up with Madison or Hamilton I lose. Which is funny. People who proud claim this to be the land of the free surrender their self determination not to a man with a gun but to a dead man. The rest of the time we flat out ignore what its. If we followed the Constitution as written CA and NY would be picking the presidents by themselves fuck the rest of yall. But we decided pretty much arbitrarily to cap the House at 435. Which is flat out unconstitutional but nobody cares.

Honestly considering how difficult it is to get five people to agree on where to eat or what kind of pizza to order is it any wonder that 435 people have such a difficult time getting even the basics done much less anything as complex as health care or foreign policy? OF course not. Its a flawed document written by flawed men. That's not me claiming we are perfect, I would make and argument as whole we are more noble than they were but that has nothing to do with the document. Nothing absolutely nothing lasts 250+ years and still works as advertized. That's just not realistic.
My point was pretty clear. You aren't a gun owner but can envision a time where you would use a gun to commit a crime. I am a gun owner and can't envision a time when I would use a gun to commit a crime. So potentially which one of us is more dangerous? YOU ARE. My advice is don't ever own a gun because you have entirely the wrong mindset to be a gun owner.

In my situation I worked my full time job, another almost full time job and then filled in occasionally with a couple of part-time jobs. There were weeks I work 100 hours and this went on for almost 2 years. Lowe's where I work now has full-time positions and part-time positions and we are almost always hiring. People come and go like a revolving door and from talking to other employers it is much the same. No one stays anymore. There are places hiring all over down here from retail to factories to construction to healthcare. There are a ton of jobs available. People can work if they want to, multiple jobs if they want to. It seems many just don't want to and have figured a way to manipulate the system so they don't have to.

I was very specific in my respect for the Chinese that stood up in Tiananmen Square. Not the entire Chinese population.

Please do specifically spell out part of the current Constitution that is racist. That California and New York pick the president is EXACTLY what the left wants and that is why they push so hard for the elimination of the Electoral College.

It sounds like you want a dictatorship instead of representative democracy. No thanks. It hasn't worked so well anywhere in the world.
My point was pretty clear. You aren't a gun owner but can envision a time where you would use a gun to commit a crime. I am a gun owner and can't envision a time when I would use a gun to commit a crime. So potentially which one of us is more dangerous? YOU ARE. My advice is don't ever own a gun because you have entirely the wrong mindset to be a gun owner.

In my situation I worked my full time job, another almost full time job and then filled in occasionally with a couple of part-time jobs. There were weeks I work 100 hours and this went on for almost 2 years. Lowe's where I work now has full-time positions and part-time positions and we are almost always hiring. People come and go like a revolving door and from talking to other employers it is much the same. No one stays anymore. There are places hiring all over down here from retail to factories to construction to healthcare. There are a ton of jobs available. People can work if they want to, multiple jobs if they want to. It seems many just don't want to and have figured a way to manipulate the system so they don't have to.

I was very specific in my respect for the Chinese that stood up in Tiananmen Square. Not the entire Chinese population.

Please do specifically spell out part of the current Constitution that is racist. That California and New York pick the president is EXACTLY what the left wants and that is why they push so hard for the elimination of the Electoral College.

It sounds like you want a dictatorship instead of representative democracy. No thanks. It hasn't worked so well anywhere in the world.

if you can't envision a time when you would commit a crime you don't have any idea what its like to be hungry and homeless. It really is that fucking simple and the fact that you can play this holier than thou bullshit is cute but really doesn't reflect reality for most human beings. I probably won't ever own a gun cus I would have no need for it. However you are the one with the wrong mindset. You've made it clear you're a danger to me walking down the fucking street!

100 hours is too fucking much and you should not be proud that you did that. You should be furious that wages are so low that you couldn't support yourself and your wife on at the most 60 hours. There are only 168 hours in a week which means assuming all of your jobs were within walking distance of each other and your home that gives you roughly 9 hours a day to eat, shower, and sleep. That's of course a best case scenario.

