Do guns make us more safe?

I glossed over the recent posts and this is why when I was working security I always recommended women carry pepper spray. I can comprehend how hard it would be to end somebody for any reason. Fortunately in the Marines I was what they call 'in the rear with the gear'. I was basically if you play DnD I'm you're cleric. You do what I say because it will work at nearly the same range as a handgun. I can tell you that your even above average pistol user isn't hitting their mark at over 30 feet and that's generous. Most trainers would tell you at over 25 feet you could shout "bang!" and throw rocks and have a better average.

That said when you know pepper spray sucks for a while but you'll live it removes the hesitation. Hesitation causes death. You pulling a gun and not removing this person from the census means you turned a robbery or worse a rape into a murder. If you aren't 100% certain you're ready don't carry. To be clear I mean the kind of certain where if you get found guilty of murder cus that hobo just wanted five bucks to buy a burger don't do it.

Though seriously learn martial arts. I'm not a black belt I'm just above average but as Trailer Bitch will taunt give me a big stick. If my goal is to end you well sucks to be you. That twat will respond with if a man is on the same sidewalk as them they will end you and not feel any guilt. Quality of character matters. I won't attack you without good reason. Even with good reason I will do anything I can including running to avoid violence. I am high on the list of play stupid games get stupid prizes and if you chase me well that's officially on you especially cus. . .does anyone carry cash these days? I mean you might gas up your car before I cancel but you're not buying a car with my credit.
Guns are tools, inanimate objects they do NOT make you safe.
That should be obvious.
To comment further on where this thread has headed.
You can NOT control the actions of others BUT you should be willing to hold them responsible.
I know I do.
As a responsible person I have the tools, training and willingness to act IF someone else's actions severely threaten myself, those I love and those around me.
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I glossed over the recent posts and this is why when I was working security I always recommended women carry pepper spray. I can comprehend how hard it would be to end somebody for any reason. Fortunately in the Marines I was what they call 'in the rear with the gear'. I was basically if you play DnD I'm you're cleric. You do what I say because it will work at nearly the same range as a handgun. I can tell you that your even above average pistol user isn't hitting their mark at over 30 feet and that's generous. Most trainers would tell you at over 25 feet you could shout "bang!" and throw rocks and have a better average.

That said when you know pepper spray sucks for a while but you'll live it removes the hesitation. Hesitation causes death. You pulling a gun and not removing this person from the census means you turned a robbery or worse a rape into a murder. If you aren't 100% certain you're ready don't carry. To be clear I mean the kind of certain where if you get found guilty of murder cus that hobo just wanted five bucks to buy a burger don't do it.

Though seriously learn martial arts. I'm not a black belt I'm just above average but as Trailer Bitch will taunt give me a big stick. If my goal is to end you well sucks to be you. That twat will respond with if a man is on the same sidewalk as them they will end you and not feel any guilt. Quality of character matters. I won't attack you without good reason. Even with good reason I will do anything I can including running to avoid violence. I am high on the list of play stupid games get stupid prizes and if you chase me well that's officially on you especially cus. . .does anyone carry cash these days? I mean you might gas up your car before I cancel but you're not buying a car with my credit.
Dude how many times are you going to bring up your stupid fucking stick and lie about the scenario. In the end you said you would attack me unprovoked with your walking stick just to prove I wouldn't have time to shoot you. If your stupid fucking ass wouldn't attack me unprovoked I would have no reason to shoot you.

I have also said I would retreat if possible before ever pulling my gun, if you continued your attack I would draw and retreat again. If you continued your attack, and I could no longer retreat, then yes I would shoot you as many times as it took to stop you. If you ended up dead then so be it. Yes, I am prepared to do what I need to do, it does not mean I am eager, or looking forward to it, but the truth is I will not be your victim or anyone else's if I can help it.

