Do guns make us more safe?

Welp I'm wondering if it might make a difference, how many folk are injured misusing them for ladders and improvised weapons. While I'm on the subject of deadly things how did Hamas pass the background checks for their rockets and wasn't the hospital a rocket free zone? Isn't there a ban on rocket magazines with a capacity of more then 10 rockets, I see the ban on 3d printed rockets didn't work (shit I could continue on the tangent) ..X's and O' fuzzy.....enjoy your fall morning ☺
If these are your idea of hypothetical's, ask your doctor to double up on your meds. You need serious help. If this was meant as a joke, try again, you deporables have a shitty sense of humour.
Welp I'm wondering if it might make a difference, how many folk are injured misusing them for ladders and improvised weapons. While I'm on the subject of deadly things how did Hamas pass the background checks for their rockets and wasn't the hospital a rocket free zone? Isn't there a ban on rocket magazines with a capacity of more then 10 rockets, I see the ban on 3d printed rockets didn't work (shit I could continue on the tangent) ..X's and O' fuzzy.....enjoy your fall morning ☺
The answer is blowing in the wind! *LOVE IS THE ANSWER, BUT OWN A GUN JUST IN CASE* :D:p
Q: what is the designated purpose of a chair?
A: to be sat on

Q: what is the designated purpose of a gun?
A: to be fired

Q: is it more dangerous to be in the line of sight of a chair being sat on or a gun being fired?
A: boy, that's a tricky one...

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Q: what is the designated purpose of a chair?
A: to be sat on

Q: what is the designated purpose of a gun?
A: to be fired

Q: is it more dangerous to be in the line of sight of a chair being sat on or a gun being fired?
A: boy, that's a tricky one...

Buffy's a special kind of stupid....
My point was pretty clear. You aren't a gun owner but can envision a time where you would use a gun to commit a crime. I am a gun owner and can't envision a time when I would use a gun to commit a crime. So potentially which one of us is more dangerous? YOU ARE. My advice is don't ever own a gun because you have entirely the wrong mindset to be a gun owner.

In my situation I worked my full time job, another almost full time job and then filled in occasionally with a couple of part-time jobs. There were weeks I work 100 hours and this went on for almost 2 years. Lowe's where I work now has full-time positions and part-time positions and we are almost always hiring. People come and go like a revolving door and from talking to other employers it is much the same. No one stays anymore. There are places hiring all over down here from retail to factories to construction to healthcare. There are a ton of jobs available. People can work if they want to, multiple jobs if they want to. It seems many just don't want to and have figured a way to manipulate the system so they don't have to.

I was very specific in my respect for the Chinese that stood up in Tiananmen Square. Not the entire Chinese population.

Please do specifically spell out part of the current Constitution that is racist. That California and New York pick the president is EXACTLY what the left wants and that is why they push so hard for the elimination of the Electoral College.

It sounds like you want a dictatorship instead of representative democracy. No thanks. It hasn't worked so well anywhere in the world.

Here is more what I was questioning. Is she a gun owner?
Just think what would have happened if the kid had a gun instead of a chair.
If she possessed the ability to defend herself, she very well might not have had the fuck beat out of her.....
That feral heathen has done this sort of thing before, and when that useless meat sack is released from his cage he'll return to committing violent crime thus destroying someone else's life..... hope the heathen dies in prison of rabies....
If she possessed the ability to defend herself, she very well might not have had the fuck beat out of her.....
That feral heathen has done this sort of thing before, and when that useless meat sack is released from his cage he'll return to committing violent crime thus destroying someone else's life..... hope the heathen dies in prison of rabies....

She should've grabbed a chair. Especially as you class them as dangerous as a firearm. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You don't get to act like you care about safety and security when you are willing to sacrifice the lives of children so people can own assault weapons.
She should've grabbed a chair. Especially as you class them as dangerous as a firearm. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You don't get to act like you care about safety and security when you are willing to sacrifice the lives of children so people can own assault weapons.
Do you realize that violent heathen weighed 270 pounds, over 6 ft tall? Please explain to the world how a 120 pound female of small stature is going to "grab the chair" from that violent criminal. (Take your time).....cause this I gotta see.
Adrina, do you not care anything about these women that are being brutalized and raped and or murdered? It's glaring evident that it is  you who doesn't care about the innocent folk being bbrutalized by these violent heathen creatures.

a judge was gunned down by a man whose divorce he oversaw, awarding custody to the wife
Two moar instances of the "well regulated militia" clause of the sacrosanct Second Amendment at work.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the prevention of butt hurt feelings, the right of the white guys with a grudge to execute summary justice as they see fit, shall not be infringed."
Do you realize that violent heathen weighed 270 pounds, over 6 ft tall? Please explain to the world how a 120 pound female of small stature is going to "grab the chair" from that violent criminal. (Take your time).....cause this I gotta see.
Adrina, do you not care anything about these women that are being brutalized and raped and or murdered? It's glaring evident that it is  you who doesn't care about the innocent folk being bbrutalized by these violent heathen creatures.

Do you realize that he could have taken her gun and shot her?