Nobody stays right now because the job market is so tight right now that there is no reason not to be constantly keeping an eye out for a new job with better pay or working conditions or whatever. Honestly if I had my way, honestly I would have some sort of limited work programs in high school and local colleges. I had always heard that working at Walmart was hell. I got a little lucky with where I was placed but I loved the hell out of it. The only reason I enjoy warehouses more is no uniform, I can largely do what I want most of the time and the pay is much better. Which is kinda funny because the skill sets are so different. You're not gonna have a lot of people with facial tattoos working a register or people who curse every other sentence.

Regardless we were speaking specifically about the Weimar government. Your money was worth the same amount on Saturday as it had been last Sunday. I'm sure the history books were exaggerating some but when things are that bad history shows people always get violent when it comes to feeding your children and not being able to bring in enough money. This is was of no fault of the German people, the Treaty of Versailles was SO punitive to the Germans that the Allies might as well have signed it "Get your shit together during half time!"

We should really start with the 3/5ths compromise which directly influence how we formed Congress and the the EC. It is undeniable that calling black people 3/5s of a person instead NOT A PERSON is absurd. Then lets add that while not part of the Constitution I forget the agreement but if a new state entered the Union a new one had to be added to the Confederacy. This is why we have things like North and South Carolina/Dakota or West Virgina. Honestly if you look at a map of the Mid West you'll see something you never see in "natural states" or Countries. Actually most of the West is screwy but for different reasons. When you see straight lines on a map someone was creating something they wanted for whatever reason. If you look specifically at the East you don't see a ton of straight lines because the borders were based more on things like forests, rivers, what few mountains they have and that sort of thing. So that would cover it.

People somehow forget or more accurately its not taught the Senate was not about protecting a state like Virginia from New York, it was designed specifically to protect states like New York FROM states like Virgina. When something has been twisted THIS much over the centuries I think its fair to declare it broken.

Because of that bullshit we have WAY more Red States than makes sense but I know we're too proud of 50 stars to eliminate any of those states. The only way we're gonna get rid of any of them is if Puerto Rico becomes a state maybe North and South something become just Something. I wouldn't hold my breath for a lot of reasons however.

While it has been amended the voting laws were obviously racist and for a person/party that speaks so highly of history you sure like to ignore that while we can do better than the FF today in many ways the paths they put us on lead to where we are. We have to study the history to see exactly why we are where and when we are and how we got here.
This isn't what you said. What you said is that you love the Constitution "because you can change it." So, to use your analogy; you love someone but only if they dye their hair, wear different clothes, get plastic surgery, etc. instead of loving them for who they are.

That's about as stupid as stupid gets.

You seem to have pivoted to "but but we did that in the past" without understanding that imposing State laws which ban/restrict guns aren't the method to amend the Constitution. A method you seem to be aware of, since you reference it, BUT REFUSE TO EMPLOY and then try to vilify those who remind you that the amendment process exists.

There is a way to amend the Constitution. Use it or shut the fuck up already, we're tired of your constant whining about unlawful crap that does nothing except make you look like the loser you really are.
That actually is what I said. And just because you decided to add quotation marks, doesn't actually mean anything since you added them to a line that had not been written before. Rather than making stuff up and adding quotes to it to pretend it was said, you should just actually read what was written. Maybe you and Hitch are in some kind of competition for the worst reading comprehension skills ever, but it's not a title you should want

And I'm terribly sorry about my "whining" (see - you use it around things the other person actually said) about people dying from gun violence. It's a matter of opinion but I'll stick with my side of whining about wanting people to not be dead while you can stick to yours about wanting to still be enabling murderers and I'm comfortable with which one of us looks more like a "loser".
That actually is what I said. And just because you decided to add quotation marks, doesn't actually mean anything since you added them to a line that had not been written before. Rather than making stuff up and adding quotes to it to pretend it was said, you should just actually read what was written. Maybe you and Hitch are in some kind of competition for the worst reading comprehension skills ever, but it's not a title you should want

And I'm terribly sorry about my "whining" (see - you use it around things the other person actually said) about people dying from gun violence. It's a matter of opinion but I'll stick with my side of whining about wanting people to not be dead while you can stick to yours about wanting to still be enabling murderers and I'm comfortable with which one of us looks more like a "loser".

