Do guns make us more safe?

Notice that the two data sets are separate.

I know, too much attention to detail is required. Damn, you call yourself a 'lawyer'.

When you have to rely on false representations, your position on the issue isn't supported by either truth or reason.
Please share with the Court Mr Lawyer...why a medical personnel would know if a patient possesses firearms? This should be fun.

Is it now a standard question?

Whether the patient possesses firearms isn't relevant. That they're a patient at all is where the reporting takes place. Either this wasn't done or someone on the entry side of the report didn't do their job. Either way, the onus is on the State to comply with the law.

Which someone, somewhere did not.

And that doesn't make other law abiding gun owners responsible or subject to unjust and unlawful restriction of their rights.
Huh? The two lines are alongside each other in different colors. Not hard at all.

Again, when you have to rely on false representations, your position on the issue isn't supported by either truth or reason.

You attempt to obscure truth. Were you honest instead of a consumate liar, you'd know and admit that.
HisArpy has me on ignore, and I’m gonna give him credit for that because I admit that all my posts to him are a set up for a takedown.
So could someone tell him that I think he is an ass and that he is openly advocating for the government to confiscate guns.
Correction: tell him for me that he’s a dumb ass.
I would, but he has me on ignore as well. Pretty soon he will have everyone on ignore. Since he ignores anyone who beats his arguments and claims to a pulp.
I would, but he has me on ignore as well. Pretty soon he will have everyone on ignore. Since he ignores anyone who beats his arguments and claims to a pulp.
Cowards like Derpy and Reichguide are forced to put smart people on ignore.
Perhaps a mandate that medical personnel will inform law enforcement if an individual possesses firearms.
Why would anyone tell their doctor they own firearms? Further why is it any of their business unless there is signs of mental illness?
Why would anyone tell their doctor they own firearms? Further why is it any of their business unless there is signs of mental illness?
Patients who see psychologists and psychiatrists are very often referred to by a GP.
Why would anyone tell their doctor they own firearms? Further why is it any of their business unless there is signs of mental illness?
Because it is a standard question during triage when you go to the emergency room for any reason.

I don't like it either and refuse to answer, but the triage nurse always asks "do you have firearms in the house?" A lot of people answer truthfully yes or no, which could trigger red flag warnings. I say, "I am not going to answer that", to which I am sure they check the yes box.

But red flag warnings are only useful IF they are enforced. Robert Card by all rights should have legally been stripped of his guns because of what he said this summer, but no one took them. Sadly, the bar owner in trying to take him down in protecting his patrons REALLY wished he had a gun with him instead of the knife that was ineffectual and cost him his life.

Thankfully Robert Card took himself out of the Gene Pool last night.

This whole sad situation only fortifies that gun control laws do not work and had more good people had guns, could have stepped in and saved lives. I applaud the bar owner for stepping up and trying to protect good from evil, but you cannot bring a knife to a gun fight, and why I ALWAYS carry. Had the bar owner been carrying, he would have saved all that died in bowling alley.
So dumb... just about everyone needs one.

My 17 year old daughter can protect our livestock with a gun that is accurate to 300 yards, has no kick, has plenty of rounds to follow up with, and can pick off a coyote bolting across a field.

Loaded with hollow points, she can defend the house against intruders with all the same attributes, with hollow points, armor piercing, and soft lead rounds, loaded that way down through the clip in triplicate. Tracers tell her when she is almost out, and all out of rounds. (Fifth from the bottom, and last round are tracers).

Loaded with soft lead rounds, she can hunt a variety of game including deer, again to 300 yards out with no kick.

They are THE MOST popular rifle in the USA because they are the most versatile. It is just funny how American's are paying to put them in the hands of Ukrainian's and yet they are trying to take them from us here.
Why would anyone tell their doctor they own firearms? Further why is it any of their business unless there is signs of mental illness?
The conversation with regards to Card is about mental illness. He was committed for psychiatric observation and treatment for violent tendencies.
the founding fathers loved the constitution so much that they allowed amendments to be enacted. you really are one of the dumbest people in litstory.

The last I noticed amendments are an addition or clarification of law, never saw where an amendment subtracts sections of the constitution. So that makes you one of the dumbest dumbasses in history.
So dumb... just about everyone needs one.

My 17 year old daughter can protect our livestock with a gun that is accurate to 300 yards, has no kick, has plenty of rounds to follow up with, and can pick off a coyote bolting across a field.

Loaded with hollow points, she can defend the house against intruders with all the same attributes, with hollow points, armor piercing, and soft lead rounds, loaded that way down through the clip in triplicate. Tracers tell her when she is almost out, and all out of rounds. (Fifth from the bottom, and last round are tracers).

Loaded with soft lead rounds, she can hunt a variety of game including deer, again to 300 yards out with no kick.

They are THE MOST popular rifle in the USA because they are the most versatile. It is just funny how American's are paying to put them in the hands of Ukrainian's and yet they are trying to take them from us here.
Some people are just stupid. More people are killed, by a large number I might add, with handguns, but hey! ARs are bad because they don’t need anyone to pull the trigger they shoot people all by themselves. :ROFLMAO:
The last I noticed amendments are an addition or clarification of law, never saw where an amendment subtracts sections of the constitution. So that makes you one of the dumbest dumbasses in history.
I mean, if we are going with the last thing YOU noticed…

That’s just not a place anyone really wants to live in.

Clarifications of the law can be seen as a subtraction, considering how the 14th removes the ability for traitors to hold public office (for example).

Do you work just lunch/dinner or do you get to make hash browns for the breakfast shift too?
I mean, if we are going with the last thing YOU noticed…

That’s just not a place anyone really wants to live in.

Clarifications of the law can be seen as a subtraction, considering how the 14th removes the ability for traitors to hold public office (for example).

Do you work just lunch/dinner or do you get to make hash browns for the breakfast shift too?
That’s an addition and a clarification not a subtraction.
This isn't what you said. What you said is that you love the Constitution "because you can change it."

The last I noticed amendments are an addition or clarification of law, never saw where an amendment subtracts sections of the constitution. So that makes you one of the dumbest dumbasses in history.
first, learn to read and what the words you read mean, then reply. fucking up that order makes you -- you.
This whole sad situation only fortifies that gun control laws do not work and had more good people had guns, could have stepped in and saved lives.
We have more guns per person in this country than any place on earth. We have more guns than people in this country. If more guns helped, we should be the safest country on this planet. We aren't.
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American's are paying to put them in the hands of Ukrainian's and yet they are trying to take them from us here.
Yes, because Martha protecting her cattle from non-existent threats is the same as arming people in need to protect themselves and democracy from terrorism.
We have more guns per person in this country than any place on earth. We have more guns than people in this country. If more guns helped, we should be the safest country on this planet. We aren't.

Your narrative omits truth and is purposefully designed to stir controversy without providing any solution.

Basically, it's nothing but a loud whining noise.