Do guns make us more safe?

This is totally false.
They can’t operate as you and your ammosexuals think it should. The Posse Comitatus act of 1878 put severe limits on the use of the military domestically. Dug back to August for this one eh?

Needed to attempt to notch a win as you swing and miss so often?
You post provoking headlines then turn to dismissive ad hom tactics while congratulating yourself for it. You come, you buzz mindlessly, you leave without any depth of discussion, and then think that you've changed the world.

In essence, you're a loser who probably doesn't even own a hat for your personal hat rack.
Better than that dumb ass red hat… if that’s the only hat- who needs a hat?!?!
You don't care about anybodies life. I do care if something to your anybody else. You never been able to give a good definition of what counts as provoked however. You live in this fantasy world where an attacker is gonna running up to you screaming.
Dude you keep playing your same tired Bull Shit over and over. I told you exactly what I would do if you attacked me unprovoked. I made it clear I would retreat if you attacked me, if you persisted I would retreat again and draw my pistol, if you persisted I would continue to retreat until I couldn't any further and then and only then would I shoot you as many times as it took to stop your idiocy. And as I have said before if you happen to die because you are a fucking moron then so be it.

I care about a lot of people's lives, my family and friends being at the top of that list. If someone is being attacked I will intervene, whether I know them or not. NO, that does not mean I will shoot them, but it means I will not allow an innocent person to be hurt or killed like that.

Provoked is easy. If you come at me as to hurt me, whether with your fists or a weapon, you are provoking a response. That response may be verbal, "Get the FUCK away from me", to me using my body in an attempt to defend myself, or if you have a weapon, I may very well shoot you. Now you fucking simpleton twist that so as to serve your continuous fucking drivel.
Dude you keep playing your same tired Bull Shit over and over. I told you exactly what I would do if you attacked me unprovoked. I made it clear I would retreat if you attacked me, if you persisted I would retreat again and draw my pistol, if you persisted I would continue to retreat until I couldn't any further and then and only then would I shoot you as many times as it took to stop your idiocy. And as I have said before if you happen to die because you are a fucking moron then so be it.

I care about a lot of people's lives, my family and friends being at the top of that list. If someone is being attacked I will intervene, whether I know them or not. NO, that does not mean I will shoot them, but it means I will not allow an innocent person to be hurt or killed like that.

Provoked is easy. If you come at me as to hurt me, whether with your fists or a weapon, you are provoking a response. That response may be verbal, "Get the FUCK away from me", to me using my body in an attempt to defend myself, or if you have a weapon, I may very well shoot you. Now you fucking simpleton twist that so as to serve your continuous fucking drivel.

Hears the thing unless you just shoot everybody you pass buy a real attacker is gonna be on top of you long before you can pull your gun. Some of us live in the real world not some simulation of Gotham fucking city.

Clearly you do not care because if you do care you'd want to reduce the number of guns and increase the amount of social safety nets and higher wages. Its not uncomon at all for a Righty not to give a shit, I'm beginning to think that's how you become a conservative.

Unless you're fucking Jean Grey you won't have any fucking clue why I walking toward you. That's the problem with your bullshit is that it doesn't work in the real world. At all.
Hears the thing unless you just shoot everybody you pass buy a real attacker is gonna be on top of you long before you can pull your gun. Some of us live in the real world not some simulation of Gotham fucking city.

Clearly you do not care because if you do care you'd want to reduce the number of guns and increase the amount of social safety nets and higher wages. Its not uncomon at all for a Righty not to give a shit, I'm beginning to think that's how you become a conservative.

Unless you're fucking Jean Grey you won't have any fucking clue why I walking toward you. That's the problem with your bullshit is that it doesn't work in the real world. At all.
You are just fucking insane and nothing more than an argumentative troll. Every time I shut down your idiocy you change the goal posts. How about you just stop this nonsense.