You really are a confused whiny little asshole with no mental capabilities.

"Quotation marks" can indicate either a direct quote or a paraphrase of something someone says. Most intelligent people can figure that out for themselves or they can read a style manual. A category which apparently excludes you since you're someone who apparently doesn't know shit about how the world works.

And you STILL cannot figure out that you need to amend the Constitution rather than cry about guns and gun violence. So go on and have your little cry. It won't help you.
A) quotation marks are for direct quotes. (The name is kind of a give away there but so is any English class)

B) paraphrasing is for when you understand what is being said and try to shorten it without changing the meaning. NONE of that applies here since you just made up excrement that was not at all what had been said.

C) never once did I say that we didn't need to amend the Constitution. Your reading comprehension really does suck.
A) quotation marks are for direct quotes. (The name is kind of a give away there but so is any English class)

B) paraphrasing is for when you understand what is being said and try to shorten it without changing the meaning. NONE of that applies here since you just made up excrement that was not at all what had been said.

C) never once did I say that we didn't need to amend the Constitution. Your reading comprehension really does suck.
Just for your own personal information, HisArpy,our self declared legal mind, has also claimed water is Carbon based. Not only did he make that claim he defended it in a thread for almost three days, and 7 pages of posts, before he bailed. Which is why he has earned the moniker of "Carbon Water Boy".
A) quotation marks are for direct quotes. (The name is kind of a give away there but so is any English class)

B) paraphrasing is for when you understand what is being said and try to shorten it without changing the meaning. NONE of that applies here since you just made up excrement that was not at all what had been said.

C) never once did I say that we didn't need to amend the Constitution. Your reading comprehension really does suck.

It really is amusing how you try to spin your shit into something that doesn't stink.

What you WANT to believe, rarely is the truth. What you SAY based on what you want to believe is often a lie.

Here, you lie. Flatly, baldly, and without remorse you lie repeatedly and with vigor. You lie to yourself and everyone else because you're an ignorant moron who "believes" in bullshit.

Oh look, I just paraphrased everything you say into one word. And I used quotes when I did it too. And yet everyone knows exactly what I said and who I said it about.

Imagine that...
Are you fuckers actually debating grammar? I mean yeah Hisarpy used that in an awkward way. Quotes like that are usually used in the same way as finger quotes but if that is what you took away. Oh god isn't too late to be posting just to post gentlemen?
It's not really debating grammar. His Arpy is a moron who doesn't know how to read, doesn't know what quotation marks are for, and doesn't know how to paraphrase. But he knows how to pretend he knows all those things and while he is showing he doesn't he likes to pretend other people are lying as some kind of justification for his complete ineptitude. And for some bizarre reason he is actually proud of what a lying moron he is. There might be a debate about why someone would be proud of that, but there is no debate about grammar - because you actually have to two sides to debate worth debating. Here you just have him being a totally wrong moron and being proud of that.
So are you calling for a ban on chairs?
Welp I'm wondering if it might make a difference, how many folk are injured misusing them for ladders and improvised weapons. While I'm on the subject of deadly things how did Hamas pass the background checks for their rockets and wasn't the hospital a rocket free zone? Isn't there a ban on rocket magazines with a capacity of more then 10 rockets, I see the ban on 3d printed rockets didn't work (shit I could continue on the tangent) ..X's and O' fuzzy.....enjoy your fall morning ☺
Welp I'm wondering if it might make a difference, how many folk are injured misusing them for ladders and improvised weapons. While I'm on the subject of deadly things how did Hamas pass the background checks for their rockets and wasn't the hospital a rocket free zone? Isn't there a ban on rocket magazines with a capacity of more then 10 rockets, I see the ban on 3d printed rockets didn't work (shit I could continue on the tangent) ..X's and O' fuzzy.....enjoy your fall morning ☺
What is the risk difference to the public between a chair and a gun? Should they be regulated the same to mitigate that risk?
It's not really debating grammar. His Arpy is a moron who doesn't know how to read, doesn't know what quotation marks are for, and doesn't know how to paraphrase. But he knows how to pretend he knows all those things and while he is showing he doesn't he likes to pretend other people are lying as some kind of justification for his complete ineptitude. And for some bizarre reason he is actually proud of what a lying moron he is. There might be a debate about why someone would be proud of that, but there is no debate about grammar - because you actually have to two sides to debate worth debating. Here you just have him being a totally wrong moron and being proud of that.