Again, you don't get to advocate for safety when you defend the right to have guns so widespread in society that gun violence is the number one killer of our youth.

Brainwashed hypocrite.

The gun and weapons lobby appreciates you spreading their propaganda and using American lives for their profit.
Do you realize that he could have taken her gun and shot her?

Again, you don't get to advocate for safety when you defend the right to have guns so widespread in society that gun violence is the number one killer of our youth.

Brainwashed hypocrite.

The gun and weapons lobby appreciates you spreading their propaganda and using American lives for their profit.
Maybe stop the nonsense of no bail release for violent crimes, stop the nonsense of slap on the wrist sentences for violent crime, stop the nonsense of blaming those not guilty of anything because you and the other idiot liberals don't give a damn about who is a victim of the violence as long as you can use it as propaganda to ban guns from society. You are all nothing more than whiny hypocrites. Punishing law abiding citizens does nothing to stop violent crime. Yes, it is that simple.
Do you realize that he could have taken her gun and shot her?

Again, you don't get to advocate for safety when you defend the right to have guns so widespread in society that gun violence is the number one killer of our youth.

Brainwashed hypocrite.

The gun and weapons lobby appreciates you spreading their propaganda and using American lives for their profit.

And, in related news:

From the article:

“But the preferences of criminals are only one element of gun violence. The recklessness of gun owners is also a key to fueling the illegal gun trade that, in turn, powers violent crime. Private citizens wind up supplying more than a quarter million guns to criminals every year. From 2017 to 2021, 1,074,022 firearms were reported stolen, the overwhelming majority from private gun owners. Remarkably, roughly 1 in 4 firearm thefts aren’t reported.”

“There are enough firearms stolen on an annual basis to arm all offenders who commit firearm homicides, firearm assaults, and firearm robberies each year,” the ATF report states. “Given the very large scale of firearm thefts in the US, it seems likely that stolen firearms are a significant source of firearms to violent criminals.”



Maybe stop the nonsense of no bail release for violent crimes, stop the nonsense of slap on the wrist sentences for violent crime, stop the nonsense of blaming those not guilty of anything because you and the other idiot liberals don't give a damn about who is a victim of the violence as long as you can use it as propaganda to ban guns from society. You are all nothing more than whiny hypocrites. Punishing law abiding citizens does nothing to stop violent crime. Yes, it is that simple.
Simplicity is certainly there.

Much like whining about being required to have a driving license just because of the bad drivers out there. Like needing an annual inspection just because of defective vehicles that someone else has.

These do nothing to stop bad driving or make someone else have decent tires and lights. It's so unfair!

Throw everyone in jail for being involved in a brawl (you can start with various relatives of Republican Congress members). The US already has one of the highest incarceration rate in the world and also a similarly high murder rate. At some point even the dimmest of MAGATs must start to wonder if something is going wrong. But we know what will come next; iT's aLL tHe faULt of thE LiBs!
And, in related news:

From the article:

“But the preferences of criminals are only one element of gun violence. The recklessness of gun owners is also a key to fueling the illegal gun trade that, in turn, powers violent crime. Private citizens wind up supplying more than a quarter million guns to criminals every year. From 2017 to 2021, 1,074,022 firearms were reported stolen, the overwhelming majority from private gun owners. Remarkably, roughly 1 in 4 firearm thefts aren’t reported.”

“There are enough firearms stolen on an annual basis to arm all offenders who commit firearm homicides, firearm assaults, and firearm robberies each year,” the ATF report states. “Given the very large scale of firearm thefts in the US, it seems likely that stolen firearms are a significant source of firearms to violent criminals.”



And the one thing you all forget is prohibition, alcohol was banned from this country, and the illegal manufacture, importation, and sale of alcohol boomed. So much so that the feds really made no dent in it at all. People didn't care that it was illegal, it was still available through the black market and at speakeasy bars. The same thing will happen with firearms, a huge black market will develop to import, manufacture, and sell firearms. Now at least all NEW gun purchases have a record of the sale and a record of a back ground check. That would of course all disappear with a black market.

Add to that no one knows how many guns there are out there that the government knows absolutely nothing about because they were bought long before background checks and record keeping occurred. Or they were family heirlooms passed down through generations, or they were war souvenirs. How do you ban and then confiscate what you don't even know exists?
And the one thing you all forget is prohibition, alcohol was banned from this country, and the illegal manufacture, importation, and sale of alcohol boomed. So much so that the feds really made no dent in it at all. People didn't care that it was illegal, it was still available through the black market and at speakeasy bars. The same thing will happen with firearms, a huge black market will develop to import, manufacture, and sell firearms. Now at least all NEW gun purchases have a record of the sale and a record of a back ground check. That would of course all disappear with a black market.

Add to that no one knows how many guns there are out there that the government knows absolutely nothing about because they were bought long before background checks and record keeping occurred. Or they were family heirlooms passed down through generations, or they were war souvenirs. How do you ban and then confiscate what you don't even know exists?
Yes, because crime committed using WW1 souvenirs is a real problem.
Simplicity is certainly there.