Nothing you posts changes any gun owners mind anymore than anything we post changes yours. Thus conversing with you is a waste of my time. But this won't stop you because your greatest strength seems to be trolling, stalking, and continuing to post to people who think you are nothing more than a mindless drone. I'm done with this idiotic scenario of yours. So I will not respond to anymore of your postings about it.

It's a standard lawyer's attack on a losing case. Throw out irrelevant insults and sit down watching the client get convicted.

Many times I spoken to defendants after such bollocks and they always say, "My lawyer sure ripped into that fellow, he's brilliant, I'll hire him again next time!"

Many times? Like how many? And do you often come across people who are "losers" when it comes to legal issues and ask them for legal advice?

One wonders if the type of person you associate with isn't all that smart when it comes to life's dealings. Which leads to the next question; are you truly one of them in spirit and outlook or are you just slumming when you hang out together?
Many times? Like how many? And do you often come across people who are "losers" when it comes to legal issues and ask them for legal advice?

One wonders if the type of person you associate with isn't all that smart when it comes to life's dealings. Which leads to the next question; are you truly one of them in spirit and outlook or are you just slumming when you hang out together?
I know you're easily confused. You cannot read a six-sentence argument and cannot understand a simple bar chart.

However, for the avoidance of stupidity I do not ask convicted criminals for legal advice. Is that clear enough?
I know you're easily confused. You cannot read a six-sentence argument and cannot understand a simple bar chart.

However, for the avoidance of stupidity I do not ask convicted criminals for legal advice. Is that clear enough?

So, when you posted the following:
It's a standard lawyer's attack on a losing case. Throw out irrelevant insults and sit down watching the client get convicted.

Many times I spoken to defendants after such bollocks and they always say, "My lawyer sure ripped into that fellow, he's brilliant, I'll hire him again next time!"

You were saying that;
1. It's a standard lawyers tactic when losing a case.
2. You've spoken to many defendants who had lawyers who did this.

3. You now say you don't ask these same people for advice.

Which is proof out of your own mouth that you're a liar.

Sucks to be you, liar.
So, when you posted the following:

You were saying that;
1. It's a standard lawyers tactic when losing a case.
2. You've spoken to many defendants who had lawyers who did this.

3. You now say you don't ask these same people for advice.

Which is proof out of your own mouth that you're a liar.

Sucks to be you, liar.

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You're a nutter.

Oi. Nutter!

It's not my fault you posted lies and got caught. Perhaps you should go consider the color and shade of the tuckable you're going to wear tomorrow as you prance around trying to prove you're both a woman and a manly man at the same time.
So, when you posted the following:

You were saying that;
1. It's a standard lawyers tactic when losing a case.
2. You've spoken to many defendants who had lawyers who did this.

3. You now say you don't ask these same people for advice.

Which is proof out of your own mouth that you're a liar.

Sucks to be you, liar.
It is possible to talk with people and not ask them for advice. For example, I’ve never asked your advice, though you’ve sure dispensed a crapload of it.
BTW, did anyone else notice the slight goalpost moving when Bray went from "talking to" to "legal advice"?

That's why he lies. He engages in the endlessly moving sands type of debate argument in order to cover up his false statements and contradictions.
BTW, did anyone else notice the slight goalpost moving when Bray went from "talking to" to "legal advice"?

That's why he lies. He engages in the endlessly moving sands type of debate argument in order to cover up his false statements and contradictions.
No, that was you. Can you remember?
BTW, did anyone else notice the slight goalpost moving when Bray went from "talking to" to "legal advice"?



We have noticed that Harpy, our resident "legal expert", IS consistently WRONG about EVERYTHING involving the law and the justice system.

Case in point:

Mike Flynn.

HARPY’s recent EPIC FAILURE in accurately prognosticating the recent GUILTY PLEAS of the Georgia election interference defendants was ANOTHER demonstration of Harpy’s penchant for engaging in public self-humiliation.




This is a classic example of a lawyer throwing out irrelevant insults and sit down, losing the case.