Meltdown much?
Meltdown much?
Not in the slightest. You may be mistaking the high volume of laughter as something other than amusement but you making mistakes is par for the course for you.

Actually I was really excited because as HisArpy messaged me and said that he "hates guns and is a totally lying in the thread about it and thinks anyone with a gun is a criminal and should be locked up"

I mean I am just paraphrasing him there but at least I am paraphrasing in the HisArpy format where you misuse quotation marks and completely lie about everything so it's not remotely close to what they said.
Not in the slightest. You may be mistaking the high volume of laughter as something other than amusement but you making mistakes is par for the course for you.

Actually I was really excited because as HisArpy messaged me and said that he "hates guns and is a totally lying in the thread about it and thinks anyone with a gun is a criminal and should be locked up"

I mean I am just paraphrasing him there but at least I am paraphrasing in the HisArpy format where you misuse quotation marks and completely lie about everything so it's not remotely close to what they said.
There's a difference between paraphrasing someone and actually saying something that's knowingly false (such as you saying I messaged you).

You know which of the 2 you just engaged in. And why.

You may now continue with your ongoing meltdown.
There's a difference between paraphrasing someone and actually saying something that's knowingly false (such as you saying I messaged you).

You know which of the 2 you just engaged in. And why.

You may now continue with your ongoing meltdown.
We agree. There IS a difference between paraphrasing and knowingly saying something that is false. Yet that's precisely what you did that started this and then you tried to justify it as paraphrasing.

And again, laughter is not meltdown. You posting about how you are a major hypocritical liar like you just did right here produces nothing but laughter.
We agree. There IS a difference between paraphrasing and knowingly saying something that is false. Yet that's precisely what you did that started this and then you tried to justify it as paraphrasing.

And again, laughter is not meltdown. You posting about how you are a major hypocritical liar like you just did right here produces nothing but laughter.

For someone professing not to be having a meltdown, you sure are protesting too much on the same subject. Repeatedly and verbosely.

Which are the 1st and 2nd symptoms of a meltdown.
You're still wildly off. The first and second sign of a meltdown would be an actual meltdown. I'm just laughing at you constantly because you either are so stupid you don't realize how terrible your lack of reading comprehension skills are so you lied about it or you are so stupid you don't realize that you already contradicted your own lies. Or both. Either way you are funny as hell to laugh at. Which of course has already been pointed out to you, but you apparently don't have the reading comprehension to get that either. You are the Epic Fail of posts. But you're so hard core dumb you don't get it and you just keep providing more hilarious entertainment with your stupidity. So please keep wrongly pretending it's a meltdown because it just makes you dumber and more fun to laugh at.
You're still wildly off. The first and second sign of a meltdown would be an actual meltdown. I'm just laughing at you constantly because you either are so stupid you don't realize how terrible your lack of reading comprehension skills are so you lied about it or you are so stupid you don't realize that you already contradicted your own lies. Or both. Either way you are funny as hell to laugh at. Which of course has already been pointed out to you, but you apparently don't have the reading comprehension to get that either. You are the Epic Fail of posts. But you're so hard core dumb you don't get it and you just keep providing more hilarious entertainment with your stupidity. So please keep wrongly pretending it's a meltdown because it just makes you dumber and more fun to laugh at.

^ severe meltdown in progress