Further if your are 25 or 30 feet away and armed with a stick, you are not a threat, so there is no reason for me to be shooting at you at that distance.
Back in my day you took a hunters safety course in your early teens.. Parents taught you respect for things. Guns were a big one. Wasnt a toy, it had a purpose. Hunting to put food on the table. Sadly poor parenting over the years, lack of respect for just about everything and anything anymore. Lack of education in schools, work, home about end results when things are done. Sad. My 2 cents
Back in my day you took a hunters safety course in your early teens.. Parents taught you respect for things. Guns were a big one. Wasnt a toy, it had a purpose. Hunting to put food on the table. Sadly poor parenting over the years, lack of respect for just about everything and anything anymore. Lack of education in schools, work, home about end results when things are done. Sad. My 2 cents
I got my Daisey pump when I was 8. Would have been earlier but we moved. Wasn’t long before with pellets instead of bb’s I could take out a squirrel 70 ft up in a pine tree dead before it hit the ground. Sorry for the Mis-pronoun.
12ga was 11th Christmas. That dove season I got to use the single shot 410. Had to wait until Labor Day the next year to really use the new one.
That spring and summer I was invited to the range. Experienced rifles and hand guns. Learning how they worked and to care for them.
Respect is important. The memories with my father and grand father, my brother and close friends were a right of passage and everything normal. Learning how to appreciate those and these things are part of who I am. Part of who they were. And part of the others who were not there.
I grew up fortunate enough to appreciate the food we could put on the table. Everyone else had to buy it and had no idea where it came from.
Dude how many times are you going to bring up your stupid fucking stick and lie about the scenario. In the end you said you would attack me unprovoked with your walking stick just to prove I wouldn't have time to shoot you. If your stupid fucking ass wouldn't attack me unprovoked I would have no reason to shoot you.

I have also said I would retreat if possible before ever pulling my gun, if you continued your attack I would draw and retreat again. If you continued your attack, and I could no longer retreat, then yes I would shoot you as many times as it took to stop you. If you ended up dead then so be it. Yes, I am prepared to do what I need to do, it does not mean I am eager, or looking forward to it, but the truth is I will not be your victim or anyone else's if I can help it.

Further if your are 25 or 30 feet away and armed with a stick, you are not a threat, so there is no reason for me to be shooting at you at that distance.
You said you'd shoot me for no reason so I don't see a reason to stop dragging it up.
I note that guns are currently doing a great job of keeping the people of Maine safe and sound.
The Tree of Liberty must be watered with blood!

Blood! Blood! Blood for The Blood God! Skulls for The Skull Throne!

I'm being sarcastic as fuck.
We don't know all the facts yet. Therefore it's too early for you to be slavering over someone murdering innocent people.
Yes...we do. We know he was recently committed to a psychiatric hospital. We know he has threatened violence. Yet...he was allowed to keep his arsenal of weapons. And yes...he is on film shooting. So take your fucking bullshit back to the children's table where you belong
'Insane people shouldn't have guns, the laws are already there!'

'People shouldn't need a mental health check to have a gun, it's the law!'

'I'm sane, so I can have a gun. I haven't shot anybody yet!'
We don't know all the facts yet. Therefore it's too early for you to be slavering over someone murdering innocent people.
Facts have been all over the news for the past 12 hours. Fired from work. Voluntary inpatient medical treatment for hearing voices telling him to shoot people.

Classic White Guy With A Grudge And A Gun.

One of your people.
'Insane people shouldn't have guns, the laws are already there!'

'People shouldn't need a mental health check to have a gun, it's the law!'

'I'm sane, so I can have a gun. I haven't shot anybody yet!'

It's that "yet" thing that seems to be causing some problems. 😶
Every gun should be insured. If that gun is used in a crime...the insurance company must pay all costs. Any uninsured gun...felony automatic jail time. Let the insurance companies decide who they want to cover. Just like how it works with cars. Sure...there are better solutions...but if the gun nuts don't want to go that route...this makes sense. It should not be society paying for these indiscretions...but those that feel the need to own guns.
Yes...we do. We know he was recently committed to a psychiatric hospital. We know he has threatened violence. Yet...he was allowed to keep his arsenal of weapons. And yes...he is on film shooting. So take your fucking bullshit back to the children's table where you belong

We know SOME facts, not all the facts.

What's interesting is that you're saying he was 5150 and that the police KNEW IT, yet somehow this guy was allowed to either acquire or keep his guns. I'd say this qualifies as a massive failure of your gun control policies and ideology.

So, where are you on that?

It also illustrates the commonality in all of these situations, that the shooter is mentally ill.

Where are you on that issue?

Meanwhile, 1400 dead in Israel after a raid by terrorists ought to tell you that disarming the people doesn't stop the killing.

And I've yet to hear anything out of you on that issue either.

Ultimately, the Maine shooter will either be taken into custody or will be DOA. However, until all of the facts are known, using this tragedy to try and foster the idea that disarming more victims is "safer" than allowing them to defend themselves is stupid.

Which we all know is what you are most of the time.
'Insane people shouldn't have guns, the laws are already there!'

'People shouldn't need a mental health check to have a gun, it's the law!'

'I'm sane, so I can have a gun. I haven't shot anybody yet!'

This post highlights 2 important things.

You have zero ability to reason or use logic and that there are people out there who think that inability is a good thing.