Much like whining about being required to have a driving license just because of the bad drivers out there. Like needing an annual inspection just because of defective vehicles that someone else has.

These do nothing to stop bad driving or make someone else have decent tires and lights. It's so unfair!

Throw everyone in jail for being involved in a brawl (you can start with various relatives of Republican Congress members). The US already has one of the highest incarceration rate in the world and also a similarly high murder rate. At some point even the dimmest of MAGATs must start to wonder if something is going wrong. But we know what will come next; iT's aLL tHe faULt of thE LiBs!
Sorry I have been told I could not use drunk driving as a comparable so your driving license comparable is not allowed.

Apparently not high enough. Punishment should be punishment plain and simple. Here in Tennessee they have prisoners from county jails out picking trash by the road side, I'm sure its voluntary duty, but the point is how about more of that? Instead of sitting in a cell biding time how about a return to hard labor for the worst offenders?

Yawn, when you have nothing else throw out the MAGATs line and then type in alternating caps and small case. Damn, ain't you cool? Nope, not really.
Maybe stop the nonsense of no bail release for violent crimes,
How many mass shooters were out on bail? Hell how many even had a criminal record?
stop the nonsense of slap on the wrist sentences for violent crime,
Again, read the above. How many mass shooters had a criminal record, prior??
stop the nonsense of blaming those not guilty of anything
This is the problem, no one is blaming you!! But you can't seem to get that. It's all about you being a victim.
because you and the other idiot liberals don't give a damn about who is a victim of the violence as long as you can use it as propaganda to ban guns from society.
Some are proposing banning guns, others are proposing a different set of rules, regulations and laws, but you keep saying laws don't work....See this is why you're part of the problem.
You are all nothing more than whiny hypocrites.
So are you, a big one...but hey as time passes and those generations of kids who went through the mass school shootings era become the voting majority, I'm not the one who will see that will
Punishing law abiding citizens does nothing to stop violent crime. Yes, it is that simple.
Yes punishing the few who refuse to do anything, just so they can have everything, instead of compromising on what they should be able to have, and what they don't really need....
How many mass shooters were out on bail? Hell how many even had a criminal record?

Again, read the above. How many mass shooters had a criminal record, prior??

This is the problem, no one is blaming you!! But you can't seem to get that. It's all about you being a victim.

Some are proposing banning guns, others are proposing a different set of rules, regulations and laws, but you keep saying laws don't work....See this is why you're part of the problem.

So are you, a big one...but hey as time passes and those generations of kids who went through the mass school shootings era become the voting majority, I'm not the one who will see that will

Yes punishing the few who refuse to do anything, just so they can have everything, instead of compromising on what they should be able to have, and what they don't really need....
Honestly, I am bored with you and your interference in the internal affairs of my country. I don't give a fuck that your relatives live here. if it's so fucking awful here move them to canaduh where you willing line up like sheep to surrender your rights.

Yammer on as I know you will. Fucking hypocrite.
Honestly, I am bored with you and your interference in the internal affairs of my country. I don't give a fuck that your relatives live here. if it's so fucking awful here move them to canaduh where you willing line up like sheep to surrender your rights.

Yammer on as I know you will. Fucking hypocrite.
I don't care if you're bored. Seems you could put some of your effort into working to change the problems of mass shootings instead of just whining about people calling for gun bans. That effort might actually prevent them from getting those gun bans....

Please point out where I am a hypocrite? I'd be very interested to see what gives you that idea...
I don't care if you're bored. Seems you could put some of your effort into working to change the problems of mass shootings instead of just whining about people calling for gun bans. That effort might actually prevent them from getting those gun bans....

Please point out where I am a hypocrite? I'd be very interested to see what gives you that idea...
I have made all kinds of suggestions here. Stricter penalties for ALL violent crimes, better emphasis on mental health care, some sort of public mental health mediator so families can get help for their loved ones. No plea bargaining or reduced sentences for gun crimes. Much stronger penalties for straw purchases and liability for any crimes committed with that gun.

There are already background checks required from every gun store sale. This catches criminals attempting to purchase guns.
I have made all kinds of suggestions here. Stricter penalties for ALL violent crimes, better emphasis on mental health care, some sort of public mental health mediator so families can get help for their loved ones. No plea bargaining or reduced sentences for gun crimes. Much stronger penalties for straw purchases and liability for any crimes committed with that gun.

There are already background checks required from every gun store sale. This catches criminals attempting to purchase guns.
Great, you've made suggestions here on Lit. You've also gone off at length that laws don't work too. But what really matters is; what have you done outside of Lit?

As I've said it won't affect me, there is no "right" in Canada, so here we need to be on top of the anti gun nuts, but we have organisations to do that. I give money to them as well I lobby my MP and MPP. While you guys just sit back and doesn't matter, cause I have 2A protection. ( you only have that till an amendment comes along...just like all those drinkers thought would never happen back in the 1900's...)

Why because we have had the Government try and take away firearms. Its not a fear here, it is a reality. Firearm owners are in the minority in Canada, and by a huge amount. So you have to be out in front of the Government on this. Soon I suspect you will too...*chuckles*